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Employers who offer EAPs should be aware of their rights as well as the rights of employees. Appropriate steps should be taken to assure that employees are fully informed of the conditions of participating in a program prior to volunteering for treatment. An issue that must be considered is the confidentiality of information arising during the course of treatment. Several court cases involving the physician-patient relationship offer guidelines in this area.  相似文献   

Rising sea levels have important implications in law. These implications are of particular consequence for small, low-lying and island states, and their populations. This paper analyses those implications and considers options to develop the law.  相似文献   

Controversy exists in the literature as to whether or not there is a causal relationship between epilepsy and violence. In spite of this lack of certainty, epilepsy has long been used as a criminal defense. After a review of the relevant literature, the following conclusions are made: (1) ictal violence is rare, disorganized, and very unlikely to result in acts of vicious violence; and (2) whether or not interictal violence is caused by epilepsy probably depends on the focus of the seizure activity, with right temporal lobe epileptics being most likely to display violence and aggression.  相似文献   

Using analogies from research in simulation and artificial societies and borrowing from Weinrib's Philosophy of Private Law, we show how a "private law" model of law and legal integration does not need to presuppose the state as a regulatory framework. Rather, the state emerges as a "second order property" from the private law interaction of individuals. We apply this to the debate about harmonisation in Europe. We show how a form of unity in diversity can be built up starting with such individual interactions, extended later to interactions between member states. But this does not need to end up in an individualistic and neo-liberal model, as in Weinrib, if we understand the underlying exchange relation in terms of Wilhelmsson's social contract law.  相似文献   

Antiandrogen treatment of sexual offenders raises serious legal and ethical considerations in both the medical profession and in the courts. Discussion is offered on the use of antiandrogens in both an involuntary and voluntary context. The potential negative impact of this treatment modality on such constitutional issues as privacy interests, right to procreative freedom, freedom of speech and communication, and freedom from cruel and unusual punishment is explored and notable, germane court cases are presented. The need for clear ethical guidelines for the administration of this treatment is stressed.  相似文献   

针对中国国内通行的集装箱托运单证及出口货物监管程序的现状,论述其中诸多不确定因素可能共同导致海运合同在装船时才能成立的不利后果,并提出业界与官方按照集装箱运输的内在机理修正过时做法的具体建议.  相似文献   

This article discusses a recently enacted Colorado law that aims to reduce the youth suicide rate by lowering the age of consent for psychotherapy from age 15 to age 12. The author discusses the challenges therapists face when young adolescents seek therapy without parental consent in cases involving interparental conflict. Suggestions for managing adolescent-directed therapy are offered.  相似文献   

杨兴  胡苑 《时代法学》2013,11(3):100-108
马萨诸塞州诉美国联邦环保局案是美国第一件具有里程碑意义的气候变化公益诉讼案件,该案体现了美国各州和民间力量通过公民诉讼方式促进政府采取温室气体减排行动的艰巨努力。该案从联邦上诉法院一审到联邦最高法院再审,始终存在较大争议,其中关于原告诉讼资格的争议更是人声鼎沸。在联邦最高法院判决中,原告仅以微弱优势胜诉。尽管关于原告胜诉的理由仍有颇多争议,但该案在明确温室气体属于《清洁空气法》的调整范围、拓展气候变化公民诉讼原告的诉讼资格以及确立公民诉讼可以促进政府采取减排行动等方面,都具有非常积极的意义。  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique - In this article we investigate the relationship between legal translation and legal...  相似文献   

Involuntary treatment is a concept often familiar to psychiatrists. In clinical practice, it usually involves the hospitalization and pharmacological management of patients with severe mental disorders. However, the scope of involuntary treatment is not limited to the management of mental illness alone. Psychiatric patients afflicted with medical illnesses may require hospitalization and invasive procedures for optimal management of these disorders. The following case illustrates a dilemma in which a psychotic patient refuses life-saving medical treatment; however, the treatment itself carries significant risk of morbidity and mortality. This article reviews the ethical, legal and clinical implications of making such difficult treatment decisions.  相似文献   

关于我国集体土地所有权与使用权法律制度,存在立法上严重滞后的现象,其结果一是将我国土地制度改革的实践仅限于城市国有土地,对农村集体土地的改革实践从立法上封闭起来;二是由于立法上的封闭,使得农村土地使用权流转失去实践的机会,引发大量纠纷的产生。应具体分析集体土地所有权与使用权的现行立法规定,理顺集体土地使用权与建筑物所有权之间的关系,完善我国集体土地所有权与使用权法律制度。  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique -  相似文献   

法律人格概念的发生学机制,涉及到法律位格的古今学说史。古典罗马法中,法律位格从未被规定于普遍意义上的"个体—主体—实体"之"人",而是依据"身份地位"的不同层次,从上往下分配位格的各种减等形态,形成多层次、差序化的法律位格体系。现代的法律人格和法律主体概念摒弃了古典罗马法根据实践需要而设置法律位格,并灵活分配不同行为能力的传统。现代法律主体的诞生,是法律位格的简化和一元化的收缩过程,原本差序结构的法律位格被收窄到世俗化的人类中心主义的法律主体位格。人工智能革命也可尝试在法理学上纳入这一法律位格的拟制传统。根据物种位阶的规范主义立场,现代法人制度通过"位格加等"把人为设置的团体组织提升到具有一定法律位格的地位;"智能机器人"概念是对"智人"概念的模仿和拟制,人工智能概念是通过"位格加等"把机器人提升到自然人的法律位格。法律主体学说之现代性立场有其限度,从法律主体概念回归法律位格概念,是人工智能时代法理思想变革的重要契机。  相似文献   

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