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胡加祥 《河北法学》2007,25(8):12-19
大学的兴衰与大国的兴衰密切相关.从公元11世纪欧洲大陆出现的第一批现代意义的大学至今,哪里有一流大学的兴起,哪里就有一个国家的崛起,一个民族的兴旺.今天,中华民族已经进入了一个全面复兴的历史时期,建世界一流大学,这是当今中国一些高校提出的响亮口号.然而,任何一所世界一流大学无不都是在众多世界一流学院的基础上烘托起来的.因此,创建世界一流大学,更具体的目标应该是先建成几所颇具世界影响的一流学院,在此基础之上,积少成多,集腋成裘,逐渐形成世界一流大学的规模.法学作为最古老的学科之一,在经历了近千年的历史变迁以后,已经成为现代高等教育的重要组成部分.法学院的办学特征也从一个侧面折射了现代高等教育的办学理念.  相似文献   

This article explores the shaping and possibly reforming potential of ideas about sustainability in legal education by drawing up a scale of environmental education theories, arranged according to their propensity to transform radically university education. The article offers a critical analysis of current individualist strategies aimed at developing students' environmental skills, in particular that these hamper opportunities for universities to develop a broader and more creative agenda of social change. Applying ideas about how environmental education communities of practice develop, this article identifies some pockets of activity seeking to integrate ideas of sustainability into the law curriculum, including via environmental law and teaching Wild Law or Earth Jurisprudence. These issues form part of an on‐going debate about how well law students are being prepared for work in highly challenging social, environmental, and financial circumstances, against the backdrop of a broader question about ‘what are universities for?’  相似文献   

One of the most striking recent developments in education in the Netherlands is the shift of powers from the central national level to the local level for several education policy fields, most notably for the policies aimed at reducing social and education disadvantages and those aimed at the integration of non-nationals into Dutch society. In this article, the influences from European and international law on this Dutch development are being discussed. The conclusion is that there must be a European influence on the contents of national policy matters as such in a general manner, but that the legislation influence stays behind in development.  相似文献   

在比较法研究中,中国法一直占有重要地位,但在主流的西方比较法文献中,西方法是正统,中国法只处于边缘地位。法律在社会中不占主导地位,一直是西方人眼中中国传统法的主要特点。西方学者认为,中国传统法具有专制主义、集权主义的特征,这同中国的“治水社会”的历史有着密切联系。改革开放以来中国经济与社会的发展,对西方有关中国法的观点以及法律和社会发展的模式提出了挑战。在法律的地位和集权与分权问题上,不应把中国法与西方法绝对对立起来,西方和中国在处理熟人关系和陌生人关系,应对正常状态和非常状态问题上有许多相近之处,它们是中国与西方共同面对的问题。把中国法研究放在西方各种法律进化模式中虽然具有参考价值,但终归是靠不住的,应转到以问题为中心的轨道。  相似文献   

Widening access to higher education is a challenge currently under discussion in Australia and the United Kingdom. The increasing number of alternative entry programs offered by universities has made tertiary study, including law study, more accessible. One concern with widening access to legal education is the ability of students entering law school through means other than very high academic scores to undertake a law degree successfully. Students who enter law school are generally referred to as “high achievers”, having qualified through an admission policy based on competitive rankings. The implementation of equitable access programs in some Australian universities has resulted in a number of places being made available to final year high school students who meet the eligibility criteria. Lowering the entry requirements to some courses provides opportunities for students whose circumstances have affected their ability to attain competitive ranking scores. The Principals’ Recommendation Scheme (PRS) is one of these programs. The University of Technology Sydney in New South Wales, Australia commenced the PRS in 2012. UTS:Law was one of the first Faculties to develop a strategy to support these students. The Faculty is committed to resourcing all students in their study and, as a result, is engaged in the ongoing evaluation of the academic and co-curricular programs provided to students. This paper explains the implementation of the PRS and the relevant support infrastructure available to students. It also considers the research into student retention and academic success and makes a preliminary assessment that, to date, the PRS students are succeeding in the transition from secondary education to law school, and that the existing infrastructure is accommodating the needs of these students. The PRS is an alternative entry scheme that provides a model for consideration by other law schools, committed to widening access to legal education.  相似文献   


Whilst the future for UK–EU relations remains to be realised, Brexit will have consequences for legal education. However, to date, neither the UK nor Welsh Governments have sufficiently addressed what those consequences will be for higher education. This paper, which documents the results of 336 student questionnaires received from law students surveyed from every law school in Wales, evidences that learners have already started to decide what they believe Brexit means for them. Amongst the numerous challenges for Welsh law schools is the opinion of current students that Brexit makes Wales a less attractive place for overseas students and lecturers, both EU and other internationals, to study and work. Meanwhile UK students studying in Wales are questioning the relevance of EU law modules, and are viewing aspirational careers within EU institutions as now being “closed doors”. By drawing upon our findings, as well as comparisons with other EU Member States, this paper proposes six areas where urgent collaboration between governments and universities is needed. Failing to address the concerns identified by this research has the potential to further threaten the internationalised education model that UK students benefit from by studying law at Welsh universities.  相似文献   

司法考试自实行以来对高校法学教育特别是对地方高校的法学本科教育,在带来严峻挑战的同时,也为推动法学本科教育改革提供了契机,建立以司法考试为导向的法学人才培养机制已迫在眉睫.本文结合地方高校法学教学实际,联系省情校情,利用实证分析,为在教学中如何以司法考试为导向进行教学模式、教学内容改革,以及如何加强与司法实务部门的联系...  相似文献   

本科生导师制作为国外大学高等教育普遍适用的制度,在我国高校却是一个较新的制度.虽然有些高校已尝试推行本科生导师制,但并未从整体上达成共识.在当今高等教育逐渐普及化与大众化的环境下,如何保证法学院校本科阶段学生的培养质量,培养和造就高规格、个性化和创新型人才,是法学院校的使命与灵魂所在.本文认为,要提高法学本科生培养质量,培养卓越法律人才,应该积极研究、探索法学本科生培养模式,保障法学本科生综合素质的提高,此乃在法学本科生中推行导师制的价值意义所在.  相似文献   

2008年教育部、卫生部联合印发了《本科医学教育标准——临床医学专业(试行)》(教高[2008]9号)文件,指出本科临床医学专业毕业生必须树立依法行医的法律观念,学会用法律保护病人和自身的权益。本文通过对250名在校医学生的法律意识和能力的调查统计,反映出现在医学院校中医学法律教育存在的问题,并针对问题提出了应加强医学生在校基础理论教育阶段、准备临床实习前期、临床实习阶段三个重要阶段的医学法律教育。  相似文献   

韩慧 《政法论丛》2013,(3):52-58
法律教育是培养法律人才的重要途径,而法律教育机制是随着社会发展而不断调整和变革的。工业革命后英国社会发展对法律教育提出了现实需求,在新的历史条件下,英国以伦敦大学为代表的新大学和以牛津与剑桥为代表的古老大学都加入到法律教育的事业中来,使得英国法律教育体制从中世纪以律师会馆为主体的学徒制——经验型法律教育逐渐发展到以大学和法律职业组织分工合作的现代学院制法律教育,英国法律教育体制实现了从传统到现代的转型。  相似文献   

大学市场化行为的若干理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学市场化行为是人们对市场经济社会中大学行为变化的一种概括。大学市场化行为是指在市场经济社会中作为社会机构的大学遵循市场规则在与其他社会机构或个人发生商品交换关系时所产生的行为。市场经济社会是大学市场化行为产生的必要背景高等教育体制,高等教育传统等在大学市场化行为的形成过程中起着重要的影响作用。大学市场化行为对大学发展的影响首先是进一步改变了传统的大学观念,使大学更加贴近社会,贴近市场。市场化行为还促使大学之间的进一步分层、分化、使大学体系更加形式多样,丰富多彩。然而,市场化行为的增多将会助长在大学办学过程中的功利主义倾向,使大学行为染上浓厚的功利色彩。  相似文献   

高校法治与特别权力关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
依法治校是我国行政法学界新关注的热点问题。近年来一些对高校的诉讼更是将对高校的依法治理问题的讨论置于公众的广泛关注之下。高校法治并不完全排斥特别权力关系理论,而需要吸收其合理内核,并做出一定的改良。通过引入法律保留、司法救济以及正当程序原则和禁止权力滥用原则等,完善我国的高校法治理论,对学生管理权的法治化进行有益的尝试,以期对实践有所指导。  相似文献   

"少子化"是当今影响日本社会的主要人口问题之一.就高等教育而言,"少子化"造成学校入学人数减少,一些高等学校生源不足被迫关闭,学校为招揽学生降低入学要求,使得大学生整体素质下降,少子化对高等教育结构和师资也产生了影响.为此,日本政府和高校采取了一些应对措施,如开展高等学校的合并重组,推进高等教育的"高度化",加强学校个性化发展,尝试"高大合作"、扩大留学生招生,推动大学评价机制的形成等.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is upon the plans by the Bar Standards Board and, in particular, the Solicitors Regulation Authority to remodel the education and training processes for barristers and solicitors. Introducing the most radical changes to legal education in recent decades, the proposals present Anglo-Welsh law schools with dilemmas in terms of their future educational models, student recruitment and issues of equal opportunities and accessibility. However, opportunities are also present, should some law schools wish to utilise the momentum for change to move away from constraints necessitated by following an, in part, professionally determined syllabus. Research Excellence Framework, professorial expertise and doctoral degree data are used to demonstrate that some law schools have moved away from focusing on areas most relevant to professional practice, but have retained a dependence on qualifying law degree status to recruit students in comparatively large numbers.  相似文献   

A recent series of cases relating to the EU Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives and their application in the UK makes for interesting reading. It is the UK’s negligent transposition, and a lack of knowledge and awareness by lawyers and judges in the cases of the interaction between domestic and EU law, which compounds the negative effects. The issues raised in Delaney v Pickett [2011] and Delaney v Secretary of State [2014] do not just generate concern as to the implications they have for the application of EU law principles, but have resonance with the way in which EU law is taught in many universities. In this article we suggest that reconsidering the method and purpose of EU teaching may better serve the EU-lawyers needed for the future.  相似文献   

论法治秩序中的“公民美德”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程波 《北方法学》2009,3(2):28-33
讨论法律与发展的中国经验,不能忽视中国智识群体的“中国经验”,不能忽视他们对中国法治的“问题域”的关注和深入讨论。讲法治秩序,讲宪政安排,讲人的权利保障,需要具有某种能力并有力量去要求并维持政府权力限制之“德性”的公民。提倡以“公民参与”为导向的“公民美德”,显示了公民对有权者施加某种形式的限制的意愿及能力的重要性,对于中国法治秩序形成的先决条件和重要环节而言,是一个极其重要的可能的资源。  相似文献   

随着我国的法学教育不断繁荣,法学教育的培养方式引起了法学界的重视,我国的法学教育有人认为属于通识教育,有人认为应定位于职业教育。笔者认为我国的法学教育既有通识教育的一面,又有职业教育的成分,二者均不可偏废,在此基础之上寻求适合的培养方法。  相似文献   

In this first part of a two-part article education rights as protected by the South African Constitution are analysed. As background, the education rights protected by section 32 of the interim Constitution and the case law that arose from that provision are discussed. Section 29 of the 1996 Constitution is then discussed with reference to the right to basic and further education, the right to education in the language of one's choice, and the right to private education. Mention is also made of the way in which religious observances maybe conducted in schools. This first part of the article concludes with the observation that the education rights in the Constitution form the basis and the spearhead of the fresh start South Africa has made in education. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

法学教育中的法律伦理教育问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喻玫  王小萍 《河北法学》2006,24(12):196-200
从法律的内在价值要求、我国法治建设中存在的问题,提出法律伦理教育是我国法学教育不可或缺的重要组成部分.法律伦理包括蕴含在法律制度中的制度伦理与法律职业者在职业活动中的法律行为伦理即职业道德两部分.法律伦理教育的目标就是要把学生培养成为具有健全的法律伦理人格,有助于法律终极目标实现的"社会医生".这一目标的实现有赖于法学教育理念的重构和法学教学方法的转变.目前,开展法律伦理教育面临的障碍主要有思想认识上的偏颇,社会"道德滑坡"的大环境以及法律国家主义的影响等.  相似文献   

独立政法院校①经过50余年的发展,虽因管理体制变化使具有“共同血统”的五所独立政法院校归属各异,但在其长期发展过程中形成了基本相同或相似的办学理念、办学特色、办学模式和学科结构。其突出特点是专业的单一性。本文在运用现代大学办学理念分析独立政法院校现存矛盾的基础上,提出了独立政法院校通过专业调整突破单科性的办学模式。即以独立政法院校从单科向多科性大学的转变为目标,以国家对法学教育体制的改革政策为杠杆,提高法学专业的办学层次,调整本科教育阶段法学与非法学的学生比例,进而形成法学与非法学的良性互动。  相似文献   

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