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关于将人格导入定罪活动的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定罪不仅要考虑行为 ,而且要考虑行为人的具体情况 ,这是实现刑法个别正义的基本要求。人格是揭示人本质的概念 ,刑法应当将人格纳入定罪活动中。结合我国司法现状 ,为避免权力的滥用 ,应将人格作为刑法出罪的因素 ,并进行人格评估。  相似文献   

刑法人格主义的检讨与革新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刑法人格主义的思想发源于刑法主观主义阵营,经过刑法客观主义阵营的批判与吸收,在当代演化成人格刑法学等理论成果,并成为折衷主义的重要产物。发展中的刑法人格主义应当遵循法治的基本精神,谨慎地对待人身危险性问题,决不能抛弃行为这一基本概念而陷入主观主义的危险境地。西方国家将人格因素渗透到刑事立法的事实,暗合了我国刑法学理论的发展趋势,有必要科学地对待人格因素在定罪机制中发挥的作用,并在量刑和行刑过程中及时推广人格调查制度和人格矫正制度。  相似文献   

刑法人格主义的思想发源于刑法主观主义阵营,经过刑法客观主义阵营的批判与吸收,在当代演化成人格刑法学等理论成果。并成为折衷主义的重要产物。发展中的刑法人格主义应当遵循法治的基本精神,谨慎地对待人身危险性问题,决不能抛弃行为这一基本概念而陷入主观主义的危险境地。西方国家将人格因素渗透到刑事立法的事实,暗合了我国刑法学理论的发展趋势,有必要科学地对待人格因素在定罪机制中作用的发挥,并在量刑和行刑过程中及时推广人格调查制度和人格矫正制度。  相似文献   

在法律演进上,从古罗马的"人—物"体系二分,到后来的"主体—客体"二分,再到晚近作为客体的"人格—财产"二分("人格权—财产权"二分),"人格—财产"的二分呈现出较为清晰的历史脉络。不过,实际生活中人格与财产并不能完全界分,而是存在着人格与财产的双重变奏:人格(要素)的财产化与财产的人格化。由此形成了五种人格财产——来自人格的财产、为了人格的财产、共生的人格财产、遗体财产和负人格财产。人格财产的存在必然影响民法典的编纂体例,影响民法总则、物权法、债法总则、侵权法、合同法、继承法、公司企业法等私法以及宪法、国家赔偿法、征收补偿法、刑法、强制执行法等公法的具体规定。  相似文献   

量刑时应当考虑人格因素,是刑法学界的共识。从相对报应的刑罚观以及我国现行刑法的有关规定来看,定罪时应当考虑人格因素。社会危害性是行为的客观损害性与行为人的人格危险性相加的结果。在现行刑法体制下,人格因素作为构成要件的一部分影响定罪。随着人格测定技术的完善,人格因素将与犯罪构成形成二元化定罪的新路径。  相似文献   

论人格在定罪中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈忠林  梅锦 《现代法学》2012,(6):136-145
刑法上的人格特指行为人对刑法所保护价值的对立态度,它是认定犯罪的内在根据。在人格影响定罪问题上,现有的"否定论"、"出罪论"和"法定论"观点都难以给出合理解释。外部行为是人格的现实化,除涉案行为外,人格的载体还包括案前和案后的表现。行为人的对立人格必须达到一定程度,是一切犯罪成立所必需具备的条件。当涉案行为处于立案标准的边缘时,案前、案后表现等情节就可能使得对行为人的整体人格态度评价发生质的变化,从而发挥人格在出、入罪方面的双向功能。要保障人格的此种功能得到有效落实,除了要扩大法官的自由裁量权外,还应当设立一定的限权机制。  相似文献   

刑法学理论发展历程中产生了两大学派,即旧派的行为刑法和新派的行为人刑法,两大学派既各执己见又相互融合。随着并合主义刑法理论的产生,并合主义刑法理论逐渐成为世界各国刑法的主流。我国目前正处于并合主义刑法理论的阶段,但是,这种并合只是体现在刑罚论方面,并未涉及到犯罪论部分,并未改变和影响我国刑法大的框架,只是消解了行为刑法和行为人刑法之间的矛盾。我国刑法学要真正走并合主义的道路,克服新旧两派之短,吸取两派之长,必须引入人格刑法理论。而引入人格刑法理论,首先要解决的一个重要问题就是人格测量科学化的问题。在目前使用的四种人格测量法中,投射测量法更具有客观性与合理性。  相似文献   

"人格不法"理论以行为人的人格为中心,对行为、行为构成、违法性进行整合。这一理论使刑法学研究开拓了新视野、进入了新境界。人格不法的真谛,是将具有犯罪人格的、存在法定犯罪构成的行为类型的犯罪人,作为刑法学的出发点;将作为犯罪构成基本要素的行为,看作是行为人人格的外在表象;将不法的本质,看作是行为人具有犯罪人格。人格不法理论有多种功能,为刑法人性化、人道化指明了方向。  相似文献   

人格刑法学的构想(下)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“人格刑法学”是在调和刑事古典学派和刑事近代学派的对立时提出的刑法理论。人格刑法学从相对自由的主体的人格出发把握刑法学中的人 ,根据构成要件该当性、违法性和责任三个要件的犯罪论体系 ,把责任作为犯罪论的核心和最后的犯罪要件 ,从行为责任和人格形成责任两个方面探讨人格责任论  相似文献   

人格刑法学的构想(上)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“人格刑法学”是在调和刑事古典学派和刑事近代学派的对立时提出的刑法理论。人格刑法学从相对自由的主体的人格出发把握刑法学中的人 ,根据构成要件该当性、违法性和责任三个要件的犯罪论体系 ,把责任作为犯罪论的核心和最后的犯罪要件 ,从行为责任和人格形成责任两个方面探讨人格责任论  相似文献   

The treatment of juveniles within the criminal justice systems is a matter of great variety in the 11 European countries studied comparatively. The study focuses on the age of criminal responsibility, ways to divert juvenile offenders from the criminal justice system or avoid criminal justice responses to them, juvenile proceedings and special reactions and sanctions. In spite of different approaches there is a common trend towards preventing juvenile offenders from being treated by criminal courts and being sentenced to criminal sanctions.  相似文献   

This article addresses the paradox that whilst young offenders in general are increasingly diverted from formal justice, there continues to be resistance to the idea of diversion for those young people who commit sexual offences. It explores the ways in which tensions arising from this paradox are currently being played out within criminal justice systems in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Building on published and new research on criminal justice responses to young sexual offenders, the article highlights the problems of responding within any one justice framework to the – at times – competing concerns about risk, welfare, and control that these young offenders provoke. Drawing on criminological, psychological, and sociological work, the article argues that these concerns are accentuated in relation to young sexual offenders because of interrelated fears about the progressive nature of sexual offending; the ability of 'newer' justice practices to meet the need for 'affective' and 'effective' justice in relation to sexual crimes; and because of wider societal anxieties about sexual crimes, particularly where the victims and the offenders are children or young people.  相似文献   

Criminologists increasingly have studied the effects of criminal justice contact on a broad range of offenders' adult outcomes. However, virtually all of this research focuses exclusively on street-level offenders. With the use of a unique data set that includes street-level and white-collar offenders, we investigated the odds of regaining steady employment following criminal justice contact by offender type. Specifically, we investigated the effects of age of onset, number of prior arrests, total time sentenced, timing of first arrest, and timing of first incarceration on employment stability for both types of offenders, while controlling for family background factors, race, educational attainment, and age. Overall, we found that white-collar offenders are better able to rebound following contact with the criminal justice system. However, when the accrue multiple arrests and are arrested or incarcerated before the age of 24, white-collar offenders face the same obstacles to employment stability as their street-level counterparts.  相似文献   

The processing of white collar offenders by the criminal justice system has been a subject of much controversy in criminology and criminal justice studies. In particular, debate has centered on whether these offenders are more or less stigmatized by indictment, conviction, and sentencing than ordinary offenders. Utilizing a sample of white collar offenders, the effects of conviction and sentencing on the loss of occupational status by offenders are explored. The data indicate that loss of occupational status, as a nonlegal consequence of conviction, is not spread evenly through the offender population. Professionals and those employed in the public sector or in licensed occupations are much more likely to lose occupational status than private businessmen or those employed by private businesses.  相似文献   

Concentrations of unemployment and crime are promoting a slow crisis in the lives of unskilled young men, and obstruct the successful re-integration and resettlement of offenders. At the same time, criminal justice system programmes for offenders are seeking a new balance between treatment approaches and the creation of opportunities. In this article the author reflects on the policy frameworks which give rise to these approaches, and considers the danger that criminal justice systems may place emphasis on diverting people from crime without directing them towards opportunities for re-integration. The author considers the needs of offenders in relation to housing and employment in particular.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to highlight the experiences of transgender people within the criminal justice system as both victims and offenders. We contend that queer criminology is both needed and can assist in exploring the experiences of this unique population who face discrimination within the US criminal justice system and who are often ignored within criminological research. The article will provide an overview of transgender people’s general experiences within the criminal justice system and explore influences of cultural stereotypes about transgender people by examining the cases of three transgender victims of violence—Brandon Teena, Gwen Araujo, and Cece McDonald. This article highlights the importance of concepts such as sex, gender, transpanic, transphobia, victim-blaming, and the responses by key players in the criminal justice system (police, courts, and corrections) to transgender victims and offenders.  相似文献   

This research examines the punishment decisions of 166 respondents, 36 of whom are employed in criminal justice occupations. Comparison of the decisions of criminal justice respondents and non-criminal justice respondents provides a test of two constructs in equity theory: inequity between offenders and victim and inequity between offender and accomplice. Results strongly, support the first construct and equivocally support the second.  相似文献   

The criminal career paradigm had essentially ignored investigating offenders in rural areas. To fill this void, a retrospective, cross-sectional design sampled 331 former adult correctional clients from the case archives in a rural midwestern state. Self-report and official records indicated that rural criminal careers were characterized by relatively few arrests, short-lived criminal justice system involvements, and a paucity of violent crime. Although the sample demonstrated relatively benign criminality overall, the most chronic offenders, top 10 percent of the sample, were plagued by overlapping, contemporaneous problems such as alcoholism, substance abuse, mental health difficulties, early onset of antisocial behavior, low educational attainment, and revolving involvement in the criminal justice system. Like rural communities, which were characterized by exceedingly low crime rates, rural career offenders tended to be relatively harmless criminals especially compared to habitual offenders commonly found in the criminological literature.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):142-167
Sociolegal research indicates that when citizens perceive that legal processes and procedures are fair, both positive and negative legal outcomes will be viewed as acceptable. However, little is known about perceptions of fairness in informal contexts such as in restorative justice (RJ) practices and with victims (and offenders) who participate in these programs. Drawing on interviews with key actors engaged in post-conviction RJ programs for serious crimes in Australia and the USA, this paper asks, do post-conviction therapeutic RJ programs for violent crimes enhance procedural justice for victims and offenders? The data reveal that RJ is compatible with procedural justice for both victims and offenders. Specifically, RJ aids in correcting the harms created by the formal criminal justice system and, thus, satisfies and even greatly enhances procedural justice goals for both victims and offenders.  相似文献   

Historically, victims once had an active participatory role in the criminal justice process and were responsible for not only initiating but also for prosecuting offenders. In common law countries, victims were gradually sidelined and by the 20th century, their role was reduced to that of a witness to a crime against the state. The exclusion of victims from the criminal justice process is a major source of dissatisfaction for victims as many of them want to participate in the criminal justice process. This has fuelled initiatives with restorative justice that claim to more fully include victims than conventional criminal justice. This paper examines three different approaches found in the literature on how to let victims participate. One view is that victims should leave the criminal justice system and that criminal justice should be replaced by alternative, restorative justice schemes in which victims are granted full recognition and respect for their dignity. A second approach is to integrate restorative practices such as victim-offender mediation in the criminal justice process. The third approach is to integrate victim participation and respect (so-called restorative values) in the criminal justice system. These three approaches are discussed and compared with one another. The paper closes with recommendations for criminal law reform.  相似文献   

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