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菲律宾的华文报纸始于19世纪末,历经100多年的发展历程,目前剩下5家主要华文报纸。本文简要回顾菲律宾华文报业的历史发展,阐述菲律宾华文报纸的现状,分析其面临的挑战并对其未来的发展提出一些建议。  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a 22-memberdelegation from the Compostela Valley Province of the Philippines headed by Governor Arturo T. Uyvisited China from the 12th to 18th of November. The members of the delegation include two congresspersons from the Province, 6 mayors fromdifferent cities and towns as well as entrepreneursfrom the Province.  相似文献   

This study is the second of two reporting on how the American presidency has been rhetorically constructed for the nation's citizens by the mass media between 1945 and 1985. These research papers examined 412 Time magazine articles on the presidency, keying on such matters as how that magazine documented its reportage, which presidential qualities, behaviors, and problems it emphasized, and how Time used language strategies to describe and evaluate the presidency. By using a variety of content analytic methods, the authors detected two general trends in Time’s coverage: (1) the American presidency has been portrayed as an increasingly besieged institution—socially, politically, and psychologically—and (2) Time’s heavy focus on bureaucratic politics has resulted in an increasing institutionalization of the presidency. A variety of data support these two conclusions and suggest, furthermore, the existence of an over‐arching conceptual model in Time’s discussions of the presidency. The implications of this model are explored briefly here.  相似文献   

本文回顾了2003年菲律宾经济的增长状况,同时也从经济、政治和社会方面分析了它们对该年菲律宾经济增长的影响。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the attempts of Colombia's Constitutional Court to control the abuse of presidential emergency powers in the last decade. After describing the dilemmas that governmental emergency powers pose to constitutional regimes and explaining some particularities of Colombia as a democracy under permanent emergency, the account focuses on the efforts of the Constitutional Court to exercise a ‘material’ control of the declaration of a state of emergency by the President. According to this legal doctrine, it is the duty of the court to analyze if the facts invoked by the government constitute a crisis severe enough to justify the use of emergency powers. The analysis shows that the court has exercised this material control in a quite strict way and has nullified several declarations of a state of emergency by different presidents. The study goes on to show how this form of judicial review has been possible in a country like Colombia, with a precarious democracy and a cruel armed conflict. It describes also the impact of this form of judicial control in Colombian politics and offers some more general conclusions based on Colombian experience.  相似文献   

本文从宗教学关于宗教起源和发展的理论出发,分析了菲律宾民族原始宗教产生的动因、发展阶段与特点,说明在16世纪天主教传入时期,菲律宾民族的原始宗教信仰处于宗教发展的低级形态,为天主教在菲律宾大部分地区的迅速而广泛的传播提供了社会契机。  相似文献   

Social conditions have been recognized as a factor in the rise of social knowledge. The social knowledge produced creates a social reality characterized by its own justification for existence. Established intolerance and institutionalized suppression, for example, delineate what the guardians of society regard as dangerous and subversive, on one hand, and permissible, on the other. The purveyors of social knowledge, including the social sciences, in the Philippines from the Spanish colonial period to the present have borne much responsibility in this task of delineation. But more importantly, they have served, either willingly or unwillingly, to legitimize and validate the existing political order by elaborating on the political order's ideological basis, contributing to the formulation and implementation of policies, refusing to challenge the political order, or by simply being acquiescent to its presence. The Philippine experience reinforces the observation that objectivity is relative to the paradigm to which the practitioner belongs. In the wake of the postbehavioral movement in the social sciences, the social scientist's role in the Philippines, like that of his or her counterparts in the West, is influenced not so much by the drive to be objective, but, rather by the need to choose between competing values that would ultimately determine his or her relevance to society.  相似文献   

美国和菲律宾是传统的盟国,早在1951年两国就缔结了共同防御条约,关菲同盟成为冷战链条上的重要一环。冷战结束后,双方的同盟关系逐渐弱化。21世纪初的几年间,为了应对全球的恐怖主义的威胁,双方的同盟关系逐渐走上了快速发展的轨道。  相似文献   

菲律宾的非政府组织发展及其原因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
菲律宾是拥有全球第三大非政府组织的发展中国家,其国内的非政府组织发展良好,组织完备。菲律宾的非政府组织发展经历了三个阶段,即从慈善取向的市民社会组织到发展取向的非政府组织,以及获得授权型的非政府组织。推动菲律宾非政府组织发展的因素是多方面的,历史传统的沉淀,国内、国际意识形态领域斗争的需要,以及战后菲律宾政府、外国政府和国际组织的发展援助。  相似文献   

学术界目前对威尔逊主义和新殖民主义的专门研究比较深入[1],但关于威尔逊主义与新殖民主义的关系的探讨尚需继续开展.笔者拟在充分利用现有研究成果的基础上,以威尔逊政府对菲律宾政策为例,梳理威尔逊主义对美国新殖民主义的影响.  相似文献   

埃斯特拉达:菲律宾特色民主的产物与替罪羊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菲律宾被罢黜总统埃斯特拉达(以下称埃氏)是菲律宾历届当选总统中得票率最高的“民选”总统,曾被菲律宾人评价为继50年代马克赛赛总统之后最受群众欢迎的总统。然而,在执政后仅一年多便遭致来自各派势力的激烈反对,并成为亚洲第一位遭受弹劾的总统,最终在民变、政变、军变的压力下黯然交出了政权。埃氏作为民选总统,政治生涯在任期仅二年半期间发生了如此戏剧性的变化,其中缘由值得深思。本文试图从菲律宾特色民主为出发点,探索埃氏这位民选总统倒台的原因,并对菲律宾特色民主“EDSA第二次人民力量”的后遗问题进行一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

菲律宾独立后的40年中,聚居于南部的穆斯林摩洛人在现代化和国家整合的双重挤压下,其社会经济的边缘化日益加剧。但摩洛问题的症结在于文化,正是异质文化相互间的误读,才使政府的南部政策遭致失败,摩洛人固守传统的反抗则愈演愈烈。文化自主权的丧失才是摩洛人困境的根本缘由。  相似文献   

An the invitation of the Chinese Association For International Understanding (CAFIU), Delegation of the Philippine Council of Young Political Leaders (PCYPL), headed by Mr. Adam Jala, member of the House of Representative visited China from Nov. 11 to 18, 2007. During its stay in Beijing, the delegation had meetings with Mr.  相似文献   

总统制作为俄罗斯完政制度的核心,从确立之初就倍受关注与争议.1993年宪法第81条对总统选举只进行了概括性的规定,15年来的运行实践基本上是在宪法的框架内进行的,但已经发生了一些实质性的变化.俄罗斯历次总统选举受社会不同发展时期的影响,表现出不同的形式与特点,通过对三位总统选举纵向动态的意义上考察,可以透视出俄罗斯宪法在实施中存在的主要问题.  相似文献   

2011年是菲律宾阿基诺三世当选总统后完整执政的一年。在经历了2010年由选举推动的7.3%的高经济增长率后,菲律宾2011年的经济增长情况差强人意。本文从菲律宾实体经济、就业、通胀和贫困、货币金融政策与财政的视角考察了菲律宾2011年的经济增长与发展情况,介绍了菲律宾总统阿基诺三世上台之后采取的主要经济措施,并预测菲律宾2012年的经济发展前景及其制约因素。  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a ninemember delegation of Philippine Center of Young Leaders in Governance headed by Lawrence Fortun,Member of the House of Representatives visited China from October 10 to 19.In Beijing,  相似文献   

发展相互经济往来是国家间关系的重要方面,并在当代国际关系中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文将对上世纪50年代以来菲律宾对外经济关系的发展状况及今后几年的发展前景作一初步的探讨分析。  相似文献   

虽然经历年初的社会动荡和天灾人祸的剧痛,但菲律宾2006年政治社会稳定,人民安居乐业;经济继2005年5.1%的增长之后,创出  相似文献   

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