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This study investigated the relationship between social information processing (SIP) and both relational and overt, physical aggression in a longitudinally-followed sample of 228 adolescent girls (ages 11–18; 140 with ADHD and 88 comparison girls). During childhood, girls participated in naturalistic summer camps where peer rejection, overt physical aggression, and relational aggression were assessed via multiple informants and methods. Approximately 4.5 years later, these girls participated in follow-up assessments during which they completed a commonly-used vignette procedure to assess SIP; overt and relational aggression were again assessed through multiple informants. Correlations between (a) overt and relational aggression and (b) maladaptive SIP were modest in this female adolescent sample. However, relationships between aggression and SIP were stronger for the comparison girls than for the girls with ADHD. The relevance of SIP models for adolescent girls and clinical implications of findings are discussed.
Amori Yee MikamiEmail:

This study used a 2-month prospective research design to examine the bi-directional interplay between peer victimization and social anxiety among adolescents. Participants included 228 adolescents (58% female) in grades 10–12. Three types of peer victimization were examined: overt (physical aggression or verbal threats), relational (malicious manipulation of a relationship, such as by friendship withdrawal), and reputational (damaging another’s peer relationships, such as through rumor spreading). Adolescents’ self-reported feelings of social anxiety and peer victimization experiences were assessed at two time points, in November and January of the same school year. Peer victimization was strongly related to adolescents’ social anxiety, and relational victimization explained additional unique variance. Moreover, peer victimization was both a predictor and consequence of social anxiety over time, with the most robust results found for relational victimization. Limited support was obtained for gender as a moderating variable. Findings highlight the deleterious effects of peer victimization, especially relational victimization, and suggest avenues for future research and clinical intervention for adolescents experiencing such victimization.
Rebecca S. SiegelEmail:

社会组织是社会管理创新的重要力量,在加强和创新社会管理的背景下,如何培育具有发展潜力的社会组织参与社会服务和社会管理,成为现实发展的迫切需求。社会组织孵化器是促进社会组织发展的重要推动媒介,为社会组织创造和提供发展的关键性支持,天河区社会组织培育基地是由政府购买服务,高职院校作为运营主体的社会组织孵化器,其运营过程依托于社会工作专业背景的高校教师及学生。高校教师领办孵化器拥有专业优势,能够使社会组织培育经验转化为教学资源,提升师资水平,同时为学生的社会实践提供平台。  相似文献   

Three models of attachment relationships—the hierarchy model, the integrative model and the independent model—were compared in order to elucidate which best described the relationship between attachments to fathers versus mothers and its developmental consequences among 1,289 eighth grade students in Taiwan. These consequences included adolescents’ social support from family and friends, social expectations in peer interaction, self-worth, and depressive symptoms. The models can be summarized as follows: the hierarchy model assumes that paternal attachment is influenced by the level of maternal attachment; the integrative model assumes that the combined effects of secure attachments to mother and to father best predict the child’s development; and the independent model suggests that maternal and paternal attachments have differential influences on the child’s developmental outcomes. Our results indicate that the independent model best describes adolescents’ attachment relationships with parents and their subsequent developmental consequences. Moreover, gender differences were found in adolescent’s report of attachment to mother and father in relation with the outcome variables. Yih-Lan Liu is an associate professor at National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C. She received her Ph.D degree 1996 from University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A. Her major research interests include parent-child interaction, attachment relationships, ego development and adolescent development and psychosocial adjustment.  相似文献   

Peer crowds serve as an identity marker for adolescents, indicating their image and status among peers; but adolescents do not always endorse peer appraisals of crowd affiliation. We report on two studies—one with 924 adolescents in grades 7–12 and a second with a more diverse population of 2,728 students in grades 9–11, followed for 2 years—that examined how congruence between peer and self-appraisals of crowd affiliation relate to self-esteem and internalizing symptoms. Analyses indicate that high-status crowd members may suffer and low-status crowd members benefit by denying their peer crowd affiliation, but effects are modest in size and not entirely consistent across the two studies. Findings underscore the value of symbolic interactionist principles concerning reflected appraisal processes in understanding how peer crowd affiliation affects adolescent self-image.
B. Bradford BrownEmail:

The direct and mediated effects of socioenvironmental risk on internalizing and externalizing problems among Latino youth aged 10–14 were examined using prospective analyses. Participants in this study were 464 Latino mother and child dyads surveyed as part of the Welfare, Children & Families: A Three City Study. It was hypothesized that socioenvironmental risk (i.e., maternal psychological distress, maternal parenting stress, neighborhood disadvantage, and perceived financial strain) would influence later adolescent adjustment by interrupting important family processes and interfering with opportunities for adolescents to develop appropriate social competence. Using path analyses, the mediational model was compared across high and low acculturation groups. With two exceptions, the models for the high and low acculturation groups were equivalent. Results supported a mediated effect between early socioenvironmental risk and later adjustment problems for the low acculturation group through family routines and adolescent social competence. Among families high in acculturation, socioenvironmental risk effects were partially mediated through family routines and adolescent social competence. Finally, a path from gender to maternal monitoring was present in the low acculturation group model but not the high acculturation group model. Assistant professor at the University at Albany, State University of New York. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of North Texas. Her major research interests are risk and resiliency processes in minority youth. Assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Michigan State University. Her major research interests are the effects of microenvironmental factors in the externalizing and internalizing behaviors of European American and Latino youth. Assistant professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Michigan State University. Her major research interests are risk and protective factors in children and adolescents at-risk because of parental substance abuse.  相似文献   

This study applies latent growth curve analysis to data from three waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (n = 10,828) and finds that symptoms of depression and social support interact with one another in a dynamic fashion across the transition from adolescence (mean age at Wave 1 = 15.28 years) to young adulthood (mean age at Wave 3 = 21.65 years). Parental support during adolescence is inversely associated with initial symptoms of depression for girls and boys, although adolescent girls with low levels of parental support begin the study period with significantly higher levels of depressive symptomatology than their male counterparts. In addition, adolescents who begin the study period with higher levels of depressive symptomatology report less parental support during young adulthood. Finally, regardless of their initial level of depressive symptoms, girls and boys who experience increased symptoms of depression over time also report lower levels of parental support at the end of the study period.
Belinda L. NeedhamEmail:

大学生个人社会资本有助于大学生在校的成长与发展。大学生个人社会资本有两个维度:社会活动网络规模、私人关系网络规模。大学生在校成长状况有四个维度:学习成绩、组织实践能力、心理自信度、心理开放度。大学生个人社会资本的社会活动网络规模仅对大学生在校学习成绩和组织实践能力有显著的正向促进作用,与其心理自信度和心理开放度不存在显著的相关性;大学生个人社会资本的私人关系网络规模对大学生在校学习成绩和组织实践能力有显著的正向促进作用,对其心理自信度存在较为显著的正向促进作用,而对其心理开放度并不产生显著影响。因此,学校及大学生对个人社会资本的重视有助于大学生的在校成长及发展。  相似文献   

Children born to adolescent mothers have heightened vulnerability for exposure to multiple stressful life events owing to factors associated with teenaged parenthood such as poverty and low levels of maternal education. This study investigated whether early exposure to negative life events such as parental divorce, residential instability, and deaths in the family predicted children’s socioemotional and behavioral functioning at age 10. Hierarchical regression analyses suggested that negative life events—which were reported by 94% of the sample—were associated with less favorable developmental outcomes, with social support serving as a buffer between exposure to these events and children’s anxiety, internalization, externalization, and maladaptive behaviors.This research was supported by NIH grant # HD-26456. The first author was a predoctoral trainee on NIH grant # HD-07184 and interest focus on protective factors for at-risk populations.Shannon S. Carothers is attending Georgetown University for her post-doctorate. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Notre Dame. Her major research interests are at-risk populations, protective factors, religiosity, and parent training.John G. Borkowski is the Andrew J. McKenna Family Chair and Professor at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Iowa. His major research interests are memory, cognitive development, adolescent parenting, and intelligence in children.Thomas L. Whitman is a Professor at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Illinois. His major research interests center on early childhood development.  相似文献   

信息的充分传递是市场资源高效配置的前提。就业市场上大学生就业信息的不完全,影响了大学生理性的进行学科选择和职业规划,导致高等教育人才供需双方不能有效衔接。知情权保障是解决主体信息不完全问题的唯一路径。我国应在立法上明确大学生就业知情权的内容,并通过政府的市场就业信息收集供给、高校就业信息服务、用人单位就业信息告知等,落实大学生就业的知情权。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,图书馆正面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。自20世纪90年代以来国内外图书馆迅猛发展,我院图书馆亦如此。但存在数字化文献资源缺乏、参考咨询服务不够深入等问题。必须在服务观念、服务方式上有所创新。  相似文献   

分析当前工会院校图书馆信息资料工作现状和存在的问题,为适应新时期工会院校教学和科研的需要,应从规范信息资料类型、扩大信息资料来源、完善信息资料管理、加大信息资料工作投入、提高工作人员素质等方面,加强和改进图书馆信息资料工作。  相似文献   

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