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家明: 你 在 看 什么 呢? Jiǐmíng: Nǐ zài kàn shénme ne? Jiaming: What are you looking at? 吉瑞:快 来, 这 场 比赛 很 精彩。 Jíruì: Kuài lái, zhè chǐng bǐsài hǐn jǐngcǐi. Jerry: Come, the match is fantastic. 家明: 什么 比赛? Jiǐmíng: Shén  相似文献   

conversation 吉瑞 : 先生,请问 去 北京大学 体育馆 怎么 走? Jíruì: Xiānsheng, qāngwèn qù Bāijāng Dàxué Tāyùguān zānme zāu? Jerry: Sir, do you know the way to the Peking University Gymnasium? 行人:一 直 往 前 走, 到 十字 路口 往 北 拐 就 看到  相似文献   

When the ancient Olympic Games first started, wrestling was already a mature sport. It is universally acknowledged that wrestling is the earliest competitive sport. A series of murals depicting wrestlers in ancient Egypt were made 5,000 years ago. Two thousand years later, when the first ancient Olympic Games were held in 776 BCE, wrestling was included. Wrestling continues to be a major sports event in all Olympic Games.  相似文献   

Intensive training is paying off for volunteersAs a teenager, Temelidi Yulia watched the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014 on TV at home in Russia. Now, a sophomore student at Tsinghua University’s School of Social Sciences in Beijing, her wish to be involved in the Winter Olympics has come true.  相似文献   

<正>Athletes holding their national flags take an oath of fair play at the opening ceremony of the 2017 BRICS Games in Guangzhou,south China's Guangdong Province,on June 17.Nearly 300 athletes from five countries-China,Russia,Brazil,India and South Africa—competed in three major sporting disciplines-basketball,volleyball and martial arts—during the four-day event.  相似文献   

正Swimmer ye Shiwen waves upon arrival in Incheon,a coastal city in the northwest of the Republic of Korea,on September 16 for the 2014 Asian Games.With its 1,328-member delegation,which includes 33 Olympic champions such as ye,China seeks to top the Games for the ninth straight time since 1982.  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping visited the Taizicheng Station on the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Railway in Zhangjiakou,Hebei Province in north China, on January 19.The line, connecting Beijing and Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 co-host Zhangjiakou, began operation on December 30, 2019.Xi also inspected the Zhangjiakou competition zone of Beijing 2022.  相似文献   

Stock Market ReformsThe China Securities RegulatoryCommission (CSRC) announced it would liftthe controls on new share quotas and open theprices of new shares to market fluctuations inMarch 2001. In China, new stocks are first soldon the primary market. When they are subsequently resold on the regular, or secondary,market, the prices usually rise dramatically.From 1996 to the first half of 2000, theannual profit rate in the primary market was67.72 percent. It hit a record high in 1997 at1…  相似文献   

Innovationistheimpetusofeconomicgrowth,especiallyintheageofInternet.TheInternetischangingtheclassicalmoldintheareasofproduction,distributionandmanagement.Innovationrefersnotonlytotechnologicalcreationbutalsototheupdatingofconsumergoodsinordertosatisfysurgingdemand.Chinaisadevelopingcountrywithahugepopulation.Sincethepublicdemandsmoreandmoreproductsfordailyconsumption,theabilitytoproducedailynecessitiescouldbeapowerfulforce,drivingtheconsumptionmarketforward,andsupportingthedevelopmentofhigh-t…  相似文献   

Absorb Labor SurplusAs intensive farming is gaining momentum, theproblem of labor redundancy is becoming more acute.In the rural areas there is a labor force of 450 millionwhile only 250 million are needed for farm work,according to the current productivity. With only 129million of the 200 million surplus involved in townshipand village enterprises, the rest are left to swarm intocities. The rampant inflow of rural labor adds newpressure on public utilities and poses potential threat tosocial…  相似文献   

Harmful ProtectionismThe recent crackdown on the illegal assemble of automobiles with counterfeit parts hasattracted nationwide attention. These automobiles threaten people's lives because of theirlow quality.Since 1990, the state has called on localgovernments to crack down on such practices.But this problem is far from being addressed.Local protectionism can explain why counterfeiting activities continue. Law enforcementseems weak against this phenomenon. Criticismfrom the public is often …  相似文献   

National political advisors discuss the future at annual meeting ’Realizing the nation’s great renewal is the greatest dream in the modern history of the country," said Xi Jinping,  相似文献   

A Rewarding UndertakingWhen the International Science EducationFilm Exhibition was held in Beijing, not manymembers of the general public went to watchthe films, the audience mainly being made upof professionals. It was said that the scientificknowledge of the general public should beimproved through further promoting popularscIence.It is hard to see how this might be achievedwhen the poor quality of domestic science education films is plain to see, judging from audience feedback on the fi…  相似文献   

<正>Nestlégrabs a big slice of the Chinese market with continuous localization and innovation"Nestlé’s confidence in the Chinese market is not empty talk,but is reflected in continuous investment and long-term strategies.Nestléis here for the market,but it also wants to be integrated into the local economy.Nestlé has already become an indispensable part of China’s dairy and coffee supply chain."——Jonathan Dong,Vice President of  相似文献   

In recent months, an inspiring vision of the "Chinese dream" put forward by newly elected President Xi Jinping has been enthusiastically discussed throughout China.  相似文献   

Loose-tongued Analysts TargetedThe current overhaul of the domestic stockmarket has gone beyond illegal accounts and col-lusive transactions to restrain loose tongued secu-rities analysts.The China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC), the top stock market watchdog, released acirculay discouraging analysts from making irre-sponsible remarks.According to the circular, analysts should notgive investment suggestions based on false infor-mation of inside stories. Nor should they publiclytell…  相似文献   

Domestic Demand UrgedThe gross domestic product (GDP) in thefirst half of this year rose year-on-year by 8percent, the same as last year's growth rate, according to State statistics. Meanwhile,mar-ket prices in the first five months increased by1.1 percent compared with the same periodlast year.Increased domestic demand has promotedChina's economic growth in the first half ofthis year. Investment in fixed assets increasedby 17.6 percent and total retail sales volumerose 10.3 percent in the …  相似文献   

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