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许细燕 《政法学刊》2011,28(4):104-111
中国的区际警务执法合作是在四个互不隶属的法域、三种不同的法系、两种不同的政治社会制度中进行,尽管各法域的历史过程有所不同形成了文化区别,但都植根于中华文化文明,所以,构建过程中依赖共同文化底蕴和民族生存与发展的需要。经过30多年努力地孕育和开拓,从相互隔绝到接触、碰撞、磨合,达到今天的互信,构建了具有中国特色的区际警务执法合作机制,并基本适应了维护各地社会治安稳定的需要。  相似文献   

This article critically examines the practice, methods, and regulation of cross‐border police cooperation between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Despite legal and political divisions, police cooperation has survived and flourished in recent years especially among police officers on the ground. By comparison, the development of transparent regulatory and accountability structures and processes has been disappointing. While there have been domestic initiatives at the intergovernmental and legislative levels, these have tended to emphasize the centrality of direct engagement between the police chiefs and senior civil servants at the expense of formal transparent procedures. EU instruments have been marginalized as the police forces and their administrations prefer informal networks and force‐to‐force agreements which, it is argued, shield cross‐border police cooperation from standards of transparency, oversight, and accountability which are essential to its legitimacy. They also highlight the limitations of the current EU legislative approach to cross‐border police cooperation.  相似文献   

This paper describes some of the issues around which cooperation among police agencies in the South African region have been coalescing. Cooperative engagements have resulted in a degree of harmonisation of policy and standardisation of police training. Within the region too a rhetorical commitment to common values and standards associated with democratic policing is forthcoming. Overall the processes underway are shaped by regional dynamics of a broader socio-political and specific police organisational nature. Structural underdevelopment, the weakness of institutions such as the police and contrarian politics more widely provide the context within which cooperation has evolved. By drawing on documentary analysis and interviews with practitioners in the field, the substantive areas around which cooperation is taking place are outlined. In this account particular reference is made to the role of a regional structure (the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Coordination Committee) and the national police agency (the South African Police Service) of South Africa, in the evolving business of cooperation in the Southern African region. Research for this paper was made possible through funding received from the Open Society Foundation (SA).
Elrena Van der SpuyEmail:

荆长岭 《政法学刊》2008,25(5):76-82
近来,“九二共识”在台海两岸再度形成,这标志着“一国两制”的历史演进现了重大突破,迈向了新的进程。台海两岸四方应抓住机遇,积极探讨构建我国法区警务合作警新机制。作为广义的警务合作机制,它包涵新的理念、概念、机构和制度等内容。这一新机制要与“一国两制”的现实情况和未来发展相协应;要符合两岸四地共同发展、共同繁荣、共同安全的需要;在两岸四地要具有高度的认同性。  相似文献   

对于中国的刑事司法合作问题的研究 ,目前主要着眼于中国的对外刑事司法合作以及中国国内的区际刑事司法合作两个方面 ,而对于复合法域条件下的中国国家及其各个法域的对外刑事司法合作及其相互关系问题却几乎无人问津。本文在分析了中国对外刑事司法合作的现状 ,以及“一国两制三法系四法域”局面的形成给中国的对外刑事司法合作带来的影响的基础上 ,就复合法域条件下 ,中国应当如何处理国家及其各个法域同有关国际条约和国际组织的关系、同外国的引渡关系等问题进行了探讨 ,并就中国国家及其各个法域在对外刑事司法合作中的身份定位、活动方式、行为准则以及相互关系等问题阐述了一些见解和主张。  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of OLAF in the fight against fraud in the European Union (EU) by examining (1) its powers and capacity to coordinate the activities of anti-fraud agencies in the twenty seven member states and (2) the constraints which prevent OLAF from operating in a more effective manner. It also analyses OLAF’s relationship with other transnational agencies such as Eurojust and Europol and highlights the degree of fragmentation which exists among the many actors involved in the fight against fraud, a fragmented legal approach and the difficulties this presents in attempting to police sophisticated transnational frauds. The effect of EU expansion on this situation is considered and the support offered to new member states who have been asked to bring their anti-fraud structures up to the standards of existing members within a very short period of time is also examined. The efforts of Romania in seeking to build up anti-fraud structures and systems are discussed in some detail. This article concludes that despite the best efforts of the actors involved, a fragmented legal system and institutions have hampered the fight against fraud in the EU.  相似文献   

改革开放三十多年来,"严打"、"普法"、"社会治安综合治理"以及"社会管理综合治理"等方式可以看作是国家对基层社会进行治理的探索.十八届四中全会提出"推进基层治理法治化"吹响了全面依法治理基层社会的号角.作为拥有执法人员数量最多的基层执法机构,处在社会矛盾解决第一线的派出所的法律实施依据、方法和技术理应为基层社会治理提供法治资源和法治路径.浙江省K派出所的案例、做法和制度有力地诠释了派出所的法律实施契合基层社会治理.派出所法律实施所展现出来的四大法治功能是推进基层社会治理法治化的桥梁.派出所应从人口管理、行政执法、刑事司法、服务社会、走群众路线、严格遵守程序原则和善于运用非正式制度性因素等方面来为基层社会治理法治化提供理念支持和行动榜样.  相似文献   

This paper presents a historical analysis of Chinese legal theories and the evolution of criminal interrogation rules from the pre-Han to the reform era. A fuller understanding of the evolution of rules is doubtless relevant to the present day’s controversy in China’s legal reforms surrounding the right to remain silent during interrogation and the privilege against self-incrimination. The historical analysis reveals that the imperial social context which once morally legitimized judicial torture in Chinese criminal justice is very much alive even today. For future legal reforms in China, there are barriers in the current social context, which seem to be unconducive for the right to remain silent and the privilege against self-incrimination. But, traditional native resources are also available to legal reformers to ensure better protection of the rights of the suspect subject to police interrogation, and to eliminate police-coerced confessions.  相似文献   

南海区域安全与区域化法律准则认同探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域合作不仅仅在于利他主义的形成,重要的是在合作博弈中的均衡。合作与竞争之间是一种对立关系,有序的竞争才能等于合作。然而,任何竞争要想实现有序性必须有安全作保障,没有安全的竞争必然是一场战争。同样南海区域中的各个国家的竞争更需要安全作保障,而南海区域安全与区域内的法律准则的认同有着直接的关联性。历史的经验证明了只有中国才能实现这种目标,也只有中国主导下的区域法治才能够实现南海区域内的竞争是有序的。对区域安全及主权理论的反思有利于推导出区域内危险根源——主权理论扭曲,与竞争有序性的必要条件——区域化法律准则的认同与中国主导下的区域法治。  相似文献   

The Lisbon Treaty provides a legal basis for the Member States of the European Union (EU) to establish a European Public Prosecutor (EPP) with competence to prosecute, in the courts of the Member States, crimes against the financial interests of the Union. Article 86 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, provides that the Member States may unanimously, or through flexible cooperation where nine Member States agree, establish such a European-level prosecution body, with the possibility for its powers to be extended by unanimity to include serious crime having a cross border dimension or affecting more than one Member State. Within the legal traditions of the Member States, means of holding prosecution authorities to account vary considerably. Probably the strongest form of accountability exists in the civil law tradition of Member States that permit appeals to judicial bodies for decisions not to prosecute, which contrasts with the traditional common law reluctance to even give reasons for not prosecuting. Similarly, the ways in which prosecution authorities interact or overlap with police functions, and thus with general mechanisms of police and/or bureaucratic accountability, differ. Some of the particular features of EU cooperation suggest additional accountability issues, notably, questions concerning competence spill-over and problems of remoteness. This paper seeks to address how to conceptualise governance and accountability of a possible EPP outside of the context of a trial (the latter entailing a type of open legal accountability that can be studied in its own right) and including the question of the definition of competences.  相似文献   

程荃 《时代法学》2012,10(3):100-108
欧盟一直重视核安全立法,《建立欧洲原子能共同体条约》缔造了欧盟成员国和平利用核能的合作框架,它在一个集中的监控系统下保证了欧盟核能的供应安全。欧盟在2011年3月福岛第一核电站事故后,加快推进核安全方面法律和政策的制定进程,尤其在放射性废物和核废料安全、辐射防护基本安全方面都采取了最新的立法措施,确保欧盟核能在保证安全的基础上正常发展。我国应借鉴欧盟经验,坚持国际核安全标准,加强核废料和放射性废物安全管理立法,建立较为完善的核安全法律框架。  相似文献   

In total, 123 battered Korean women who used domestic violence agencies were asked where they had turned for assistance in response to intimate partner violence. This study examined the factors related to use of formal and informal resources by these women. Formal resources included police, medical, legal, and shelter; informal were family or neighbors. Findings revealed that (a) the women studied used a variety of resources and that (b) income, violence-related injuries, and partner child abuse were related to whether they contacted police. Injury and partner child abuse were related to contacting a medical doctor/medical facility. Income, relationship status, and partner child abuse were related to approaching family or neighbors. The key finding was that partner child abuse increased the likelihood of battered Korean women seeking help from formal service resources and informal networks. This suggests the need for integrative services that link women's and children's protective services in order to meet the needs of both victims and children.  相似文献   

温嘉明  梁凱恩  蔡佩瑤 《中国法律》2013,(5):39-44,96-102
随着内地与港澳对一国两制下司法协助新模式的积极探索和2008年以来两岸关系的历史性转折,内地和港、澳、台四地间的司法协助成效显著。尤其是近年来,两岸签署了经济合作框架协议等一系列协议,四地间经济、文化等交流日趋紧密,涉及司法协助的案件整体上增长势头明显,数量上远超国际司法协助案件。2012年人民法院办理涉港文书送达司法协助案件1515件,涉澳文书送达和调查取证司法协助案件81件,较2008年分别上升了38.5%和72.3%。2009年6月25日两岸司法互助协议生效后,当年人民法院办理的两岸司法协助案件数量即突破1000件,此后每年都在6000件以上。四地间司法协助工作的全面开展,既有利于区际司法合作的深入推进,也为四地的融合和经贸关系发展提供了制度保障和动力。本期特选取温嘉明律师关于四地间司法协助制度的文章,梳理区际司法协助的法律基础和发展历程,研讨其取得的成就及尚存的不足。  相似文献   

闵光玉 《河北法学》2008,26(2):188-193
武警部队是我国一支重要的武装力量。随着武警部队任务职能的增多和专业化,仅仅以军事法作为武警部队管理和遂行任务的法律依据不够全面。结合武警部队的领导体制、性质职能和立法现状,完善武警立法是一个颇为重要的问题。  相似文献   

Editor’s Note     
In the context of today’s big data and cloud computing, the global flow of data has become a powerful driver for international economic and investment growth. The EU and the U.S. have created two different paths for the legal regulation of the cross-border flow of personal data due to their respective historical traditions and realistic demands. The requirements for data protection have shown significant differences. The EU advocates localization of data and firmly restricts cross-border flow of personal data. The U.S. tends to protect personal data through industry self-regulation and government law enforcement. At the same time, these two paths also merge and supplement with each other. Based on this, China needs to learn from the legal regulatory paths of the EU and the US, respectively, to establish a legal idea that places equal emphasis on personal data protection and the development of the information industry. In terms of domestic law, the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China needs to be improved and supplemented by relevant supporting legislation to improve the operability of the law; the industry self-discipline guidelines should be established; and various types of cross-border data need to be classified and supervised. In terms of international law, it is necessary to participate in international cooperation based on the priority of data sovereignty and promote the signing of bilateral, multilateral agreements, and international treaties on the cross-border flow of personal data.  相似文献   

陕甘宁边区政府是中国共产党在第二次国内革命战争中建立起来的特区政府 ,创建了一系列法律制度 ,而税收法律制度作为边区法制的一部分 ,在我国新民主主义财政经济发展法制建设中 ,发挥了重要作用。边区税收法律制度经历了初创、完善、发展三个历史时期 ,在“发展生产 ,保障供给”的总方针下确定了五大基本原则 ,是完善我国社会主义税收法制可资借鉴的历史经验  相似文献   

侦查监督制度研究——兼论检察引导侦查的基本理论问题   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
但伟  姜涛 《中国法学》2003,(2):136-149
侦查是开启刑事诉讼程序的基础性环节 ,直接体现了国家权力和公民权利的对抗。侦查权作为一种行政权力 ,需要接受严格的监督 ,尤其是在刑事司法体系内部 ,检察院和法院应该对其进行监督和制约。从许多国家的具体做法来看 ,法院对侦查权进行司法控制。但在我国目前的司法背景下 ,实行司法控制条件的时机尚不成熟或有待进一步论证 ,而检察院是国家的法律监督机关 ,应当真正履行侦查监督职能并使这一职能得以落实。近年来在司法实践中出现的检察引导侦查的探索恰好反映了建立具有中国特色的侦查监督制度的迫切要求  相似文献   

Officer‐involved domestic violence (OIDV) is a national problem, with police officer families having higher rates of domestic violence than non–police officer families. OIDV is also an underresearched problem with few studies or proposed solutions. Many victims of OIDV do not report their abuse precisely because their abuser is a police officer, whom they fear is in a unique position to protect him/herself from any legal consequences. Often, OIDV complaints are not investigated properly in a nonbiased manner. While a handful of police agencies around the country have developed specific policies and procedures to deal with OIDV, Washington State has enacted legislation that requires its police agencies to adopt OIDV‐specific policies. The International Associations of Chiefs of Police (IACP), an organization that addresses various issues confronting law enforcement, has also developed a model policy on OIDV. This Note proposes that, in light of the Washington legislation and the model policy proposed by the IACP, each state should enact a statute that requires its police agencies to develop policies on OIDV. This Note also outlines a specific set of procedures that such statutes should, at a minimum, require its police agencies to adopt, ranging from educating police officers on domestic violence to developing guidelines on responding to and investigating OIDV complaints.  相似文献   

张建文  高悦 《河北法学》2020,38(1):43-56
大数据时代,匿名化规范既是个人信息保护中风险预防的手段,也是我国数据经济发展中数字流通的法律基础,但匿名化的法律标准在我国法律中还有待明确。欧盟已通过《一般数据保护条例》提出明确的匿名化标准,但该条例基于流程设置的标准适用于欧盟境内尚可,适用于我国或显得过于严苛,有碍数字经济的发展。我国个人信息匿名化法律标准与规则的重塑应当考虑环境、再识别风险,建议进行功能性匿名化。将比例原则应用到我国匿名化法律标准和规则的重塑之中,并将其引入到评估匿名信息接收者的风险等级,有助于降低个人信息被再识别的风险亦有利于匿名化的法律标准制定和规则构建。  相似文献   

Most comprehensive discussions of the police acknowledge the inability of legal and bureaucratic regulations to determine officer behavior. Attention is turned instead toward the informal norms developed within the police subculture. These discussions, however, tend to overstress the chasm between the formal and informal. They also provide inadequate tools for understanding differentiation, conflict, and change within police departments. I address these shortcomings here by mobilizing a particular conceptualization of the term "normative order"—as a set of rules and practices oriented around a central value. Six such orders are crucial to policing: law, bureaucratic control, adventure/machismo, safety, competence, and morality. I illustrate the importance of each by drawing upon ethnographic observations of the Los Angeles Police Department, and explain how my conceputalization offers a comprehensive yet flexible means to understand the social world of policing.  相似文献   

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