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CHINA-U.S. relations have gone through a number of twists and turns over the last 40 years to arrive where they are today. A good metaphor for these relations is a powerful river. In spite of the submerged obstacles of trade disputes,human rights differences,military suspicions and the Taiwan issue poking up above the surface every now and then to stymie the flow of the river and create eddies,the torrent’s flow is unaffected on its course.  相似文献   

AFTER a period fraught with controversial and sensitive issues, China’s Ministry of Commerce hosted on August 28, 2012 in Beijing the China-U.S.  相似文献   

Four decades have passed since the normalization of Sino-U.S.relations.As two major countries with different cultural backgrounds,social systems and ideologies,differences and frictions do exist,but the growing common interests go far beyond the friction. With the world situation and the domestic scenario of both countries undergoing dramatic changes,Sino-U.S.relations have also experienced ups and downs,but in general,ties have kept advancing.  相似文献   

HAVING promised tobuild back better,the Biden administration now faces two chal-lenges as it sets out to revamp the country's battered international image in the wake of its predecessor's blunders.They are:to recalibrate the U.S.'s China policy,and to regain the trust and confidence of its European allies.  相似文献   

<正>People who were worried about a confrontation between China and the United States may f inally feel relieved.At the f irst meetings between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S.counterpart Donald Trump since the latter assumed off ice earlier this year,the two leaders reached a number of consensus.During his presidential campaign and first days in office,Trump used heated  相似文献   

DURING President Hu Jintao's state visit to the U.S. in January, China and the U.S. signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China-U.S. Governors Forum to Promote Sub-na- tional Cooperation. The memorandum supports the estab- lishment of a China-U.S. Governors  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s Note:A Brief History of China-U.S.Relations 1784-2013 was recently published by the Beijing-based Foreign Languages Press.Theauthor,Tao Wenzhao,a researcher with the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, offers fresh perspectives on the well-worn topic.J.Stapleton Roy, former U.S. Ambassador to  相似文献   

Jan Carol Berris has witnessed a series of events that made history for China-U.S. relations, including ping-pong diplomacy, the exchange of ping-pong players in the 1970s that eased the way for higher-level contact. She has overseen hundreds of American delegations to China and met many from China. She has traveled to China about 100 times with groups and individuals as diverse as a tennis team and a Supreme Court Justice. She is popular among different groups of people in China, who better recognize her C...  相似文献   

FOLLOWING a hiatus of 21 years,trade relations between the U.S. and China were resumed with the declaration of the Shanghai Joint Communiqué during President Nixon’s February 1972 visit to China. Prior to this historic declaration,President Nixon issued a statement on April 14,1971 outlining five steps to be taken before trade with China could be restarted. On June 10 of that year,the White House published a list of potential non-strategic trade items,thus setting the ball rolling toward an end to the trade ban imposed on China 21 years before.  相似文献   

THE year 9014 marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. Its significance, from a global perspective, goes without say-ing. The past 35 years have witnessed enormous changes, both in China-U.S. ties and globally. I was appointed the first resident People's Daily correspon- dent in the U.S. in 1979. Commenting on internationalissues is not my field of expertise. I would, however, like to discuss my feelings in this regard, based on my experiences in the U.S.  相似文献   

正MUTUAL suspicions concerning security among major countries and increasing economic competition among them are further complicating the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.The U.S.is proactively advancing talks towards the TransPacific Partnership(TPP)Agreement in hopes of forging higher-level free trade agreements in the region,while China supports and is participating in the negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP).These  相似文献   

WITH all the world's eyes upon them,China and the United State have wrapped up their high-level strategic dialogue held in An-chorage,Alaska.Undoubtedly,the China-U.S.relation-ship is one of the most important bilateral ties in today's world.Therefore,for the two sides,dialogue is always better than confrontation.During this round of dia-logue,the two sides conducted candid,in-depth,and constructive communication on their respective domestic and foreign policies,China-U.S.relations,and major international and regional issues of com-mon concern.  相似文献   

正Chinese President Xi Jinping Paying State Visit to the United States In September,President Xi paid his first official visit to the United States since taking office,which received attention around the world as the leaders of two largest economies met to discuss a wide range of economic,security and geopolitical topics.During the seven-day visit,from Seattle,Washington  相似文献   

正The Donald Trump administration is fighting a trade war with the world,in particular China.The president has slapped tariffs on Chinese goods,railing about the China-U.S.trade def icit.Last year,China exported goods and services worth roughly$500 billion to the  相似文献   

BRITAIN's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne concluded substantive economic agreements with China during his October visit to Beijing. They include giving London-based financial institu- tions the right to invest up to RMB 80 billion (US $13 billion) in Chinese securities. Chinese banks will also be permitted to set up wholesale banking branches, rather than just subsidiary companies, in London. This will enable them to tap their huge parent banks' financial standing to meet capitalization and reserve requirements. Owing to previous restrictions, Chinese banks had preferred to base their European operations in Luxembourg rather than London.  相似文献   

<正>In 2014,China-U.S.trade,standing at$650 billion,was the largest between any two countries in the world outside the North American Free Trade Area(Canada,Mexico and the United States).For the United States,it was second only to trade with Canada—the latter now being almost a domestic base for U.S. production.For the 2007-14 period,namely,since the beginning of the global financial crisis, U.S. trade with Canada increased by$121 billion,but that with China increased  相似文献   

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