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We monitored the immunohistochemically determined amount of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells in human fetal lung using polyclonal antibodies against apoprotein B and C of human pulmonary surfactant. Lungs of 30 dead-born fetuses without lung affection aged between 15 and 38 weeks of gestation were evaluated and the surface density of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells was determined by morphometry. In lungs of fetuses with a gestational age less than 22 weeks no relevant number of positively reacting cells could be found. Between the 22nd and 29th week a progressive increase with considerable inter-individual variability was observed. From the 30th week on the number of the type II pneumocytes appeared rather constant without further significant increase. We provide evidence that the immunohistochemical detection of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells is useful for the determination of the age of unknown and especially fragmented fetuses: The lack of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells in fetal lungs before the 22nd week allows a rather safe distinction between fetal lungs of higher age from those of lesser age. Between the 22nd and 29th week an age-dependent increase in the number of these cells occurs with wide inter-individual variability allowing only an approximate age determination. In particular, this may be an important piece of information in fragmented fetal corpses. Furthermore, the number of surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells provides additional information on pulmonary maturation and may thus be helpful in the estimation of a theoretical survival chance.  相似文献   

Depending on the general condition of fetal remains, forensic specialists might face difficulties concerning age estimation. Reference tables and regression equations are helpful devices in this task, although they are generally applied for complete fetuses or fetal remains including soft tissues. However, the problem of age estimation stays for osseous remains, both for entire bones and ossified parts, since most of the reference tables come from ultrasonographic measurements, which are not easily reproducible on fetal osseous remains. Furthermore, the ultrasonographic measurements contain slight errors in comparison to the real anatomical ones. This study describes a radiographic protocol and a measurement technique that facilitate and improve bone measurements, and therefore, facilitate age estimation, too. A qualitative criterion, namely a clear-cut bony endplate, was defined and tested. Its reliability (repeatability and reproducibility) turned out to be good, showing nonsignificative differences to the threshold of 0.05, with average errors of 0.26 and 0.44 mm respectively. Moreover, concerning the test of eventual size differences between the right and left femurs showed a P value < 0.0001. The test of the qualitative criterion was based on the comparison of the radiographic in situ femur measurements and the radiographic measurements of the same bones after dissection. The results were satisfactory, since an average error of 0.58 mm was obtained, which did not give any significant differences to the threshold of 0.05. It was concluded that this methodology provides an easy and precise new measurement tool for forensic practice, and can allow us to establish some nonultrasonographic tables, which fit our population.  相似文献   

The authors propose methods for the determination of the body length of adult persons based on the planimetric analysis of X-ray images of the wrist bones. The body length was calculated with the help of regression equations derived with reference to the age-specific changes of the wrist bones visible on X-ray images. The results of the calculation were compared with the known body length of selected subjects.  相似文献   

In cases of fragment/broken long bones, it becomes difficult to measure the length of bones for the purpose of calculation of total height (stature) of the individual with the help of magnification factors. An attempt has been made to devise a method of calculating the bones length from fragments on three long bones of the upper extremity.  相似文献   

It is impossible to measure directly the length of fragmentary or broken long bones. It is in order to calculate the height (stature) of the individual, using magnification factors. An attempt has been made to devise a method of calculating the length from such fragments for the three long bones of the upper limb.  相似文献   

目的探讨胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的关系。方法随机抽查400例鄂西地区成年男女,测量每个人的胸耻线长和颈臀线长及身高,用SAS软件系统进行多元线性回归分析。结果建立了8项不同性别、不同年龄段推断身高的二元线性回归方程。18-40岁年龄段内人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的相关性好,根据人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长推断身高准确率高。41岁以上年龄段内人体胸耻线长和颈臀线长与身高的相关性稍差,其推断身高的回归方程慎用。结论该方法可用于推断成年人身高。  相似文献   

静脉滴注安痛定中毒死亡1例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安痛定注射液是临床上常用的解热、镇痛药物 ,规定皮下或肌肉注射 ,每次 2ml(1支 ) ,每日 3次 ,极量每日 1 0ml[1 ] 。偶见大量肌注引起中毒死亡的报道[2 ] 。但违反操作常规 ,用药途径错误 ,静脉滴注过量安痛定引起中毒死亡尚未见报道 ,现报告。案例 白某 ,女 ,43岁。某日 1 7时回家后周身疼 ,发烧 ,吃两片安乃近 ,出汗。 2 0时许又吃了两片扑热息痛。第二天早仍发烧 ,白的丈夫找来本村个体医生 ,测体温 3 9.5℃。给予 4支病毒唑、3支丁胺卡那、2支安痛定 ,加入 2 5 0ml盐水中滴流。滴流约一多半时 ,病人觉浑身发冷 ,哆嗦 ,家属将滴…  相似文献   

A pyrolysis-gas-liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the differentiation of adult and fetal bloodstains. In a blind-coded study, five adult and three fetal bloodstains were correctly identified on the basis of the pyrograms of stain extracts. The differentiation between adult and fetal bloodstains is based on the peak height ratio of two long-retention-time peaks appearing in their pyrograms. The first of these peaks has been tentatively identified as indole derived from the pyrolysis of tryptophan, while the second peak is an as-yet unidentified molecular fragment produced by the pyrolysis of some component of the hemoglobin molecule other than the amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine.  相似文献   

安痛定注射液是临床上常用的解热、镇痛药物,规定皮下或肌肉注射,每次2ml(1支),每日3次,极量每日10ml[1].偶见大量肌注引起中毒死亡的报道[2].但违反操作常规,用药途径错误,静脉滴注过量安痛定引起中毒死亡尚未见报道,现报告. 案例白某,女,43岁.某日17时回家后周身疼,发烧,吃两片安乃近,出汗.20时许又吃了两片扑热息痛.第二天早仍发烧,白的丈夫找来本村个体医生,测体温39.5℃.给予4支病毒唑、3支丁胺卡那、2支安痛定,加入250ml盐水中滴流.滴流约一多半时,病人觉浑身发冷,哆嗦,家属将滴流拔下.又找来另一乡村医生,见病人紧闭双眼,体温42℃,心率180次/分.给予肌注3ml安痛定.9 时许病人昏迷,抽搐,口唇发绀,瞳孔散大,急送市中心医院.10时30分入病房,病人大汗淋漓,唤之不醒,二便失禁.查体:T36.6℃,R22次/分,脉搏摸不到,BP10/8kPa,呼吸促,神志不清.两眼上翻凝视,双瞳孔等大正圆,直径3.0mm,对光反射存在.双肺呼吸音粗糙,未闻及干湿罗音.心率104次/分,低钝,律整.肠鸣音4次/分.初步诊断:休克原因待查.治疗:吸氧,抗休克及对症治疗.以后病人一直昏迷,大汗淋漓,口唇发绀,口吐少许白沫,呼吸促乃至呼吸困难,伴鼾声,双肺下野散在痰鸣音及少许水泡音, 血压逐渐下降,10/7kPa~8/5kPa.体温逐渐下降,36.6℃~34.6℃,虽经抗休克、对症等治疗,病人于12时30分呼吸停止,继之心跳停止而死亡.  相似文献   

利用碎裂的长骨片段 ,计算长骨的总长。选择中国人长骨 5 0 0余例 ,取其骨性标志分段测量记录 ,将测得的数据输入计算机 ,用社会科学软件包 (SPSS)中全回归法进行统计学处理。在得出的 33个多元回归方程中 ,方程1、 9、 18、 2 6证明了骨性标志间各段长度与总长的正相关关系 ,其余 2 9个方程是在有选择的略去 1个变量和因长骨近端、远端或两端缺损使 1个或 1个以上变量缺失的情况下得出。根据碎裂长骨片段骨性标志间的长度测量值 ,应用多元回归方程 ,可计算出长骨的总长  相似文献   

在法医鉴定工作中,X光摄片检验手段已普遍用于鉴别骨折有无,了解关节结构改变等诸多方面.笔者在法医检案过程中,将该手段选择性地用于损伤伤残鉴定中,取得了较好的效果,现介绍如下:  相似文献   

荧光标记复合扩增毛细管电泳法在SNP分型中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的采用荧光标记复合扩增毛细管电泳法,对辽南地区汉族人群13个SNP进行等位基因频率调查,并评价其法医学应用价值。方法选择13个双等位基因SNP,应用荧光标记片段长度差异等位基因特异性复合扩增SNP分型方法,对辽南地区汉族人群进行群体调查。结果每个SNP纯合子为单一产物峰,杂合子则为长度不同的两个产物峰。不同位点扩增产物长度不同,根据产物长度和产物峰数量进行SNP分型,其结果与直接测序完全一致。同时获得辽南地区汉族人群13个SNP等位基因频率。结论采用荧光标记复合扩增毛细管电泳法进行SNP分型,方法简单实用,在法医学个人识别领域具有较高的应用。  相似文献   

目的建立反相高效液相色谱方法定量分析血液、肝脏、及胃内容中异烟肼含量的方法。方法采用液液萃取方法,液相色谱条件为symmetryRC185μm,(4.6mm×250mm);乙腈:10mmol/LK2PO4(97∶3);1.0ml/min;检测波长为265nm。结果该方法的线性范围是0.4μg~40μg,γ=0.9999,最小检出波度为0.1μg/ml。结论该方法准确、快速,适用于毒物分析鉴定。  相似文献   

目的建立人脊柱胸段长度推算身高的方法。方法应用数字X线摄影技术(DR)摄制514例中国四川汉族人群的胸部DR片,测其脊柱胸段长度,同时准确测量被研究者身高,对测量获得的脊柱胸段长度与身高数据分组进行线性回归分析,建立胸段长度推算身高的回归方程。结果建立了混合组、男性组、女性组、20—45岁男性组、大于45岁男性组、20~45岁女性组和大于45岁女性组7个回归方程,经显著性检验,均有统计学意义(P〈0.01),复相关系数(R)范围0.834~0.624,回归系数(b)范围0.259~0.389,回归方程估计值的标准误在3.88~4.72cm范围内。结论利用人类脊柱胸段长度推算身高的方法在法医学个人识别中具有重要价值。  相似文献   

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