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In November 2003, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network convened a meeting in Montréal of global experts working in the fields of treatments, vaccines, and microbicides. The meeting was historic in that it was the first occasion on which advocates from the three fields had the opportunity to meet and exchange views on policy priorities. In this article, John Godwin provides a summary of the background paper produced for that meeting and of the key outcomes of the meeting. The article describes the reasons why developing a joint advocacy agenda has emerged as a priority for advocacy organizations from the three fields, despite their differing histories and the fact that they have often been positioned as competitors rather than collaborators. The role of a human rights approach in informing joint advocacy and the relevance of the prevention-care-treatment continuum are considered. The article then examines possible areas for joint advocacy, including funding, clinical trials, public private partnerships, tax credits, liability issues, equity pricing, bulk procurement, regulatory issues, manufacture, delivery, and national plans. The article concludes by noting upcoming opportunities for joint advocacy efforts, and outlining the next steps to be taken by the Legal Network to support coordinated advocacy.  相似文献   

法律案的合宪性审查是立法机关在立法过程中对法律案是否符合宪法进行的自我、事前控制形式,是我国合宪性审查机制的重要组成部分。在不存在根本性制度障碍的前提下,先行激活法律案的合宪性审查对于提升宪法实施和宪法监督水平,维护宪法的权威性具有非常重要的实践意义。《立法法》设定的审议程序(包括“前置性”审议程序与正式审议程序)蕴含着对法律案进行合宪性审查的契机。立法机关可以根据我国宪法在内容构造上的特点,立足于本国立法的现实需要并借鉴其他国家的合宪性审查经验,将合宪性审查的对象锁定在法律草案在内容上最有可能涉及违宪的某些具体事项上,如此才能提高审查效率;针对较为具体的审查事项,立法机关需要创造性运用“抽象公益条款的禁止”“平等原则的过滤”以及“比例原则的审视”等方法,有效地排除法律草案中的违宪情形,稳健地推进与我国国情相适应的合宪性审查工作。  相似文献   

基因、伦理及其法律问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一人类基因组计划是跨世纪的伟大工程。它不仅通过揭示人类生命活动的遗传学基础而带动整个生命科学的发展,而且工业、农业、环境保护也将从中获益匪浅。同时,人类基因计划的研究对人类原有的社会、伦理和法律问题的冲击也是空前的。人类基因组计划自1990年正式实施以来,已经取得了巨大的进展。人类基因组计划大致分为两个阶段:第一阶段是读出人类基因组30亿个核苷酸对组成的漫长序列(即基因组全部ATCG语言);第二阶段是读懂这部认识人类自身的“天书”(即读懂基因是全部由30亿个ATGC符号组成的序列)。人类基因组计划的…  相似文献   

根据全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》设立的法医类鉴定机构大都依托医学院校或医疗机构,鉴定人从事司法鉴定工作本质上仍是兼职。其对司法鉴定工作投入的精力、热情和效果也必然会受到影响。因此,司法鉴定工作的管理者,必须承担起司法鉴定工作的实际管理责任,制定并监督执行工作制度,以保证司法鉴定的质量。  相似文献   

司法鉴定机构质量控制和质量监督   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
司法鉴定领域的产品就是鉴定数据和结果。其质量在形成过程中受到“人、机、料、法、环”等因素的影响。司法鉴定机构有计划的实施质量控制和质量监督就是围绕产品质量形成全过程的各个阶段或环节(包括鉴定人员),依据各个观察点的指示结果对鉴定质量的可靠性进行验证。质量控制分为内部和外部二种形式,它们实施的目的是不同的,对于司法鉴定各个专业其具体实施的方式也具有一定的特殊性。质量监督是围绕鉴定机构中的鉴定人员(鉴定人和技术员)展开的技术监督活动,其监督的对象、方式和内容等也应按照相关原则、要求进行。  相似文献   

Policy on officer‐involved shootings is critically reviewed and errors in applying scientific knowledge identified. Identifying and evaluating the most relevant science to a field‐based problem is challenging. Law enforcement administrators with a clear understanding of valid science and application are in a better position to utilize scientific knowledge for the benefit of their organizations and officers. A recommended framework is proposed for considering the validity of science and its application. Valid science emerges via hypothesis testing, replication, extension and marked by peer review, known error rates, and general acceptance in its field of origin. Valid application of behavioral science requires an understanding of the methodology employed, measures used, and participants recruited to determine whether the science is ready for application. Fostering a science–practitioner partnership and an organizational culture that embraces quality, empirically based policy, and practices improves science‐to‐practice translation.  相似文献   

The importance of data quality was highlighted in an amendment attached to a 2000 law enacted by the 106th U.S. Congress. The law known as the “Data Quality Act” or the “Information Quality Act,” mandated that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issue guidance to federal agencies for “ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utilility, and integrity of information (including statistical information) disseminated by federal agencies.” In turn, OMB required more than 90 federal agencies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement data quality guidelines. These guidelines have created a rigorous, if not rancorous, debate within the regulated community. This paper will provide a brief synopsis of the evolution of the Act, discuss how the Act and scientific uncertainty interrelate, and review the status of the Act's petition process for correcting government disseminated information.  相似文献   

全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》),明确了司法鉴定活动的主体是司法鉴定人。司法鉴定人素质高低与司法鉴定质量密切相关,司法鉴定人的法律素养又是司法鉴定人素质的重要组成部分,但其重要性常被忽视。因此,需要充分认清司法鉴定人具备法律素养的必要性。正确定位当前司法鉴定人队伍法律素养的现状,研究司法鉴定人法律素养的内涵和教育方式,对提高司法鉴定人素质,保障司法鉴定质量,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

司法鉴定机构质量管理规范探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文根据国际质量管理和质量控制的一般原理,融合司法鉴定的法律法规和行业特性,全面分析控制司法鉴定质量的技术和管理要素,以组织管理、资源保障、过程控制、持续改进为主题,提出司法鉴定机构质量管理规范的基本框架和内容。  相似文献   

一、法律现代化进程中的中国民法当前的中国社会正处于由前现代社会向现代社会的转型期。研究转型期的法律现代化进程,必须结合转型期的社会背景寻找合适的研究方法。这不论对从微观层面深化当代中国法律史的研究,还是对从宏观层面深化对中国法学的研究,都具有重要的理论意义和  相似文献   

郑卫平 《法学杂志》2007,28(1):112-114
刑事科学技术鉴定实践中存在着刑事科学技术人员“自侦自鉴”、鉴定物证流转环节随意性较强、原鉴定人与重新鉴定人主体同一、复核鉴定仅对书面结论进行复核等问题,这些问题的存在,既有立法上的缺失,也有鉴定人员观念上的原因,为此,应当从鉴定人的法律责任、违法实施的程序性后果和法律监督程序等方面予以立法完善。  相似文献   

The authors report the results of an evaluation of services provided by 54 Illinois domestic violence agencies. In collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago evaluation team, domestic violence advocates identified services to be evaluated, specified desired outcomes of those services, and participated in developing measures of those outcomes in both English and Spanish. With in the limitations of the study, outcomes were positive in all four program areas: hotline, counseling, advocacy, and shelter. The authors then discuss implications for evaluation of domestic violence programs that maintain victim safety as a guiding principle.  相似文献   

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