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An employee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group walks the runway at a fashion show hosted by the company to celebrate International Women’s Day in Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,on March 7.SOCIETY Waterfall Scenery Tourists take in the scenery of the Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River in Shaanxi Province on March 8.The waterfall is witnessing an increased water flow due to warm temperatures.  相似文献   

<正>Locals dance in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa,capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region,to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the region’s founding on September 8.The autonomous region was founded on September 1,1965,following the establishment of the regional people’s congress,the local legislature.Tibet won peaceful liberation in 1951,two  相似文献   

<正>In the seven decades of its existence, the United Nations has won admiration for its roles such as keeping the peace and delivering humanitarian assistance in conflict-hit countries, in addition to efforts to address environmental and developmental issues.  相似文献   

监控火眼"识"窃贼10月19日,两名窃贼趁周末放假之际进入广东深圳市宝安区保安服务公司沙井护卫点行窃,被保安员察觉并人赃俱获,确保了客户单位的财产安全。当日凌晨5时40分许,新桥大队队员马东根在监控室值班时,通过监控镜头发现护卫点车间锡炉房有两个人影晃动。小马意识到有情况,他立即用对讲机向班长吴怀峰报告。吴  相似文献   

<正>What to expect when China’s national legislature convenes in March On February 6, Qin Yanbei, general manager of a private company, attended a special meeting in China’s capital where he met Premier Li Keqiang. Li chaired the seminar, soliciting opinions on the draft government work report, which reviews the government’s performance in 2022 and outlines priorities for the coming year.  相似文献   

<正>At 90,the People’s Liberation Army is better prepared to serve the nationJing Haipeng is a household name in China.In 2016,the then 50-year-old became the first Chinese to go into space for the third time after he completed a manned space mission with his fellow astronaut Chen Dong.Jing’s first space odyssey  相似文献   

以"三个代表"为指导,做好残疾人工作具有重要意义.在残疾人工作中,要正确处理残疾人权益保障与国家人权建设,物质文化生活水平与社会两个文明建设,残疾人康复、预防工作和医学科技发展与提高人口质量,改进残疾人工作作风与不断提高残疾人工作者素质的关系.  相似文献   

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