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Physically abusive mothers and their children were compared with matched nonabusive mothers and their children in a laboratory playroom setting. Parenting skills, as well as mother-child interaction patterns, were assessed using three different tasks designed to create varying levels of parental stress and child frustration. Mother-child interactions were observed and coded. Questionnaire measures of knowledge of child behavior and a measure of social desirability were also administered. Discriminant function analyses revealed that 10 of the 11 abusive mothers and 10 of the 12 control mothers could be correctly identified, representing an 87% classification rate. The main difference between the two groups was in the overall rate of activity. Abusive mothers engaged in significantly less behavior toward their children than control mothers; behavior rates were essentially similar for both groups of children. Abusive mothers contingently praised appropriate behavior significantly less often than controls, and abused children complied significantly less often to requests. The implications of these findings for the understanding and treatment of abusive parent-child interactions were discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the clinical application of a social-cognitive skills training program for an 11 1/2-year-old child psychiatric inpatient with a history of sexual abuse and neglect who was referred for hospitalization after sexually molesting a neighborhood girl. The content and procedures of the program are outlined in detail to facilitate replication. Results indicated that improvements were found on analogue role-play scenarios administered during training-which then generalized to several specific and general measures of social adjustment/competence on the inpatient unit. A 1-year follow-up assessment revealed the maintenance of these therapeutic gains. The implications of this therapeutic approach with maltreated children and need for more rigorous empirical outcome studies are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared 60 abused women with a demographically matched sample of nonabused women in distressed marriages to examine female sexuality in physically abusive marriages. The total study population consisted of 120 women aged 19-29 years. The sample of abused women was obtained from couples who were enrolled under the Domestic Conflict Containment Program, while the sample of nonabused women was selected from couples who were enrolled in marital group therapy to control for any confounding effects of marital discord and dissatisfaction. With the exception of religion, both groups were equally matched in numbers, but no significant differences were discovered between the two samples on any of the demographic variables. Results of the study showed that physically abused women expressed lower levels of intimacy (p 0.001) and compatibility (p = 0.034) in their marriages than did nonabused women. Lower degrees of sexual assertiveness (p 0.001), sexual arousal (p = 0.026), and a more traditional sex-role ideology (p 0.001) was reported by women in abusive relationships. In addition, abused women reported greater sexual dissatisfaction (p = 0.022), a more negative disposition regarding sex (p = 0.054), and a stronger tendency to avoid sexual activity (p 0.01). Despite these findings, abused women reported a higher frequency of sexual intercourse with their spouses (p 0.001) than women in nonviolent marriages.  相似文献   

Multiple sources of stress and deficient problem-solving skills have been identified among maltreating parents. In the present study, a problem-solving intervention was evaluated with a multiply distressed, abusive and neglectful mother. Problem-solving skills were trained sequentially in a multiplebaseline design. Training focused on improving judgments related to child care and managing daily stress. The impact of training was examined in relation to problem-solving skill improvements, as well as social insularity, affect, and stress which appeared to compromise child care abilities. Problem-solving training resulted in a substantial increase in generation of alternative solutions and in the quality of plans to implement solutions on both training and generalization vignettes. Moreover, training resulted in positive changes in social insularity, negative affect, and self-reported stress and anxiety. Most of these gains were maintained at 1- and 5-month follow-ups. There were no further reports of child maltreatment during the 21 months following intervention.  相似文献   

This study focused on parent abuse (PA), also known as child-to-parent violence. The main aim was to examine the psychological and family characteristics of adolescents who physically and/or verbally abuse their parents, and to study gender differences of perpetrators and victims of aggression. The authors analyzed the judicial proceedings of 103 adolescents in the court of Bilbao (Spain). These adolescents were divided into three groups: those with charges of PA, those with charges of PA and other kinds of charges (PA+), and those with only other types of charges (NotPA). Results showed a specific profile of adolescents who abused their parents (PA) (lower self-esteem and empathy, and more disciplinary problems at school), as well as differential characteristics of these families (economic situation and the type of household). Finally, the relation between this phenomenon and gender violence was discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In order to facilitate the interpretation of Family Environment Scale (FES) profiles, Moos and Moos (1976, 1984) developed a typology of family environments based on data drawn from a representative community sample. The present study attempts to extend this work by describing three types of FES profiles from abusive, distressed (clinic referred for child behavior problems), and functional families. All families were impoverished, single parent, and mother-headed. Data were gathered in their homes. Profile types for the three groups and implications for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that observation of marital violence has a deleterious impact on children's adjustment. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this relationship. The present study examined the relationships between observation of marital violence, mother-child aggression, father-child aggression, and child behavior problems in a sample of 185 children (ages 7 to 13) and their mothers who were residing at battered women shelters. A significant positive association was found between amount of marital violence witnessed and father-child aggression. However, the correlation between the amount of marital violence witnessed and mother-child aggression was not significant. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that both the amount of marital violence witnessed as well as mother-child aggression were significantly related to child behavior problems, even when controlling for the effects of child age, race, and father status (i.e., whether the mother's partner was the biological father or stepfather/cohabitee). Family violence variables were better predictors of girls' rather than boys' behavior problems, particularly externalizing behavior problem scores. The lack of significance between father-child aggression and child behavior problems, as well as the implications of the findings, are discussed.  相似文献   

This brief report explores dating violence by comparing three groups of male college students (nonabusive, psychologically abusive only, and physically abusive). These men were compared on measures of impulsivity, problems with alcohol, life satisfaction, anger management skills, history of witnessing abuse, history of experiencing abuse, and relationship satisfaction. Data for this analysis were obtained from a sample of 115 male college students. Differences between the three groups of men were found in the levels of problems with alcohol, relationship satisfaction, and anger management skills. Anger management skills best differentiated the three groups of men leading to the conclusion that dating violence prevention and intervention strategies with male college students should address anger management skills.  相似文献   

This study examines findings from a pediatric health history and child physical examination conducted for 105 outpatient and 105 inpatient children who were classified on the basis of their history of physical and sexual abuse. Based on multivariate and univariate analyses, physically abused children had more early developmental delays, neurologic soft signs, serious physical injuries, skin markings and scars, and stimulant drug use than their non-physically abused peers. Sexually abused children were reported to exhibit higher levels of sexual activity and stimulant drug use, and had more physical signs of genital manipulation than non-sexually abused children. These data highlight the need to further examine the impact of medical and developmental aberrations, the nature and origins of recurrent physical injuries in this population, and the extent of risk-taking in understanding the differences between physical and sexual child maltreatment.  相似文献   

The switch to prospective payment for hospitals under Medicare is expected to have ramifications in a number of different areas. This paper addresses a select number of those areas: hospital organization and management, other community agencies, and families. Questions are raised as to the capacity to provide adequate care in response to the increased demand for care outside the hospital setting that will result from the new payment system.  相似文献   

This paper compared a sample of women in treatment for alcoholism (N = 45) with a randomly selected sample of women from the local community (N = 40), and a sample of women receiving services for victimization by severe partner violence (N = 38). Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) items were dichotomized into low frequency of partner violence (twice per year or less) and high frequency of violence (once per month or more), and then summed to yield separate low frequency and high frequency scores for each CTS subscale. Results showed that at the high frequency level, battered women reported the highest scores on each subscale, alcoholic women the second highest, and the community sample of women reported the lowest level of violence. A multiple regression analysis revealed that being in the alcoholic sample significantly predicted high frequency negative verbal interaction and moderate violence, controlling for presence of a partner with alcohol-related problems and demographic differences among the samples.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among cognitive functioning, social support networks, and risk for child abuse in a sample of 92 mothers of developmentally disabled children. Mothers found to be at highest risk for child abuse potential tended to score low on cognitive skills, social support networks, and life satisfaction. Beck Depression Inventory scores were found to explain 57% of the variance in the Child Abuse Potential Scores. Single mothers differed significantly from married mothers on child abuse potential, relationship satisfaction, community involvement, and loneliness. The authors discuss implications of the study and the need for future research with families of handicapped children.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of 227 children and young people, all living in a West Midlands city in the UK, who between November 1993 and December 1999 were accused of having sexually abused a child. The study had two main objectives: first to examine the alleged behaviours, family backgrounds and personal characteristics of the young people; and second to discover what factors, if any, may be associated with recidivism later in adulthood. It is still too early to draw firm conclusions regarding recidivism, because half of the sample has not yet reached adulthood. However, preliminary findings contradict the notion that many young people who display sexually abusive behaviour will grow into adult sex offenders.  相似文献   

Of concern to many who study criminality of all kinds is the high level of known abuse in a climate of noninvolvement by others. The research reported in this paper clearly indicates that noninvolvement in spousal assault cases is not dependent on low levels of knowledge of the problem, as many people admit to being aware of its occurrence among relatives, friends, and neighbors. This knowledge does vary, however, by location of the respondents with strong effects of nonmetropolitan residents expressing greater knowledge of the occurrence of this violence than people living in urban areas. We find this in the context of lower levels of self-reported victimization. It could be that these lower levels reflect a reluctance on the part of nonmetropolitan women to admit to researchers that they are victims of this problem. Or, it could suggest that these women have access to a more intricate network of support from friends and family who become involved in discussing this problem with the victims and helping them to reduce its incidence.  相似文献   

Our study examines the prior offending of 750 individuals who are known to be responsible for the abduction of a child under the age of 18 years. The first group comprised of 311 offenders (42%) who had abducted a child that was later located alive (found alive, referred to as FA). The second group was comprised of 439 offenders (58%) who had abducted a child that was either found murdered or was still missing and presumed dead (found murdered, referred to as FM). While males perpetrated the majority of the abductions, women perpetrated 31 (10%) of the offenses in the FA group and 10 (2%) of the offenses in the FM group. The average number of prior offenses as reflected in the NCIC criminal history of each offender was seven with these occurring over an average of 12 years. Seventy-five percent of the offenders had prior arrests for an assortment of different crimes while 25% had no known criminal history, a finding that was consistent across both the FA and FM groups. Of those with a criminal history, 41% had been arrested for assault, 40% for larceny, 35% for burglary/breaking and entering, 33% for forcible sex offenses, 25% for drug/narcotic offenses, 21% for weapons law violations, 17% for motor vehicle thefts, 15% for robbery, and 14% for kidnapping. Our findings are congruent with the theme of criminal diversity among child abductors and argue against the specificity in offending that is often assumed with this type of sexual offender. This information is relevant to our understanding of the progression in criminal offending that is manifested by offenders who abduct children and will hopefully be used by law enforcement in helping to direct and focus their investigations.  相似文献   

We used data from a 601-family longitudinal study to estimate the separate and combined effects of three risk factors—parental psychiatric disorders (principally depression and substance abuse), supportive parent-child communications, and household income—on the development of deviant behavior in boys and girls aged 11–14. Using logistic response models, we concluded that having fewer than two supportive parents generally increases the risk of deviant behavior, but more so for boys than for girls. This effect is amplified when one or more parent(s) has a chronic mental disorder, but thecombination of fewer than two supportive parentsand one psychiatrically impaired parent has a particularly marked effect on girls. Moreover, older children's behavior is affected more dramatically by parental mental disorders, especially among girls; 13 to 14-year-old girls with both parental risk factors are virtually as deviant as male agemates with both risks. Each one of these effects is present regardless of family income level; however, net of these risks, household income is negatively associated with deviant behavior—a 10% increase in income is associated with a 1.3% decrease in adolescent deviance.  相似文献   

Brief case histories involving incest were presented to police officers, child welfare workers, and community mental health practitioners in a rural area in Canada. Intervention priorities involving “treatment versus punishment” were assessed across the three professional groups for each specific case vignette. Attitudes were assessed on three factors: perpetrator mentally ill rather than criminal, view regarding treatment of victims and mothers, and support for court mandated treatment. Police and community mental health practitioners had significantly different attitudes as to whether perpetrators of child sexual abuse should be viewed more as criminals or as mentally disturbed. Both mental health and child welfare staff differed significantly from police with a less punitive view towards victims and their mothers. All three profressional groups showed no difference in their modest endorsement of the use of mandated treatment by the courts. Gender was not found to influence response to case vignettes.  相似文献   

This study examines the psychological and behavioral effects of exposure to community violence of 47 Latino mothers and their young adolescent children. Using data gathered from multiple sources, this study tests the associations between lifetime exposure to community violence, maternal depression, and child behavior problems. More than 80% of the youngsters ranging from age 11 to 14 years and 68% of the mothers reported being exposed to at least one act of community violence either as a victim or as a witness. Analyses reveal that maternal depression is a mediator of child behavior problems, reducing the direct effect of community violence exposure by more than 50%. Findings suggest that maternal depression is a factor more important than child's community violence exposure in contributing to young adolescents' behavioral problems.  相似文献   

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