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立法的合法性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪全胜 《法学论坛》2008,23(2):44-51
法律绩效评估是指法律实施一段时间以后,有关政府部门、组织或人员对其实施效果等进行评估,根据法律在实施中存在的问题,分析其立法上的原因,从而进一步完善立法.立法的合法性评估是法律绩效评估的重要内容之一,它包括立法的形式合法性、价值合法性以及实践合法性的评估.当下中国立法面临权限不清晰、公众参与缺乏等合法性困境,需在立法程序、立法权限等制度方面加以重构.  相似文献   

In some instances, the criminal justice system is affected by a moral panic; that is, by an exaggerated social reaction to an assumed threat to moral values. When influenced by moral panic, courts demonize defendants and aggravate punishments. Are such responses legitimate? This article argues that by contrast to legitimate condemnation of criminal conduct, demonizing defendants ought never be legitimate. The legitimacy of aggravating punishment requires distinguishing between the sociological concept of legitimacy (“perceived legitimacy”) and the moral concept (“normative legitimacy”). Aggravation of punishment in response to moral panic might be perceived as legitimate since it expresses public perceptions about the severity of the threat to a social value, even when these perceptions are exaggerated; however, punishments that are proportionate to such a perceived, exaggerated, threat to a social value are unjust and unfair, and therefore are normatively illegitimate. When the panic subsides, courts tend to return to lower levels of punishment. The subsidence of the panic enables one to realize that a gap between perceived and normative legitimacy has been created during the panic. Should and can the gap be bridged retroactively in order to gain full legitimacy? One way to bridge the gap is to grant clemency that will reduce the punishment of defendants whose sentences were exaggerated unduly during the panic. The article proposes a more radical mechanism that allows for sentence re-evaluation in cases of moral panic.  相似文献   

张曼 《知识产权》2013,(1):48-53
著作权法定许可的正当性基础可分从三个层面进行分析,首先维护著作权多元利益平衡;其次增进言论自由和文化繁荣;最后促进衍生作品创作.其中,著作权多元利益平衡和保护言论自由是著作权限制制度的基本共性.但是,鼓励衍生作品创作,解决现有法律制度框架下衍生作品创作的法律困境是法定许可相比其他限制制度所独有的价值和作用.因此,著作权法定许可的正当性分析包括共性和个性的分析,两者共同构成著作权法定许可正当性的基础.  相似文献   

论国际投资仲裁正当性危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈志韬 《时代法学》2010,8(2):113-119
当前,国际投资仲裁裁决不一致、国际投资仲裁程序损害东道国主权的现象时有发生,使得人们对国际投资仲裁的正当性产生了质疑。造成国际投资仲裁裁决不一致的主要原因在于BIT特定条款规定较模糊、国际投资仲裁实践仍不够丰富。造成国际投资仲裁裁决损害东道国主权的主要原因在于缔约国签订了高度自由的BIT,让渡了过多的主权。各缔约国签订BIT时可尝试就一些重要条款的含义与适用标准做出更明确的规定,并用好"四大安全阀",维护自身主权免受不合理的侵犯。同时国际投资仲裁制度也应通过增强透明度、设立合并仲裁等方式弥补程序本身的不足。  相似文献   

黄明耀 《现代法学》2002,24(3):78-83
证据的合法性问题 ,无论在诉讼法理论或者在司法实务中都是极具争议的话题。最高法院曾经批复私自录音形成的证据材料不具有合法性、不能作为证据使用 ,新近颁布的《民事诉讼证据的若干规定》对此又语焉不详 ,在理论和实践中引起诸多歧见。为此 ,笔者从最高法院关于私自录音的司法解释入手 ,借鉴民事实体法研究的一些理论和方法 ,深入分析了诉讼理论与司法实务中与证据合法性相关的几个问题 ,并就如何构建我国民事诉讼非法证据排除规则提出了初步设想  相似文献   

The Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) concluded during the past decades have established complex interlinkages between the institutions established by MEAs and institutions such as UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank and the funds administered by the Bank, in particular the GEF. Questions regarding the effectiveness and legitimacy of this system of global environmental governance have arisen both in practice and in research. This essay explores the manner in which these questions have arisen, how they have been addressed in recent research and provides the context for the subsequent contributions to this special issue. Steinar Andresen is professor of political science at the University of Oslo, Ellen Hey is professor of public international law at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.  相似文献   

Asian Journal of Criminology - Empirical support for procedural justice theory in criminology is robust in the developed Western countries, whereas the results are mixed for non-Western or...  相似文献   

This article examines the public legitimacy of the National Assembly for Wales. Both the Assembly and the broader system of devolved government for Wales initially enjoyed very limited public support. It is shown that support for devolution in general has risen substantially, while some elements of public attitudes towards the Assembly itself now appear distinctly positive. However, it is also demonstrated that public legitimacy, defined as ‘diffuse support’ for the Assembly, remains limited. The article then examines what factors explain levels of diffuse support for the National Assembly. It is found that variation in such support is best accounted for by factors associated with ‘non-material consequentialism’: perceptions of the impact of the Assembly on the process of government. The conclusion assesses the implications of the findings for the National Assembly, as well as for the study of devolution and political institutions more generally.  相似文献   

Research Summary
To extend research on legitimacy to the correctional system, we study a sample of 202 adult inmates randomly assigned to serve their 6-month sentence at one of two institutions—a traditional prison or a military-style correctional boot camp. Findings show that perceptions of justice system legitimacy changed during the course of incarceration, that the prison (but not the boot camp) proved delegitimizing, and that certain regime characteristics explained why.
Policy Implications
Across academic disciplines, studies continue to link compliance with perceived legitimacy. Compliance with the law, for instance, is related closely to the legitimacy of the justice system and its actors. These findings suggest implementing legitimacy-building policies such as procedurally fair treatment and decision making by police officers and judges. This article, by finding legitimacy to be malleable even at the final stage of the justice process, proposes the efficacy of similar policies in the correctional system. As research from England and Wales has shown, legitimizing strategies in this context could increase compliance both during and after incarceration.  相似文献   

在“上帝死了”之后,人类社会进入到一个韦伯所言之诸神与诸魔的时期,这一时期的基本特点是一个人所认定的“神”在他人眼中很可能是“魔”。这使得对法之合法性基础的证成变得比较困难——至少,早期那种独断论式的合法性理论已经不能满足这个价值多元时代的需求。在这一背景下,以罗尔斯、哈贝马斯等为首的一批学者创设了一种程序论理论,对多元时期的法之合法性问题予以了强有力的回应。  相似文献   

过去商标侵权物品处置主要以行政处罚等公权力手段为主,不能满足私权救济的需要.现行《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称《商标法》)第63条确立了废弃请求权规范,有助于弥补公权力手段处置商标侵权物品的不足,完善"原权-救济权"的权利链条,降低社会治理的成本.在平等主体的私法领域内,权利人请求处置商标侵权物品,与他人对载体享有...  相似文献   

公共行政民营化的正当性基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共行政民营化一般分为组织民营化与任务民营化,具体形式更是多样。国家任务、国家权力的范围及运用都涉及公益的问题,一般来说,法律保留与法律优先理论也会随着时代的发展而调整,公共行政民营化实施没有法理障碍,即使干涉行政也可以通过功能、手段实现民营化,但考虑民营化涉及到公益以及人权保障,原则上仍有法律保留的必要,只是密度大小不同而已。  相似文献   

德国学者哈贝马斯曾将实践理性的运用途径划分为道德、伦理和实用三种途径。法的正当性与道德的独特联系正源于,与伦理和实用角度的运用相比,实践理性道德角度的运用所产生的规范性资源具有某种特殊的说理性优势。在西方法律思想史中,历史主义与功利主义法哲学分别代表着从伦理与实用的角度看待法正当性问题的最典型学派,而其所面临的问题则从反面说明了,从实践理性的深层结构来看,法与道德的关系问题仍是现代社会法正当性问题的要害,道德话语是建构法正当性无法置换的规范性资源。  相似文献   

The Treaty of Amsterdam: Challenges of Flexibility and Legitimacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper reviews key aspects of the new constitutional framework for the European Union, once the Treaty of Amsterdam has been ratified, in the light of the core challenges of managing flexible integration in an enlarged Union and securing adequate legitimacy for the integration project. Reviewing briefly the general debates on flexibility, and its relationship to different constitutional and political futures for the Union which are suggested by those involved in the debates, the paper examines the principal provisions governing what is termed 'closer cooperation' within the new Union treaties. The emphasis is placed on the framework provisions of the TEU, and those in the First Pillar. It is noticeable that the Treaty takes a 'non-ideological' approach to flexibility, eschewing direct support for those who interpret flexibility as meaning more or less integration in the future. It provides a framework for future cooperation which is likely to be too restrictive to be workable, except in very limited circumstances. However, particular instances of flexibility are provided in the Treaty, in the form of the opt-outs from the new free movement title and the communitarisation of Schengen for the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark, and some might even describe these as 'pick-and-choose'. The paper concludes by reviewing the flexibility debate against the background of the ongoing legitimacy challenge for the Union, arguing that, as currently conceived, flexibility is more to do with balancing political interests than with securing or enhancing legitimacy.  相似文献   

刑罚权配置和运作的正当性,应从个体性权利出发进行分析和论证。刑罚的适用即意味着自然人或者单位重大权利的剥夺或者限制,而这类权利应否被剥夺或者限制以及在何种程度上被剥夺或者限制,应通过这类权利的性质来认识和分析。在犯罪设置、刑罚制度方面,都应从个体性权利视角来检验制度、规范和解释结论的正当性。  相似文献   

近代中学训育部在1920年代初较为普遍地出现,至1930年代初,教导部又取代训育部成为一些中学新的训育组织。组织规模扩大和加强训育工作的实际需要,都不是中学普遍设置相应训育组织的根本原因。它只能从合法性影响的角度加以说明。与不同时期的政治结构密切关联,训育部最初出现主要是受观念合法性的影响,教导部的设置则主要受规则合法性影响。虽然,训育组织形式及其影响因素不同,但不同阶段中学的训育组织都存在趋同的现象。这也提醒我们以一种更为审慎的态度,思考当前有关学校特色发展、多样化发展的讨论和探索。  相似文献   

This analysis explores the legitimacy of the international communityin Bosnia and the outcome of international involvement in theprocess of democratization. The paper discusses normative definitionsof legitimacy and their relation to certain elements of theinternational community's involvement in Bosnia. The first partof the paper discusses the foundations of distrust of the internationalcommunity during the war, specifically the presence of the UN.The second part of the paper explores the legitimacy of theDayton Peace Agreement and the consequent Constitution. Thefinal part of this paper explains how the Office of the HighRepresentative presents an enormous challenge to legitimatedemocracy in Bosnia and concludes with questions relating tothe future of the Bosnian government.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the terms on which John Simmons rejects all arguments for a moral obligation to obey the law and so defends “philosophical anarchism.” Although I accept his rejection of several criteria on which others might and often do insist, I criticize his reliance on the conditions of “generality” and “particularity.” In doing so, I propose an alternative to his influential conception of legitimacy.  相似文献   

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