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正Diversified evaluators have been introduced to assess local officials’ performance amid growing ecological concerns East China’s Fujian Province is preparing for the adoption of a more reason-able set of standards to evaluate local government performance,which may give officials in localities with lower economic growth cause to feel a bit more relaxed.In August,the Fujian Provincial Government announced that it will gauge  相似文献   

记得去年北京市政协第十届二次会议期间经济科技委员会的报告会上,一个温文而雅的中年学者正在做报告,只见他一会儿侃侃而谈,一会儿熟练地用多媒体展示北京市的地形图,观众们都在凝神倾听.  相似文献   

While EVE Energy, a company based in Guangdong Province, sees potential in the lithium battery business as the electric vehicle sector continues to grow, the future for its e-cigarette brand isn't looking so good. In May, the National Health Commission (NHC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) China Office issued the China Report on the Health Hazards of Smoking, which suggested that ecigarettes are not safe alternatives to traditional tobacco and can pose health risks. It was the first official document that came to such a conclusion in China.  相似文献   

<正>The government has recently stepped up assistance to the most vulnerable children On January 13, Zhang Xinyu, a resident in Banan District, southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality,  相似文献   

The value chain,along which there are already escalating trade frictions and conflicts,will be the center of global competition in the future.The Asia-Pacific value chain,particularly the East Asian one,is critical for global trade,being a major driver of global growth.However,the new trade frictions between China and the U.S.as well as between Japan and the Republic of Korea(ROK)are causing structural damage to the chain,which may not only lead to its contraction and stagnation in trade growth,but also have a long-term and far-reaching impact on regional economic integration,including trade agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)and the China-Japan-ROK Free Trade Agreement(FTA).  相似文献   

"问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来".读书学习本来就是我们党员干部生活的常态和提高工作能力的源泉.可是,我们一些党员干部对读书学习的重要性和必要性缺乏足够的认识和重视,满足于现状,自我感觉良好,突出表现为:工作生活中终日事务缠身、忙忙碌碌.不可否认,就我们铁路内部来看,当前正处于各项事业高速发展的关键阶段,各种新情况、新问题亟待我们应对和处理,工作忙、精力有限是不争的事实.  相似文献   

郝明 《重庆行政》2010,12(1):32-34
当今世界已迈人全球化与现代化的信息时代,瞬息万变的信息在某种程度上成了社会经济发展的决定性因素,信息资源日益成为人们关注的重点,占全社会信息资源总量80%的政府信息资源更成为重中之重。政府信息,具有价值高、权威性强的特点,往往直接关系到国民经济与社会发展的状况、水平。政府信息公开,是政府信息资源得以流通及有效利用的前提基础,  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国政府积极打造一个公平、公正、公开的"阳光政府"体系,"阳光政府"建设虽然取得了一定的成绩,但在行政、人事、财务信息公开等方面仍存在着不足之处。为解决现存的问题,可从加强对政府工作人员的法治教育、加大群众监督力度以及建立财务信息公开等方面着手,以法治化的手段推动"阳光政府"的深化改革。  相似文献   

海南的冬季很美,是一种每一粒土壤依然张扬着生命活力的美,这是寒峭的北国和湿冷的江南无法比拟的……新年伊始,人们不约而同地在记忆中展望未来:2010年,又是一个不寻常的年轮。这一年,我们的国家历经多次重大事件,既有玉树地震、舟曲泥石流的悲怆,也有上海世博、广州亚运的盛举……而对于海南,在与国人同悲喜的共振中,我们还额外体验了建设海南国际旅游岛重大决策落槌之后的惊喜与焦虑。  相似文献   

在构建社会主义核心价值体系的过程中,马克思主义是其指导思想,而中国化的马克思主义理论是这一指导思想的核心内容,起着价值导向作用.如何以社会主义核心价值体系引领当代中国马克思主义大众化进程,将对构建社会主义和谐社会,转变发展方式有着重要意义.  相似文献   

大连市第十次党代会提出了港航立市、产业兴市、科教强市、惠民富市四个发展战略,为大连“十一五”时期及今后一个时期全面、协调、可持续发展指明了方向,确立了思路。  相似文献   

Iam a staunch supporter or tree trade. When the financial crisis was spreading far and wide, trade protectionism did not dissipate; rather, it got worse.  相似文献   

<正>China’s coal industry is slipping deeper into the red.Among all the sectors that witnessed declining profits,it is suffering the most.According to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics,in December 2014,the coal mining and washing sector experienced an overall profit shrinkage of 20.78 billion yuan($3.32bil ion),owing to a year-on-year ex-factory price decrease of 12.2 percent.Data from the China  相似文献   

青年逆境成才现象研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就青年人才成长的境遇而言,可分为顺境成才和逆境成才。顺境所提供的种种便利条件固然有利于人才成长,但逆境也往往是青年人才成长中经常遭遇而又必须正确面对的境遇。我国古代不少思想家都认为“多难兴才”,魏源甚至说:“逆则生,顺则夭矣;逆则圣,顺则狂矣。草木不霜雪,则生意不固;人不忧患,则智慧不成。”[1]他认为只有身处逆境才能成才,虽有一定的片面性,但逆境成才现象所体现的某种意义上的规律性,却是一个不争的事实。(一)特定历史条件与社会政治制度使然特定的社会历史条件和政治制度为人才成长提供一种大趋势的制导。正向制导形成人才…  相似文献   

"阳光体育运动"是国家针对新时期我国学生体质健康状况,采取的一个重要政策行动和体质健康干预行动。"阳光体育运动"自2007年正式实施以来,大学生的体质健康状况虽有改善,但总体成效并不明显。以此为研究课题,探讨高校实施"阳光体育运动"的意义、长效机制等,有助于力推这项行动的全面开展。  相似文献   

李晓林 《北京观察》2007,(12):25-26
2004年,我参与了中国民主建国会北京市委员会组织的关于居民住宅小区物业管理问题的社会调研工作。经过深入一些小区进行实地调查,同  相似文献   

正Villages in Guizhou Province demonstrate the power of tourism As provinces throughout China strive to eradicate poverty by 2020,in line with plans set out in the country’s 13th FiveYear Plan(2016-20)for social and economic development,southwestern Guizhou Province seeks to set an example through tourism projects and related business activities."Guizhou has a population of over 6  相似文献   

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