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《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(5):742-764
This article examines the factors explaining New York governors’ clemency decisions in capital cases between 1900 and 1963. It relies on a statistical analysis of 130 cases in which death sentences were commuted and a comparison sample of 146 cases resulting in execution. The analysis suggests that governors were more inclined to grant clemency to offenders younger than 21, when appellate court decisions included dissenting opinions, when mitigating factors outnumbered aggravating factors, and when death sentences were imposed pursuant to mandatory capital punishment provisions. The study failed to produce evidence that racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic variables were related to clemency decisions. The statistical analysis is complemented by discussion of the results of a qualitative study of New York capital clemency decisions. The article concludes by urging that a similar combined approach involving quantitative and qualitative techniques be employed to gain further insights into the exercise of clemency discretion in contemporary capital cases.  相似文献   

美国行政赦免制度及其对死刑执行的限制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赖早兴 《河北法学》2006,24(4):131-133
赦免是各国以外在于司法制度的方法干预司法的一项制度.美国行政赦免制度是美国行政干预司法的制度.美国联邦和部分州保留了死刑,其行政赦免在限制死刑执行中曾经起到了极其重要的作用.虽然自上世纪70年代以来,美国行政赦免在限制死刑执行中的运用已变得较为少见,但其仍是一个有效的限制死刑执行的制度.  相似文献   

Many jurisdictions have reformed their criminal justice process as a result of reported cases where convicted individuals who have exhausted their legal rights of appeal were exonerated using DNA evidence. Based on that backgrounds, this article critically examines the existing post-appeal avenues in Malaysia and highlights that they are ineffective to deal with claims of miscarriages justice. This article argues proper legal mechanisms need to be established to deal with this issue which can also allow convicted persons to request for DNA testing where relevant to prove their innocence.  相似文献   

American prison systems may be shifting away from warehousing towards prisoner rehabilitation. California’s corrections policy, for example, has changed dramatically in response to a variety of pressures budgetary, operational and judicial. What might such changes mean for prisoner rehabilitation and the chances of formerly incarcerated persons leading meaningful, contributing lives? This is an exploratory essay on the possibility of a formerly incarcerated person finding himself through prison work. My primary concern is with understanding and utilizing current shifts in correctional philosophies and practices to create healing alternatives and a more inclusive justice, one with room for my own healing. I pursue this inquiry through the use of an autoethnographic approach to legal storytelling.  相似文献   

Throughout its modern history, Poland has not escaped controversies surrounding the use of the death penalty. Tracing the historical development of laws dealing with the issue demonstrates an evolution influenced by various legal, political, social, philosophical, and international factors, leading up to the current absence of the penalty from the Polish legal system. The debate in society revolves around some stereotypical views held by different social groups. One of the biggest challenges is how to reconcile those views with empirical evidence, especially on issues like the deterrent effect of capital punishment. The authors describe the death penalty debate in Poland from these perspectives and take a retentionist position with regard to some selected crimes. As long as there are individuals willing to take other people's lives in a premeditated and deliberate manner demonstrating callous contempt for another person's existence, death remains the only punishment satisfying a sense of social justice and upholding the value of human life.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):159-183

A review of the literature on capital punishment reveals evidence that the death penalty was imposed capriciously in the past. Previous research on executive clemency in capital cases revealed similar forces in operation. In the voluminous literature surrounding capital punishment, however, relatively little contemporary empirical work focuses directly on the characteristics of the final clemency decision to commute or execute, especially post-Furman. In this paper I explore some of these elements and find that several extralegal factors, possibly including political motivation, still may play a role in this highly discretionary decision-making process.  相似文献   

An ethnographic study of four Midwest mental health courts was focused on how case managers influence the judicial response to offender noncompliance. Mental health courts, which bear little resemblance to traditional work group models, are staffed by teams of legal and social service professionals working collaboratively toward reducing recidivism and community reintegration for high‐risk offenders. Few studies, however, have explored how treatment providers practice their trade in this new court organization. I investigate how case management professionals, working at the intersections of the social welfare and criminal justice systems, leverage courtroom decision making that results in greater leniency or enhanced punishment. The findings suggest that mental‐health‐court case managers act as boundary spanners in terms of their strategic use of resources to facilitate treatment goals. I conclude that case managers act as “double agents” challenging the state to advocate for clemency while enforcing client rules to uphold the integrity of the court.  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years petitions systems have become embedded in the Scottish Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales, and more recently the House of Commons. This article uses the concept of procedural justice, with its emphasis on the fairness of the process by which decisions are made, as an analytical tool to explore four case studies of petitions systems in British legislatures, considering, in particular, the extent to which they enable voice, decision-making and transparency. It illustrates that the application of ideas of procedural justice not only provides us with a useful tool for analysing petitions systems in representative political institutions, but also potentially provides a framework of ideas from which petitions systems, and perhaps other participatory initiatives, may learn.  相似文献   

In this paper, I draw upon the 'systems theory' approach to miscarriages of justice (adopted by Nobles and Schiff) to reflect upon my experience as a member of the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission. I demonstrate how the Commission manages the tensions between the rather different 'legal' and 'lay' worlds which it inhabits. More particularly, I argue that the Commission, while heavily constrained by the law and a legal world view, is more independent of the legal 'system' than some commentators would suggest. I substantiate my arguments through describing some of the debates that took place within the Scottish Commission and analysing in depth the judgements of the Scottish appeal court in some of the cases referred to it by the Commission. Much of what I say is applicable in varying degrees to the English Commission and to the current debate in England as to what constitutes a 'miscarriage of justice'.  相似文献   

Steven Tudor defends the mitigation of criminal sentences in cases in which offenders are genuinely remorseful for their crimes. More than this, he takes the principle that such remorse-based sentence reductions are appropriate to be a ‘well-settled legal principle’—so well settled, in fact, that ‘it is among those deep-seated commitments which can serve to test general theories as much as they are tested by them’. However, his account of why remorse should reduce punishment is strongly philosophical in character. He sets to one side the many practical difficulties in implementing such reductions in the real world of criminal justice institutions so that he can focus on the question of whether a plausible account of sentencing can show that remorse should mitigate punishment. I contend that Tudor’s defense of such reductions is unpersuasive in certain respects. Yet even if it can be made more persuasive, I argue that the conditions that would have to be satisfied for remorse-based sentence reductions to be justifiably implemented are so many and various that they would likely exceed our abilities to responsibly grant them in real world legal contexts. I therefore claim that Tudor has failed to provide a defense of the ‘remorse principle’ that serves to explain or justify existing legal practices.
Richard L. LippkeEmail:

胡铭 《时代法学》2006,4(2):36-42
死刑案件作为最严重的案件,作为关涉公民生命权的案件,它的审判是我们在构建正当法律程序时需要关注的重点。文章以价值分析为主视角,从哲学思辨和实证分析入手,提出在我国的死刑案件中引入陪审团审判,以构建强大的死刑案件普通审程序之设想,试图通过在死刑案件中引入陪审团审判,扩大刑事司法中的民众参与和司法民主,促进司法公正和社会正义之实现。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):327-347
The role of apology is beginning to receive attention from within the criminal justice system. Research suggests that both victims and offenders can benefit when the offender offers an apology and shows remorse. Less is known, however, about the frequency with which offenders apologize and the content of their apologies. In this study we conducted an exploratory analysis of remorse‐related content in the last statements of inmates on death row in Texas between December 7, 1982 and August 31, 2007. Almost one‐third of the offenders offered an apology, most of which were directed toward the victim’s family. In addition, these apologies were linked with other indications of remorse and sincerity, such as asking for forgiveness and showing empathy. Logistic regression analyses showed that apology was reliably predicted by these remorse‐related variables, but not by demographic variables or variables related to the crime itself. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):594-618
The present study examines public beliefs of Florida citizens about the prevalence of miscarriages of justice in their state and their level of support for various proposed remedies. The study also examines various correlates of punishment beliefs and death penalty opinions. Using a self-administered survey of venire persons called to jury duty, this study found that the public believes that the prevalence of miscarriages of justice in capital cases is quite high. The public is supportive of nearly all of the proposed remedies measured and they are willing to pay more taxes to support the implementation of such proposals. At the same time, respondents report feeling that the officials responsible for such miscarriages of justice should be severely punished. Importantly, the results show powerful evidence of broad societal consensus on each of these issues. Legal and criminal justice policy implications of these findings are offered.  相似文献   

现行死刑复核程序,具有不完整性和"封闭"性特征,丧失了司法权的特性,且缺乏外部监督与制约,极大地减少了法官发现冤案、错案的可能性,不利于保证死刑案件的实体公正。检察机关作为国家的法律监督机关,对死刑复核程序进行法律监督,具有法律依据、政策依据和法律文化传统依据,也是保障人权和保证司法公正的客观要求,是满足广大人民群众对死刑复核工作的新期待和维护我国国际形象的需要。可以针对高级人民法院适用的死刑复核程序和最高人民法院适用的死刑复核程序,设置相应的实务运作程序,实现检察机关对死刑复核的过程和结果的法律监督,及时发现和纠正违法的复核行为和错误的复核裁判,保障死刑的准确适用。  相似文献   

刘蕊 《北方法学》2016,(4):151-160
赎刑是中国古代独特的法律制度,中原地区的赎刑制度在秦及汉初具有替代刑和独立刑种的双重属性,唐代以后赎刑发展成为刑罚适用的一般原则。罚金刑在中国古代法律中多处于与赎刑合而为一的并存状态。以藏区“赔命价”制度为代表的少数民族地区的赎刑制度,在古代以成文法的形式出现,在现代则表现出明显的和解性质。赎刑制度中的价值理念和合理规则,对于我国刑罚替代措施和死刑的司法控制等方面仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

陈如超 《北方法学》2014,(1):91-100
在中国刑事程序中,涉鉴上访现象频频发生,且相对集中于死亡原因、损伤程度等法医鉴定领域,它被当事人视为不满公安、司法机关鉴定意见时最常见的诉讼外救济措施和抗争策略。然而,涉鉴上访,尤其是重复上访、越级上访、多头上访等形式,却颠覆了程序自治,使案件争议久拖不决,司法权威一落千丈。涉鉴上访存在的众多问题在实践中固然有一定合理性,但目前却亟须国家重点治理,其核心措施在于建立"过程导向信任"的鉴定机制,利用程序的开放性与主体的多方参与性,吸纳与化解当事人对鉴定过程与结果的不满;将当事人上访作为例外的"底限救济"权。  相似文献   

The "New Biology" has already made profound impact on the law. Cryonics and genetic engineering represent technological triumphs. The natural, organic process of dying is being replaced by a humanly engineered technological process for living. The dying phase of life is prolonged until biological knowledge is available to reverse the dying phase and restore the living phase. Both cryonics and genetic engineering in their attempts to replace the organic process with the technological process disturb the delicate balance of the triad of life which each individual experiences--faith, health, and justice. Since law is a basic tool to achieve justice among human beings, how should it respond to the health argument of the cryonics' physician who views death as a disease which is curable? How should the law respond to the faith questions surrounding the cryonics patient? What am I? A block of ice. Who am I? A living, comatose patient or a dormant, static body with the possibility of a reverter. Why am I? A new human being now endowed with immortality through the triumph of life over death founded on man's current faith in the God called Technology. Cryonics through its unbalancing of the traditional triad of life poses formidable challenges to the major institutions of faith, health and justice. The practitioners in these institutions: clergy, physicians and lawyers must now reassess the rules of the game of life be they religious, medical or legal. This article offers insights to begin this reassessment.  相似文献   


In this article I examine marginalized youths' ideas about the United States, the law, and police. My interpretive analysis is based upon in-depth, unstructured interviews with juvenile parolees living in poverty in a large southwestern city. In general, these parolees could be described as uneducated, unemployed, non-white, youth gang members. Through an examination of the youths' narratives and stories about America and its legal authorities, I attempt to illustrate how their ideas can be understood as evolving from their structurally based interactions. I present the general themes of the marginalized youths' legal and political consciousness and attempt to show how this consciousness flows from their hostile interactions with legal and conventional authorities. Ultimately, I suggest that the contrast between the youths' social justice ideals and the reality of their lives on the margins influences how they think about America, law, and the police.  相似文献   

Jury service in the United States is both compulsory and yet distributed to some but not others in a nonsystematic way. Concerns about unfairness in this distribution system have led to legal changes; however, there is still little empirical information on how jurors view the jury selection process. This study considers jury selection in terms of participants' perceptions of procedural and distributive justice. I argue that justice in this setting is related to areas of conflict between the decision maker and the prospective jurors, especially over privacy protection, despite strong rhetoric that jurors minimize their own preferences and rights in this setting. Data from interviews of 194 formerly excused and selected jurors support this contention.  相似文献   

This note examines two cases in which English and Scottish courts have insisted that the English and Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commissions adopt the same definition and approach as them to alleged ‘miscarriages of justice’ in order to reduce the number of potential referrals and increase finality, and to reduce the challenge posed by these Commissions to the courts' authority in the legal sphere. The authors consider whether the courts' approach is either necessary or appropriate.  相似文献   

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