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Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture is famous for its breathtaking scenery and fascinating ethnicminority cultures. Its pleasant weather and scenic landscapes make the area an ideal summer resort. The 200 or more festivals all year round,among them the Miao Sister’s Day,the Dong Wrestling Day and the Yao people’s Panwang (a mythical creature) Festival,have made Qiandongnan known as the land of a hundred festivals.  相似文献   

Mysterious Tibet     
At the center of the earth lies Tibet, where rivers originate from towering snow mountains, where soil is clean and unsullied, where people are brave and kind-hearted... - Quoted from ancient documents found in Dunhuang Grottoes  相似文献   

Louguantai Scenic Area, located at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain in Zhouzhi County, Sha'anxi Province, is known as the "birthplace of Taoism" and the "most blessed land under heaven." It has long been a magnet for visitors interested in Chinese culture,  相似文献   

Collector seeks the origin of Chinese civilization through jade art Everyone who has visited Zhang Yiping’s secret chamber at his house is always astonished at the hundreds of mysterious jade sculptures he has collected over many years. The Beijing resident has been engaged in collecting curios since the 1990s. Over two decades, he has stored up antiques including darkred ceramic teapots and porcelain. However, what the collector treasures most is black-shelled jade sculptures, which he has extensively researched.  相似文献   

Aland of abundance,Shannan Prefecture is the granary of Tibet and a cradle of its civilization for nurturing the unique Yalong culture.Located in southern Tibet,Shannan Prefecture nestles in the river valley between Mt.  相似文献   

AMERICAN Sinologist Philip Alden Kuhn described 17th-century South China thus, "The people's virtue is corrupted by extravagance like teeth are rotted by candy." As a matter of fact. the South China culture is the most exquisite and beautiful part of a culture known for countless forms of loveliness. In the 18th century; Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) made six tours to South China, even ordering the construction of Suzhou Street in Beijing, a near-replica of a 300-meter-long waterside street in South ChinaJiangsu, located mid-way down the east coast and cradled by the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is one of the centers of South China culture. In the surrounding province, a plain covers 69 percent of the total territory, and water takes up 17 percent.  相似文献   

<正>People claim to suffer from an infectious condition dubbed HIV-negative AIDS  相似文献   

Chinese Scenery     
Once November arrives in Beijing, the landscape changes. Beautiful golden 秋叶(qiu ye), autumn leaves fringe the streets. It is 秋天, (qiu tian), autumn, the season of burning straw in the fields after the harvest. This explains why 秋 has two parts 禾(he). standing grain, and 火(huo), fire. In northwestern Beijing 香山(Xiang shan), literally Fragrant Hill, is robed in flare-ing 红叶(hong ye), red leaves, and becomes charming 风景(feng jing), scenery.  相似文献   

SHAOXING City in Zhejiang Province is a veritable treasure chest for Chinese culture buffs.The city’s long history,rich culture and graceful natural beauty have inspired many Chinese men of letters to write lyrical poems extolling its charm and romance.On the historical menu are:a temple commemorating prehistoric clan leader Shun and the tomb of his contemporary,Yu the Great; the ruins of the capital of  相似文献   

由于一般城市公园水景(如人工湖、人工池塘、河道等)没有按自然水理设计,大多是一个基本封闭、半封闭的系统,几无自净能力,且其内部组构不合理,加上外来物质输入,随着时间的推移必将产生富营养化,最终使得水体变得浑浊不堪,后果严重者甚至会导致水体发黑、变臭,严重影响景观水体的美观.  相似文献   

CHINESEwhoare45orolderknowofBeidaihebecauseitwasthelateChairmanMaoZedong'sfavoriteresort.In1954,Whilestandingonalargerockinarainstorm,hecomposedthepoemBeidaihe.InthispoemhedescribedthesceneryofBeidaiheandhishappinessatwinningthewar(MaoandhiscolleagueshadfoundedthePeople'sRepublicofChinain1949).By1966,whenthe"culhiralrevolution"began.Chinesecouldnotonlyrecitehispoem,theyalsorememberedBeidaihe.AlthoughBeidajheisonlytwoandahalfhours'drivefromBeijing,itsweatherismuchcoolerinthesummer.Maoo…  相似文献   

SCENICShilinYiAutonomousCounty,locatedabout80kilometersfrom80kilometersfromKunming,capitalcityofYunnanProvince,isfamousforitslargeareasofstoneforests.LocatedatthecenterofeasternYunnan'skarstplateau,muchofthecounty'sland(62percent)ismadeoflimestone,formingatypicalkarstlandscape.Thereare154scenicspotsandthecountyisknownasa"NaturallyFormedTopographyMuseum."TheYiethnicminoritypeoplelivinginthecountyhavealonghistory,evidentintheancientcliffpaintingsfoundinthestoneforests.ExpertsfromtheInsti…  相似文献   

WITH the arrival of spring rains,the mountainous Nujiang Grand Canyon in the northwest of Yunnan Province is covered in clouds of mist.The blending of mist and mountain scenery creates a mystical am-biance that heralds the change of seasons.Nestled in the central lush area of the Nujiang Grand Canyon is a county named Fugong.It covers an area of 2,756.44 square kilometers,and borders Myanmar with a borderline stretching some 142 kilo-meters.The place is of great significance to ecological preservation in southwest China.It is also home to more than 20 different Chinese ethnic groups,which include the Lisu,Nu,Bai,Dulong,Naxi and Pumi.The Lisu and Nu people represent the majority of local ethnic groups.The area is alive with diverse cultures living in a harmonious atmosphere.  相似文献   

郑贤胜 《公安学刊》2007,(5):80-83,87
杭州市公安交管部门在今年"五一"黄金周期间,从交通需求管理入手,通过实行本地车辆区分单双号通行;大范围单向交通组织,保障公共交通优先;增加换乘点与完善换乘方式;严格停车管理等一系列交通组织措施,使西湖风景区的交通状况得到了明显改善。西湖风景区假日道路交通组织和管理工作实践表明,道路交通组织管理工作必须紧紧依靠党委政府,契合城市经济社会发展的总体战略;必须坚持"以民为本,"争取广大市民和交通参与者的理解和支持;必须坚持创新理念和方法,达到超前发展;必须以科学的态度注重基础研究,分层次解决问题;必须加强长效管理机制建设,形成管理合力。  相似文献   

Longhu Mountain (Dragon and Tiger Mountain),20 kilometers south-west of downtown Yingtan in Jiangxi Province, is a Chinese Natural and Cultural Heritage Site and a four-A scenic area. Longhu changed its name from Yunjin, legend has it, when the Taoist Master Zhang Daoling  相似文献   

文化是"城市之根眼".领略一座城市的风貌,评价城市现代化进程,不仅要看经济建设,而且非看她的文化不可.历史文化名城武汉,源起盘龙城,楚文化刻录着她文明进步的足迹.  相似文献   

十字寺—— 京城著名的景教寺院 十字寺位于房山区周口店镇车厂村.是我国历史上著名的景教寺院之一。创建于东晋孝武帝司马曜宁康二年(374年),原为佛教寺院,名曰“祟圣院”。自元代以来,改名“十字寺”.盛为景教寺院。  相似文献   

GUANGXIZhuangAutonomousRegionislikeonebigconstructionsite,withtrucksmovingearthwhereveryoulook.Underwayisanewproject,theNBQF(anabbreviationtakenfromtheregion'sfourmajorcities─Nanning,Beihai,QinzhouandFangcheng)EconomicZone,expectedtotake30yearstobecompleted.GuangxiisonChina'ssouthernborderwithVietnamandtouchestheSouthChinaSea.Beihai,QinzhouandFangchengareportcitiesthathavealwaysbeenmajorstopsonsealanes,attractingthetradethathelpedthelocaleconomyprosper.Frequentwarfareintheregionthi…  相似文献   

:THEYandangMountainsareoneofthetenfamousmountainrangesinChina,locatedonthecoastnortheastofWenzhouCity,ZhejiangProvince.Themountainscoveranareaof450squarekilometersandtheareaisthelargestamongthe44keyscenicresortsofthecountry.Themountainrangewasformed120millionyearsago,andbelongstoacompleteandtypicalrhyoliticpaleovolcanodatingfromtheCretaceousPeriodoftheMesozoicEra,ontheedgeofthevolcanicbeltofAsiasurmundingthePacit'icOcean.ThebeltisolderthantheAndesandthewesternpartoftheUnitedStates.Inth…  相似文献   

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