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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 46 毫秒
Books reviewed in this article:
Dunne, T., Inventing International Society
Schmidt, B. C., The Political Discourse of Anarchy: A Disciplinary History of International Relations
Boucher, D., Political Theories of International Relations
Gourevitch, P., We Wish to Inform you that Tomorrow we will be Killed with our Families: Stories from Rwanda
Weiss, T. G., Military–Civilian Interactions: Intervening in Humanitarian Crises
Moore, J. (ed.), Hard Choices: Moral Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention
Geras, N., The Contract of Mutual Indifference: Political Philosophy after the Holocaust
Linklater, A., The Transformation of Political Community
Archibugi, D., Held, D. and Köhler, M. (eds), Re-imagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: ON JUSTICE IN SOCIETY. By Morris Ginsberg. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND PERSONALITY. By Talcott Parsons. EXCHANGE AND POWER IN SOCIAL LIFE. By Peter M. Blau. CONFLICT IN SOCIETY: A Ciba Foundation Symposium. Edited by A. de Reuck and Julie Knight. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF WAR: Essays presented to Captain B. H. Liddell Hart. Edited by Michael Howard. NATION AND MEN: International Politics Today. By Ivo D. Duchacek. UNDERSTANDING FOREIGN POLICY. By Martin C. Needier. ORDER, EMPIRICISM AND POLITICS: Two Traditions of English Political Thought, 1500–1700. By W. H. Greenleaf. REACTION AND RECONSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH POLITICS 1832–1852: Being the Ford Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford. By Norman Gash. THE MAKING OF THE SECOND REFORM BILL. By F. B. Smith. JOHN BRIGHT: VICTORIAN REFORMER. By Herman Ausubel. LECTURES ON EUROPEAN HISTORY 1879–1914. By J. M. McManners. THE DISINTEGRATING MONOLITH: Pluralist Trends in the Communist World. Edited by J. D. B. Miller and T. H. Rigby. A CONCISE HISTORY OF EAST ASIA. By C. P. Fitzgerald. THE COMMUNIST CONQUEST OF CHINA: A History of the Civil War 1945-49. By Lionel Max Chassin. A QUARTER OF MANKIND: An Anatomy of China Today. By Dick Wilson. COMMUNIST CHINA IN WORLD POLITICS. By Harold C. Hinton. THE ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE: The Diplomacy of Two Island Empires 1894–1907. By Ian H. Nish. LAND AND CASTE IN SOUTH INDIA: Agricultural Labour in the Madras Presidency during the nineteenth century. By Dharm Kumar. INDIANS IN FIJI. By Adrian C. Meyer. THE DOMINION PARTNERSHIP IN IMPERIAL DEFENSE, 1870–1914. By Donald C. Gordon. SELECTIONS FROM THE SMUTS PAPERS. Edited by W. K. Hancock and Jean van der Poel WILLIAM PEMBER REEVES: New Zealand Fabian. By Keith Sinclair. THE PAPUA-NEW GUINEA ELECTIONS 1964. Edited by David C. Bettison, Colin A. Hughes and Paul van der Veur. THE NEW GUINEA VILLAGER: A Retrospect from 1964. By C. D. Rowley. PRIVATE POLITICS: A Study of Five Political Outlooks. By A. F. Davies. AUSTRALIAN POLITICS: A Reader. Edited by Henry Mayer. Melbourne, F. W. Cheshire LABOR IN VAIN?: A survey of the Australian Labor Party. By D. W. Rawson PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGE IN AUSTRALIA. By Enid Campbell. DECISIONS: Case Studies in Australian Administration. Edited by B. B. Schaffer and D. C. Corbett. A HUNDRED YEARS OF PASTORAL BANKING: A History of the Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company. By J. D. Bailey. THAT BETTER COUNTRY: The Religious Aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835–1850. By J. Barrett OLD NEW ENGLAND: A History of the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales 1818–1900. By R. B. Walker.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Donnelly, Jack, Realism in International Relations
Dunne, Tim, Inventing International Society: A History of the English School
Schmidt, Brian, The Political Discourse of Anarchy: A Disciplinary History of International Relations
Tuck, Richard, The Rights of War and Peace: Political Thought and the International Order from Grotius to Kant  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in this article:
Brading, D. A. (1994), Church and State in Bourbon Mexico, the Diocese of Michoách 1749–181O)
Andrien, Kenneth J. and Johnson, Lyman L. (eds) (1994), The Political Economy of Spanish America in the Age of Revolution, 1750–1850
Wolfe, Joel (1993), Working Women, Working Men: São Paul0 and the Rise of Brazil's Industrial Working Class, 1900–1955
Florescano, Enrique (trans. Albert G. Bork with the assistance of Kathryn R. Bork) (1994), Memory, Myth, and Time in Mexico: from the Aztecs to Independence
Brumfiel, Elizabeth M; and Fox, John W. (eds) (1994), Factional Competition and Political Development in the New World
Arnold, Dean E. (1993), Ecology and Ceramic Production in an Andean Community
Weber, David J. and Rausch, Jane M. (eds) (1994), Where Cultures Meet: the Frontier in Latin American History
Anderson, Leslie E. (1994), The Political Ecology of the Modem Peasant
Rakowski, Cathy A. (ed.) (1994), Contrapunto: the Informal Sector Debate in Latin America
Linz, Juan J. and Valenzuela, Arturo (eds) (1994), The Failure of Presidential Democracy
Geddes, Barbara (1994), Politician's Dilemma: Building State Capacity in Latin America
Guzman Bouvard, Marguerite 1994), Revolutionizing Motherhood: the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo
Rodriguez, Jeanette (1994), Our Lady of Guadalupe. Faith and Empowerment Among Mexican-American Women
Menton, S. (1993), Latin America's New Historical Novel
Jörgensen, Beth (1994), Engaging Dialogues: the Writing of Elena Poniatowska
Taylor, kathy 1994), The New Narrative of Mexico: Subversions of History in Mexican Fiction  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Barrett-Brown, M. and Coates, K. (1996) The Blair Revelation: Deliverance for Whom?
Blackburn, R. and Plant, R. (eds) (1999) The Labour Government's Constitutional Reform Agenda.
Blair, T. (1996) New Britain: My Vision of a Young Country.
Brivati, B. and Bale, T. (eds) (1997) New Labour in Power: Precedents and Prospects.
Crewe, I., Gosschalk, B. and Bartle, J. (1998) Political Communications: Why Labour Won the General Election of 1997
Denver, D., Fisher, J., Cowley, P. and Pattie, C. (1998) British Elections and Parties Review, Volume 8: The 1997 General Election.
Driver, S. and Martell, L. (1998) New Labour: Politics after Thatcherism.
Ellison, N. (1994) Egalitarian Thought and Labour Politics: Retreating Visions.
Gamble, A. and Wright, T. (1999) The New Social Democracy.
Geddes, A. and Tonge, J. (eds) (1997) Labour's Landslide: The British General Election 1997.
Giddens, A. (1998) The Third Way: the Renewal of Social Democracy.
Hay, C. (1999) The Political Economy of New Labour: Labouring under False Pretences?
Hazell, R. (ed.) (1999) Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years.
Jones, T. (1996) Remaking the Labour Party: From Gaitskell to Blair.
Shaw, E. (1996) The Labour Party Since 1945.
Taylor, G. (1997) Labour's Renewal? The Policy Review and Beyond.
Thompson, N. (1996) Political Economy and the Labour Party: The Economics of Democratic Socialism 1884–1995.
Worcester, R. and Mortimore, R. (1999) Explaining Labour's Landslide.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: POLITICS, LANGUAGE and TIME: Essays on Political Thought and History. By J. G. A. Pocock. INDIRECT RULE AND THE SEARCH FOR JUSTICE: Essays in East African Legal History. By H. F. Morris and James S. Read. HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE. THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE, 1460–1559. By Eugene F. Rice jr. THE AGE OF RELIGIOUS WARS, 1559–1689. By Richard S. Dunn. KINGS AND PHILOSOPHERS, 1689–1789. By L. Krieger. THE AGE OF REVOLUTION AND REACTION, 1789–1850. By C. Breunig. THE AGE OF NATIONALISM AND REFORM, 1850–1890. By N. Rich. THE END OF THE EUROPEAN ERA, 1890 to the present. By F. Gilbert. THE COUNTER-REVOLUTION: Doctrine and action, 1789–1804. By J. Godechot, translated by S. Attanasio. HITLER? HORTHY? AND HUNGARY: Germ; in-Hungarian Relations, 1941–1944. By Mario D. Fenyo. THE REVOLUTION OF 1688 IN ENGLAND. By J. R. Jones. THE BRITISH EMPIRE-COMMONWEALTH, 1897–1931. By John Kendle. THE DURHAM REPORT AND BRITISH POLICY: A Critical Essay. By Ged Martin. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND CONTEMPORARY COMMONWEALTH ISSUES. By Robert R. Wilson. THE EMERGENCE OF THE INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS. By S. R. Mehrotra. INDIA'S DEMOCRACY. By A. H. Hanson and Janet Douglas. THE DYNAMICS OF INDIAN POLITICAL FACTIONS: A Study of District Councils in the State of Maharashtra. By M. C. Carras. THE WAGES OF WAR 1816–1965: A Statistical Handbook. By J. David Singer and Melvin Small. ECONOMIC GROWTH IN HISTORY: Survey and Analysis. By J. D. Gould. EMILE DURKHEIM: Selected Writings. Edited and translated by A. Giddens. HISTORISM: The Rise of a new Historical Outlook. By F. Meinecke; translated by J. E. Anderson. TOWARDS THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF HISTORY: Selected Essays. By Lee Benson. POLITICS AND SOCIAL INSIGHT. By Francis G. Castles. CAPITALISM AND MODERN SOCIAL THEORY: An analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber. By A. Giddens. LEGAL CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT: Administrative Law in Britain and the United States. By Bernard Schwartz and H. W. R. Wade. THE COUNTRY PARTY IN NEW SOUTH WALES: A Study of Organisation and Survival. By D. Aitkin. A FINE COUNTRY TO STARVE IN. By G. C. Bolton. ADELAIDE AND THE COUNTRY 1870–1917: Their Social and Political Relationship. By J. B. Hirst. THE MAKING OF AN AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER. By Laurie Oakes and David Solomon. PROTESTANTISM AND SOCIAL REFORM IN NEW SOUTH WALES, 1890–1910. By J. D. Bollen. CONSCRIPTION: Necessity and Justice: the Case for an All Volunteer Army. By Glenn Withers. EDWARD GIBBON WAKEFIELD IN NEW ZEALAND: His Political Career, 18534. By Peter Stuart. SILENT POLITICS: Polls and the Awareness of Public Opinion. By Leo Bogart. THE POLITICS OF UNREASON: Right-Wing Extremism in America 1790–1970. By S. M. Lipset and E. Raab. RADICALS OR CONSERVATIVES? The Contemporary American Right. By J. McEvoy III. THE BROKEN REBEL: A Study in Culture, Politics and the Authoritarian Character. By Rupert Wilkinson. PARTICIPATION IN POLITICS. Edited by G. Parry. CONTEMPORARY COMMUNITY: Sociological Illusion or Reality? By J. Scherer. COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE: Propositional Inventory, Tests and Theory. By C. W. Gilbert. GOVERNING WITHOUT CONSENSUS: An Irish Perspective. By Richard Rose. ULSTER: A Case Study in Conflict Theory. By R. S. P. Elliot and John Hickie. IRELAND'S ENGLISH QUESTION: Anglo-Irish Relations 1534–1970. By Patrick O'Farrell.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
JAPAN AND NUCLEAR CHINA: Japanese Reactions to China's Nuclear Weapons. By John Welfield. THE GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS OF TIBET. By Ram Rahul with a foreword by The Dalai Lama. A HISTORY OF MODERN SOUTHEAST ASIA: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Decolonization. By John Bastin and Harry J. Benda. THE ORGANIZATION OF THAI SOCIETY IN THE EARLY BANGKOK PERIOD, 1782–1873. By Akin Rabibhadaua. THAI STUDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES: A Study in Attitude Changes. By Jean Barry, S.J. Ithaca, N.Y. POLITICAL ATTITUDES OF INDIAN INDUSTRY: A case study of the Baroda business elite. By Howard L. Erdman. TENSION AREAS IN INDIA'S FEDERAL SYSTEM. By Amal Ray. STUDIES IN POLITICS, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL. Edited by M. S. Rajan. THE IMPACT OF U.S. POLICY ON THE KASHMIR CONFLICT. By Louis D. Hayes. CHINA: Evolution of a Revolution 1959-66. By J. D. Simmonds. THE SIEGE OF THE PEKING LEGATIONS: A diary. By Lancelot Giles. INDICTMENT WITHOUT TRIAL: The Case of Liu Shao-Ch'i. By A. E. Kent. MODERN COMPARATIVE POLITICS. By Peter H. Merkl. BUREAUCRACY. By Martin Albrow. POLITICS OF THE NEW ZEALAND MAORI: Protest and Cooperation, 1891–1909. By John A. Williams. Auckland AUSTRALIA'S WESTERN THIRD: A History of Western Australia from the first settlements to modern times. By F. K. Crowley. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT TODAY. By Geoffrey Sawer. HISTORICAL STATISTICS OF AUSTRALIA: A select list of official sources. By Jennifer Finlayson. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS: An Introductory Survey. By J. D. B. Miller and Brian Jinks. ATLAS OF BUNDALEER PLAINS AND TATALA. By F. M. Rothery. Introduction by N. G. Butlin and J. N. Jennings. THE BITTER FIGHT: A Pictorial History of the Australian Labor Movement. By Joe Harris. THE CRUISE OF THE ROSARIO amongst the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Islands, Exposing the Recent Atrocities connected with the Kidnapping of Natives in the South Seas. By Albert Hastings Markham R.N. AUSTRALIA AND JAPAN: Documents and Readings in Australian History. By W. MacMahon Ball. THE SOVIET UNION AND ARMS CONTROL: A superpower dilemma. By R. Kolkowicz, M. P. Gallagher and B. S. Lambeth. SOVIET RUSSIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST. By Aaron S. Klieman. STRATEGIES OF REVOLUTIONARY WARFARE. Edited by Jerry M. Tinker with Andrew R. Molnar and John D. le Noir. THE CHARTIST MOVEMENT IN SCOTLAND. By Alexander Wilson. PARTNERS IN DEVELOPMENT: Report of the Commission on International Development. By Lester B. Pearson THE ATLANTIC FANTASY: the U.S., NATO, and Europe. By David Calleo. PUBLIC OPINION, THE PRESIDENT AND FOREIGN POLICY: Four Case Studies from the Formative Years. By Doris A. Graber. THE AMERICAN RIGHT WING: Readings in Political Behavior. Edited by Robert A. Schoenberger. COMPETITION IN AMERICAN POLITICS: An Economic Model. By Andrew M. Scott. USUAL POLITICS: A Critique and Some Suggestions for an Alternative. By George D. Beam. TWO HUNDRED AMERICANS IN SEARCH OF A GOVERNMENT. By E. E. Schattschneider.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: ADVANCE AUSTRALIA—WHERE? Edited by B. D. Beddie. DIPLOMACY AND ENTERPRISE: British China Policy 1933–1937. By Stephen Lyon Endicott. INQUIRY AND DECISION. By John O'Shaughnessy. THE WARSAW PACT: Case Studies in Communist Conflict Resolution. By Robin Alison Remington. PAKISTAN UNDER CHALLENGE. By L. F. Rushbrook Williams. SOCIAL THEORY AND POLITICAL PRACTICE. By Brian Fay. THE EVOLUTION OF THE LABOUR PARTY 1910–1924. By Ross McKibbin. THE EMERGENCE OF PROBABILITY: A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas About Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference. By Ian Hacking. AUSTRALIA AND THE NON-WHITE MIGRANT. Edited by Kenneth Rivett. THE STATE, SOCIETY AND SELF-DESTRUCTION, Edited by Elizabeth Vallance. ITALIAN FOREIGN POLICY 1870–1940. By C. J. Lowe and F. Marzari. THE CARDINAL PROTECTORS OF ENGLAND: Rome and the Tudors before the Reformation. By William E. Wilkie. TUDOR DYNASTIC PROBLEMS 1460–1571. By Mortimer Levine. BOTSWANA: A Short Political History. By Anthony Sillery. ZAMBIA: Security and Conflict. By Jan Pettman. POLITICS AND HIGHER EDUCATION. By John D. Millett. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE PUBLIC SERVICE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. BENTHAM AND LEGAL THEORY. Edited by M. H. James. WOMEN AND VOTING STUDIES: Mindless Matrons or Sexist Scientism? By Murray Goot and Elizabeth Reid. BRITISH IMMIGRANTS AND AUSTRALIA: A Psycho-Social Inquiry. By Alan Richardson. A HISTORY OF CONTRACT AT COMMON LAW. By S. J. Stoljar. CHINESE MIGRATION AND SETTLEMENT IN AUSTRALIA. By C. Y. Choi. MINORITIES IN MADRAS STATE: Group Interests in Modern Politics. By S. Saraswati. THE KURIL ISLANDS: Russo-Japanese Frontier in the Pacific. By John J. Stephan. THE INDIAN OCEAN AND THE THREAT TO THE WEST: Four Studies in Global Strategy. Edited by Patrick Wall. AN AUSTRALIAN EXPERIENCE: Words from the Vietnam Years. By Allan Ashbolt. MODERN JAPAN: Aspects of History, Literature and Society. Edited by W. G. Beasley. CHARISMATIC BUREAUCRAT: A Political Biography of Matsudaira Sadanobu, 1758–1829. By Herman Ooms. THE ALLIED OCCUPATION OF JAPAN, 1945–1952: An Annotated Bibliography of Western-Language Materials. By Robert E. Ward and Frank Joseph Shulman. OUT OF THE WILDERNESS The Return of Labor. By C. J. Lloyd and G. S. Reid. RISE UP, WOMEN! The Militant Campaign of the Women's Social and Political Union 1903–1914. By Andrew Rosen. GUIDE TO THE COLLECTIONS. Volume 1. Compiled by C. A. Burmester. THE TIMES REPORTS THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: Extracts from The Times 1860–1865. Edited by Hugh Brogan. NATIONALISM: The Nature and Evolution of an Idea. Edited by Eugene Kamenka. THE BALTIC DILEMMA: The Case of the De Jure Recognition by Australia of the Incorporation of the Baltic States into the Soviet Union. By Edgars Dunsdorfs. THE SECOND EMPIRE AND THE PRESS: A Study of Government-Inspired Brochures on French Foreign Policy in Their Propaganda Milieu. By Natalie Isser. CROMWELLIAN IRELAND: English Government and Reform in Ireland 1949–1660. By T. C. Barnard. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND THE CITY. By D. Harvey. THE INTRUDERS: Refugee Doctors in Australia. By Egon F. Kunz. IRISH ISSUES IN NEWZEALAND POLITICS 1868–1922. By Richard P. Davis. NEW ZEALAND POLITICS: A Reader. Edited by Stephen Levine. DECISIONS IN ISRAEL'S FOREIGN POLICY. By Michael Brecher. KARL MARX. By Michael Evans. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL THOUGHT: A Comparison of the Theories of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Louis Althusser. By Miriam Glucksmann. THE CONCEPT OF SOCIALISM. Edited by Bhikhu Parekh. ETHICAL CONDUCT: Guidelines for Government Employees. By Kenneth Kernaghan. KNOX: A History of Knox Grammar School 1924–1974. By Bruce Mansfield. RESPONSIBILITY SHARING IN A FEDERAL SYSTEM. Edited by R. L. Mathews. Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations, Australian National University, Research Monograph No. 8. TEACHERS, EDUCATION AND POLITICS: A History of Organizations of Public School Teachers in New South Wales. By Bruce Mitchell. THE PROBLEM OF PARTY GOVERNMENT. By Richard Rose. THE ORIGINS OF CROWD PSYCHOLOGY. Gustave LeBon and the Crisis of Mass Democracy in the Third Republic By Robert A. Nye. CONQUEST OF MIND: Phrenology and Victorian Social Thought. By David de Giustino. AUSTRALIA'S NEW GUINEA QUESTION. Edited by W. J. Hudson. A DANGEROUS PLACE: The United Nations as a Weapon in World Politics. By Abraham Yeselson and Anthony Gaglione. SOCIOLOGY AS SOCIAL CRITICISM. By T. B. Bottomore. J. S. MILL. By Alan Ryan. A DIVIDED SOCIETY: Tasmania during World War I. By Marilyn Lake. EDWARDIAN RADICALISM 1900–1914: Some Aspects of British Radicalism. Edited by A. J. A. Morris. WITHOUT SYMPATHY OR ENTHUSIASM: The Problem of Administrative Compassion. By Victor A. Thompson.  相似文献   

Dr. Kamrava is professor and chair of the Political Science Department at California State University, Northridge. His latest book is The Modern Middle East: A Political History since the First World War (University of California Press, forthcoming 2005).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue. The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict , by Jonathan Schneer. “This Time We Went Too Far”: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion , by Norman G. Finkelstein. After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy , by Christopher J. Coyne. Turkey, Islam, Nationalism and Modernity: A History, 1789–2007 , by Carter Vaughn Findley. The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia's Growing Presence in the Middle East , by Geoffrey Kemp. Arab Economies in the Twenty‐First Century , by Paul Rivlin  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE NOTION OF THE STATE: An Introduction to Political Theory. By Alexander INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. By Pierro Renouvin and Jean-Baptiste Duroselle. Translated by Mary Ilford THE INEQUALITY OF STATES: A Study of the Small Power in International Relations. By David Vital INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS AND THE MODERNIZATION OF SOCIETIES: The Formation of National Goals and Attitudes. By J. P. Nettl and Roland Robertson. POLITICAL MOBILIZATION: A Sociological Analysis of Methods and Concepts. By J. P. Nettl. HISTORICAL LETTERS. By Peter Lavrov. Translated with an introduction and notes by James P. Scanlon. THE CRISIS OF RUSSIAN POPULISM. By Richard Wortman. CONTEMPORARY SOVIET GOVERNR'IENT. By L. G. Churchward. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul AS EXPANDING SOCIETY: Britain 1830–1900. By G. S. K. Kitson Clark. THE GENERAL ELICTION OF 1880. By Trevor Lloyd. 1867: DISRAELI, GLADSTONE AND REVOLUTION: The Passing of the Second Reform Bill. By Maurice Cowling. SMUTS: The Fields of Force 1919–1950. By W. K. Hancock. RHODESIA: The Road to Rebellion. By James Barber. ASIAN BUREAUCRATIC SYSTEMS EMERGENT FROM THE BRITISH IMPERIAL TRADITION. Edited by Ralph Braibanti. SIR WILLIAM JONES: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Attitudes to India. By S. N. Mukherjee. ELITE CONFLICT IN A PLURAL SOCIETY: Twentieth-century Bengal. By J. H. Broomfield. THE EMERGENCE OF INDIAN NATIONALISM: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century. By Anil Seal. THE JAPANESE SOCIALIST PARTY AND NEUTRALISM: The Study of a Political Party and its Foreign Policy. By J. A. A. Stockwin. TOWARDS A FOREIGN POLICY 1914–41. Edited with an introduction by W. H. Hudson. AUSTRALIA FACES SOUTHEAST ASIA: The Emergence of a Foreign Policy. By Amry and Mary Belle Vandenbosch. AUSTRALIAN TRADE POLICY 1942–1966: A Documentary History. By J. G. Crawford, assisted by Nancy Anderson and Margery G. N. Morris. AUSTRALIAN FEDERALISM IN THE COURTS. By Geoffrey Sawer. COMMONWEALTH-STATE FINANCIAL RELATIONS IN AUSTRALIA. By James A. Maxwell. THE COMMONWEALTH BUREAUCRACY. By Gerald E. Caiden. WEALTH AND PROGRESS: Studies in Australian Business History. Edited by Aan Birch and David S. Macmillan. ESSAYS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. Edited by James Griffin. SYDNEY'S BURNING. By Ian Turner. AN HISTORICAL JOURNAL OF EVENTS AT SYDNEY AND AT SEA 1787–1792 by CAPTAIN JOHN HUNTER, Commander H.M.S. Sirius with further accounts by Governor Arthur Phillip, Lieutenant P. G. King, and Lieutenant H. L. Ball (Originally published 1793). Edited by John Bach. MURRAY OF YARRALUMLA. By Gwendoline Wilson. CRICKET WALKABOUT: The Australian Aboriginal Cricketers on Tour 1867–68. By D. J. Mulvaney  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: AUSTRALIA. A “DISTANT FIELD OF MURDER”: Western District Frontiers 1834–1848 By Jan Critchett. FEVERS AND FRONTIERS Edited by John Pearn and Mervyn Cobcroft. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF WESTERN ASTRALIA: Membership Register, Electoral Law and Statistics 1980–1989 By David Black. AN INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ELECTIONS 1890–1989 By David Black BIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER OF MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Volume One 1870–1930; Volume Two 1930–1990 By David Black and GeofSrey Bolton. THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENTARY HANDBOOK: Centenary Edition By John Mandy and David Black. THE QUEENSLAND EXPERIENCE: The Life and Work of 14 Remarkable Migrants Edited by Maximilian Brälndle. PIONEERS, POLITICS AND PEOPLE: A Political Memoir By Sir John Crumer. PRUSSIAN-GERMAN MILITARISM 1914-18 IN AUSTRALIAN PERSPECTIVE: The Thought of Geoge Arnold Wood By J. A. Moses AUSTRALIA IN THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY By Barrie Dyster and David Meredith. EUROPE. THE FIRST INDUSTRAL REVOLUTIONS Edited by Peter Mathias and John A. Davis. ANGLO-AMERICAN RELATIONS IN THE 1920s: The Struggle for Supremacy Edited by B. J. C. McKercher. With a Foreword by D. Cameron Watt. BRITAIN AND THE KOREAN WAR By Callurn MacDonald. JACOBINISM AND THE REVOLT OF LYON, 1789–1793 By W. D. Edmonds NAPOLEON BONAPARTE By J. M. Thompson. THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC AND THE YOUNGER PROLETARIAT: An Economic and Social Analysis By Peter D. Stachura. THE SOVIET THEORY OF INTRNATIONAL RELATIONS By Margot Light. THE END OF THE COLD WAR: European Unity, Socialism, and the Shift in Global Power By Bogdan Denitch. THE SLUMP IN EUROPE: Reconstructing Open Economy Theory By Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Edmund S. Phelps. REST OF THE WORLD. NAURU: Environmental Damage Under International Trusteeship By Christopher Weeramantry. GANGSTERS AND REVOLUTIONARIES: The Jakarata People's Militia and the Indonesian Revolution 1945–1949 By Robert Cribb. EVERYDAY FORMS OF PEASANT RESISTANCE Edited by Forrest D. Colburn. ON A DARKLING PLAIN: An Account of the Nigerian Civil War By Ken Saro-Wiwa. NEW ELITES IN OLD STATES: Ideologies in the Anglo-American Democracies By Neil Nevitte and Roger Gibbim. THE CIA AND AMERICAN DEMOCRACY By Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones. THE VOICE OF AMERICA: Propaganda and Democracy, 1941–1945 By Holly COWM Shulman. AMERICAN ENTERPRISE IN SOUTH AFRICA: Historical Dimensions of Engagement and Disengagement By Richard W. Hull. THE PROMISE OF PRIVATISATION: A Challenge for American Foreign Policy Edited by Raymond Vernon. THE WEST AND THE THIRD WORLD: Essays in Honour of J. D. B. Miller Edited by Robert O'Neill and R J. Vincetzc. By Graham K. Wilson. POLITICS. INTEREST GROUPS By Graham K. Wilson. STATE AND DEVELOPMENT Edited by Cal Clark and Jonathan Lemco. SOCIAL DEMOCRACY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE: Essays in Honour of Saul Encel Edited by Ann Daniel. POLITICAL CHOICE AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE By Barry Hindess.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: REALIGNMENT OF WORLD POWER: The Russo-Chinese Schism Under the Impact of Mao-Tse-tung's Last Revolution. By Oton Ambroz. SAMUEL TERRY: The Botany Bay Rothschild. By Gwyneth M. Dow. RURAL INDUSTRY IN THE PORT PHILLIP REGION 1835–1880. By Lynnette J. Peel. NOT A WHITE WOMAN SAFE: Sexual Anxiety and Politics in Port Moresby 1920–1934. By Amirah Inglis. SOCIOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT. Edited by E. de Kadt and Gavin Williams. POLITICAL CHANGE: Collected Essays. By David E. Apter. RICH NATIONS AND POOR IN PEACE AND WAR: Continuity and Change in the Development Hierarchy of Seventy Nations from 1913 through 1952. By Henry Barbera. ECONOMIC REALITIES IN POOR COUNTRIES. By Leslie Stein. G.D.H. COLE: An Intellectual Biography. By L.P. Carpenter. HISTORY AND WILL: Philosophical Perspectives of Mao-Tse-Tung's Thought. By F. Wakeman Jr. TO PHOENIX SEAT: An Introductory Study of Maoism and the Chinese Communist Quest for a Paradise on Earth. By L.R. Marchant. THE COUNTER REFORMATION. By G.W. Searle. ON THE MEDIEVAL ORIGINS OF THE MODERN STATE. By Joseph R. Strayer. IMPERIAL ECONOMIC POLICY, 1917–1939: Studies in Expansion and Protection. By Ian M. Drum-mond. TAMATE — A KING: James Chalmers in New Guinea. 1877–1901. By Diane Langmore. THE BASES OF INTERNATIONAL ORDER. Essays in Honour of C.A.W. Manning. Edited by Alan James. SMALL STATES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Nobel Symposium 17. Edited by August Schou and Arne Olav Brundtland. THE MAJOR INTERNATIONAL TREATIES 1914–1973. A History and Guide With Texts. By J.A.S. Grenville. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND NATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: A Behavioral Interpretation of Contemporary International Law and Politics. By A. Sheikh. FULL CIRCLE. By S.F. Rowell. THE NUREMBERG FALLACY: Wars and War Crimes Since World War II. By Eugene Davidson. THE AUSTRALIAN COLONISTS: An Exploration of Social History 1788–1870. By K.S. Inglis. JEREMY BENTHAM: Ten Critical Essays. Edited by Bhikhu Parekh. THE DAMNED INHERITANCE: The Soviet Union and the Manchurian Crises, 1924–35. By G.A. Lensen. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS AND THE RISE OF SWEDEN. By Michael Roberts. SOCIALISM AND THE CHALLENGE OF WAR: Ideas and Politics in Britain 1912–18. By J.M. Winter. ACCUMULATION ON A WORLD SCALE: A critique of the Theory of Underdevelopment. Vols. 1 and 2. By Samir Amin. Translated by Brian Pearce. GERMANY CONFRONTS MODERNISATION: German Culture and Society, 1790–1890. By Robert Anchor. WORKERS AND PROTEST: The European Labor Movement, The Working Classes and the Origins of Social Democracy, 1890–1914. By Harvey Mitchell and Peter N. Steams. MAJOR IDEOLOGIES: An Interpretative Survey of Democracy. Socialism, and Nationalism. By Alexander Groth. CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT AND POLITICS. By Ernest Gellner. Edited with a preface by I.C. Jarvie and Joseph Agassi. MODERN DEMOCRACIES: Economic Power versus Political Power. By Maurice Duverger. DICK DETERRED: A Play in Two Acts. By David Edgar. THE IMAGE OF AUSTRALIA. British Perception of the Australian Economy from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, By Craufurd D.W. Goodwin. CONFIDENTIAL DISPATCHES: Analyses of America by the British Ambassador, 1939–1945. Edited by Thomas E. Hachey. THE STATE'S SERVANTS: The Civil Service of the English Republic 1649–1660. By G.E. Aylmer. NORMAN LINDSAY, The Embattled Olympian. By John Hetherington. MARKETING BOARDS AND MINISTERS: A Study of Agricultural Marketing Boards as Political and Administrative Instruments. By P.J. Giddings. ELITES IN THE POLICY PROCESS. By Robert Presthus. LAW, LEGISLATION AND LIBERTY: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy. Vol. I Rules and Order. By F.A. Hayek. DEPRESSION AND RECOVERY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1928'29–1938'39: A Study in Cyctical and Structural Change. By G.D. Snooks. INDIA'S SECOND LIBERATION. By Pran Chopra. NORMALIZATION OF JAPANESE-SOVIET RELATIONS 1945–1970. By S. Vishwanathan. MAOISM IN ACTION: The Cultural Revolution. By C.L. Chiou. THE PLANS OF WAR: The General Staff and British Military Strategy c. 1900–1916. By John Gooch. REVUE INTERNATIONALE d'HISTOIRE MILITAIRE. A NEW HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA. Edited by F.K. Crowley. AUSTRALIAN CULTURAL ELITES: Intellectual Traditions in Sydney and Melbourne. By John Docker. SUEZ 1956. By Robert R. Bowie. LABOR IN POLITICS: The State Labor Parties in Australia 1880–1920. Edited by D.J. Murphy. J.H. SCULLIN: A Political Biography. By John Robertson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: AUSTRALIAN CONSERVATISM: Essays in Twentieth Century Political History. Edited by Cameron Hazichurst. MENZIES OBSERVED. By Cameron Hazlehurst. AUSTRALIAN POPULAR CULTURE. Edited by Peter Spearritt and David Walker. ANATOMY OF AN ELECTION. Edited by P.R. Hay, Ian Ward and John Warhurst. INDONESIA AND AUSTRALIA: The Politics of Aid and Development since 1966. By Philip J. Eldridge. SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIRS 1978. MALAYSIA'S PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM: Representative Politics and Policy-making in a Divided Society. By Lloyd D. Musolf and J. Frederick Springer. THE TRANSFER OF POWER 1942-7. Vol. VIII: The Interim Government 3 July - 1 November 1946. Edited by Nicholas Mansergh and Penderel Moon. POLITICS OF THE INDIAN OCEAN REGION: The Balances of Power. By Ferenc A. Vali. POLITICS AND PURGES IN CHINA: Rectification and the Decline of Party Norms 1950–1965. By Frederick C. Teiwes THE FORGOTTEN WAR: Australian Involvement in the South African Conflict of 1899–1902. By L.M. Field. THE CITY AND THE COURT 1603–1643. By Robert Ashton. FORD LIST OF BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS 1965–1974, together with Specialist Commentaries. Edited by Diana Marshallsay and J.H. Smith. INDEPENDENT COLLIER: The Coal Miner as Archetypal Proletarian Reconsidered. Edited by Royden Harrison. THE EXECUTION PROCESS: Vol. 1, Implementation in a Bureaucracy; Vol. 2, Control in a Bureaucracy. By Andrew Dunsire. THE SECOND COMING: Popular Millenarianism 1780–1850. By J.F.C. Harrison. THE MIDDLE CLASS IN POLITICS. Edited by John Garrard, David Jary, Michael Goldsmith and Adrian Oldfield. WOMEN IN THE HOUSE: A Study of Women Members of Parliament. By Elizabeth Vallance. SEPARATE SPHERES: The Opposition to Women's Suffrage in Britain. By Brian Harrison. THE WAR PLANS OF THE GREAT POWERS, 1880–1914. Edited by Paul M. Kennedy. A SHORT HISTORY OF MODERN GREECE. By Richard Clogg. POMPEY: A Political Biography. By Robin Seager. THE SOVIET UNION 1976-77: Domestic, Economic and Foreign Policy. Edited by Wolfgang Berner LENIN'S GOVERNMENT: Sovnarkom 1917–1922. By T.H. Rigby. DOES CANADA NEED A NEW ELECTORAL SYSTEM? By William P. Irvine. GEOGRAPHY OF ELECTIONS. By P.J. Taylor and R.J. Johnston. WHITE CANADA FOREVER: Popular Attitudes and Public Policy toward Orientals in British Columbia. By W. Peter Ward. LOCKE, ROUSSEAU AND THE IDEA OF CONSENT: An Inquiry into the Liberal-Democratic Theory of Political Obligation. By Jules Steinberg. MAIN CURRENTS OF MARXISM. By Leszek Kolakowski. KARL MARX'S THEORY OF HISTORY: A Defence. By G.A. Cohen. THE REASON OF STATES: A Study in International Political Theory. Edited by Michael Donelan. MORAL CLAIMS IN WORLD AFFAIRS. Edited by Ralph Pettman. STRATEGY AND ETHNOCENTRISM. By Ken Booth. A MULTINATIONAL LOOK AT THE TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATION: An international collection of academic and corporate views on the future of transnational enterprise. Edited by Michael T. Skully.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Barry Shaw, ed., Brisbane: Corridors of Power Michael Rose, For the Record: 160 Years of Aboriginal Print Journalism John Ramsland, With Just But Relentless Discipline: A Social History of Corrective Services in New South Wales Tony Austin, Never Trust a Government Man: Northern Territory Aboriginal Policy, 1911–1939 Margaret Glass, Charles Cameron Kingston: Federation Fathers John Murdoch, Sir Joe: A Political Biography of Sir Joseph Cook Peter Golding, Black Jack McEwen: Political Gladiator Judith Brett, Political Lives Nancy Viviani, The Indochinese in Australia: From Burnt Boats to Barbecues Edmund S. K. Fung and Chen Jie, Changing Perceptions: The Attitudes of the PRC Chinese Towards Australia and China, 1989–1996 Curtis Andressen and Keichi Kumagai, Escape From Affluence: Japanese Students in Australia John Uhr and Keith Mackay, eds, Evaluating Policy Advice: Learning From Commonwealth Experience Glyn Davis, A Government of Routines: Executive Coordination in an Australian State Peter Beilharz, Imagining the Antipodes: Culture, Theory and the Visual in the Work of Bernard Smith Chris Healy, From the Ruins of Colonialism: History as Social Memory John Rickard, Australia: A Cultural History Helen Irving, To Constitute a Nation: A Cultural History of Australia’s Constitution Gerard J. DeGroot, Blighty: British Society in the Era of the Great War Walter Gratzer, ed., A Bedside Nature: Genius and Eccentricity 1869–1953 Thomas Bartlett and Keith Jeffery, eds, A Military History of Ireland William G. Naphy, ed. and trans., Documents on the Continental Reformation Andrew Bonnell, Gregory Munro and Martin Travers, eds., Power, Conscience and Opposition: Essays in German History in Honour of John A. Moses Alex Saranin, Child of the Kulaks Don Peretz and Gideon Doron, The Government and Politics of Israel Paul White and William Logan, eds, Remaking the Middle East Ian Cowman, Dominion or Decline: Anglo-American Naval Relations in the Pacific 1937–1941 Robert Buzzanco, Masters of War: Military Dissent and Politics in the Vietnam Era James H. Lebovic, Forgone Conclusions: US Weapons Acquisition in the Post-Cold War Transition Ramesh Thakur and Carlyle Thayer, eds, A Crisis of Expectations: UN Peacekeeping in the 1990s Erik Cohen, Thai Tourism, Hill Tribes and Open-ended Prostitution Rolf Torstendahl and Irmline Veit-Brause, eds, History-Making: The Intellectual and Social Formation of a Discipline P. D. A. Harvey, Mappa Mundi: The Hereford World Map Sheila Tobias, Faces of Feminism: An Activist’s Reflections on the Women’s Movement  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue. Katherine Isbester, ed., The Paradox of Democracy in Latin America: Ten Country Studies of Division and Resilience. Carlos Scartascini, Ernesto H. Stein, and Mariano Tommasi, eds., How Democracy Works: Political Institutions, Actors, and Arenas in Latin American Policymaking. Abraham F. Lowenthal, Theodore J. Piccone, and Laurence Whitehead, eds., Shifting the Balance: Obama and the Americas. Britta H. Crandall, Hemispheric Giants: The Misunderstood History of U.S.–Brazilian Relations. Claudio A. Holzner, Poverty of Democracy: The Institutional Roots of Political Participation in Mexico. Laura Enríquez, Reactions to the Market: Small Farmers in the Economic Reshaping of Nicaragua, Cuba, Russia, and China.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisted , by Benny Morris
The Modern History of Iraq , by Phebe Marr
Inventing Iraq: The Failure of Nation Building and a History Denied , by Toby Dodge
Seeds of Hate: How America's Flawed Middle East Policy Ignited the Jihad , Lawrence Pintak
Transnational Political Islam: Religion, Ideology and Power , ed. Azza Karam
Islamic Political Identity in Turkey , by M. Hakan Yavuz  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: THE ROYAL POLICY OF RICHARD II: Absolutism in the Later Middle Ages. By Richard H. Jones, REVOLUTION POLITICKS: The Career of Daniel Finch, Second Earl of Nottingham, 1647–1730 By Henry Horwitz. THE ABERDEEN COALITION 1852–1855: A Study in Mid-Nineteenth Century Politics. By J. B. Conacher. COMMUNISM IN EUROPE: Continuity, Change and the Sino-Soviet Dispute. Edited by William E. Griffith POLLBOOKS: How Victorians Voted. By J. R. Vincent. BRITAIN AND THE BALANCE OF POWER IN NORTH AMERICA 1815–1908. By Kenneth Bourne. AMERICA IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: A Study of the United States since 1917. By D. K. Adams. CHURCH WEALTH IN MEXICO: A Study of the ‘Juzgado de Capellanias’ in the Archbishoprics of Mexico 1800–1856. By Michael P. Costeloe, THE DYNAMIC OF MEXICAN NATIONALISM. By Frederick C. Turner. ASIAN FRONTIERS: Studies in a Continuing Problem. By Alastair Lamb. THE FIRST AFGHAN WAR 1838–1842. By J. A. Norris. AFGHANISTAN 1900–1923: A Diplomatic History. By Ludwig W. Adamec. SOUNDINGS IN MODERN SOUTH ASIAN HISTORY. Edited by D. A. Low. Canberra, JAPAN'S RADIO WAR ON AUSTRALIA 1941–1945. By L. D. Meo. Melbourne, BRITISH SHIPPING AND AUSTRALIA 1920–1939. By Kevin Burley. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA: A Short History 1788–1967. By Patrick O'Farrell. SQUATTER, SELECTOR AND STOREKEEPER: A History of the Darling Downs 1859–1893. By D. B. Waterson. THE COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA: Origins and Early History. By Robin Gollan. THE BATTLE FOR THE BANKS. By A. L. May. Sydney, CONSCRIPTION IN AUSTRALIA. Edited by Roy Forward and Bob Reece. PROFESSOR OF DEMOCRACY: The Life of Charies Henry Pearson 1830–1894. Oxford Don and Australian Radical. By John Tregenza. A HANDBOOK OF AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS 1890–1964. Edited by C. A. Hughes and B. D. Graham. SPECIALISTS AND GENERALISTS: A Comparative Study of the Professional Civil Servant at Home and Abroad. Edited by F. F. Ridley.  相似文献   

NGOs and Political Change: A History of the Australian Council for International Development. By Patrick Kilby (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2015), pp.xvii + 289. AUD$40.00 (pb). Katrina  相似文献   

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