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Tax incentives for innovation: time to restructure the R&;E tax credit   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The R&E tax credit has never been effective and subsequent attempts to restructure it have not addressed the major deficiencies. Moreover, in the 25 years since the R&E tax credit was enacted, a steadily increasing number of countries have implemented or expanded competing tax incentives, which in many cases are better structured and larger in size. As a result, the relative impact of the US credit is now negative in terms of incentives to conduct R&D within the domestic economy. The inadequacy of the credit stems largely from its small size and its incremental format. The impact of an R&D tax incentive is affected by its scope of coverage, the ability of industry to take advantage of it over the entire R&D cycle, the magnitude of the incentive relative to other nations’ tax policies, and its ease of implementation. In the end, a tax incentive must sufficiently lower the user’s cost of R&D to overcome barriers to allocation of private-sector resources commensurate with the potential rates of return on such investments. As a policy instrument, a tax incentive for R&D should be most effective if its form is a flat rate applied to all R&D.
Gregory TasseyEmail:

In Norway, as in many other high-cost OECD countries in a geographical and cultural periphery, policy-makers seem to have given up attempts at attracting large numbers of foreign R&D investments. Instead, a major focus of innovation policies is to help companies internationalise yet with an aim to maintain or even increase their level of R&D and other innovation activities nationally. Based on case studies of eight Norwegian companies and their motives for and experiences with internationalisation of R&D, this article questions this policy. From the perspective of the companies, many factors explain how, why and where they carry out their R&D activities.   相似文献   

Since the end of the Cold War, ministries of defence in Europe and the United States have sought new models for the management of government defence research laboratories. The United Kingdom’s reform and subsequent privatisation of its government defence research establishments (GDREs) represents one of the most radical policy responses. This paper considers the UK case through the lens of innovation systems theory and uses defence labs reform to examine the impact of organisational change on the dynamics of an innovation system. The potential policy implications for the management of government defence research laboratories are also considered.
Andrew D. JamesEmail:

In this paper, we analyse the data subjects' right to access their personal data in the context of the Spanish Tax Administration and the legal consequences of the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation. The results show that there are still difficulties related to the scope of this right, the establishment of proper storage criteria, and in the procedures used by the data controllers to provide accurate information to the data subjects. This situation highlights the necessity to incorporate such technological innovation as metadata labelling and automatic computerised procedures to ensure an optimum management of the data subjects' access to their tax related personal information.  相似文献   

This paper aims at assessing the magnitude of R&D spillover effects on large international R&D companies’ productivity growth. In particular, we investigate the extent to which R&D spillover effects are intensified by both geographic and technological proximities between spillover generating and receiving firms. We also control for the firm’s ability to identify, assimilate and absorb the external knowledge stock. The results estimated by means of panel data econometric methods (system GMM) indicate a positive and significant impact of both types of R&D spillovers and of absorptive capacity on productivity performance.
Michele Cincera (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper presents an econometric analysis of the impact of collaboration with universities on the innovative output of firms. We also illustrate the differences that emerge from robustness checks, based on different matching estimators and samples. Our findings strongly suggest that university collaboration has a positive influence on the innovative activity of large manufacturing firms. In contrast, there appears to be an insignificant association between university collaboration and the average service firm’s innovation output.  相似文献   

This paper introduces major themes addressed in this special issue, which is based on NSF's Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS) workshop Advancing Measures of Innovation—Knowledge Flows, Business Metrics, and Measurement Strategies, held on June 6-7, 2006 near Washington, D.C. The first two sections describe the workshop and provide a brief background on R & D and innovation metrics. The last section introduces the papers. They are based on selected workshop presentations along with additional invited papers.
Francisco MorisEmail:

Internationalization in R&D is further growing; it is changing its geographical balance, as it is shifting somewhat to the Far East, and its nature, increasing the global quest for talent and good research conditions as well as for low cost R&D. This paper focuses on the European perspective, i.e. it discusses current challenges Europe faces vis-à-vis trends in industrial R&D, but the findings and arguments are more general ones. It argues that our perspective on internationalization is still shaped too much by a zero sum-rationale, whereby one location wins R&D capacity that another location loses. It develops a cost–benefit matrix in order to capture the overall costs and benefits of international R&D activities more broadly. The paper argues that more creativity is needed, that our perspective needs to be broadened to tackle all variables conditioning international activities in R&D (including local conditions of demand and discourse) and to stress the importance of the absorption of global knowledge by as many actors within an innovation system as possible. On the basis of recent survey data the paper furthermore concludes that public research should be thought of as a trans-national transmission belt of knowledge and as the prime factor that shapes the attractiveness and effectiveness of a location for business R&D. Finally, it is argued that policy schemes geared towards international R&D need to accept and tackle the issue of co-ordination of governance and to take advantage of the flexible possibilities offered at the European level, beyond the logic of the European Framework Programme.
Jakob EdlerEmail:

我国外资准入制度的现状、问题及其重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李科珍 《北方法学》2011,5(1):153-160
我国对外资不区分行业一律进行普遍的多元行政审批,不仅导致审批效率的低下与行政资源的浪费,而且不利于实现合理利用、引导外资为我国经济结构调整及产业升级服务的政策目标。外资准入制度的改革是一项需多方协调配合的系统工程。实体性行业政策的科学制定是外资准入制度重构的前提与基础。审批程序的改革则需区分具体行业,从鼓励类、允许类等对我国国民经济冲击较小的行业开始,分层次、分步骤地逐步简化外资准入的审批层级,合理限定审批内容。另外,在优化审批程序的同时,应构筑多重风险防范体系,通过国家安全审查、反垄断审查等立体化制度安排,防范外资对我国尚处于发展中的国民经济体系造成过度冲击。  相似文献   

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