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The arrival of the British National Health Service (NHS) in 1948 heralded significant changes for all health workers, but the establishment of a ‘free’ health service was especially meaningful for the hospital almoners—or medical social workers, as they were starting to be known—who had previously been responsible for the assessment and collection of patient payments. It was on this basis they had gained a foothold in the hospital, capitalising on gendered assumptions of financial understanding and behaviour. Yet what might have caused an identity crisis was embraced. This was a dual strategy of both repositioning the profession in alignment with the planned NHS and of asserting an enhanced professional status by distancing themselves from the handling of payment. It was an episode in the history of this distinctly female profession that speaks to women’s historic relationship with money.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which marriage, and the hetero-normative ideals associated with it, structured the experiences of women within the British Diplomatic Service from the early nineteenth century to the 1980s. Drawing on the sociological concept of ‘incorporation’, the article shows how assumptions about the duties of wives towards their husbands and country contributed to the ongoing exclusion of women from the Diplomatic Service and later served to restrict the career mobility of female officers, most notably through the operation of a marriage bar. The article argues that the hetero-normative model began to break down in the 1970s due to a number of factors, including generational change, the spectre of sex discrimination legislation, and the example set by more politically assertive groups of wives in Diplomatic Services elsewhere. This analysis suggests that ‘incorporation’ should be understood as a phenomenon which not only determines the social identities of wives, but can fundamentally shape the experiences and opportunities of women formally employed within the occupational culture in question.  相似文献   

Feminist research and theory show how substance and process of law are substantially affected by its patriarchal context. Accordingly, a number of Australian studies have identified how gendered myths and other factors impact on the assessment of victim credibility in sexual assault hearings. In this article we look at sexual harassment cases in Australia lodged under the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) between 2000 and 2006 and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Discrimination Act from 2001 to 2005 to see if similar variables to those in rape cases play a role in the perception of witness believability. We find that credibility is more likely to correlate with being Anglo, very young, a rational (masculine) demeanor/presentation in giving evidence, corroborative witnesses and legal representation. In addition, respondents' counsel in federal harassment hearings or respondents themselves in correspondence to the ACT Commissioner, just as defence barristers in rape trials, attempt to make the victim appear as an incredible witness through highlighting evidentiary inconsistencies and/or delayed reporting. Also evidence about sexual history or behavior that evokes an image of provocation may be adduced. We identify a varied response to these myths and to measurement of credibility by the individual ‘gatekeepers’ — the Federal Magistrates, judges and the ACT Discrimination Commissioner.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情防控措施的实施可能致使劳动关系的履行发生障碍,劳动者不能提供劳动给付或 者用人单位无法受领劳动给付。劳动给付在疫情防控措施实施期间以无需履行、继续履行、无法履行三种形式 存在。研究认为,劳动法应当对接突发事件应对的相关法律,通过假期、变更履行、风险负担等方式对接疫情 防控措施,建立健全多元化的综合应急治理机制。假期适用于隔离治疗、法定隔离措施、延长的春节假期等情 形,其法理基础是无需履行,劳动法应设置防疫隔离假,建立防疫隔离假的补偿机制。变更履行分为全部继续 履行和部分继续履行。全部继续履行适用于居家自我隔离、交通管制、限制人员流动、停课等疫情防控措施, 全部继续履行的法理基础是一时不能履行,劳动法应建立补充履行的法律规则。部分继续履行适用于用人单位 受疫情影响而经营困难的情形,其法理基础是难以履行,劳动法应完善集体协商制度,并在失业保险中建立缩 短工时工资补贴制度。风险负担适用于停工,其法理基础是永久不能履行,劳动法应完善停工期间的法律规则, 建立停工期的社会补偿机制。  相似文献   

Drawing on Raphael Samuel's work on the construction of historical knowledge, this article argues that British militant suffrage feminists had a strong sense of their role in history. Once the vote was won, militants became the first public historians of their own suffrage history by collecting ‘relics’ of the campaign and commemorating suffrage events. The work of curators, especially at the Museum of London and National Library of Australia, Canberra, also enabled wider access to the movement's ephemera. Subsequent generations have ‘remembered’ suffrage in different ways, including depiction in fiction, film, local histories and the physical landscape. An exploration of such depictions might help us start to understand the continuing fascination with this aspect of women's history.  相似文献   

公共疫情危机处置是公共卫生事件应急管理的重要组成部分,需要加强专业化管理.研究认为,公共卫生危机中的现代化治理需要加强治理能力和治理体系的专业化建设.在治理能力方面,需要加强敏感危情处置能力、舆情舆论引导能力、组织动员协调能力、榜样带动引领能力等的建设.在体系建设方面,需要以人为本构建强大公共卫生体系、加强危机应对的体...  相似文献   

In the mid to late 1940s displaced people in camps in Germany were recruited by the British Government to work in industries in which labour market shortages were severe. This article looks at the recruitment of women who were originally from Latvia for domestic work in hospitals, other institutions and private households and as textile workers. The author argues that as well as reconstructing a sense of belonging to Latvia through the creation of imagined communities in exile, waged work was also a significant part of these women's lives. The author explores the ways in which different types of work influenced the future lives of EVW (European Volunteer Worker) women, both as workers and as members of locally based networks, and discusses the connections between employment and home/community life in the social construction of identity among Latvian women in Britain. The article draws on recent oral testimonies of twenty-five women who came to Britain under the Balt Cygnet and Westward Ho schemes between 1946 and 1949, have lived in this country since then and are now retired.  相似文献   

This article explores the experiences of a small number of older women who work in university departments of education. The article starts with a brief review of some of the research that documents the experiences of women who work in departments of education. The article then considers the ways in which the older woman's body has become a focus for action, suppression and, above all, a site for constant work. Women are exhorted by the mass media to be vigilant in order to combat the embodied signs of passing time and to work on the project of the (ageing) body. The article then explores some of the ways that older women in education departments may be positioned/position themselves in relation to these pressures and some of the ways in which they disrupt these discourses.  相似文献   

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