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二组分混合DNA样品STR图谱解释   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
对混合样品STR图谱的结果进行解释。实验模拟二组分DNA混合样品 ,复合扩增荧光检测 10个基因座 ,比较混合样品谱带 ,计算等位基因峰面积比。结果发现 :二组分DNA混合样品的等位基因数增加 ,样品的混合比例不同就出现峰面积的不平衡。在等位基因峰面积比值与样品组分混合比例接近时 ,可由峰面积比值推断混合样品的混合比例。在混合比例为 1∶2 0时 ,基本上检测不到来自少量混合成分的等位基因 ,表现为单一组分图谱 ;在混合比例为 1∶10时 ,含量低的组分的等位基因峰面积接近与主要组分的“Stutter”峰面积 ,与来自主要组分的等位基因峰面积差异很明显。能检出混合样品中少量成分等位基因的最高混合比例为 1∶10  相似文献   

Fired cartridge cases are a common type of evidence found at crime scenes. However, due to the high chamber temperatures and touch nature of this evidence, DNA testing is not commonly sought because it is believed DNA is only present in low levels, whether it is due to initial low levels of DNA and/or DNA degradation from the heat or inhibition of the PCR reaction. Moreover, very few laboratories report STR typing success with fired cases. This study focused on obtaining STR profiles from fired cartridge cases using the AmpFℓSTR® MiniFiler™ kit, which is designed to amplify DNA from low level, inhibited, and degraded samples. Comparisons to other STR amplification kits were also conducted. In attempt to simulate casework, random individuals loaded cartridges into a firearm. DNA was recovered from the fired cartridge cases using the double swab technique and extracted using an automated large volume DNA IQ™ method. Initially, testing focused on known shedders handling cartridges for 30 s prior to firing. A significantly greater number of alleles was obtained following amplification with the MiniFiler™ kit versus the PowerPlex® 16 BIO kit. No alleles were observed using the Identifiler® kit. In an attempt to better simulate casework, a random selection of laboratory personnel handled shotshells for as long as needed to load and fire the weapon. In this mock sample study, the MiniFiler™ kit successfully amplified an average of 22% of expected alleles from DNA recovered from shotshell cases versus the PowerPlex® 16 BIO kit where an average of 7% of alleles were observed. However, the total number of alleles obtained from the two kits was not significantly different. The quality of the DNA obtained from fired cases was studied with evidence of inhibition in at least 11% of shotshell case samples. After swabbing the head and the hull of three shotshell cases separately, a significantly greater number of alleles was obtained from the hull as opposed to the head of the fired shotshell case. In addition, after firing, various internal firearm surfaces were swabbed, including the chamber of barrel, ejection port, and breechface, in an attempt to obtain amplifiable DNA. DNA was obtained from the chamber of the barrel and was amplifiable using the MiniFiler™ kit, although mixtures were obtained with extensive drop-in and drop-out making this analysis unlikely to aid an investigation.  相似文献   

PENDULUM--a guideline-based approach to the interpretation of STR mixtures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several years ago, a theory to interpret mixed DNA profiles was proposed that included a consideration of peak area using the method of least squares. This method of mixture interpretation has not been widely adopted because of the complexity of the associated calculations. Most reporting officers (RO) employ an experience and judgement based approach to the interpretation of mixed DNA profiles. Here we present an approach that has formalised the thinking behind this experience and judgement. This has been written into a computer program package called PENDULUM. The program uses a least squares method to estimate the pre-amplification mixture proportion for two potential contributors. It then calculates the heterozygous balance for all of the potential sets of genotypes. A list of "possible" genotypes is generated using a set of heuristic rules. External to the programme the candidate genotypes may then be used to formulate likelihood ratios (LR) that are based on alternative casework propositions. The system does not represent a black box approach; rather it has been integrated into the method currently used by the reporting officers at the Forensic Science Service (FSS). The time saved in automating routine calculations associated with mixtures analysis is significant. In addition, the computer program assists in unifying reporting processes, thereby improving the consistency of reporting.  相似文献   

Estimating the number of contributors to mixed STR profiles can be complex. This study describes the nC-tool to assist DNA expert in this process. The nC-tool is based on the total allele count for PowerPlex® Fusion 6C profiles and showed improved performance when compared to the maximum allele count approach.  相似文献   

目的研究PCR产物纯化对微量DNA的STR分型的影响。方法使用25pg/μL的9947标准基因组DNA为模板,标准程序扩增和STR分型检测。设立对照组A和实验组B、C、D。实验组分别使用分子筛(Qiagen DyeEX2.0spin kit)、超滤膜(Amicon Ultra-0.5,100KD)、亲和层析(Qiagen MinElute Column)3种DNA纯化方法,对照组不做任何处理。结果与对照组相比,3种方法均可显著提高STR分型强度(P峰高<0.001),平均峰高约为对照组的4倍,并且3种方法对提高STR分型强度无显著差异(P峰高=0.249)。结论 PCR产物纯化能显著提高微量DNA的STR分型强度,可用于骨骼、脱落细胞等微量DNA检材的检验。  相似文献   

Six commercially available DNA polymerases together with their respective buffers were compared as to their ability to generate profiles of commonly used short tandem repeat loci. Extracted FTA paper discs were used in two fluorescent multiplex PCRs containing the same number of units of DNA polymerase to amplify 21 STR loci and the resultant alleles were visualized after electrophoresis on a capillary sequencer. Significant differences were observed upon comparing the profiles: one polymerase failed to amplify larger alleles and presence of additional peaks varied according to the enzyme used. The use of hot-start polymerases did not affect the quality of the resultant profiles in this comparison.  相似文献   

A powerful method for validating a scientific result is to confirm specific results utilizing independent methodologies and processing pathways. Thus, we have designed, developed and validated an automated allele concordance analysis system (CompareCalls, patent pending) that performs comparisons between two independent DNA analysis platforms to ensure the highest accuracy for allele calls. Application of this system in a quality assurance role has shown the potential to eliminate greater than 90% of the STR analysis required of a DNA data analyst. While this system is broadly applicable for use with any two independent STR analysis programs, either prior to or following human data review, we are presenting its application to data generated with the ABI Prism Genotyper software system versus data generated with the SurelockID system. With the automated allele concordance analysis system, the GeneScan DNA fragment data generated from an ABI 377 gel image are analyzed in two independent pathways. In one analysis pathway, the GeneScan data are imported into Genotyper software where STR labels are assigned to the fragment data based upon the criteria of the Kazam 20% macro. The "Kazam" macro provided with the Genotyper program works by labeling all peaks in a category (or locus) and then filtering (or removing) the labels from peaks, such as those in stutter positions, that meet predefined criteria. In the second pathway, the GeneScan data are imported into the SurelockID analysis platform where STR labels and error messages are assigned to the fragment data based upon hard-coded allele calling criteria and quality parameters. The resulting STR allele calls for each analysis platform are then compared, utilizing the automated allele concordance analysis system. Any differences in the STR allele calls between the two systems are flagged in a discordance report for further review by a qualified DNA data analyst. The automated allele concordance analysis system guides the DNA data analyst to the discordant data generated by either analysis platform. Additionally, the analyst is also directed to data that are of less than pristine quality which may have an increased potential for errors in interpretation by either analysis platform or by a human DNA data analyst. Implementation of an automated allele concordance analysis system will yield high-quality data for CODIS and free the human DNA data analyst to perform other critical duties within the laboratory.  相似文献   

Samples from male to female sexual assault cases that are positive for the presumptive prostate specific antigen (PSA) test often do not result in a male autosomal STR profile. Due to highly unequal proportions of female and male DNA in typical sexual assault samples, routine autosomal STR analysis often fails to detect the DNA of the assailant, even after differential extraction of the samples. Previous studies have already shown the value of Y-STR analysis in such cases [1]. In Belgium, forensic DNA laboratories are only allowed to perform Y-STR profiling on sexual assault samples by a specific requisition, after routine autosomal STR analysis has been performed. However, a request for additional Y-STR analysis is rather exceptional.In this study, we evaluated the usefulness of further Y-STR analysis. For 100 PSA positive rinses and swabs from male to female sexual assault cases resulting in female autosomal STR profiling, 7% resulted in a full or partial Y-STR profile useful for comparison, using the 23-loci Y-STR PowerPlex Y23 System (Promega). The success rate raised to 12.5% with a higher DNA input in the PCR mix. In conclusion, these results support the usefulness of performing Y-STRs analysis on the sperm DNA extracts to identify the alleged assailant in sexual assault cases.  相似文献   

Population admixture (or ancestry) is used as an approach to gene discovery in complex diseases, particularly when the disease prevalence varies widely across geographic populations. Admixture analysis could be useful for forensics because an indication of a perpetrator's ancestry would narrow the pool of suspects for a particular crime. The purpose of this study was to use Fisher's information to identify informative sets of markers for admixture analysis. Using published founding population allele frequencies we test three marker sets for efficacy for estimating admixture: the FBI CODIS Core STR loci, the HGDP-CEPH Human Genome Diversity Cell Line Panel and the set of 39 ancestry informative SNPS from the Shriver lab at Pennsylvania State University. We conclude that the FBI CODIS Core STR set is valid for admixture analysis, but not the most precise. We recommend using a combination of the most informative markers from the HGDP-CEPH and Shriver loci sets.  相似文献   

The use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to define deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) types at several loci was investigated. PCR was used to amplify nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci along with the amelogenin locus on the X and Y chromosomes using the AmpF/STR Profiler Plus PCR amplification kit (Perkin Elmer). Rib bones were collected from 12 individuals. Five cm portions were buried at a depth of approximately 30 cm and 5 cm portions were left on the surface of the ground. Samples were exposed to the environment for periods of time ranging from two weeks to 17 months. Dried blood standards were prepared for use as reference standards for each rib sample. Bone, muscle, and bone marrow were collected from each sample. DNA from each tissue type was extracted. Complete profile results were obtained from the surface bone samples out to an exposure time of 17 months. None of the muscle or bone marrow samples produced complete profile results beyond eight weeks. All DNA typing results from complete or incomplete profiles were consistent with DNA typing results of the corresponding blood standard. Results suggest that using the AmpF/STR Profiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit is a valid way to establish the DNA profile of tissue types from human remains.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possibility of recovering a bomb assembler's DNA from an exploded pipe bomb device. Metal and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes were examined to determine if one surface type would allow better DNA recovery than the other. Ten subjects each handled components of one metal and one PVC pipe bomb. The bombs were exploded, the fragments were collected and swabbed using the double swab technique, and the samples were extracted, quantified, amplified, and genotyped using polymerase chain reaction/short tandem repeat (PCR/STR). Of the 20 bombs handled by the subjects, four bombs gave reportable results that matched the subject's known DNA profiles. An additional eight profiles, also matching the subject's known DNA profiles, were generated but were below the reportable threshold. There was no difference in the success rate of obtaining DNA profiles related to the use of either PVC or metal in the manufacture of the pipe bomb. The variables that appeared to have the greatest influence on the success of generating a DNA profile were the amount of fragmentation and subsequent recovery of the bomb fragments. It is suspected that successful DNA profiling could also be dependent upon the bomb assembler's propensity to slough skin cells on objects they handled.  相似文献   

Deconvolution of forensic DNA mixtures into their individual component DNA (geno)types is of great investigative value, though often complex and difficult. Two-person mixtures comprising a major and minor contributor are often easily interpreted although, when the DNA ratio of the two individuals is approximately equal (~1:1), deconvolution and interpretation becomes much more difficult. To address this issue, a physical separation of individual-, two- or three- cell subsamples prior to autosomal STR analysis was performed using a simplified micromanipulation technique paired with a decreased reaction volume and increased cycle number PCR. Using this method, single and multiple buccal epithelial cells were collected from a 1:1 two-person mixture (i.e. from individual 'A' and 'B') and directly amplified, omitting standard DNA extraction and purification steps. Single cell subsamples resulted in partial single-source profiles for both contributors while, in accordance with expectations of a quasi-binomial sampling schema, two- and three-cell subsamples resulted in single source informative partial profiles of individual A and individual B as well as complete consensus profiles, and equally mixed 1:1 (2-cell subsamples) and 2:1 (3-cell subsamples) admixed profiles of individual A and B. This proof-of-concept approach shows promise in permitting the DNA deconvolution of mixed samples where the individual contributors are present in similar amounts that would otherwise be difficult to interpret, resulting in an increase in evidentiary value. The subsampling approach can be readily investigated for DNA casework applications without additional investment in costly, new equipment, requiring only a stereo microscope and a tungsten needle.  相似文献   

Analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) markers currently represents the most useful instrument in the field of forensic genetics. The problem with forensic material is the degradation of the sample material. In recent years, several papers have demonstrated that short amplicon STR (miniSTR) represents one of the most useful tools for analyzing degraded DNA samples.In the present study, we attempted to develop a short amplicon STR multiplex system (autosomal and y-chromosomal) for analyzing degraded DNA using some newly designed primer sets for a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems for typing.An assay of degraded DNA samples using the designed multiplex systems, including artificially degraded samples and degraded forensic casework samples, proved remarkably effective. Comparing the multiplex with commercial kits, first results show a well success rate.  相似文献   

Abstract: The quality and efficiency of a standard organic DNA isolation method and a silica‐based method using the QIAGEN Blood Maxi Kit were compared to obtain human DNA and short tandem repeats (STRs) profiles from 39 exhumed bone samples for paternity testing. DNA samples were quantified by real‐time PCR, and STR profiles were obtained using the AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® PCR amplification kit. Overall, the silica‐based method recovered less DNA ranging from 0 to 147.7 ng/g (average 7.57 ng/g, median = 1.3 ng/g) than did the organic method ranging from 0 to 605 ng/g (average 44.27 ng/g, median = 5.8 ng/g). Complete profiles (16/16 loci tested) were obtained from 37/39 samples (95%) using the organic method and from 9/39 samples (23%) with the silica‐based method. Compared with a standard organic DNA isolation method, our results indicate that the published silica‐based method does not improve neither the quality nor the quantity of DNA for STR profiling.  相似文献   

指甲DNA的STR分型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 研究尸体所处环境、指甲DNA提取部位及提取方法对STR分型的影响。方法 对案件中不同条件腐败尸体指甲,使用不同部位、不同体系和时间消化,酚-氯仿法提取指甲核DNA,进行PCR扩增及STR分型。结果 提取指甲甲体、甲根部位均可获得STR分型。结论 指甲是法医检案中一类具有实用价值的检材。  相似文献   

Because of the increase of evidence of blood stains, that have been washed or cleaned in an attempt to mask the analysis of DNA profiles, there is also an increase in the use of presumptive tests on samples sent to laboratories. Some of the presumptive tests, used to identify blood and semen stains, could potentially affect the recovery of high molecular weight DNA from the samples, or extinguish them, especially those already present in small quantities. After the presumptive tests, often these samples are discarded. This study aimed to examine the possibility of obtaining a DNA profile from samples submitted for presumptive testing and cleaned with bleaches with and without chlorine. Two different protocols were conducted: (a) A unique sample of human blood in natura (5 μL), already typed through the DNA techniques with the genetic profile previously known (control), was distributed onto cotton fabrics and dried at room temperature. Four samples of fabric were macerated in saline solution and Coombs serum and then stored for three months (room temperature and freezer −20 °C). (b) Another sample of human blood, type A, in natura, already typed through the techniques of DNA (control) was used. Aliquots of 200 μL were distributed in: cotton, denim and synthetic fabric. The samples were dried at room temperature for 24 h. The blood stains in those fabrics (cotton, denim and synthetic) were then divided into three groups: unwashed, cleaned with chlorine bleach and cleaned with chlorine bleach and soap powder. The samples were again dried at room temperature for 24 h, before the use of luminol. The DNA were extracted with Chelex 100 and amplified with the Identifiler Kit (Applied Biosystems). The blood stains exposed to saline and Coombs serum had DNA profiles consistent with untreated samples (controls). This result shows that the experts should keep and store the samples treated with saline and Coombs serum for future DNA confrontation when necessary. Also discussed in this paper the pattern of blood stains after washing with bleaching solutions, as well as the quantity of DNA obtained from these samples.  相似文献   

6FAM-HEX-TMR-ROX四色荧光分析体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为在310基因分析仪上进行6FAM-HEX-TMR-ROX四色荧光STR复合扩增分型建立基础条件。方法以pGEM载体作为靶DNA,设计引物扩增获得500~80bp的13个长度不等DNA片段,以这些片段纯化物作为模板DNA,分别扩增获得6FAM、HEX、TMR和ROX标记的M atrix标准物,用4种M atrix标准物在310基因分析仪上构建可用于6FAM-HEX-TMR-ROX四色荧光分析的M atrix文件。结果扩增所得的13个非标记片段,长度分别为80、100、120、140、160、180、200、220、260、300、340、400、500bp,在非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶连续电泳-银染凝胶上均表现为单条带,6FAM、HEX、TMR、ROX分别标记的片段通过310基因分析仪检测均为单峰。混合ROX标记的80、120、180、220、260、300bp的6个片段获得的内标,显示出良好的线性关系。结论建立了有效的6FAM-HEX-TMR-ROX四色荧光分析M atrix,为进行多个STR基因座荧光标记复合扩增检测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

MicroHapulator’s empirical microhaplotype calling algorithm produces profiles well-suited for forensic analyst interpretation and probabilistic interpretation.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for the 10 STRs loci included in the AmpFISTR SGM Plus kit (PE Applied Biosystem) were obtained from a sample of 321 unrelated individuals born in Slovenia.  相似文献   

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