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全面建设小康社会,推进社会主义现代化事业,是党的十六大发出的战略号召。贯彻十六大精神,要求我们推进各方面的创新,使发展具有新思路、改革具有新突破、各项工作具有新举措。在推进西部开发的过程中,政策创新有十分重要的现实意义。新时代西部开发的特点要求我们探讨新思路、新举措、新办法,经济政策创新就作为一项关键性的任务被提出来了。 一、经济政策创新有利于西部开发 1.经济政策创新有利于推动西部的改革开放。 改革本身就是一种探索、一种试验,在宏观调控下的市场经济体制改革,没有创新的经济政策的引导是不可想象的,一部改革开放史就是一部政策创新史。目前,农村改革、国  相似文献   

西部大开发为西部地区经济社会发展提供了难得的机遇。西部大开发,人才是关键。加大利用、引进和培养各类急需人才和高层次人才的力度,彻底改变人才开发中存在的种种问题,需要从多方面做出努力。制定一套科学系统的政策体系,形成科学高效的政策运行机制,对于人才资源的开发,将起到至关重要的作用。本文就建立人才政策的科学体系和营造人才资源开发的政策环境方面的理论和实践问题作一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

实施西部大开发是中央一项重大的战略决策,它将给西部经济带来加速发展的大好机遇,但也不排除开发过程中造成生态破坏和环境污染的可能。所以西部开发一定要借鉴世界经济发展及我国东部沿海发展经济的经验教训,坚持生态环境效益与经济效益相统一的原则,并根据西部具体情况和条件,按照自然规律和市场规律制定相应政策、法规和开发规划,加快西部经济的发展。   一、西部大开发必须树立正确的生态环境保护意识和观念   1.树立人与自然相和谐的观念。人和自然本来就是一个有机整体,两者相互依存,但又相互制约、相互作用,只有两者协…  相似文献   

西部经济开发与人才资源开发思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中央实施西部大开发战略的决策是加快西部地区发展的重要举措 ,使西部地区面临一次新的发展的历史机遇。抓住机遇 ,实现四川经济追赶型、跨越式发展 ,最根本的是实施人才战略 ,开发人才资源。愈来愈多国家的工业化实践表明 ,人才资源或人力资本存量的迅速扩大 ,是一国经济发展的重要源泉 ,是构成国家财富的最终基础 ;它不同于一般的被动性的生产要素———自然资源的物质资本 ,人力资源或人力资本是创造物质资本、开发和利用自然资源、促进和发展国民经济、推动和促进社会改革的主要力量。四川是西部人口最多的省份 ,共计 8493万人 ,占全国…  相似文献   

西部大开发中的金融政策研究述评及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对有关西部人开发中金融政策研究的综述,一定程度上反映了当前关于这个领域的研究进程。总结分析各方的观点,在制定西部大开发中的金融政策时应注意处理好几对关系,这些关系理顺了,才能更好地设计出现实可行的金融政策。  相似文献   

周琳 《理论导刊》2001,(5):32-33
一、我国财税政策与西部地区经济发展的不协调性(一)从财政政策方面看,主要表现在:(1)先行的转移支付制度不利于西部经济的发展。财政转移支付是调节个人收入分配的重要手段,也是中央政府平衡地区经济发展的重要方法之一。建国以来,我国在财政转移支付方面采取的办法,虽然在平衡地区经济发展方面起到了某些积极作用,但也有一些缺陷。如现行中央政府对地区进行财政转移支付制度是按照“存量不动,增量调节”原则,仍维持“税收返还”的办法。这一办法实际上是根据历史事实和地方的谈判能力来确定补助的数额,而不管地方的财政能力及需…  相似文献   

西部大开发中对地方政府经济职能进行正确定位,是经济发展和政府发展的需要.西部地方政府要在肯定市场机制的前提下发挥主导作用,其经济职能反映在法制服务、制度创新服务、政策服务和培育市场、完善市场、服务市场等方面.  相似文献   

中国社科院边疆文化中心主任马大正说,有人觉得,西部开发仅仅是个经济问题、扶贫问题。事实并非如此。西部地区存在不同社情和民族状况,有些问题在东部开发中不成问题,可能在西部一些地区由于特殊的历史条件和民族宗教状况,就会成为问题。特别是九十年代以来,随着世界民族主义思潮的抬头、苏联的解体和东欧的剧变,民族分离主义的浪潮对民族关系的冲击很大。西部开发中,对这些问题都必须给予考虑。因此,在西部开发中,对邓小平同志“发展是硬道理”、“稳定压倒一切”这两句话,我们都必须重视。抓发展时如不考虑稳定,不考虑包括民…  相似文献   

一、西部人才竞争形势分析1、西部成为跨国公司和东部争抢人才的重点地区。从国际人才竞争来看,高科技人才和高级经营管理人才普遍短缺。连美国这样的发达国家,2000年短缺高科技人才就达45万名。他们应对的主要策略是“做快餐”、“挖墙角”,也就是靠引进外来人才去填补缺口。中国又是发达国家和跨国公司争抢人才的重点地区,其原因主要有三:第一,这是由世界人才供求形势决定的。从世界看,优秀人才普遍短缺;第二,这是由中国的人才质量决定的。中国有尊师重教的优良传统,中国的基础教育扎实,中国人的智商较高,中国的学生又能吃苦。据报道,目前…  相似文献   

张柱华 《理论导刊》2002,(11):26-27
为使西部大开发战略健康有序地实施,必须具备积极的热情和冷静的思考,才会取得最后的成功。本文试就西部大开发的政策选择作一深入分析,以寻求效率目标与公平目标的统一。  相似文献   

解决住房问题关键是要理顺政府和市场的关系,主要有完全自发的市场均衡、完全的政府管制、市场自发决定后的政府管制、政府间接调控下的住房市场均衡等几种方式.住房政策在广义上是以三方面影响住房的供求和产出市场:影响需求主体,刺激供给主体,实行价格管制.在选择和制定住房补贴政策时,应在评价其适用性与局限性的基础上,以"效率第一,兼顾公平"为指导,充分发挥市场机制调节住房供求的作用.  相似文献   

实现西部区域经济的跨越式发展,是贯彻落实党的十六大精神,全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化的必然要求。西部地区只有进一步解放生产力,发展生产力,深入研究区情,从实际出发,紧紧抓住本世纪头十年这个重要的战略机遇期,制定若干经济发展战略,才能实现超常发展,才能实现全面小康的目标。一、实现西部经济跨越式发展的前提条件西部要实现跨越式发展,必须在发展思路上有创新。研究和分析我国东部沿海地区20年的发展历程,总结当地发展的教训,坚持实施工业化、城市化和农业产业化的发展战略,以工业化的大规模集中生产拉动城市化发展,以…  相似文献   

To shed light on the inner workings of policymaking in North Korea, this study examined the process behind economic policy change through an analysis of the official state economics journal. Semantic networks are used to trace the introduction and evolution of policies during four distinct economic periods in North Korean history between 1986 and 2009. Although reform is catalyzed by political and economic crises, the emergence of new policy topics occurs incrementally prior to change. Specifically, new policy discourse tends to emerge in gradual and cautious ways but policy change occurs swiftly in periods of crisis. During periods of stability, the state retreats to the centralized socialist economic system, often through coercion and force. This view of the policy process suggests that foundations of economic reforms in North Korea are yet weak and instable, and policy reform will continue to be vulnerable to the political influence of conservatives.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypothesis that coalition behaviour in West European parliamentary systems is conditioned by the existence of 'policy horizons' that delimit the extent to which parties can compromise on policy positions in order to participate in government. The first part of the paper demonstrates that policy horizons are implied by certain conceptions of party utility and that their existence would entail important constraints on the coalition game; in particular, they would produce equilibrium outcomes in some situations where voting cycles would normally be expected and they would tend to confine possible outcomes to central locations in the policy space in the absence of equilibria. The paper then develops a method of estimating policy horizons empirically in order to show that they account to a substantial extent for both the size and party composition of governing coalitions in these systems.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper investigates the hypothesis that coalition behaviour in West European parliamentary systems is conditioned by the existence of 'policy horizons' that delimit the extent to which parties can compromise on policy positions in order to participate in government. The first part of the paper demonstrates that policy horizons are implied by certain conceptions of party utility and that their existence would entail important constraints on the coalition game; in particular, they would produce equilibrium outcomes in some situations where voting cycles would normally be expected and they would tend to confine possible outcomes to central locations in the policy space in the absence of equilibria. The paper then develops a method of estimating policy horizons empirically in order to show that they account to a substantial extent for both the size and party composition of governing coalitions in these systems.  相似文献   

This paper reports on interviews with 93 members of strategically located institutional elites and nominated influentials. It examines the sources of economic ideas in economic policy and studies a select number of key economic policy decisions made during the Labor governments of Hawke and Keating. It will argue that the economic liberalisation carried out during the Labor government reflected the influence of a range of individuals and institutions, depending on the economic decision in question, while a variety of domestic and internationally based institutions and individuals contributed ideas to economic policy-making. It will reject Pusey's (1991) belief that the central agencies (ie Treasury, the Department of Finance and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet) were necessarily the major influence in economic policy and show that other individuals and institutions, including cabinet and particular ministers, ministerial offices, the ACTU and other government departments, were also important. It will discuss further how economic policy is made in Australia.  相似文献   

Political Behavior - As levels of residential economic segregation increase in the United States, politicians may have greater incentives to focus their attention on the demands of those living in...  相似文献   

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