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我国地方政府的财政透明与行政成本控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的地方政府财政欠缺透明度,其主要表现是数量可观的地方政府收入未进入任何预算内管理,成为地方政府手中的非正式财源。预算约束的软化及预算执行的弹性化使非正式财源为地方政府的行政成本居高不下创造了便利,导致行政成本的盲目攀升。因此,提高地方政府财政的透明度以控制行政成本的盲目增长尤为重要。  相似文献   

Budgeting and Financial Management play a crucial role in organizing and disciplining the federal management culture. Consequently, addressing improvements in their practice is essential in the National Performance Review's examination of government-wide management systems. This article briefly describes the recommendations and anticipated implementing actions relating to budgeting and financial management within the context of the National Performance Review's themes of cutting red tape, putting customers first, empowering employees to get results, and cutting back to basics. External factors, such as innovations in private sector management practices, rapid changes in information technology, and statutory reforms such as the Government Performance and Results Act, also influence needed changes in budgetary and financial management practices.  相似文献   

蔡静  钟敏  鲍丽娟 《学理论》2012,(12):164-165
由于多元化社会价值观的冲击和大学生党员自身成长的需要,加强学生党员后续教育是非常必要的。同时,当今高校在大学生党建工作中普遍存在"重发展,轻教育"的现象,致使学生党员素质下降,特别是在党性修养和政治敏锐感等方面需要进一步加强教育和引导。辅导员作为一支高素质的政工干部队伍,在学生党员的后续教育中应当起到举足轻重的引导作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the Singapore government budget's organization and reporting structure, and draws lessons and policy implications for improving public financial management practices. The paper finds that Singapore's fiscal marksmanship record has been poor with consistent underestimates of revenue and overestimates of expenditure. Second, subtle divergences from international reporting standards limit the information available and constrain the budget's analytical usefulness in international comparisons. Third, current reporting conventions of the budget fail to provide an adequate representation of the government's fiscal position. Fourth, revised estimates of budgetary balances in line with international reporting standards show a considerable increase in the fiscal space available. The policy implications of these findings are discussed, as well as some reporting changes which can help improve the fiscal marksmanship record, increase public sector transparency and accountability, and facilitate better quality discourse among all stakeholders on public financial management.  相似文献   

龚先庆 《理论导刊》2007,(3):100-102
近年来,国内学术界开始关注“党的利益”问题,探讨了关于“党的利益”的内涵、承认“党的利益”的意义、防止党内出现既得利益集团、“党的利益”与人民利益的关系、“党的利益”实现路径等方面的问题,取得了初步的研究成果。但是,也还有一些值得进行深入研究的地方。  相似文献   

Whether competitive bidding or negotiated sale leads to lower borrowing cost for municipal debt issuers has been studied extensively in municipal finance research. There is a potential self-selection bias when estimating the relative cost effectiveness of these two methods of sale. This article argues that sale method can be viewed as a certification mechanism as issuers self-select themselves into either competitive or negotiated groups based on their perception of the underlying degree of information asymmetry. By correcting for this self-selection bias, we find that for issues with no or little information asymmetry, neither sale method has a significant cost advantage over the other.  相似文献   

为应对国际金融危机,各国纷纷下调利率,甚至不惜降至零水平,对此,我们要有充分的准备,取消活期存款利率就是一项值得深入探讨的应对举措。取消活期存款利率有利于打开我国货币政策操作空间,推进利率市场化,提高定期存款比例等。但是取消活期存款利率也会对宏观经济、金融机构以及资金供给方产生影响,因此要权衡利弊,谨慎操作。从国际国内形势分析,目前是我国取消活期存款利率给付制度的最佳时机。  相似文献   

The National Interest and the Federal Role in Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elmore  Richard F.; Fuhrman  Susan 《Publius》1990,20(3):149-162
The current discussion of national goals for education createsa predicament for the federal government. Political pressureis mounting for an increased federal role in education, butits ability to play this role is limited both by its own budgetand policy constraints and by the increase in education policyinitiatives of state and local government over the past tenyears. This predicament is not amenable to solution by resortto traditional doctrinal or functional views of federalism.It requires the formulation of a new federal strategy. Amongthe initiatives the federal government might take are raisingpublic discourse about educational performance, sponsoring collaborativeefforts to reduce the incoherence of current educational reformsat the high school level, and increased use of federal categoricalprograms as development projects for new approaches to teachingand learning. These initiatives have the advantage of beingconsistent with current federal budget and policy constraints,drawing upon traditional federal functions, and complementingstate and local reform efforts.  相似文献   

保护弱势群体利益的政策调整   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会转型期弱势群体的成因是多方面的,其中政策因素是一个重要的原因。经济体制改革政策目标取向与政策制定模式,在推动我国社会经济发展、居民生活改善、社会稳定的同时,对弱势群体的范围、程度产生一定影响,随着经济体制改革的深化,应以社会政策调整为有力措施,保护弱势群体利益。  相似文献   

莫凡 《行政论坛》2011,18(3):70-73
经济全球化为价值认同提供了新机遇,利益机制由此成为全球化语境中价值认同的新工具。新自由主义运用利益机制在全球推进价值认同,它首先在初创时期以经济思潮作为面具出场,然后在转化时期从经济思潮嬗变为政策实践,最后在扩张时期以政策实践推进价值认同。在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,应当在理论上以唯物史观审视利益机制,在实践中以体制性利益机制抵御西方价值观侵袭,同时以政策性利益机制推进社会主义核心价值认同。  相似文献   

论现代农村金融体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村金融是现代农村经济的核心,是促进农业增产、农民增收和农村经济发展的强大动力。现代农村金融体系的构建应包括:构建现代农村金融市场体系、现代农村金融组织体系、现代农村金融产品与服务体系、现代农村金融监管体系、现代农村金融政策扶持机制以及相关配套制度等。  相似文献   

开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动,是党的十七大作出的战略决策。通过这一活动,基层企业的领导应当进一步深刻认识“把最广大人民的根本利益作为贯彻落实科学发展观的根本出发点和落脚点”,把解决职工群众切身利益问题放在首位,体察职工群众情绪,倾听职工群众呼声,反映职工群众诉求。  相似文献   

Scholarship on democratic responsiveness focuses on whether political outcomes reflect public opinion but overlooks attitudes toward how power is used to achieve those policies. We argue that public attitudes toward unilateral action lead to negative evaluations of presidents who exercise unilateral powers and policies achieved through their use. Evidence from two studies supports our argument. In three nationally representative survey experiments conducted across a range of policy domains, we find that the public reacts negatively when policies are achieved through unilateral powers instead of through legislation passed by Congress. We further show these costs are greatest among respondents who support the president's policy goals. In an observational study, we show that attitudes toward unilateral action in the abstract affect how respondents evaluate policies achieved through unilateral action by presidents from Lincoln to Obama. Our results suggest that public opinion may constrain presidents' use of unilateral powers.  相似文献   

利益多元抑或利益联盟——政策网络研究的核心辩解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策网络的研究,缘起于"多元主义是否适用于现实中的美国政策过程"的质疑与追问,兴起了一场反多元主义与多元主义之间的争论与辩解,搅动了人们对于政策过程中利益多元还是利益联盟的本质探究,同时催生出诸如亚政府、铁三角、政策共同体、议题网络、倡导联盟等新术语.其中,亚政府、铁三角、政策共同体等术语,表明政府在与利益集团的利益联盟中实现对政策过程的操纵,公共政策只是一部分政府部门与利益集团狭隘利益的体现;而议题网络、倡导联盟等术语则表明公共政策并不只是政府与利益集团的互动结果,包括传媒、公众等在内的广泛主体都可以而且事实上也参与其中.在广泛阅读西方文献的基础上,疏理政策网络各种称谓和概念之间的前后传承关系,使充斥各种概念的政策网络研究清晰化和明朗化,同时运用利益分析的方法,揭示这些概念所隐含的内在意涵,理清政策网络研究的基本研究脉向,说明政策网络研究本质上是对"政策过程是利益多元还是利益联盟"这一问题的求解,表明政策网络研究旨在对政策过程作出最贴近现实的描述和理解.  相似文献   

Eric Patashnik 《管理》2003,16(2):203-234
The prevailing political science wisdom is that narrow interests regularly triumph over the general public. Yet the stunning passage of broad-based policy reforms in the face of intense clientele opposition suggests that the U.S. political system has a greater capacity to serve diffuse interests than has often been thought. Some of the most provocative policy-oriented political-science research during the 1980s and 1990s examined how these surprising reform victories occurred. Unfortunately, general-interest reforms do not always stick; reforms may be corrupted or reversed after their enactment. The long-term sustainability of any given policy reform hinges on the successful reworking of political institutions and on the generation of positive policy-feedback effects, especially the empowerment of social groups with a stake in the reform&s maintenance. This paper explores the postenactment dynamics of three canonical instances of general-interest reform legislation: tax reform, agricultural subsidy reform, and airline deregulation. Only in the airline-deregulation case has the self-reinforcing dynamic required for political sustainability been unmistakably evident. For analysts and advocates of general-interest reform measures alike, the clear lesson is to attend far more closely to what happens after reforms become law.  相似文献   

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