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Many theories emphasize how employment is protective against criminal recidivism, yet a criminal record is a major barrier for getting hired. We asked 591 managers to make hypothetical hiring decisions between two applicants whose key difference was the presence or absence of a criminal conviction. In addition, we randomly manipulated the education, references, wage, or experience of the applicant with the criminal record to identify which manipulations can offset the cost of the record on an applicant's probability of being selected. We found that, when credentials were the same, the applicant with a criminal record was unlikely to be hired. That applicant, however, could become likely to be hired (i.e., the likelihood crossed 50 percent) by having at least 1 year of relevant experience, a GED or a college degree, or references from a former employer or a professor. Incomplete degrees, references from criminal justice professionals, or wage discounts did not make the applicant with the record likely to be hired. Findings confirm that a criminal record carries a high employability cost but also indicate that this cost can be superseded by specific credentials that signal an applicant's reliability, which can be provided by existing programs and institutions.  相似文献   

Work content is adversely affected by precarious employment conditions, with consequences for workers and clients/customers. Three examples are taken from professions involving long-term relations between workers and clients. Adult education teachers hired on short-term contracts to teach primarily immigrant populations prepare their courses under less favorable conditions than regular teachers and their employment context foments hostility among teachers. Special education technicians are hired on a seasonal basis which interferes with their ability to coordinate and plan their efforts in collaboration with teachers. Workers in shelters for women suffering conjugal violence who were hired on a casual or on-call basis were unable to follow up with women they helped during their shifts and more rarely engaged in one-on-one counseling. Precarious work contracts can affect mental health not only through employment insecurity but also through negative effects on the ability to do one's job and take pride in one's work, as well as weakening the interpersonal relationships on which successful, productive work depends.  相似文献   

Servants were an important part of the northwestern European household economy in the preindustrial past. This study examines household-level characteristics that are predictive of the presence of rural servants using data from Orkney, Scotland. The number of servants present in a household is related to household composition, landholding size, and the marital status of the household head. In addition, the sex of the particular servant hired reveals that the labor of male and female servants is not fungible. The sex of the servant hired is related to the ratio of male and female household members of working age, the occupation of the head, household composition, and the size of the household's landholding.  相似文献   

A sample of 77 police officers who had been members of the Evansville, Indiana Police Department for at least two years had been given the Kuder Occupational Interest Inventory prior to being hired. Each was given the Zytowski Personal Data Questionnaire to obtain self-ratings of satisfaction and duty performance. A high percentage (81%) of the officers who had been hired and whose careers had continued in police work had Police Officer as one of their top ten occupations on the Kuder Interest Inventory. The Kuder was less successful at predicting satisfaction and performance. These data supported the concept that stress and burnout were more important predictors of satisfaction and duty performance than were interests.  相似文献   

The MMPI-2 is one of the most frequently employed instruments for the selection of police officers. Serafino and Serafino (1997) collected data which involved information about employment continuation and ratings by supervisors of 32 police officers who had recently been hired and who had been given the MMPI-2 during the hiring process. In this study, the Paranoia Obvious (Pa) and Paranoia Subtle (Ps) scales proved to be the significant. Pa Subtle correlated with removal whereas Pa Obvious correlated with rating. Higher scores on Pa Subtle correlated significantly with being removed from the job, whereas low scores on the Pa Obvious correlated with higher ratings of performance by supervisors. Discussion of the results involved the fact that Subtle Pa scores would suggest paranoid tendencies not easily detected during the interview. Since most high Pa Obvious individuals would have been eliminated in the hiring process, expression of this tendency was at a low level after being hired but if present resulted in low ratings. Significant predictors were noted to be very much a function of the type of criterion variable employed in the study.  相似文献   

Three experiments addressed the proposition that jurors use short cuts in processing information when confronted with expert scientific testimony. The results of the first two studies demonstrated that experts who are highly paid for their testimony and who testify frequently are perceived as hired guns. They are neither liked nor believed. The results of the third experiment replicated the hired gun effect and showed that it is most likely to occur when the testimony is complex and cannot be easily processed. The results were discussed in terms of the theoretical differences between central and peripheral processing of persuasive messages in a legal context.  相似文献   

The use of paraprofessional personnel in parole and probation services has been increasing dramatically. With decreasing budgets and expanded calls for service, parole and probation agencies have been turning to the paraprofessional employee as a solution. Several variables which can be changed through implementation of a paraprofessional program are identified, including the differences between using indigenous and nonindigenous personnel. Through a survey of past hiring practices, qualifications of those hired, and justification of using a certain type of personnel, factors to be used in the selection of paraprofessionals are delineated. Training programs for paraprofessionals, especially indigenous personnel, are reviewed in conjunction with standard industrial training concepts and practices. Comments are made regarding the necessity of evaluating paraprofessional programs in order to document empirically their effectiveness within the parole and probation organization.  相似文献   

Compared to the practice in other professional schools and academic fields at universities, law professors are hired at a young age based primarily upon their academic merit determined through grades, class rank, and school rank. This emphasis upon narrowly defined academic merit—apart from achievement demonstrated through original scholarship or experience in professional practice—first emerged during "the professionalization of the American law professor" between 1870 and 1900 at Harvard Law School (HLS). Though normative today, this outcome was neither necessary nor uncontested. In the late nineteenth century the new standard of hiring faculty according to their academic merit was energetically opposed by those favoring the antecedent standard of professional experience and reputation. Only when financial considerations counterbalanced that traditional standard did hiring decisions tip in favor of the new principle. Not until the early 1900s, when the second generation of academic meritocrats dominated the HLS faculty, did the new hiring standard become unequivocally established as policy in the school and, by extension, in legal education.  相似文献   

In the past 5 years, the mortality rate among undocumented workers in Arizona has increased steadily. In 1998-1999, the number of deaths among border crossers was 28. That number increased dramatically in 1999-2000 to 106 and has exceeded 200 in each of the past 2 years. In the past, many immigrant deaths occurred as a result of dehydration and exposure (1). More recently, a new trend has emerged, that is, death of border crossers at the hands of the persons ("coyotes") hired to lead them across the border to safety. In some cases, the smugglers attempt to extort additional money from the families by holding the victims hostage once they have crossed the border into the United States. If the families fail to pay, the hostage is killed. Rival gangs are also murdering one another over their human cargo. Nine recent cases illustrate this trend in Maricopa County. In each example, the victims were bound, shot (or in one instance stabbed) and dumped in a remote desert area. All of the decedents were linked to murder for extortion by the 'coyotes' or rival gang members.  相似文献   

本文针对一起办理医疗机构使用未取得护士执业证书人员从事护理活动案如何适用法律带来的困惑进行分析、讨论,提出解决问题的建议,以期对卫生监督执法工作能有所帮助并引起医事法学界更多的关注和思考。  相似文献   

A survey was made of American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) forensic psychiatrists to evaluate whether there is concern among them about potential ethical problems in criminal justice work. Of the respondents, 93.8% had encountered such problems. The main concerns indicated were about those psychiatrists who become a "hired gun," become an advocate, do not give an honest opinion, or have problems with confidentiality. The need for ethical guidelines and further debate about ethical issues is presented.  相似文献   

The role of the expert witness has seen some significant changes since April 1999 with the introduction of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 ('CPR'). This paper sets out to explain the role of the expert witness in civil cases in England and Wales and seeks to demonstrate that, to a large extent, the days of the 'hired gun' expert are now dead and gone.  相似文献   

After the death of their four-month-old infant, the parents were charged with injury to a child by starvation. The medical examiner documented blunt force trauma and severe malnutrition at autopsy, but the cause of death was undetermined. The legal team hired a neonatal dietitian who was able to determine that impaired growth only occurred when the infant was in the care of his parents. This information, along with other testimony, established that the lack of nutrition compromised this infant's ability to grow and develop normally, and thus contributed to the infant's death. A jury found the father guilty of injury to a child with intent, and was sentenced to 50 years in prison. The mother agreed to a plea bargain serving 25 years. The purpose of this report is to offer insight, information, and facts from this case for the benefit of others.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that employment protection aggravates problems of adverse selection if workers differ with respect to their productivity. Analyzing European and US labor law, we identify regulations which work in the opposite direction. Where employment protection legislation allows dismissals only for good cause and imposes social criteria upon the employer’s selection process in the event of redundancies, the average productivity of hireable workers is shown to improve. However, we find that the employers’ reduced freedom of choice more than offsets the productivity increase of newly hired workers and job creation is deterred by employment protection legislation. Nevertheless, low-productivity workers may favor the introduction of employment protection provisions.  相似文献   

Correctional officers represent the most important component of penitentiaries, as they are required to regulate prisoner conduct and establish safety within the prison. Recent literature, however, reveals that many officers resign from their position shortly after being hired. Although extant literature has found a number of variables to significantly impact officer resignation intentions, including pay dissatisfaction and poor supervisory evaluations, no study has yet evaluated the influences of emotional dissonance and job desirability in predicting this outcome. Survey data collected from a statewide population of officers are used to examine the impact of these specific variables in predicting officer turnover intentions. While emotional dissonance did not have as influential an impact as originally hypothesized, officer evaluations of job desirability instead exhibited a positive and highly significant connection. To reduce officer turnover, prison administrators should improve officer working conditions, provide them some emotional outlets, and make this profession more attractive.  相似文献   

Commercial aviation in the United States developed rapidly from a nucleus of pilots who returned from World War I, barnstormed and flew primitive airmail routes, and were hired by the new commerical airlines of the 1930s. The death of U.S. Senator Bronson Cutting in a 1935 crash was an important stimulus to improved governmental regulation of civil aviation. The air traffic control system, primitive until and throughout World War II, was soon proven to be inadequate for postwar demands. The midair collision of two large airliners over the Grand Canyon in June 1956 that killed the 128 persons on board was itself a strong stimulus for serious efforts, particularly in improving air traffic control systems. This and many other difficult problems in aviation safety have been addressed in the subsequent 33 years, some with success, although it has not always been immediate, and with major accidents still occurring. Commercial air travel is safe and widely accepted, however, and there is promise for additional important advances here.  相似文献   

胡大武 《现代法学》2012,34(1):57-64
家政工作存在风险是客观的,世界上一些国家和地区采取集体协商和国家指引的方式将家庭雇佣型家政工人排除在工伤保险之外的做法,不仅对该群体有失公允,而且难以有效化解家政工人与其雇主之间的诸多矛盾。考虑到家政工人的特殊性,建议我国未来家政工人工伤保险政策以工作时间作为权衡家政工人享受工伤保险权益的核心标准,将每周工作达到3天或者达到24小时的家政工人纳入工伤保险范畴,强制要求家庭雇主为该类家政工人购买工伤保险,同时,许可每周工作时间不到3天或者不到24小时的家政工人以自我雇佣者身份自行参加工伤保险。  相似文献   

This article makes a critical assessment of legal education in Nigeria, focusing on the standard of hiring for the teaching of law as a career in the country. Legal academics are hired based upon an accreditation standard that requires a vocational qualification determined through a call to the Nigerian Bar. The article argues that making a vocational qualification a criterion for academic appointment – apart from other achievements demonstrated through higher law degrees – inhibits innovation in teaching and learning and needs to change. This change is premised on three reasons: the growth of interdisciplinary legal scholarship; the trend in the legal marketplace; and the correlation between a law faculty and a department of religion. And it concludes with some proposals to think about for a more scholarly approach towards the teaching of law within Nigerian academia. The aim of this article is to inform the essential dichotomy between legal scholarship and practice, and the transnational aspirations of legal academics, for those involved in the development of law teaching and study, as well as those concerned with educational policy and administration around the world.  相似文献   

The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is a recent development in psychological assessment which has attracted attention because of the breadth of its coverage and the fact that it includes a four-point scale of item agreement. Matrix, Incorporated, is a psychological assessment center that specializes in the assessment of law enforcement personnel. Matrix has collected performance variables on 800 police officers who had taken the PAI prior to being hired. Correlational analysis was performed and there was a significant effect in the data. Discussion focuses upon the criteria in relation to the PAI variables, particularly with regard to aggression, antisocial characteristics and the validity scales. The data clearly demonstrate that the PAI has good potential for the selection of law enforcement officers. Emily DeCoster-Martin was an undergraduate psychology major at The University of Evansville at the time this paper was written  相似文献   

It is not uncommon for children to fall victim to the stress and tension of a contentious custody dispute. If a party seeks a mental health evaluation and the opposing party challenges the results, the child then endures a series of evaluations until a valid report is produced. The court will often remedy this situation by appointing a neutral forensic psychologist to perform the evaluation independent from a previous party‐hired forensic psychologist. 1 This Note proposes that the court instead appoint the forensic psychologist first to conduct an evaluation and draft a report. Only at the judge's discretion may the parties hire a private forensic psychologist to challenge the report. Additionally, states should codify court rules that enumerate standards for forensic psychologists in child custody evaluations. These rules should set forth criteria that shall be required and highlighted throughout each mental health evaluator's report, allowing judges to compare and contrast each evaluation more effectively. This legislation will not only reduce the child's exposure to excessive testing, but will also provide a more efficient way of arriving at a just result.  相似文献   

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