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新的历史时期,随着整个社会和高校学生的思维方式出现新变化,共青团工作也将面临许多新情况、新挑战.高校共青团工作是共青团工作的重要组成部分,在整个共青团工作中具有显而易见的重要地位和作用.因此,做好高校共青团工作必须始终坚持马克思主义的指导地位;深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想;加强理想信念教育;创新工作方式...  相似文献   

CI战略作为企业的形象识别标志,是一个科学的系统形象工程。高校共青团同样关注青年人文与价值的构建,重视以人为本和人力资源开发,注意利用宣传手段达到树立团组织良好形象的目的。高校共青团工作导入CI战略,对于拓展团工作的思维,扩宽团工作的视野,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

人力资源理论视角下的大学生发展实质上是一个人力资本投资过程,外在体现为人力资源的开发和提升过程。人力资本投资主体的期望以及共青团固有的使命和职责,使积极参与大学生人力资源开发和提升工作,最大化大学生的人力资本存量成为高校共青团工作的立足点、出发点和着眼点,而建立以人本理念、服务导向等为核心内容的工作新模式,则是高校共青团回应挑战、适应时代发展的一种理性选择。  相似文献   

新时期高校共青团工作面临着挑战与机遇,创新成为新时期高校共青团工作的主题。高校共青团工 作必须从工作思路、工作内容、工作手段、工作机制等方面进行创新,不断推进高校团组织的建设。  相似文献   

对新时期高校共青团工作的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校共青团工作必须结合时代特征和青年特点,以改革的精神解决发展中的问题,抓住机遇发展自己。  相似文献   

加强研究生团建工作,既是加强和改进研究生思想政治教育的有效途径,更是新时期巩固团的阵地连设.拓宽团的服务领域的必然要求。分析当前研究生团建的基础上,对研究生团建的指导思想和运作模式进行探索,下次起到增强共青圆工作的覆盖面.充分发挥共青团组织在研究生群体的积极作用。  相似文献   

地处沿海欠发达地区的广东省汕尾市共青团工作跨世纪发展的三大战略是:形象工程战略包括塑造青少年精神形象、城乡标志性形系、现代化文明形象;素质发展战略包括青少年素质培养、素质开发、素质应用、素质整合基地旅游战略主要是创建“青少年休闲旅游与实践教育基地’,包括爱国主义教育基地旅游、宗教文化教育基地旅游、海洋生态教育基地旅游、农业种养教育基地旅游.团组织只有把握中国的发展机遇,发挥地区优势,适应青少年兴趣热点,开展创新性的工作,才能真正做出积极的贡献.  相似文献   

青年是民族的希望,是党和国家事业的建设者和接班人,引导青年把社会主义核心价值观内化为心、外化为行是基层共青团组织整合青年价值观的职责和目标。在新的历史条件下,面对各种挑战,基层共青团组织应确立以服务青年为导向的工作理念,深入研究青年成长发展需要,推进基层共青团组织机构改革与职能转变,整合服务青年的社会资源,努力在服务青年中实现对青年价值观的整合,从而推动共青团组织的政治目标和中国梦的实现。  相似文献   

学习型组织的提出是组织理论领域里的一场革命。共青团作为引导、教育和服务青年的组织,要在新的形势下有所作为,可以借鉴学习型组织的一些理念与方法,从组织观念、工作手段、活动内容、育人环境和运行机制等方面作相应的变革和创新。  相似文献   

共青团广东省委从 1998年开始把文明号规模化发展作为深化青年文明号活动的一项重要要求。各地、各单位团委积极响应号召 ,不断扩大创建规模 ,突出整体创建 ,形成综合效应 ,使“青年文明号”与时俱进 ,以崭新的业绩在新世纪再创新的辉煌。现选登各地团委创建“青年文明号”的工作经验 ,以期对基层团组织在开展工作时提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The college years are a time of significant growth in the individual's adaptive capacities in the cognitive, emotional, and social domains. Erikson 's theory of 1963 predicts that the college years are specifically a time of growth in the psychosocial issue of ego identity, but along with this development are increases in other aspects of psychosocial functioning. The opportunity to test this prediction across three cohorts of college students was presented through an expanded follow-up study of Constantinople's 1969 classic investigation of psychosocial development in a sample of over 300 undergraduates. Data were collected from undergraduates attending the same university in 1977 and 1988, allowing for a three-wave cross-sectional sequences design. The results indicated that, for all times of measurement and most of Erikson's psychosocial stages, college seniors generally had higher development than their younger classmates. Furthermore, females generally had higher psychosocial development scores than did males. The lack of cohort differences in the observed patterns of development and the minimal extent of cohort differences across college classes suggests that personality development during college is relatively uninfluenced by shifting psychosocial pressures over decades of social change.Received Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts. Research interest is human factors.Received Ph.D. from Columbia University. Research interest is psychosocial development in adulthood.  相似文献   

In Western countries child care is considered the private affair of parents, but it is in fact the responsibility of women. Thus child care is intimately linked with the sexual division of labour and leads directly to inequality and manifold discrimination against women. The situation of mothers with school-age children in western Germany shows that changes are more a question of ideology than of economic resources. Personal convictions and values on the subject of motherhood and femininity, as well as attitudes toward social structures supportive of these, lead to paradoxes which confuse women's perception and slow down change. This article contends that the discussion of child care must take account of the situation of mothers and that the ideological notion of the “normality” of motherhood has to be made visible as fictitious.  相似文献   

This was an investigation of value orientations and perceived value sources in four domains: family, education, ethical situations, and religious beliefs. What was sought was (1) the nature of student attitudes toward specific value situations, and (2) student perception of the relative amount of influence of various social agencies in shaping values. The sample consisted of undergraduates enrolled in classes in Educational Psychology at the University of Iowa, and freshmen and senior students living in residence halls at Coe College. Four hundred and fifteen students participated in the project, of which 132 were men and 283 were women. In general, the results did not support the findings of a degeneration of values in a majority of college students reported in previously published research. The findings do support recent research which indicates college students have high positive identification with their families (i.e., especially with parental values).Received Ph.D. in Education Psychology from the University of Iowa. Current research interests are in the cognitive processes, especially as related to developmental psychology.  相似文献   

浅析高校图书馆与大学生素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆是大学生课外教育的重要基地 ,图书馆要充分发挥其职能 ,为高校素质教育服务。  相似文献   

This article reports the development of the 54-item College Chronic Life Stress Survey (CCLSS) and its use in prospective studies of the relationship between chronic stress and psychological distress in college students. Study 1 demonstrated the CCLSS's test-retest reliability and concurrent validity (best friend corroboration of specific items). Study 1 also revealed differential endorsement of specific CCLSS items as a function of gender and year in college. Study 2 cross-sectional and prospective analyses showed that CCLSS chronic stress was a significant predictor of distress. Study 3 cross-sectional analyses showed that the CCLSS effects withstood the statistical control of neuroticism. The findings suggest the value of future research on chronic stress and demonstrate the utility of the CCLSS in studies with college students.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Delaware. Current interests include child sexual abuse, family therapy, and psychology internship training.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Florida State University. Current interests include research on stress-related growth and the role of social cognition in stress vulnerability. To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

A group of 29 college students who had been arrested or nominated as having participated in a street disturbance aimed at producing social change were interviewed. The interview schedule was highly similar to one which had been used to investigate attitudes toward violence in a random, representative sample of American men. The data collected from the arrestees are compared with data from college students in the national sample. This study shows that the arrestees are more likely to think that violence is necessary to produce social change than are college students generally, and are more likely to believe that existing social institutions are inadequate. As a group, the arrestees are more identified with white student demonstrators and black protestors than are college students generally. The arrestees are also likely to regard the police as untrusworthy, looking for trouble, and apt to dislike people like themselves. In addition to the negative attitudes toward the police held by the student arrestees, they are more likely to regard police actions as violence (and hence provocative) than are other college students. The arrestees are far more likely than other college students to cleave to humanistic values. However, most of the differences between the arrestees and other American college students could be predicted from a general model of the justification of violence, so that it appears that the student activists' beliefs differ not so much in kind from those of other Americans as they do in degree.This research was funded by NSF Grants GS 2424 and GS 28295 under a project codirected by Monica D. Blumenthal, Robert L. Kahn, and Frank M. Andrews.Currently Program Director at the Institute for Social Research in the Survey Research Center, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School. Obtained M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School and Ph.D. in physiology from the University of California, Berkeley. Currently engaged in social psychological research, with main interests focused on violence and the epidemiology of depressive disorders. Psychiatric interests are biologically oriented and focused on adult psychiatry.  相似文献   

The present study was begun with the expectation that a positive relationship would be found between extent of drug use and level of anxiety, since earlier research had suggested that more anxious individuals were more likely to experiment with drugs. However, this was not found to be the case. Male drug users and nonusers were not found to differ in mean anxiety score on three separate anxiety scales. Female users were found to be less anxious than nonusers, findings contradictory to the initial hypothesis. The findings are consistent with recent research by Cross and Davis (1972) and Hogan et al.(1970) in suggesting that drug users may be more socially outgoing and adventuresome than nonusers.Research interests include psychotherapy processes and the measurement of personality variables.Research interests include drug usage among both college and noncollege youth and the effectiveness of residential and other treatment programs in reducing drug dependence.  相似文献   

高校图书馆与大学生信息素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆是对大学生进行信息素质教育的途径之一。其开展的信息素质教育应做好以下5方面的工作:1.强化文献资源建设;2.深化文献资源的开发和利用;3.培养学生收集、处理信息的能力;4.重视服务育人的意识;5.提高工作人员的素质。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断发展,人们对科技文献的需求和应用将日趋增大。掌握科技文献检索工具是获取科技信息的重要手段之一。EI、CA、SCI是世界上3种权威的检索工具,可以有效地查询国外信息资源,从而促进成人高校教学、科研工作及科技的发展。  相似文献   

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