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袭警罪立法化问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
频繁发生的暴力袭警案件,使我们不得不关注袭警罪的立法化问题。袭警罪的立法化不仅是必要的,而且切实可行。所谓袭警罪是指以暴力攻击或人身强制的方法,致使正在进行执法活动的人民警察不能继续履行职责的行为。这种行为既侵犯了人民警察的人身权利,又侵犯了人民警察依法执行公务的活动。在刑法中增设袭警罪,加强对人民警察执法权的刑法保护势在必行。  相似文献   

杨一介 《思想战线》2002,28(4):110-114
中国农村土地集体所有制是 2 0世纪 5 0年代开始的上地改革运动以后形成的 ,它存在的正当性与合理性是符合当时中国农村现状和实际的 ,虽然将来在城乡一体化的进程中 ,农地集体所有权的内容和含义会发生重大变化 ,但在今后相当长的一段时间里 ,维持农地的集体所有权或社区所有权 ,仍是我们的现实选择  相似文献   

位于城市周边城乡结合部地区的治安形势日趋严峻。其深层次原因在于城市化进程中城乡结合部地区社会资本的下降,其原有的“熟人社会”变成了新的“陌生人社会”,人们相互之间缺乏一定的互动网络与信任,行为容易“失范”。促进城乡结合部地区社会安全的基本策略是建立规范、构建网络、建立组织、重建信任,以增进这些地区的社会资本;这已经初步为北京城乡结合部地区的实践所证实。要更有效地维护好城乡结合部地区的社会安全,就必须适应城市化快速推进的形势变化,加快城乡结合部地区的社会管理体制变革,加强社区建设,促进政府管理力量与基层组织的合作,推进社区警务战略,形成警察与基层组织的良好合作关系,努力建立规范,促进常住人口与流动人口的互动,建立相互之间的信任关系,努力增进这些地区的社会资本。  相似文献   

One,Two, Three     
正The three-child policy comes as a move to deal with demographic challenges in China The policy that supports every married couple to have up to three children in China has been rolled out far earlier than many expected. On May 31, one day before International Children's Day, a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee, which took place in Beijing, announced the new decision.Earlier in May, the results of the seventh national census were released to the public, demonstrating the country's multiple demographic challenges, including slower growth, a growing aging population and a shrinking working-age population.  相似文献   

Skill Rules     
Ever since winning first place in the masonry category at the First Vocational Skills Competition of China in December of last year, Wu Yuanzhou has been busy continuing to enhance his craftsmanship with bricks and mortar and impart his knowledge as a lecturer at the Changsha Construction Engineering School, a vocational school in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province.  相似文献   

社会结构的变化与保安业的发展   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
中国的社会结构已经发生了明显的变化,而且还将继续发生深刻变化。社会结构的变化不可避免地引起对安全需求总量与种类的增加和变化,满足社会安全需求的模式也必然随之发生变化。中国的保安业正是在满足社会结构变化过程中安全需求多元化的背景下产生和发展起来的。中国的保安业处于发展的关键时期,其发展趋势为:职业社会地位会进一步巩固;管理体制会进一步符合市场经济的要求;风险管理与危机管理将成为保安业业务发展的新方向;市场需要扩展到中国境外;职业资格将会成为我国保安业规范管理的重要标志。发展保安服务业需要具备的保障条件:重视保安业的立法研究;建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的市场机制和政府、行业协会和保安企业之间合理的协调机制;以市场为导向,拓宽服务领域;发展和规范保安教育培训,整合保安从业人员的社会资源。  相似文献   

薛富兴 《思想战线》2001,27(5):72-77
新中国初期,朱光潜先生身处逆境而仍能在美学上大有作为.他积极参与了以批判自己的学术观点为开端的美学大讨论.在此过程中,他却能反客为主,提出了一系列带有普遍性的重大理论问题,最后卓然成一家言,既自我树立,又推动了当时整个美学理论界的思考,创造了当时美学界的奇迹.  相似文献   

For the first time, the Chinese military organized an international peacekeeping drill with the participation of troops from other countries,including Mongolia, Pakistan and Thailand.Codenamed Shared Destiny-2021, the drill took place at a training base of the People's Liberation Army in Henan Province, central China.  相似文献   

Closing the urban-rural education gap becomes a focus of school reform Gong Weiquan is the headmaster of a middle school in a village in Yunnan Province in southwest China. But last October, he was given a task。  相似文献   

Happy Bubbles     
Changsha,capital city of Hunan Province in central China,has received a new tagline in recent years-a must-go place for milk tea lovers.Tu Liyuan,a 26-year-old employee of a public relations company in Beijing,made two journeys to Changsha,about six hours one-way by express train,in 2020.The purpose of the travels was to sip local milk tea.Modern China Tea Shop,the locally developed milk tea shop in Changsha,has over 300 branches in the city but had never expanded beyond it before December 2020.Those living outside Changsha had to travel there to taste it.  相似文献   

文江涛 《桂海论丛》2006,22(2):88-91
耕读传家是中国传统社会中以村落社区为文化地理空间,以家族为单位的乡民自发读书学习、耕读结合的教育习俗与文化传统。耕读传家习俗是文化濡化的一种重要机制和实践,它不仅具有文化传承的巨大功能,而且可为今日乡村文化建设提供深刻的启示。广西灵川县江头洲村文化教育习俗的养成就是成功的范例。  相似文献   

The creation of a multilateral world has changed the international scene. While the United States preserves its military superiority, the continuous development of China and Russia's resilience influences the balance of power. Under the administration of President Joe Biden, Washington seeks to set the tone by demonstrating to its partners that "it is back" on the world stage after four years of former President Donald Trump's policies. During his first trip to Europe since his inauguration in January, Biden took part in Group of Seven (G7), NATO and U.S.-EU summits. But the meeting that captured international attention was the one with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 16.  相似文献   

Beyond the Rails     
The inauguration of the railway be-tween China and Laos is a key milestone in the realization of the Pan-Asian Railway Network running between Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province in southwest China, and Singapore.  相似文献   

正With contracts for 28 projects worth some 13.4 billion yuan($2.1 billion) signed, an innovation base for BRICS partners on the new industrial revolution was unveiled to the public in Xiamen, Fujian Province, on September 7. The announcement took place at a forum on the sidelines of the 21 st China International Fair for Investment and Trade, running from September 8 to 11.  相似文献   

文在寅总统,安倍晋三首相:欢迎你们来到成都出席第八次中日韩领导人会议。成都是一个古老而现代的城市,不仅拥有着深厚的历史文化积淀,而且是中国西南地区创新和开放重镇。《三国演义》里蜀国的精彩故事、旅居成都多年的唐代“诗圣”杜甫在韩、日为人熟知,韩、日两国僧侣也曾在这里留下求法修行的足迹。  相似文献   

Farmer Olympics     
A special twist on the Olympics took place in Yaogou Township,located in Suqian,a city in Jiangsu Province,east China,on December 27,2020.Farmers participated with enthusiasm in tug-of-war,sack carrying race,corn husking competition,and other fascinating games.Putting agricultural work aside for the day,the farmers were transformed into athletes,drawing cheers from onlookers.  相似文献   

Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently said in praise of his successor, "Secretary [Antony]Blinken has spoken about the genocide that’s taking place in western China. I applaud him for building on what I tried to do. I hope that he can do even better than we did." This meant to imply that Pompeo himself was the original architect behind the current wave of anti-China propaganda warfare.  相似文献   

出于结束越战和地缘政治考虑,尼克松和基辛格有意打开中美关系大门,但因保守派和亲台势力竭力反对,加之两人政治个性等原因,他们在对华决策时选择了相当封闭的“总统-国家安全事务助理”机制,并在早期采取了对华秘密接触方式,这导致美国国内对华政策的极大反弹。秘密外交公开前,美国政府各部门在削减对台军援以缓和中美关系问题上曾达成脆弱一致;而秘密外交公开后,军方、保守派、亲台势力则借增加对台军援向白宫发难,以示其被排除在对华决策核心之外的不满及对中美缓和的反对。这说明对华“总统-国家安全事务助理”决策机制、秘密外交手段对当时中美关系具有“双刃剑”式的影响。  相似文献   

Laos, a landlocked country surrounded by five neighbors including China and Thailand, used to have only 3.5 km of rail-way. However, that situation has begun to change on December 3 with the opening of the China-Laos Railway, a 1,035-km line connecting Kunming in Yunnan Province of China with the Lao capital of Vientiane.  相似文献   

正A summer camp broadens the horizons of rural children It took Li Shang,a percussionist from Beijing,nearly15 hours to reach Weiziba,a village in Gansu Province,on July 21.Local transportation from the airport in the provincial capital to the village,at an altitude of 2,450 meters,remains inconvenient,but Li and his colleagues didn't seem to be bothered.  相似文献   

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