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选题 ,就是从警察科学领域众多的警务现象或问题中 ,选择确定某一警务现象或某一问题作为研究的课题。确定选题可以使我们明确研究的主攻方向 ,并集中精力研究解决主要问题。确定选题的过程 ,也是论文作者提高自身研究能力的过程。选题确定得好 ,就会有新的发明和创造。只有懂得了怎样确定选题 ,才能写出有价值的警学论文。  相似文献   

The concept named "a community with a shared future for mankind" has important implications for the theory and practice of human rights. From the perspective of specific human rights, the idea of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind implies recognizing the right to peace of mankind, advocates the mode of economic cooperation and development, and acts as a guide for building an eco-friendly world, rejecting hegemony, and promoting cultural diversity. Therefore, a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind plays an important supporting role in establishing the legitimacy of specific rights. Meanwhile, in view of the scarcity of human resources, it is impossible for all kinds of rights to be protected to the same degree. Human rights need to be systematically constructed in theory and practice, and also require the formation of a well-functioning platform for their protection. As a guideline, the notion of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is conducive to the establishment of such a system.  相似文献   

长期以来,翻供问题一直困扰着司法机关的执法活动。特别是恶意翻供严重影响了正常的司法秩序,降低了司法效率,浪费了有限的司法资源。在侦讯工作中,如何采取合法有效的措施遏制恶意翻供现象的发生,既是一个常论常新的学术问题,也是一个迫切需要解决的实践问题。  相似文献   

生态移民是以保护环境和提高人民生活质量为目的的有计划、有目的的政府行为。它是一个意义深远的系统工程。生态移民工程不应成为某一地区或某些地区孤立实行的工程,对一个国家来讲,生态移民工作应该是一个整体性的工作,必须从社会公平和民族平等原则出发,对整个国家的整体角度统筹规划。搞好我国生态环境保护工作中生态移民的跨省安置和划定大片的无人区的问题应成为一个很重要的方面,本文对此提出了一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

文化现代化的涵义及特征初论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵伯乐 《思想战线》2002,28(4):98-101
文化现代化特指狭义文化意义上的现代化 ,主要体现在上层建筑和精神领域内 ,是与经济现代化并列的一个范畴。文化的现代化指其在内容与形式上都极为丰富并表现出创新的震撼力 ;在道德伦理层面体现出人类理性的高度发展水平 ,代表人类最优秀、最美好的感情和心理取向 ;在观念形态上 ,是合理性、现实性与前瞻性的结合。从它的历史和趋势看 ,文化现代化具有目标上的模糊性、方式上的继承性、性质上的适应性和表现形式上的多元性四个特征。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼二审中的发回重审制度一直是人们争论不休的课题.新草案对二审中的发回重审仅仅提到了一点,即限制因事实不清证据不足而发回重审的次数.但这种蜻蜓点水式的修改依然不能令人满意,而且存在着理解上的歧义.文章比较分析了草案前后对发回重审的不同规定,并结合草案和现行刑诉法关于二审中发回重审的规定分析了发回重审存在的矛盾,最后借刑诉法修改之际提出了自己关于二审中发回重审的修改意见,希望新法能够对此进行明确合理地规定,让正义能够以看得见的方式实现  相似文献   

A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is China's proposition to establish a fair and equitable international order. Just as in any other community, a Community with a Shared Future needs common values to bring its members together. To build a new model of relations featuring win-win cooperation, a Community with a Shared Future should attach great importance to the overall interests of mankind and consider the protection of human dignity and human rights as the highest purpose and objective, ensuring that inevitably, human rights become its common values. On the other hand, to build a Community with a Shared Future, we should reconstruct the concept and system of human rights from the perspective of developing countries, instead of from the perspective of Western powers.  相似文献   

我国是统一的多民族国家。民族问题始终是事关革命和建设全局的重大问题,是构建和谐社会必须处理好的一个重大问题。民族问题对于构建和谐社会的重要性在于:加快民族发展能够打牢构建和谐社会的物质基础;和谐的民族关系是构建和谐社会的前提和基础;反分裂斗争是构建和谐社会的政治保障。解决好民族问题,必须从发展、党的民族政策和反对分裂这几方面考虑。  相似文献   

Previously in this journal, Gunter Schubert's article, entitled ‘One-party rule and the question of legitimacy in contemporary China’, called for the setting up of a new research agenda to analyze the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). While making a valuable contribution to the study of the CCP's legitimacy, Schubert's emphasis on the empirical measurement of this concept gives rise to a number of conceptual and theoretical issues. As a consequence, this article seeks to contribute to the research agenda by addressing these issues. In so doing, it suggests that a shift away from a narrow empirically-measured focus on legitimacy towards a broader conceptually-driven concern with legitimation would allow for a more inclusive agenda within the China studies community and lead to a more complete understanding of why the CCP remains in power.  相似文献   

何成学 《桂海论丛》2006,22(2):15-17
构建社会主义和谐社会需要正确的政绩观,正确政绩观是进入社会主义和谐社会历史发展的必然要求;正确政绩观是构建社会主义和谐社会目标特征的内在要求;树立正确政绩观是解决构建社会主义和谐社会面临问题的紧迫要求。  相似文献   

AT the award ceremony of"Touching China's 2020 Person of the Year" held on February 17,2021,a man with a slightly stooped back but a resolute expres-sion on his face stood on the podium.Mao Xianglin was one of the 10 candi-dates being awarded.Eight days later,Mao was honored as a model poverty fighter at a grand gathering held in Beijing to mark the country's victory in the battle against poverty.Receiv-ing such honors made him recall the journey which led him here:building a road on a cliff,being among a group of villagers who lifted themselves out of poverty,and playing a part in the revitalization of their village after de-veloping agritourism.  相似文献   

文明是文化的实体,文化是文明中最根本的东西。文化水平的高低上可以看出一个国家、一个民族或者一个社会的文明程度。文化是文明的沃土,文明是文化的结晶。文化中产生文明,而在文明中产生新的文化。没有文化环境就不可能有文明的成果。文化多样性是一种客观存在,它标志着各个不同民族的并存。因为,文化的最大的、最直接的载体就是民族。对中国而言,中华文化不是某一单一民族的文化,它是中国各民族共同创造的文化。因此,它不需要分层次,更不允许划等级。必须承认,文化既是民族的生存方式,也是不同民族的精神家园。  相似文献   

刑法谦抑性:新自由主义法学语境中的考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新自由主义法学理论语境中 ,谦抑性刑法是法治社会的一种基本要求。作为正当行为规则的谦抑性刑法并非刻意设计的而是自生自发的。私法视域中的刑法应与其他私法性质的法律在其所调整的社会关系有一个合理的范围界限 ,更应与政府指令性质的行为规则有明确的分界。非犯罪化有其深刻的知识论基础 ,轻刑化的目的在于防止过度强制并应以刑事责任能力为基准把握刑罚尺度。  相似文献   

Asia at the Helm     
As the global economy transforms from a developed country centric to a more developing-focused model in the post-crisis world,Asia is emerging as a new economic powerhouse.Its policy choices are important for the continent's own sake,and also for the global economy as a whole.Dominique Strauss-Kahn,Managing Director of the IMF,noted this shift in a recent speech in Shanghai.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

LU Guangjin  YU Nan 《人权》2021,(2):185-204
in the broadest sense, respecting and protecting human rights is a major achievement in the progress of human civilization. human rights culture is the most essential feature of human rights. from the perspective of the development of human civilization, human rights culture reflects a country's thinking and wisdom as well as its civilization level and represents a country's cultural soft power. Chinese human rights culture in the new era is a socialist human rights culture in a broad sense, a human rights culture in the new stage of development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a narrow sense, and an ideological spirit and moral strength of Chinese human rights culture in a certain historical period. at a new historical starting point, strengthening the construction of China's human rights culture in the new era and gathering the strength of China human rights culture have important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for building China's human rights theory, developing advanced socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, consolidating the confidence in socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, building a country with a strong socialist culture, and enhancing China's cultural soft power.  相似文献   

Although the academic community still has some theoretical divergences on whether environmental rights should be a basic human right or a basic constitutional one, there are an increasing number of countries including this right in their constitution. Based on the constitutions in 193 countries, this paper aims to examine the fundamental situation of incorporating environmental rights into a constitution. It has been concluded that environmental protection as a right is written into a constitution in three aspects, namely, as a constitutional right, a civic duty, and a national policy, principle or social goal. Through summarizing these, this paper argues that including environmental rights in a country's constitution is the means by which all citizens shall enjoy a good, healthy, sustainable and harmonious environment suitable for their development, have timely and comprehensive access to reliable information about environment, participate in making public decisions related to the environment, and ask for legal remedies and compensation for any infringement on their environmental rights, or injury or damage to their environmental property. But even after environmental rights are incorporated into a constitution, there may be theoretical and practical difficulties in their implementation.  相似文献   

中国国家现代化历程与中华民族的觉醒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族的觉醒也就是近现代民族意识的形成 ,它是一个民族从自在走向自为的关键 ,是在一定的经济和历史条件下 ,与国家体制的现代化、近现代国民的形成紧密相关的历史进程。其核心内容为对建立主权独立完整和主权在民的近现代国家 (单一民族国家或多民族国家 )这一历史使命的认识。现代民族意识觉醒具有大众性和实践性两个特征。 2 0 0 0多年统一的多民族的封建国家的历史造就了中华民族这一族际共同体 ,然而在“天下国家”专制君主体制下 ,中华民族只能以自在的方式存在。近代西方列强的入侵摧毁了中国的“天下国家”体系和观念 ,同时中国各族在团结御侮、救国救民的斗争中加强了对中华民族的认同。 2 0世纪初 ,中华民族开始其觉醒的历史进程 ,经历了三个阶段 ,至194 9年中华人民共和国的成立 ,最终完成了从自在到自为的转变。  相似文献   

走向全民健康保险:论中国医疗保障制度的转型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国已经进入全民医保的时代,但医疗保障体系呈现碎片化的特征,其内部的若干制度安排之间出现了不协调。中国医疗保障体系亟待进一步转型,转型的重点和方向是将基本医疗保障体系从现行分散化、碎片化的社会医疗保险制度,改造为集中化、一体化的社会医疗保险制度,即全民健康保险。推进全民健保是"发展型社会政策"的体现,具有同时促进经济增长和社会发展的双重功效。从短期来看,这是一种简单易行而又可持续的减税计划,可以促进经济增长,有助于经济发展模式的转变;从长远来看,全民健保制度的建立标志着"社会性基础设施"的建设又迈上了一个新的台阶,这必将为中国福利国家的重建奠定基础。  相似文献   

With a consumer base increasingly hesitant to readopt spending habits,the U.S. economy seems to be caught in a tight spot. But the country still boasts a solid manufacturing base and remains a world leader in technology. So is it possible for the United States to switch to an export-driven growth model,and what efforts should be made for such a transition? Zhao Zhongwei,a senior researcher with the Institute of World Politics and Economics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,discussed these issues ...  相似文献   

The Developmentalism of Human Rights provides a broader perspective for a comprehensive and profound understanding of the human rights implications of bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion.From the perspective of the Developmentalism of Human Rights,bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion takes promoting the all-round development of human beings as the starting point and end point,which embodies the ultimate goal of human rights to guarantee everyone's free,comprehensive and coordinated development;the specific goals and tasks set by bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion respond to the four means rights to subsistence,freedom,participation and equal protection.The realization of the goals and tasks of completing the process of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects marks a higher level of safeguarding the right to development,and also opens a new journey for all members of the society to develop freely,comprehensively and harmoniously.  相似文献   

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