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This paper analyzes European measures against torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in order to verify their effectiveness, especially in terms of the values that are actually being protected. First, it examines the distinction between the external and internal action of the European Union, highlighting ways in which the EU appears to be more attentive to combat practices of torture in third countries than to domestic incidents and the proposals to legalize torture made at a political level in some Member States. Then, it examines the European Court of Human Rights’ ruling in the Cestaro versus Italy case, focusing specifically on the fact that Italy was in breach of its obligations under Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, because the framework does not recognize torture as a crime and does not provide instruments of deterrence to effectively prevent the execution and the recurrence of such acts. Currently, the Italian Parliament is discussing a draft amendment to the Criminal Code and aims at introducing the concept of torture as a crime; however, in light of the comments made by the European Court of Human Rights, this project questions whether the proposed solution will be able to prevent a repeat of events similar to those that occurred in 2001 after the G8 Summit in Genoa.  相似文献   

What happens when international courts are asked to tackle local political controversies and their judgments subsequently spark contentious resistance? In the European Union (EU), scholars have posited that the politicization of the often‐liberalizing rulings of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) provokes Euroscepticism and noncompliance. In contrast, I argue that contentious politics may also produce permissive conditions for activist “Eurolawyers” to promote awareness of EU law and mobilize support for liberalization. To unpack this claim, I conduct an intensive case study of perhaps the most explosive controversy in Italy to generate litigation before the ECJ: The 1991 “Port of Genoa” case, where the public monopoly rights of a centuries‐old dockworkers' union were challenged. Leveraging interviews, court and newspaper records, public opinion data, and litigation statistics, I trace how—despite dockworkers' vigorous resistance—a pair of entrepreneurial lawyers liberalized Italy's largest port by combining strategic litigation with a public relations campaign to mobilize a compliance constituency. I conclude with insights the case study offers into the contemporary politics of transnational governance.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to evaluate stress levels during routine activities and during a major political event by members of the VI Reparto Mobile, an Italian specialized police unit exclusively deployed for riot and crowd control, which had undergone serious stress and liability consequences after the 2001?G8-Summit in Genoa. The investigation protocol consisted of a psychological assessment at the beginning of the study, evaluation of task-related stress with the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) and the Effort-Reward Imbalance questionnaire (ERI) at two time periods, and evaluation of behavioral and clinical outcomes as measured by short-term sickness absences (STSA) throughout the duration of the study. The sample consisted of 290 policemen, representing a 98.6?% participation rate. Results found that unit officers were more emotionally stable, conscientious and open to experiences than the general male population and career soldiers. JCQ and ERI decreased significantly when compared with daily and special event activities (p?<?0.001). Fifty-one percent of officers took STSA during three months of routine deployment, whereas only 35.5?% took it during the 2009?G8-Summit. These results suggest that members of the specialized unit had good capacity to withstand stress. Chronic routine work might be significantly more stressful for these kinds of officers than assignment to a special high-risk political event when adequate training, positive psychosocial support and appropriate organization of the event are provided.  相似文献   

Abstract: The article offers a critical review of the institutional role of the European Group on Ethics in the EU, focusing on the appointment and composition of the group, the nature of its ‘opinions’, the way these are used by the Commission and other EU institutional actors, looking in particular at its controversial Opinion 22 on the ethical review and funding of stem cell research under the FP7 programme. The analysis highlights the methodological difficulties faced by the group in the grounding of its Opinions, the blurring of normative moral and legal orders, the risk of politicisation of ethics and the potential overreach by the EU of its competences in reliance on a group of this kind to reach unity on deeply contested moral questions in a culturally and morally diverse Europe.  相似文献   

许光耀 《时代法学》2006,4(1):20-27
对企业合并进行控制是竞争法的基本内容,而其中最核心的问题,是评价企业合并行为所依据的实体标准。基本内容包括对合并行为的反竞争影响,及其产生的积极效果。由于企业合并主要是通过改变市场结构而影响竞争,因而在对其进行分析时,一般首先分析合并行为对所在市场集中度产生的影响,这主要通过赫芬达尔指数来反映,对于发生在指数较低的市场上,或发生在集中度较高的市场上,但并未导致指数大幅度提高的企业合并行为,认定其不会产生严重的反竞争效果,可以批准。其他的合并行为则要由竞争主管机关进一步分析,主要考察该行为的反竞争效果,包括单边效果与协调效果;然后再考察存在哪些抵消因素。经过比较后,如果积极效果大于消极效果,则予以批准。  相似文献   

土地征收审批的正当程序改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘国乾 《法学研究》2012,(4):126-137
程序正当是土地征收理应遵循的原则,实践中的改革已使报批前的准备阶段包含正当程序要素,然而公告之前的征收审批是否也应遵循该原则却有争议。征收审批内部程序运作的技术性设置不能改变其具体行政行为的属性,而其在实质上还具有对土地权利变动进行裁决的功能。征收审批的行为属性和功能属性理论上均要求引入正当程序。现行征收审批是由申请机关单方主宰信息的封闭决策过程,这导致审批机关缺乏第三方信息对报批材料进行验证。提高审批实效的要求呼唤引入正当程序作为信息传导机制。审批机关可利用拟被征收人表达异议或抗辩的信息弥补无法观测到申请机关行为的局限,增强对报批材料的核实能力。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the United Nations War Crimes Commission’s significant contribution to the development of customary international criminal law defined by the development of international legal standards and proceedings to combat impunity and promote justice. It draws on the Commission’s official history and its increasingly open archives in order to provide an overview of the UNWCC and its work, its members and its legacy for the contemporary era of international criminal law. The article firstly places the Commission in its historical context through the events and agreements that led to its creation and provided the legal character of the UNWCC. The defining characteristics of the Commission are afterwards described: the nations involved, the committee structure it formed and the sub-commission located in the Far East. Lastly, the accomplishments of the Commission are emphasised and criticisms of its work are presented. The article concludes with a discussion on the legacy of the Commission’s work and a possible future research agenda.  相似文献   

中国对专属经济区船舶污染的司法管辖权   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
船舶污染的法律管辖会涉及海洋各国的利益,尤其是对专属经济区的司法管辖权。中国对于专属经济区船舶污染的司法管辖权的法律渊源主要是《海洋法公约》和中国有关法律。《海洋法公约》规定了行使司法管辖权的实体上的条件和程序上的要求,中国有权依法行使对在其专属经济区海洋污染的船舶进行民事诉讼的司法管辖权。  相似文献   

鲁洁先生对当代中国教育学理论,尤其是德育理论有着重大的、特殊的贡献。道德教育哲学是她治教育学的核心和灵魂,以道德之眼看教育、思教育是她教育学术思想的明显标识。她建构的是有人的和为人的德育,是以人的生活为坚实基础的德育。她一直在关注对西方现代化的反思,她不迷信过度物质化、占有式的西方现代化,同时却高度重视西方现代人本主义的新发展,敏感于它们区别于近代人本主义的新特征。她完全不满足于传统的道德概念,她试图冲破规范论的道德解释论,冲破知识论的道德解释论,冲破工具论的道德解释论以及现存论的道德解释论。她已相当完整地构筑起道德教育哲学的理论大厦,也相当深刻地回应了中国社会转型中道德教育面临的种种现实问题。祝贺她寿辰的最好方式无疑是激发人们重温她的作品,走进她的学术生活,更深入一些地研究她的思想。  相似文献   

刑讯作为野蛮的刑与文明的讯结合而成的取证方法,在中国古代延续了两千余年,这一方面反映了其不足之处,另一方面却又足以说明了其价值所在。因此,不顾其存在的客观历史条件而简单地对其功过一概否定或者肯定的观点都是值得商榷的。本文从中国古代刑讯制度的沿革入手,就古代中国刑讯制度化、法律化的形成、原因、特点等诸多相关问题予以了阐述,目的在于客观地评价中国古代的刑讯制度,从而扬讯之长,避刑之短,以完善今天的证据制度。  相似文献   

Reviews data on analysis of narcotic phencyclidine and its main metabolites and analogs. Pharmacological and toxic characteristics of phencyclidine, conditions of its isolation from biological objects and its detection and measurement by thin layer and gas chromatography and by chromatographic mass-spectrometry are described. Analysis of phencyclidine metabolites is discussed and a scheme of its metabolism is presented. Statistical characteristics of methods of quantitative analysis of phencyclidine in biological objects are presented.  相似文献   

论我国看守所立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为与监狱不同的羁押场所,看守所的主要功能是保证未决犯的合法权利、确保刑事诉讼活动的顺利进行。看守所立法有其特有的历史脉络与现实状况,看守所立法指导着看守所工作的发展与进步。从目前来看,我国看守所的立法工作还需明确法律修改目标、合理规范看守所法律地位及其职能、加强对羁押过程中的人权保障、加强对看守所工作的监督等。  相似文献   

纪格非 《证据科学》2012,20(1):98-108
经验法则根据其内容,可以分为科学经验与人文经验两种类型。科学经验是理智正常的人通常所具有的、可以用判断和命题来表示的科学知识。科学经验可以通过实验或计算的方式验证其真伪,其适用的正当性比较容易得到保障。人文经验涉及对某种社会现象的解释或对特定个体的行为赋予一定的社会学含义。它是一种客观性与可控制性较弱的经验,其适用的正当性更多取决于社会、心理、价值观方面是否"可以接受"以及是否与本案事实相"匹配"。  相似文献   

试论美国的民事诉讼法律文化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
美国人有极强的权利观念,对法律有强烈的依赖,这是由美国的法律文化决定的,由此导致越来越多的案件被法院审理,这种诉讼爆炸现象有积极和消极两方面的作用。  相似文献   

The directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions (the ‘Biotech Directive’) represents the end of a decade‐long dialogue on how best to encourage biotechnology innovation in Europe while addressing ethical concerns. The Biotech Directive represents an interesting compromise between Parliament, Commission, and Council based on divergent policy concerns, treaty limitations, and international trade rules. In this article, the authors explore the meaning and implication of the Biotech Directive by examining its contentious history, its provisions, and its jurisdictional foundations. Drawing on this base, the authors examine questions left unanswered by the Biotech Directive and analyse how the Biotech Directive fits in with existing international law.  相似文献   

无论理论研究还是实践经验,我国智慧法院建设已经产生了大量的智慧成果,但在可持续发展的制度化逻辑方面与既有实践成果之间尚未实现科学衔接,智慧法院建设还存在着实践应用不充分、系统融贯性不畅和在线诉讼不足等问题。进一步推动人工智能技术在智慧法院建设中实践运用的基本方案是,在"人工智能+司法"的格局之下,借助数字孪生、拓展现实、隐私计算、情感计算等新兴人工智能技术拓展智慧法院建设的实践运用;在运用前景上,以人工智能技术系统指导智慧法院4.0建设,特别是以人工智能技术推动智慧法院在线诉讼规则,并通过人工智能技术与制度的协同融合推动智慧法院内涵发展,以此推动司法理论与智能技术深度融合、诉讼需求与智能技术深度融合、通用技术与专有开发深度融合,为智能时代中国智慧法院建设提供技术机理和法理结构。  相似文献   

We propose an economic interpretation of the definition of a dominant position used by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Then we apply co-integration techniques to test econometrically whether the sole Danish producer of cement holds a dominant position. Import penetration tests show that its conduct is independent of import price and quantity, so it can act to a considerable extent independently of its competitors. We also test whether it can act independently of its customers and find that its demand is inelastic with respect to its price. It thus holds a dominant position on the relevant Danish market.  相似文献   

郭德香 《河北法学》2003,21(5):133-137
为适应金融全球化的发展潮流,尽快实现由分业经营体制向混业经营体制的转变,是我国金融业 未来发展的理性选择。为此,我国需要在现有进行条件的基础上,转变观念,放松管制,加强立 法,鼓励金融各业进行金融创新,开展多元化、综合化的经营,为实现真正的混业经营准备充分的 条件。当然,根据我国的现实国情,我国应采取渐进式的改革方式,最终过渡到混业经营。  相似文献   

Oversight function is a major component of the activities of modern legislatures irrespective of the form of government in practice. This study examines the extent to which the Nigerian legislature, characterised by infrequent appearances on the political scene and operating in an environment largely dominated by the executive arm, has performed its oversight role. The study, which is basically empirical, argues that the Nigerian legislature has been incapable of effectively performing its oversight role because, in addition to constraints like executive interference, crippling internal conflict, inexperience and high rate of members turnover hampering legislative efficiency, the legislature has compromised its role. However, occasional flashes of a measure of assertiveness by the legislature suggest that with effective mitigation of its internal problems its performance will improve as legislative culture deepens.  相似文献   

This article addresses cultural policy in post-Communist Romania, focusing on the justifications for support of culture and the arts. The objectives are to clarify values legitimizing public support and to determine their effect on the meaning and impact of cultural policy. The author argues that justifications of public funding—instrumental or intrinsic—depend on how successive governments represent the roles conferred to culture and the arts, as well as on the particular ideas of culture and art they promote. Policy discourse after 1989 has been characterized by its nourishment of a persistent instrumental ideology that gradually connected to the international debate and has been dominated by a traditional, narrow conception of culture and art, which conflicts with a modern conception. Until recently, the fluctuations and conflicts between different values and ideas of culture and art have worked to constrain cultural policy, disrupting its implementation and altering its effects.  相似文献   

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