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SCM协议针对补贴与反补贴制度的双重法律性质提供了一套国际规制方案,在此框架下如何定位中国的补贴与反补贴制度?首先应在制订国际贸易规则上争取主动权;其次要尊重和利用WTO,完善国内补贴和反补贴制度;再次应在绿灯补贴和黄灯补贴上做文章;最后应充分利用经济转型国家身份,同时为应对国外反补贴调查未雨绸缪。  相似文献   

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body has noted that the precautionary principle will be relevant to the interpretation of the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures in various ways, although the Appellate Body has declined to determine the status of the precautionary principle for international law or to find that it has been written into the SPS Agreement. The Appellate Body's awareness of precaution, the dynamics of scientific research and the nature of scientific uncertainty is to be welcomed. This awareness is helpful in dealing with new and emerging issues, such as the question of when a risk assessment relied upon by a WTO member becomes outdated by virtue of subsequent scientific developments. If maintained, an overly rigid approach to risk assessment, with a tight temporal focus, will inadequately acknowledge the natural processes of flux in the development of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

朱群毅  张国敏 《河北法学》2005,23(11):154-157
20世纪90年代以后,随着乌拉圭回合服务贸易谈判不断取得进展,特别是1997年12月12日达成全球金融服务贸易协议,金融服务市场的进一步开放已成为各国的大势所趋。在金融服务市场开放的过程中,首当其冲的是银行业的开放。中国加入WTO后,为适应金融服务协议的要求,银行业将进一步加快对外开放的步伐,作为当前中国市场化程度较差、较为脆弱的部门之一,银行业面临着相当大的竞争压力。在经济全球化背景下立足中国实际来探讨中国银行业所面临的挑战及我们应采取的对策就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

综观WTO协定中的有关条款,尽管其在许多方面对国民待遇原则有了重在发展,但各领域的发燕尾服很不平衡,特别是在国际直接投资领域,国民待遇问题实际上还没有被WTO提上议程,本认为,即使在WTO体制下,有条件的国民待遇仍具有不可改变的属性。  相似文献   

GATT第15条是有关IMF与WTO在外汇事项管辖权分配方面的重要规定。既有研究强调在WTO体制内针对汇率操纵提起诉讼的不可行性,但通过对GATT第15条的解读可以发现,WTO从本质上是要排除IMF协定对相关问题的介入,从而预留了WTO协定独立解决相关问题的空间。  相似文献   

李寿平 《时代法学》2012,10(2):101-107
实施研发补贴是国家发展民用飞机产业的必由之路。研发补贴是SCM协定下的可诉性补贴。SCM协定对研发补贴可诉的条件进行了界定,但由于规则的模糊性,现行SCM协定相关规定亟待完善和发展。WTO争端解决实践对于研发补贴的可诉条件进行了新的澄清和发展,这对于中国设计和实施科学的民用飞机研发补贴提供了新的启示和对策。  相似文献   

E-commerce offers economy-wide benefits. World Trade Organization(WTO) members recognized the benefits e-commerce offers andhave developed a work program to facilitate the developmentof e-commerce. However, WTO efforts to facilitate e-commercehave stalled, leading to a slower than anticipated progress.As fundamental differences continue to stall progress in theWTO’s program on e-commerce, the United States concludeda free trade agreement with Jordan. This agreement was the firstever to incorporate explicit provisions on e-commerce. Thisarticle analyzes how existing trade agreements have dealt withe-commerce. The article gives an overview of the situation inWTO. The article then examines the e-commerce provisions inthe United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (US-JO FTA) andhow the parties have tackled the obstacles that stalled theWTO work on e-commerce. It concludes that the US-JO FTA approachregarding e-commerce did not move beyond what the WTO has alreadydone. It is argued that although there are specific provisionsdealing with e-commerce in the FTA, the parties left many loopholesto be filled.  相似文献   

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - The study, through the prism of comparing various government practices, critically examines the problems of Russian legislation...  相似文献   

金融危机下美国对华“双反”法律问题新析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年以前,其它WTO成员并没有针对中国产品提起反补贴调查,主要面对和处理的都是有关反倾销方面的问题。金融危机背景下,以美国为首的发达国家对中国的反倾销反补贴并查案件不断增加。本文以美国对华双反的现状及特征为背景,通过对铜版纸案的具体分析,就政府和企业应该如何应对双反调查提出具体的法律建议。  相似文献   

The objective of the compliance procedure is to ensure promptcompliance with the Dispute Settlement Body's (DSB) recommendationsand rulings through an expeditious procedure. In their assignment,the compliance panels are faced with competing considerationsof, on the one hand, ensuring Members the right of a "reasonableperiod of time" for implementing the DSB's recommendations andrulings and, on the other, ensuring prompt compliance. Compliancepanels have to pay due respect to the fact that an Article 21.5proceeding is not a new proceeding, which limits the scope ofwhich claims may be raised in those proceedings and restrictsthe determination of which measures are "measures taken to comply".In order to achieve those overall aims, compliance panels andthe Appellate Body have accepted that claims other than thoseraised in the original proceedings may be presented in complianceproceedings. Due process principles form an integral part ofthe Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU). The delicate taskof the panels and Appellate Body is to determine which claims,not raised in the original proceedings, are admissible in anArticle 21.5 proceeding. Compliance panels and the AppellateBody have established several limitations in order to limitthe ambit of potential claims and measures that may fall withinan expeditious Article 21.5 proceeding. However, the embracedapproach to determining which new claims, not raised in theoriginal proceedings, are to be considered in Article 21.5 proceedingsand which measures fall within the realm of measures taken tocomply bears the common characteristics of being subject toan extensive interpretation of Article 21.5 of the DSU.  相似文献   

协议转让是以意思自治为本质之资本市场重要证券交易制度,其具有制度生成功能、完善公司治理功能、社会资源整合和配置优化功能、全球化和市场化背景下的经济品质提升和制度发展促进功能.由于我国证券法制的局限和国家政策因素影响,协议转让规则体系存在很大局限性,制度供给不足,违反了平等性要求,法律规定不足和市场机制缺陷交织.这都制约着协议转让功能的发挥.未来要以金融市场化为基础,贯彻利益平衡原则和效率原则,建立符合中国国情和国际法治要求的协议转让制度.  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - Little is currently known about how policy choices that seek to bridge the gap between low production capacity and growing consumption demands in developing...  相似文献   

WTO与WIPO:TRIPS协议框架中的冲突性因素与合作契机之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过乌拉圭回合长达7年艰苦谈判而最终达成的TRIPS协议,是迄今为止知识产权国际保护中涵盖面最广,总体保护标准最高的知识产权条约.TRIPS协议是世界贸易组织(WTO)法律框架中最为重要的协议之一,是迄今为止知识产权国际保护体系中涵盖面最广,总体保护标准最高的知识产权条约.这也就意味着WTO必然在许多方面超越了世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的职能,并在WIPO之外形成了一个崭新的知识产权国际保护体制.  相似文献   

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