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Full Steam Ahead     
<正>Many people reckon that China is on its way to independently making an aircraft carrier. Some have even predicted a timetable for when such a carrier will be put into use. However, few have noticed that China's shipbuilding industry is undergoing a mounting challenge due to overcapacity of production. Many shipbuilding factories have shut down because they lack orders.  相似文献   

Full Steam Ahead     
正Chinese shipping giant sets sail to weave its global pivotal port network The global shipping industry has limped along battered and bruised since the fall out of the global financial crisis, a condition exacerbated by weakened demand and surplus supply of transport capacity.However,  相似文献   

Full Steam Ahead     
<正>The Chinese economy’s strong growth momentum in the first three quarters heralds a rosy picture for the whole of 2017 and the year to come China’s GDP grew at 6.9 percent year on year to 59.33 trillion yuan($8.96trillion)in the first three quarters of2017,according to the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS).  相似文献   

<正>A new development pattern grounded in the domestic market, as advocated by President Xi Jinping, is in the making, fueled by China’s dynamic economic comeback and buttressed with supporting national and local policies.  相似文献   

Full Speed Ahead     
<正>The world's longest high-speed railway was put into operation from Beijing to Guangzhou on December 26,2012.Connecting the nation's capital and south China's Guangdong Province,the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway runs 2,  相似文献   

正Solving issues relating to agriculture,rural areas and farmers has always had a central place on the work agenda of the Chinese Government as they directly concern the nation’s stability and people’s well-being.The Central Rural Work Conference,convened in Beijing on December 28 and29,2017,has outlined tasks and targets for  相似文献   

正The only rail journeys Zerihun Yimer Gelata,Deputy Director of the Ethiopian Civil Service University in Addis Ababa,has taken so far are commutes on the light rail,operated by the Shenzhen Metro Group,a Chinese stateowned enterprise."It is comfortable and convenient,but not very fast,"the 34-year-old said."But the Ethiopia-Djibouti electric railway is a breakthrough.It is very important for both countries as it creates job opportunities for  相似文献   

The 19th No.1 Central Document continues to improverural wellbeingChina unveiled its No.1 Central Document for 2022 on February 22,highlighting key tasks to comprehensively push forward rural vitalization this year.As the first policy statement released by the central authorities every year,the document is seen as an indicator of the nation's strategic priorities.  相似文献   

张世定 《长白学刊》2020,(4):147-156
乡村振兴是新时代中国共产党促进乡村全面发展的一项重要战略举措。由于文化具有基础性、指引性功用,其对乡村民众精神价值的塑造与社会秩序的稳定发挥着关键性作用,文化治理也就成了乡村振兴得以实现的一种基本方式。具体而言,乡村文化治理就是政府立足文化的视角,通过一系列的措施激活文化塑魂育人功效,更好地发挥文化的正向激励作用。强调人民中心地位,是新时代中国共产党开展一切工作的出发点与落脚点。为了达致乡村民众文化福利供给、乡村文化精神塑造的目标,乡村文化治理的制度构建起着根本性、全局性、权威性、稳定性与持久性的作用。因此,阐发乡村文化治理制度构建的价值意蕴,直面乡村文化治理制度构建的现实挑战,明晰乡村文化治理制度供给与制度构建的主要向度,必将为乡村振兴的实现与乡村善治的确立提供文化的柔性之力。  相似文献   

钟伟 《重庆行政》2022,(1):23-25
习近平总书记强调脱贫摘帽不是终点,而是新生活、新奋斗的起点。2021年7月,黔江区被重庆市委、市政府确定为全市全面推进乡村振兴先行示范类区县,要求力争到2030年达到东部地区平均水平,在渝东南武陵山区城镇群形成示范效应。一、黔江区着力打造重庆市乡村振兴先行示范的机遇2021—2025年是我国开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的第一个五年,是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接的关键期,为黔江区全面实施乡村振兴战略、开启跨越性发展新征程带来了重大的历史机遇。  相似文献   

谷中原 《湖湘论坛》2020,33(1):5-12
"大力培育服务性、公益性、互助性农村社会组织"是国务院颁发的《乡村振兴战略规划(2018-2022年)》提出的一个基本要求。持续地振兴乡村,实现"农业强、乡村美、农民富",需要大力培育农村持续发展型社会组织。农村民力发展社会组织、农村生态发展社会组织、农村生计发展社会组织和农村民生发展社会组织等四类农村持续发展型社会组织对推动乡村民力、生态、生计、民生建设具有特殊的社会价值和社会功能。国家应大力孵化这四类农村持续发展型社会组织,并通过主体化、结构化、功能化措施,促进其持续健康发展。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告将乡村振兴提到了战略高度,在重视城乡融合的基础上推行农业农村优先发展。除吸引优秀人才返乡创业、返乡就业外,中国的乡村振兴战略还必须调动农村现有劳动力的积极性和创造性。但中国长期以来的工业化和城市化进程已经使流动人口与留守人口现象发生了很大的变化。流动人口的急剧增长和留守人口相对减少相辅相成。农村留守妇女在总体数量上已经大大减少,留守地也从农村转向乡镇乃至县城。概言之,现阶段的农村留守妇女是经过长期市场和政策筛选后的剩余群体,她们面临着更为沉重的照料负担、更为严峻的婚姻危机和更难启齿的疾病困扰。农村留守妇女的这些新特点和突出问题需要得到政府更有的放矢的关注和干预,使她们能够更好地参与到乡村振兴中来。  相似文献   

乡村组织振兴由乡村社会发展的内在需求所决定,实施乡村组织振兴战略,可从根本上解决新形势对于农村基层组织化的冲击。当前,人才均等化需求与城乡二元化配置的矛盾、国家治理有效性与基层民主决定性的矛盾、乡村人才要素紧缺与土地要素挤出效应的矛盾、能人经济与群众智慧的矛盾是制约乡村组织振兴的四对基本矛盾,必须有针对性地予以化解。实现乡村组织振兴,就要夯实乡村组织振兴的人才基础,努力协调国家有效治理和乡村基层民主之间的关系,实现乡村组织振兴的有序推进。  相似文献   

乡村文化建设是乡村振兴的关键。从乡村文化振兴的视角出发,分析海南岛中部山区热带雨林生态功能区乡村文化发展面临的问题,探索在确保证生态良好的前提下整合乡村文化资源与生态资源,促进乡村传统文化与现代性文化的深度融合,实现乡村文化振兴,从而更好助推海南岛中部山区热带雨林生态功能区乡村振兴实现高质量发展。  相似文献   

Powering Ahead     
New large coal power bases are expected to provide the country with sustainable power supplies As the Wall Street financial chaos has demonstrated,some deep-rooted economic ailments defy quick fixes.For China,solving some of its struc-tural problems that have taken the shine off its decade-long economic boom also poses long-term challenges.  相似文献   

Galloping Ahead     
DRAMATIC horsemanship and high speed made Tang Dynasty prosperity. Horsemanship has been inherited to become a fashion sport." Though grammatically dubious, the slogan, written in English and Chinese, sums up the mission of the Qingdao Deray Riding Club. This flashy new equestrian club in Jimo City, an industrial hinterland of Qingdao, the prosperous sea-side metropolis of Shandong Province, consciously evokes China's equestrian past to solicit business from today's socially mobile elite, for whom riding is the epitome of class and sophistication.  相似文献   

Forging Ahead     
正The statistics on national economic development in 2013 released by the National Bureau of Statistics on January 20 should strengthen people’s confidence in the continuous improvement of the Chinese economy in 2014.  相似文献   

Planning Ahead     
正President Xi’s books on governance provide insightful applications From various speeches and texts by President Xi Jinping, two essential books have been published for those who wish to know and study how China has achieved its incredible development. Volumes I and II of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China also cover what new paths China can follow at this time, which Xi cal s the new era.  相似文献   

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