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THE history ol humankind started hundreds of millennia ago when our ancestors learned to shape stones into working tools, thus distinguishing themselves from other anthropoid apes who knew only how to use stones to crack nuts.  相似文献   

It's a popular phenomenon to wear a white face mask against the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) spreading quickly this spring. And also it's this spring that a woman writer Chi Li published a new timely novel entitled "Once in Large Charge, Cry" which was adopted in accordance with the American soldier's way of abreaction. Right now I don't know whether such a "cry" or appeal is effective or not, but I'd like to mention that my intelligent colleagues also borrowed  相似文献   

WANGZhaolanlostherjobat34yearsofage.ShehadworkedasanoperatorintheBeijingRibbonTradeMarkWeavingMillfor14yearsuntilMay1992,whenherplantandthewholetextileindustrywerehithardbydepressedmarkets.Herfirstresponsewastohide,tostayathomeandrarelyventureout.Shewaswontedanddidnotfeelconfidentaboutfindinganotherjobbecauseshehadnootherskills.ThenthemillhelpedhertogetajobinthefamousGrandHotelBeijing.Itwasapositionthatsomeotherlaid-offworkersdidnotwant──cleaningtoilets.Themanagerwasastrictboss,andsev…  相似文献   

Despite its relatively isolated geographical location in East Asia, China came into early contact with western civilizations by way of the Silk Road and in the glory days of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), China's exchanges with the outside world were exceptionally animated and active. While the world gained from China such technologies and products as silk. porcelain, tea, papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the compass, China benefited from other civilizations in both material and spiritual terms. Buddhism, a religion with a non-material speculative philosophy and ultimate concern for life, was introduced to China and became inextricably merged into Chinese culture in the process.  相似文献   

The truth of the matter is that I was actually dodging the Beijing street vendor a few weeks after asking him if he had anymoretoyfirearms:replicasofrealgunslike M-16’s and AK-47s.I had not seen the dark,wrinkled face of the Chinese man for a long time after happily purchasing two silver-toned  相似文献   

郑筱筠 《思想战线》2003,29(5):124-128
汉译佛典《根本说一切有部毗奈耶药事》卷十三、卷十四所载的《善财与悦意》故事与藏族《诺桑王子》故事非常相似,但它们之间却无影响关系。正是因为印度根本说一切有部在西藏佛教史上占有重要地位,使梵文本《根本说一切有部毗奈耶药事》中《善财与悦意》故事成为藏族《诺桑王子》故事的最初佛经故事之源。  相似文献   

STEPHEN S. Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, has quipped that China’s 12th Five-year Plan is likely to spark the greatest consumption story in modern history. He pointed out that the 12th Five-year Plan focuses on three major pro-consumption initiatives, which will boost private  相似文献   

Throughout the long history of Xinjiang, the Dolan Muqam has preserved the Dolan civilization through loud, long-drawn- out singing talks about human metaphors. Dolan Muqam contains thousands of years worth of wisdom, through which Dolan people express their desire for oasis and their life persectives in the form of poetry.  相似文献   

IN July 2007, Hu Jiandang packed a small suitcase and headed for the town of Panggezhuang in Daxing District on the southern outskirts of Beijing - a decision that, as it turned out, may affect his prosperity for the rest of his life. Shortly after graduating from Beijing Sport University he was hired as as-sistant to the Party secretary of Wangchang Village. Expecting to serve as a college graduate village official, he has in fact given shape to an entire career.  相似文献   

My Story     

正When the annual gatherings of China’stop legislature and its top body of politi-cal advisers, known as the Two Sessions(Lianghui), are held, everyone knows the leaders have to burn the midnight oil to meet public expectations and deliver the goods. However,there’s another tribe that too faces immense pressure—the reporters covering the Two Sessions who have to attend various media events, interview people, and be on call 24x7 till the sessions close. Besides the work itself, there  相似文献   

DATONG inShanxi Provinceis noted for itsfamous YungangGrottoes. It hasalso been hailedas "Coal City" of China. DatongCity is justifiably proud of itsancient history and unique culturalartifacts, as well as its rich coalresources.Datong Coal MiningAdministration, the largest mederncoal mining enterprise in China,has developed diversified operations since it was reorganized intothe Datong Coal Mining Group.Besides coal production, the groupis also engaged in machinerymanufacture and rep…  相似文献   

IN 1992, Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up drive, gave his famous Southern Tour talks while inspecting Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai and a number of other cities. Deng enjoined the Chinese people to further the nation’s reform and openingup imperative and approach the changing times with courage and fortitude.  相似文献   

ForeignersinChinaUNFITtorepairtheazuresky,Ipassedsomeyearsonearthtonoavail;mylifeinbothworldsisrecordedhere;whomcanIasktopassonthisromantictale?"Inremoteantiquityheavenwasdestroyed.anditwenttoGoddessNitWa.who,accordingtoChineselegend,createdhumanbeingsfrommud,tomakerepairsForthismammothtaskshecollectedthousandsofstones,usingallbutone.TheoneleftoverstavedunheededinInfiniteSpacefortensofthousandsofyearsuntilitwasincarnatedinthepersonofaboy(JiaBaoyu)fromthefamilyofarichofficial.Thisisthefa…  相似文献   

Chimneys were, for a short period of time, the symbols of indus-trialization and urbanization. They were soon reduced to symbols of pollution and backwardness. But today the site of a chimney at the  相似文献   

<正>The downing of a Russian fighter plane sets off a number of chain reactions By Hichem Karoui On November 24,a Russian Su-24 fighter jet was flying at an altitude of 6,000meters when it was hit by an air-to-air missile.The plane then crashed into a mountainous area of a Syrian province near the Turkish border.  相似文献   

Best-selling author John Naisbitt and his wife Doris have co-written the upcoming book China's Megatrends:The Eight Pillars of A New Society.The two recently visited China to promote the new book.A U.S.citizen,John Naisbitt has proven himself a guru at predicting social trends in various countries.His series of books,which started with his first Megatrends in 1982,has sold more than 14 million copies around the world.The new book is based on the research of the Naisbitt China Institute in Tianjin Municipali...  相似文献   

LEGENDARY: Chang’e,a mythological figure played by an actress, flies to the Moon, a big balloon, at a celebration for the Mid-Autumn Festival in Shanghai It is said there were 10 suns inthe sky in ancient times  相似文献   

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