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As the first step, the locus D1S80 was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction technique from genomic DNA extracted from artificial bloodstains and crusts with different amount of blood (32 microl, 16 microl, 8 microl, 4 microl, 2 microl, and 1 microl). In all samples of bloodstains and crusts, identification by DNA analysis was possible. As the second step, the locus HLA-DQA1 was amplified from genomic DNA extracted from diluted blood samples (640, 320, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, and 5 leukocytes). DNA amplification was possible in diluted blood samples with at least 10 leukocytes. Considering the conditions in which the present study was carried out, it was possible to conclude that 1 microl of bloodstains or crusts was enough for identification. It was also concluded that five leukocytes are not enough material to render consistent DNA identification.  相似文献   

目的探讨一例强奸案中的葡萄胎样本的DNA检验及结果分析。方法用Identifiler试剂盒对葡萄胎样本和受害人血样进行荧光复合STR基因座扩增并分型。结果该例的葡萄胎在15个STR基因座上分型均为纯合子,应属于单精子受精的完全性葡萄胎。结论葡萄胎类型多种,对应着不同的DNA分型,在实际案件的检验中应引起注意。  相似文献   

HLA DRB基因SSO分型方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照第11届国际组织相容性抗原研讨会(IHW)工作会议HLAⅡ类PCR-SSO分型标准和美国国立骨髓供者计划组织(NMDP)对HLADRB基因分型要求,设计合成一对引物,可同时扩增HLA-DRB1+B3+B4+BSDNA片段,长度为256bp,设计合成不同片段大小探针27种,可检出DRB座位上DRB1的39种等位基因,DRB3的3种等位基因,DRB4的1种等位基因和DRB5的3种等位基因。  相似文献   

New technologies permit DNA typing from very small and degraded samples, even those that are as latent as traces. In another previous study we demonstrated the possibility of obtaining reliable DNA profiles from prints left onto various surfaces: now we studied the ability to obtain a reliable genetic profile even from prints left by made up lips on the skin.  相似文献   

目的研究尿液及尿斑的DNA提取及其检验。方法用Chelex100法及QIAampMiniKit提取尿液及尿斑样本中的DNA,进行PCR扩增及STR检验。结果新鲜的及存放时间在12h以内的尿液样本能得到较好的分型结果;存放2d左右的尿液样本有50%能检出基因型;存放7d及更长时间的尿液样本全部不能检出基因型;尿斑样本的分型成功率很低。结论较新鲜的尿液样本均能进行DNA分型,在法医检案中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

DNA markers used for individual identification in forensic sciences are based on repeat sequences in nuclear DNA and the mitochondrial DNA hypervariable regions 1 and 2. An alternative to these markers is the use of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These have a particular advantage in the analysis of degraded or poor samples, which are often all that is available in forensics or anthropology. In order to study the potential of SNP analysis in these fields, 41 SNPs were selected on the basis of following criteria: conservation, lack of phenotypic expression, and frequency of occurrence in populations. Thirty-six autosomal SNPs were used for genotyping 21 inclusionary and 3 exclusionary paternity cases. The behavior of 5 X-chromosome SNPs was analyzed in a French representative population. Our approach to SNP typing is a multiplex PCR based amplification followed by simultaneous detection by primer extension (PEX) analyzed by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The selected autosomal SNPs showed independent inheritance and gave clear results in paternity investigation. All X-SNPs were useful as both paternity and identification markers. PEX and MALDI-TOF MS, with their high sensitivity, precision and speed, gave a powerful method for forensic and anthropological exploitation of biallelic markers.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using double digestion of DNA preparations with XbaI and BglII restriction enzymes and hybridization with C4 and HLA-DR probes is described. The typing conditions selected reveal extensive individual variation in both C4 and DR gene regions. In our panel of 46 unrelated individuals, 37 different phenotypic patterns were recognized when both probes were used, and preliminary discriminative power values of 0.865 and 0.914 were calculated for C4 and DR beta, respectively. The probability of a chance match using both systems is probably about 1.5.10(-2). The potential of this method for individual identification of blood stains was demonstrated on DNA prepared from 6-month-old dried blood stains from seven panel individuals. The seven individuals were all identified when comparing stain DNA patterns with panel control patterns. No RFLP pattern changes were observed following storage of blood stains. Based on these experiments with C4 and DR beta DNA typing under laboratory conditions, it is concluded that DNA typing with such probes may become a powerful tool in future stain identification analyses.  相似文献   

目的研究一次性使用牙刷上脱落细胞的DNA提取和STR分型。方法对一次性使用牙刷的采集方法、采集部位、DNA提取方法、存放时间对STR分型的影响进行比对研究。结果割取法可获得较高浓度的DNA,30例中检出9个以上基因座达27例,与擦拭法存在统计学差异(P〈0.05)。Chelex-100法、DNA IQTM法检出9个以上基因座分别为26例、24例,STR分型结果无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。提取牙刷的前、后部三束刷毛检出9个以上基因座分别达27例、28例,STR分型结果无统计学意义(P〉0.05);放置1天、1周、1个月、3个月、6个月的时间后检出9个以上基因座分别为28例、27例、22例、12例、7例。结论割取法提取一次性牙刷上的脱落细胞进行STR分型效果良好;放置时间越长的牙刷,检出率越低。  相似文献   

3种常用PCR扩增试剂盒检验血样DNA的结果比较   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨常用的ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒检验血样DNA的差异。方法510名无关中国汉族个体血样,分别用ProfilerPlusTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒进行DNA检验,然后对有不同检验结果的同一样本,再用ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16等三种试剂盒进行检验,并比较其结果。结果在510名个体血样的DNA检测结果中,发现同一样本有不同结果的有7例,其差异率为1.3725%;ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16各有1例在D13S317或FGA基因座上出现等位基因缺失现象,缺失率为0.1961%;ProfilerPlusTM有5例在D8S1179基因座上出现扩增严重不平衡现象,相应的IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒的检验结果为正常杂合子。结论ProfilerPlusTM、IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒检验血样DNA均会出现扩增不平衡和/或基因丢失现象,其发生几率IdentifilerTM与Powerplex(16试剂盒较ProfilerPlusTM少。  相似文献   

In homicides with entomological evidence, it may be important to prove the presumed association of fly larvae to a corpse, especially if it is in doubt whether all maggots used for entomological expertise developed and fed on it. The present study demonstrates for the first time the possibility of analyzing human microsatellite DNA present in the digestive tract of necrophagous larvae that fed on decomposed bodies with a postmortem interval up to four months. The obtained human STR profiles support the association of a maggot to a specific corpse. In addition, the identification of the host species (e.g., animal source like pig) can be achieved by analysis of the cytochrome b gene. Maggots were collected from 13 corpses after various postmortem intervals and STR typing and HVR amplifications were performed using their crop contents. In seven cases, a complete STR profile was established, in two cases, an incomplete set of alleles was obtained, and in four cases, STR typing was not successful. HVR analysis was successful in all cases except one. The time of storage of the maggots and the length of the postmortem interval up to 16 weeks appeared to have no particular influence on the quality of the results.  相似文献   

Two recent paternity cases are reported. In the first case of paternity exclusion, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) on variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) loci with multiple alleles were informative, as well as established systems of red blood antigens, red cell enzymes, serum proteins, and human leukocyte antigens. In the second case, in which both the alleged father and the first wife were deceased, the paternal genotype was determined by using genetic markers from the second wife and four children, which then were compared with the paternal alleles of the child in question, the plaintiff in this case. The high probability of paternity (0.999,998,7) made us conclude that the man probably was the actual father. The DNA analysis by VNTR probes appears to be quite valuable in the study of paternity cases.  相似文献   

An exhibit that is often received for examination in cases of robbery or terrorist activity is adhesive tape. This type of exhibit can often, but not always, be successfully processed for fingerprints. The question arises whether or not it is possible to extract and type DNA after the tape has been sequentially processed for fingerprints. In this work, various donors left fingerprints on the adhesive side of tapes. The tapes were then sequentially processed for fingerprints using an alternate light source, cyanoacrylate fuming, and staining with BY-40 and then crystal violet. DNA was subsequently successfully extracted, amplified and typed for six STR loci.  相似文献   

We report here the application of Y chromosomal DNA analysis in a retrial request case, raised officially by Sapporo High Court, Japan, of a condemned criminal whose capital punishment has been suspended. DNA was extracted from mixed seminal/vaginal secretion stains collected 25 years ago from two raped and murdered victims, and Y chromosome STR loci (DYS19, 390, 393, YCAII) were amplified and sequenced to clarify the DNA type of the rapist. Alkaline proteinase and sodium hydroxide were used before phenol/chloroform extraction to achieve high quality DNA from very old samples. In addition, amplified fragments of DYS19, DYS390, and DYS393 were sequenced using an automated DNA sequencer. Four Y STR DNA types detected from vaginal swabs were found identical to those of the accused criminal and confirmed that the two rape and murder cases had been committed by the same person. Sapporo High Court accepted the results and rejected the retrial request in February 1998.  相似文献   

目的血液痕迹是暴力犯罪现场最易遗留的一类痕迹,是法医学检验中最常见和最重要的一类物证。血痕预实验是利用化学检测的方法从现场大量分布的可疑斑迹中初步筛选可能是血痕的重要方法,是法医学鉴定的重要前提。本文比较匹拉米洞法和联苯胺法的灵敏度、对DNA-STR检验的影响以及对细胞核的损伤情况,以探索匹拉米洞法应用于血痕预实验的可行性。方法对新鲜全血进行梯度稀释,观察比较检测灵敏度;利用Chelex-100提取匹拉米洞、联苯胺等试剂预检后的血痕样本中的DNA,应用PCR-STR技术及荧光检测技术检测样本的STR分型,观察STR分型结果,比较两种方法对后续DNA-STR检验的影响;在细胞培养液中加入联苯胺、匹拉米洞,应用彗星电泳技术评价细胞核DNA的损伤。结果匹拉米洞法可检测的最低血红蛋白浓度为25μg/m L,灵敏度低于联苯胺法(5μg/m L);DNA-STR有效分型率为96.67%,远高于联苯胺法(18.09%);联苯胺组彗星尾长为52.40±9.21、尾距为43.29±4.85、尾部DNA含量为16.25±2.35,显著高于匹拉米洞组。结论匹拉米洞法可用于血痕预实验,对血痕中DNA的损伤、对DNA-STR分型的影响均低于联苯胺法,可替代联苯胺作为新的法医学血痕预实验方法。  相似文献   

When a blood typing is made for mixed stains of sweat and blood, erroneous results may be obtained. The reason is that the blood group substance in the sweat is detected at the same time as that in the blood. In this paper the typing of the blood stain on the sweat stain is carried out by the detection of isoagglutinins which may give additional information to the forensic serologist.  相似文献   

目的探讨扩增及检测方法对低拷贝DNA模板分型检测灵敏度的影响。方法Control DNA 9947A按比例稀释,采用IdentifilerTM和DNATyper15TM试剂扩增,循环参数设置为28和28+6个循环,平行扩增3次,分别单独检测及3次合并检测,使用310及3130分析仪检测。结果28+6个循环的基因座检出率高于28个循环;等位基因不平衡及丢失与基因座没有特异性的关联,随着DNA模板量的减少,等位基因不平衡及丢失增多;将3次扩增产物混合后检测,等位基因不平衡及丢失情况减少,分型正确率增高。结论模板DNA分3次扩增后混合检测、循环数为28+6,可提高低拷贝模板基因座的检出率。  相似文献   

A retrospective study was carried out on 132 fatalities due to gunshot wounds secondary to long firearms. One group of suicide (n=72) and one group of homicide (n=60) were statistically compared regarding age and sex of the victim, number of shots, range of fire, direction of the projectile(s), anatomical distribution of entrance sites, weapon and ammunition types and the nature of eventual associated traumatic lesions. The frequency of suicide was higher when the victim's age increased. Females constituted about 43% of the homicide victims and about 8% of the suicide victims. 51.5% of the homicide victims and about 10% of the suicide victims had sustained more than one gunshot wound. Close range was respectively found in 53.5% of the homicide cases and in all suicide cases. Most of the suicide cases (85% of the cases) showed typical entrance sites. Entrance sites in the limbs and lateral or posterior wall of the chest were only encountered in homicide cases. Associated traumatic lesions were found in about 23% of the homicide cases and in 18% of the suicide cases. In case of suicidal gunshots to the left chest, both upwards and downwards directions, and also both right-to-left and left-to-right directions can occur. From 22 suicide cases showing entrance wound in the mouth, a downwards direction was found in only one. This study underlines the importance but also the limits of the autopsy findings (including direction of the projectile(s) related to the entrance site) for giving an indication of the manner of death (homicide vs. suicide).  相似文献   

Bao L  Zhang J  Shun Y  Zheng J  Shun H 《法医学杂志》2000,16(3):146-147
目的 :对法医学样品中微量液体血、血痕进行MN分型。方法 :利用抗M、抗N及抗血型糖蛋白A单抗 ,采用双位点一步ELISA方法。结果 :此法可检测的最低全血量约0 065μl,血痕约10~50ng。对455份新鲜血液及200份新鲜血痕的标本均正确检出 ;对58例陈旧血痕的检出率为96 6 %。结论 :此法准确率高且简便、快速 ,具有很大的实用价值。  相似文献   

We devised a simple DNA extraction procedure suitable for STR typing of urine sample. Use of a commercially available DNA/RNA extraction kit equipped with a silica-gel-based membrane made it possible to omit the recovery of urinary nucleated cells by sedimentation before the extraction. Successful genotyping of the TH01, HumTPO and multiplex STRs was achieved using aliquots of urine as small as 100 microL. Furthermore, application of this DNA extraction procedure to frozen urine samples provided STR allele results comparable to results obtained from fresh samples. Therefore, this extraction procedure is considered to be effective for STR typing of urine samples in both the frozen and aqueous state. Furthermore, addition of sodium azide to fresh urine samples prolonged their storage duration even at room temperature.  相似文献   

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