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Guardian Angels     
<正>How one hospital managed the overwhelming influx of COVID-19 patients On December 28,2022,Peking University Third Hospital (PUTH) received a thank you letter from the daughter of a patient they had treated four days earlier.In nearly 1,000 Chinese characters,the sender surnamed Shi gave an emotional and detailed account of how she had rushed her father to the emergency department as he was showing symptoms of a heart attack.  相似文献   

Chinese readers mourn the death of American writer J.D.Salinger who captured the angst of growing up nearly perfectly The death of author Jerome David Salingerhas heralded nostalgia not only for his works but  相似文献   

<正>天时地利,注定了崔丽娟与湿地的不解之缘。她在湿地领域取得的个人成就,也折射出我国湿地保护和管理事业蒸蒸日上的发展进程。崔丽娟中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所所长、博士生导师,全国湿地学科首席科学传播专家,国家科技进步奖二等奖获得者,九三学社社员湿地,和森林、海洋并称为地球的三大自然生态系统,在涵养水源、净化水质、蓄洪抗旱、调节气候、维护生物多样性和美化环境、传承文化等方面发挥着不可替代的重要功能。然而,纵观人类发展的历史,湿地常  相似文献   

LUO YI 《人权》2012,(3):8-9
I ’ll never forget what happened that afternoon, Peng Yan said, with a grave look. A woman came with her daughter and told me tha if the teenage girl didn’t want to live anymore, neither did she. Peng Yan is a procurator at the Changping District Procuratorate unde Beijing Municipality. The girl, then 14 years old, was the victim in a crimina case Peng Yan handled in 2005. She was afraid of meeting people and going to school as she was pregnan  相似文献   

FU QI 《人权》2008,(3):7-9
"I have worked in ten countries as a reporter and been posted in two, China and Japan," said Jonathan Watts, correspondent of The Guardian in Beijing. "I think China is the greatest place for journalists."  相似文献   

<正>On November 23,the Chinese Government issued a statement on the establishment of East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone,together with aircraft identification rules and a map.China’s Air Force has since conducted itsfirstpatrolofthearea.This is a legitimate action to protect China’s ocean rights and monitor flights over East China Sea,while conforming to international laws and practices.However,China’s move has triggered unnecessary reactions from somecountries.  相似文献   

正With visa relaxations,2016 is ready for a greater flow of travelers between China and the United States By Yuan YuanThis month, Xu Xiaohui got her 10-year, multiple-entry visa to the United States and is now planning to make her first trip there in October."It is a surprise," the 30-year-old told Beijing  相似文献   

An Ocean of Hope     
ON December 18, 2009,Chang Dechuan, president of Qingdao Port Group. and Fu Yuning, chair of China Merchants Group, clasped their lands in a wave met by a blinding flash of cameras. They were announcing the establishment of Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (QQCTU). The agreement added one more joint venture under Qingdao Port's name, and raised the profile of the company's transnational reputation; its number of corporate investors is now six, in three countries.  相似文献   

In recent years, as China has become one of the most popular tourist and business destinations in the world, major international hospitality  相似文献   

FENGXIAN District in the south of Shanghai sits on the northern shore of the Hangzhou Bay. Here the feminine grace of southern scenery and the virile majesty of the ocean come together in happy union. Fields blaze with golden rape blossom against an azure ocean backdrop: it cries out this is southern China.This particular paradise encompasses 720 square kilometers of land and 417 square kilometers of sea within its boundaries.  相似文献   

PLANT growing isn’t represented at the Olympics. Perhaps the two-week time span of the modern games is too short to grow a gold medal specimen. But the International Horticultural Expo, often regarded as the Olympics of horticultural science, seems to whip up the kind of excitement among green-thumbed enthusiasts usually reserved for the quadrennial sporting fixture.  相似文献   

LIANYUNGANG City in Jiangsu Province is synonymous with the origins of the Chinese civilization. Originally called Yingzhou, 40,000 to 50,000 years ago it was the idyllic home of the primeval Shaohao tribe,  相似文献   

海南的优势来自南海,海南的战略地位亦来自南海.海南国际旅游岛建设上升为国家战略,为全面开放、开发南海提供了难得的战略机遇.在此背景下,海南应充分借助滨海优势,从战略、产业和理念三个角度,进一步弘扬海洋文化:明确海洋发展战略,把海南建成南海综合开发战略服务基地,大力发展海洋产业,整体提升海洋经济,树立"开放、包容、顽强、绿色"八个字的海洋发展理念.于此同时,大力促进与海洋文化相关的现代服务业发展,以产业大开放推动区域开放.用10年左右的时间,实现现代服务业的突破、实现旅游房地产的突破、实现国际购物中心建设的突破,促进国际旅游岛的基本格局初步形成.  相似文献   

我国海洋经济可持续发展的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国海洋经济的可持续发展面临着海洋环境不断恶化、海洋资源枯竭、海洋生态遭到破坏的严重局面。造成上述状况的原因在于我国各级政府和沿海地区人民群众环保意识和海洋意识缺乏、海洋管理不到位等。加强海洋管理,要借鉴美、日等海洋大国的经验,建立陆海统一的管理机构,以实现对海洋开发事业的综合管理;采取有力措施保护海洋环境,特别要努力遏制海洋的陆源污染。  相似文献   

吕彩霞 《中国发展》2010,10(5):46-49
该文分析了辽宁沿海经济带发展规划实施以来海洋利用与保护工作面临的形势和存在的主要问题,提出了加强辽宁海洋利用与保护、服务沿海经济带建设的对策和建议。  相似文献   

应重视海洋社会学学科体系的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“海洋世纪”呼唤海洋社会学,但人们不仅对海洋社会学感到陌生、没有引起必要的重视,而且其学科体系也还处在研究和探索过程中。  相似文献   

海洋法是国际法中新兴而又古老的法律部门,在20世纪30年代以前,只有少数国家能够在各个方面利用和开发海洋,因此,海洋法就成了他们掠夺资源、行使海洋霸权的工具。20世纪30年代以后,尤其是二战结束之后,随着广大发展中国家利用和开发海洋的能力和意识的不断增强,提出了许多顺应潮流的海洋法理论。为了使这些理论得以落实,广大发展中国家联合起来同少数发达国家展开了激烈的斗争,从而为现代海洋法的发展做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

太平洋战场作为第二次世界大战的主战场之一,为抗击日本法西斯势力做出了重要贡献。作为太平洋战场的一部分以及澳美等国盟军联合反击日军的重要军事基地,西南太平洋岛屿战场在有效钳制日本进一步扩张,以及在盟军由守转攻方面发挥了重要作用;而岛屿居民以各种方式配合盟军作战,为盟军取得太平洋战争的最后胜利提供了宝贵支持。  相似文献   

环北部湾文化圈的海神信仰及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环北部湾地区存在多海神信仰的文化现象,其形成过程无不与本地区多民族、多族群创造的多元文化环境有关.环北部湾地区的海神类型有神格人化的海神、人格神化的海神和物格神化的海神三种类型.这些海神崇拜所体现的民间宗教信仰以及独特的民俗事象昭示出环北部湾地区存在着一个环北部湾文化圈.  相似文献   

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