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In India, women are entering the formal labour workforce in unprecedented numbers, yet as a proportion of the workforce, the percentage of women workers is declining [Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–17), Planning Commission, Government of India, Volume III – Social Sectors; Table 22.8 at page 133 notes that the labour force participation rate of women workers has declined both in the rural as well as in the urban areas from 2004–05 to 2009–10]. More than ever before, India as a country of contradictions presents a challenge to women in the work force. Deep-rooted ideologies of gender bias and discrimination remain the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality in the world today. The global economic crisis, characterised by increasing de-regularisation, privatisation and outsourcing of jobs down the supply chain is leading to a transformation of employment relationships. These changes resonate in Indian workplaces as well, creating a counter movement towards the invisibilisation of workers, more particularly women, what we call in India the movement of women workers from the formal sector to the informal sector. The rapidly changing work environment also reinforces the increasing importance of job security, social protection, decent work, financial regulation and fair taxation as the key to a more just world order enhancing the participation of women in the workforce. It is in this context that we must view the emerging challenges that working women face. In the light of these developments, there is, more than ever before, a pressing need for the rights of women to be respected, protected and fulfilled, particularly in the workplace. The right to work encompasses the right to work free from sexual harassment. This article examines the key provisions of the Sexual Harassment at The Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (2013 Act) and the Sexual Harassment at The Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 (The Rules) [The 2013 Act came into force on 9 December 2013, vide notification issued by the Central Government (S.O. 3606(e)). On the same date, the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 have also been notified]. The article scrutinises some of the weaknesses and strengths of the said law and it is from this perspective that it approaches the rights of working women, attempting to include within this rubric the widest possible range of women.  相似文献   

The process of post‐conflict police reform has been the subject of serious scholarly attention, principally driven by the sense that police institutional rebuilding cannot be achieved quickly and that the police are only one part of the wider justice sector. However, police reform is a complicated process, and the cultural, institutional, and political challenges to effective development are immense. The process of reform is further complicated through the inherent difficulty in evaluating the impact of a development programme on police performance. This study uses an outcomes‐ or evidence‐based police measurement system called ‘Police Reform Indicators and Measurement Evaluation’ (PRIME) to assess the performance of the police capacity‐building programme and other improvement projects that have commenced since the deployment of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) in July 2003. The application of the process to the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP) identified that, although there are a number of areas that are still to be strengthened or rebuilt, the Participating Police Force (PPF) has been able to implement capacity development programmes that have resulted in the advancement of the RSIP towards a professional police service. The application of PRIME to the RSIP and the intervening police mission demonstrates that it could be used as a tool to evaluate police reform efforts in similar post‐conflict nations such as Iraq and Afghanistan.  相似文献   

Lord Atkin. Geoffrey Lewis. London. 1983. Butterworths. xi + 248 pp. (incl. index). £14.95.

Law and Social Change in British History: Papers presented to the British Legal History Conference, 14–17 July 1981. Ed. J.A. Guy and H.G. Beale. London. 1984. Royal Historical Society. xiii + 194 pp. (incl. Index). £20.80.

Gentlemen and Poachers: The English Game Laws 1671–1831. P.B. Munsche, Cambridge. 1981. Cambridge University Press. x &; 255 pp. £18.50.  相似文献   

周伟 《河北法学》2006,24(12):16-21
作为宪法基本权利的婚姻自由,是指婚姻当事人享有自主地决定自己婚姻的权利,免受国家的非法干预与侵犯.婚姻当事人按照法律的规定,有权基于本人的意志,自主自愿地决定自己的婚姻问题,既不受国家的强迫、限制或其他方式的影响,也不受第三人的干涉和强制.我国法律规范中限制公民结婚和离婚的某些规定,与宪法婚姻自由基本权利是相冲突的,国家对婚姻自由限制只能是在宪法精神下基于合理的、正当的理由且只能由法律予以规定.婚姻自由是否可以包括同性婚姻近年来被少数群体呼吁,其法律理论需要从宪法平等的层面进行探讨.同性婚姻的法理学源于宪法平等而非婚姻法,即性的平等而非男女平等,同性婚姻如果需要国家的保护,首先需要对宪法平等权作扩张的解释,然后才有可能进入由法律规范调整的讨论视角.  相似文献   

自9世纪到1563年、10世纪到1753年,普通法婚姻分别在欧洲大陆和英格兰得到了教会的承认。在殖民地时期,英属的部分北美殖民地和西班牙属的殖民地予以承认,英属的另一部分殖民地和法属殖民地未予以承认。美国建国之后到19世纪中后期,大多数州承认了普通法婚姻。到了2005年,只有11个州和哥伦比亚特区予以承认。不复承认的理由主要是:人口集中、交通改善、政府公务人员或牧师不再短缺;承认普通法婚姻危害交易安全、危害种族健康、诱发欺诈行为、危害统计数据的准确;非婚生子女地位得到改善。  相似文献   

According to the 1970 Census there were 107.2 million married men and women in the USSR, compared to 86.5 million in 1959. Thus the number of married persons rose by 23.9% in 11 years, i.e., by almost a quarter, while the population as a whole increased by 15.8%.  相似文献   

康娜 《法律科学》2009,(5):104-112
关系契约理论突破了传统契约理论的不足,为我们提供了一个全新的视角去看待婚姻的契约属性,为婚姻关系的基本定位和各项规则的设计提供了理论依据。在关系契约视野下,婚姻立法应该鼓励长期承诺、鼓励奉献和互惠、保护信赖利益、避免机会主义、正视社会规范和关系互动中形成的潜在不平等,适应婚姻关系不断变化的特征,建立调整婚姻的弹性机制。婚姻制度的设计应该协调婚姻中的国家干预和个人自治、兼顾当事人的对立和统一,衡平婚姻中的自由和限制,均衡当事人的利益和损失。  相似文献   

变性权是自然人根据自己的意愿选择并依法通过变性手术改变性别的权利。已婚者享有变性权,可以独立行使该权利,无须征得其配偶的同意,也不应以离婚为条件,但其变性权应受法律规制。同时,婚后变性不能引起婚姻关系的自然解除。对婚后变性不离婚的,应将其婚姻关系作为一种例外予以承认。双方欲解除婚姻关系的,只能依照行政程序登记离婚,或者依照司法程序诉请离婚,并妥善处理好未成年子女抚养、监护和探望问题。  相似文献   

Population, employment and economic capacity continue to concentrate in and around large urban centres. If geography (measured as proximity to large centres of population) increasingly matters in the knowledge economy, then there may be no future for periphery locations. This paper critically reviews and refutes this hypothesis by looking at the world’s small islands. Handicapped by size and distance, they are unable to generate scale dynamics nor to regularly access any neighbouring, large metropolitan centres. Nevertheless, jurisdictional resourcefulness resulting from sovereignty or sub-national autonomy fosters compensatory policy capacity. Demand for niche-technology manufactures and craft-based, labour-intensive or place-specific services is likely to persist. Cyclical migration strategies allow islanders seeking work or education off island to tap the metropole and re-inject resources to reinvigorate the periphery. Remittances, aid, bureaucracy and other “rents” can provide significant fiscal resources necessary for survival.  相似文献   

In recent years of economic recession, the problems faced byspouses and partners (especially wives) who provide third partyloan security (usually a second mortgage over the family home)for the business debts of their spouse or partner has emergedas an increasing evidence social and legal problem, especiallyin the United Kingdom, and also Australia (where the problemhas become know as ‘sexually transmitted debt’).In this article, the central findings of the first major empiricalstudy of ‘sexually transmitted debt’ are discussed,after first placing the problem in its legal and social context.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the relationship between marriage and equality in Giambattista Vico. In his writings Vico gives the notion of marriage a unique importance, not framed on any oversized notion of nature or natural law but on the political fight for the right to marry (a quest for full citizenship status). The right to marry is linked with complex dynamics of human equality, and to a notion of human nature shaped by belief‐dependent institutions.  相似文献   

潘浩 《中国司法》2004,(12):77-78
一个案例2000年9月,某甲以自己的名义购买了一套二手房,价格为100万元,向某银行贷款70万元,期限为20年。2001年10月,某甲与某乙结婚,该房屋作为婚房,甲用自己的收入偿还贷款。2003年9月,甲、乙两人因感情不和要求离婚,就该房屋权属发生争议,焦点在于该房屋为甲的个人财产还是甲  相似文献   

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