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本文认为加强对华侨华人文化认同的研究,对于华侨华人融入主流社会,充分发挥华侨华人在传承中华文明中的作用,以培育有利于中国和平发展的国际舆论氛围,具有重要意义.文章首先对文化认同进行了理论阐释,接着分析了美加新华侨华人的文化认同结构,最后探讨了新华侨华人文化认同的原因.文章认为,美国、加拿大新华侨华人为寻求生存方式的同一性,其民族情感是双重的,他们既认同所在国并为所在国效忠,参与所在国的建设与发展;同时在心灵层次上又认同祖籍国的文化,并形成对中华文化深深的情感依恋.双重文化认同在美国和加拿大社会新华侨华人中之所以长期存在,其原因是他们生存发展的需要,民族认同的情感需要,居住国政治体制的二重性和祖籍国政府的支持.  相似文献   

通过对过去半个世纪来新加坡华人与中国之间密切联系的实证分析,本文认为海外华人与故乡的多层互动推动了跨国华人社会场域的形成和发展.该场域有三个主要特征:第一,海外华人借助这一超越民族国家疆界的跨国网络与故乡建立起稳定的联系,推动着人员、观念、商品和资本的跨国流动和交流,国家在塑造这一跨国联系的性质方面扮演着重要角色;第二,除了推动社会和商业发展之外,该跨国场域还涵盖了动态的经济、政治和文化互动,并为创造一个集体性的华人散居者群体认同做出了积极贡献;第三,跨国华人社会的关键性制度机制是推动社会和商业网络整体发展的各类华人社团,它们包括宗乡社团和专业机构等.  相似文献   

东南亚华人青年如何看待华人与当地民族的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过问卷调查的方式分析研究东南亚华人青年对民族关系的看法和态度。结果表明,大多数华人青年认为,他们在政治上认同居住国,但在文化和民族认同方面则仍然保留华人特色  相似文献   

民国时期南洋华侨的文化认同与适应问题是一个重要的学术问题.本文对1929年6月由国立暨南大学组织召集的第一次南洋华侨教育会议,以文化认同与适应为视角进行初步研究,旨在探讨教育对华侨的文化、社会认同与适应的建构、贡献及意义.  相似文献   

在全球化与区域化深度交织的时代,海外侨民及宗教信徒正成为一国公共外交体系中颇具特色的跨国社会资本,日益崛起的东南亚华人基督教为我们研究海外华人社会、地区新兴宗教、中国—东盟公共外交提供了一个典型案例。相对于本土宗教,基督教在东南亚华人族群中的传播尤为迅速,已成为影响力与日俱增的跨民族宗教和跨文化宗教代表。基督教社团不仅促进了华人内部的信仰传播和族群认同,而且推进了与海外基督教的跨国互动及社会凝聚,它在当前中国—东盟公共外交多维网络中扮演着不可或缺的角色,但其未来参与公共外交仍将受到地区信仰格局、政治社会环境、西方宗教势力等一系列因素的制约。  相似文献   

传统民间信仰是新加坡华人社会生活的重要组成部分,对移民时代以来当地华人社会与文化形态的构建亦有重要意义。这种意义不仅表现在一般意义上的宗教文化形态和宗教功能,而且还体现于新加坡华人社会建构的社群整合之中。对新加坡华人社群保护神信仰的考察分析结果表明,华人传统民间信仰与华人社会结构存有紧密的内在关联,这种关联往往会与祖籍地缘、血缘、业缘乃至方言认同纽带一起并行不悖地共同发生凝聚华人社群认同的整合功能,成为维系其自我群体认同的重要文化纽带之一。而其实现这种功能的有效路径则来源于华人移民社群祖籍历史记忆和本土历史记忆的传承延续与反复强调,以及宗教信仰仪式展演场景下群体互动和新生集体记忆塑造中的情景认同感与归属感。  相似文献   

在全球化与区域化深度交织的时代,海外侨民及宗教信徒正成为一国公共外交体系中颇具特色的跨国社会资本,日益崛起的东南亚华人基督教为我们研究海外华人社会、地区新兴宗教、中国—东盟公共外交提供了一个典型案例。相对于本土宗教,基督教在东南亚华人族群中的传播尤为迅速,已成为影响力与日俱增的跨民族宗教和跨文化宗教代表。基督教社团不仅促进了华人内部的信仰传播和族群认同,而且推进了与海外基督教的跨国互动及社会凝聚,它在当前中国—东盟公共外交多维网络中扮演着不可或缺的角色,但其未来参与公共外交仍将受到地区信仰格局、政治社会环境、西方宗教势力等一系列因素的制约。  相似文献   

华人的认同在东南亚是相当复杂和敏感的问题。本文将以菲律宾为例,探讨海外华人认同的变迁。菲律宾华人认同的变迁与其从“移民社会”向“定居社会”的转变有着密切的联系。衡量华人认同变迁的因素很多,本文认为主要包括:其一是民族的认同;其二是政治的认同,即国籍的认同与在移居地对参政议政的态度;其三是叶落归根或落地生根。这既可作为菲律宾华人认同的指标,也可以作为华人从“移民社会”向“定居社会”转变的标准。  相似文献   

蔡晶 《南亚东南亚研究》2023,(1):129-138+157-158
华人移民印度已有200多年的历史,但其在印度社会的发展并不理想。在传统印度教社会按照阶序原理统合和分割的社会形态下,印度教徒接纳并包容华人移民的存在,但同时倾向于将其固定于阶序链条底端,使之成为“事实上的种姓集团”,并以社会隔离的逻辑不与之通婚和交往。在这种情况下,印度华人也被“涵括”进印度教社会结构体系,成为阶序人社会中的一个特定角色,在阶序链条中有其特定的位置,且很难改变。在这种情况下,印度华人和印度教徒的族群边界被凸显和固化了,印度华人无法通过充分的社会交往融入印度教社会,亦难以通过信仰改宗实现新的印度教社会认同。因此,印度华人在形式上嵌入印度社会体系与秩序,在一定程度上接受了相应的身份与角色,借此获得了印度社会的合法成员资格,并进而形成了某种趋同的行为模式,如职业世袭、内婚和社会交往的界限等,这一心理与社会过程,可以看作华人在印度社会的“阶序化”过程。这既是华人面对印度社会主流文化传统造成的社会隔绝的一种反应,也是华人在印度社会文化传统和自身文化传统双重影响下的生存状态。不仅反映了华人基于生存需要的生存策略选择,也凸显了华人基于心理和情感需要的族群身份认同和文化认同特点。  相似文献   

童莹 《东南亚研究》2018,(2):137-151
公共记忆不单是回忆、文化遗产抑或主体对历史的构建,而是与群体日常生活实践同步的,是集体观念和知识不断被创造、叠加和更新的社会过程。海外华人的公共记忆不只是"乡愁",更展示了华人群体从故乡到他乡、住在国在地化以及当代跨国实践这一完整的族群发展脉络。本文即以印尼马鲁古群岛北部华人为例来探讨作为社会过程的公共记忆在当地华人社群发展过程中的促进作用。作为社会过程的公共记忆不仅能增强海外华人的族群认同,同时也通过习惯记忆和文化记忆的方式保证了文化的代际延续,特别是对那些在异质文化和复杂政治环境中生存的华人来说,公共记忆是使华人保持族群独立性的精神支柱。  相似文献   

The transnationalization of rural villages in the northeast region of Thailand through women's transnational marriages is reconfiguring gendered familial obligations in the form of “daughter duty.” This article shows how economic and social remittances from dutiful village daughters who are married to foreign husbands connect local villages and communities to the global, bypassing Thai nation-state institutions and agencies that have inadequately addressed the disadvantageous position of Thailand's Isan region. This transnational process depends on daughters' (and mothers') commitment to their care work and to their role as nurturers of the family, kin, schools, temples, and community—the community being seen as a familial extension in this matrilocal society. Women's upward economic mobility and their adherence to valued filial roles contribute to the community's increased favorable acceptance of women with foreign partners, leading to a greater number of transnational marriages. This article offers a nuanced reading of the so-called phua farang phenomenon (transnational marriages) based on an analysis of transformations brought about by daughter duty and the agrarian changes taking place in villages in Thailand's Isan region as the result of the rapid growth of transnational marriages.  相似文献   

This article considers the significance of gay men’s personal accounts of living with HIV or AIDS that were published in the gay press across the 1980s. Editors utilised individuals’ accounts of living with the illness to challenge mainstream media representations of gay men’s physical and emotional demise in the “final stages” of the debilitating illness. Such accounts conveyed the message that it was possible to resume one’s life after receiving a positive diagnosis. Gay men’s personal accounts of living with HIV or AIDS evolved from anonymous anecdotes to articles accompanied by the narrator’s full name and photograph by the end of the decade. This shift is attributed to Australia’s Third National AIDS Conference in 1988, whereby people with HIV and AIDS publicly disclosed their positive statuses. This article locates gay men’s personal accounts of living with HIV in a broader transnational shift towards the visibility of people with HIV and AIDS that was underway at that time.  相似文献   

This article discusses the social-structural dynamics of the biographies of transnationally mobile Europeans on the basis of 27 interviews, conducted in 2002–2003, with people of Italian, French, British, Danish, and Polish origin living in Berlin. In comparing different forms of mobility and taking into particular consideration the vocational aspects of the Europeans interviewed, this study reveals several characteristic types of transnational mobility within Europe. It does not only reveal the biographies of the elite or lower class Europeans, as these types have already been derived from the new transnational or classical migration research; it also unravels the biographies of a variety of transnational middle class Europeans. Furthermore, our study shows, that the availability of cultural and social capital is the determining factor for integration. These findings are an interesting extension to the sociological understanding of migration in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Abstract— This article analyses the meanings attributed by Mexican women of different social classes to motherhood and extradomestic work, as well as life experiences of family planning and child care. Information for the study was provided by 79 in-depth interviews with women who were either married or living with a partner who contributed regularly to the family income. The findings suggest that cultural norms regarding motherhood change far more slowly in urban Mexico than child-rearing or fertility control practices. Many women from different social classes still consider motherhood as their main source of identity and only a very educated and privileged group speaks with ambivalence regarding their mother's role. In contrast, more women are ready to accept child-care substitutes, especially if they find satisfaction in extradomestic activities, or carry them out because of personal or family necessities. Finally, the analysis points out that most urban women in Mexico, particularly the younger and more educated cohorts, are very much aware of the costs involved in children's education and rearing, and have acted accordingly, using contraceptives and limiting their family sizes. 0 1997 Society for Latin American Studies  相似文献   

Knowledge-based government of education constitutes a transnationally distributed practice of government that appears in various forms in different countries. The article defines government in accordance with Michel Foucault as governmentality—a particular configuration of governmental practices and body of knowledge—and develops a heuristic framework to study the historical development of knowledge-based government in the form of a “genealogy of government”. Two historical and comparative case studies on England and Sweden reconstruct the historical processes that involved the emergence of two particular models of knowledge-based government of education and explain their particular local characteristics. On the empirical results obtained the paper outlines the phenomenal structure of knowledge-based government of education as transnational social order and displays a number of general dimensions, in which different types of knowledge-based government of education differ from each other.  相似文献   

Within a global gendered economy based on an international division of labor, Filipina migrants have become nannies, maids, and caregivers in affluent homes in numerous Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Filipina migrants who seek employment as domestic workers abroad have been described as “classical” transmigrants who keep in touch with family members back home and commute between their countries of origin and their destinations. In this article — based on ethnographic research in Israel, Palestine, and the Philippines between 2003 and 2008—the author argues that Filipina migrants are transnational in a much broader sense than commonly discussed in studies on migration: engaged in border-cross-ing journeys through a number of nation states, many Filipina migrants move on and on rather than back and forth. They do so within a global hierarchy of desirable destination countries, ranked according to the differences between nation-states with regard to salaries and the legal entitlements migrants can claim, the costs and risks migrants have to take in order to enter, and these countries’ overall subjective and imaginative attractiveness. By migrating on, Filipina domestic workers acquire an intimate picture of the Middle East “backstage.” Some even become self-pro-claimed Middle Eastern experts or politically active Christian Zionists or sentimental Orientalists, who, in spite of their Christianity, miss fasting on Yom Kippur or during Ramadan as they continue their journeys toward Western Europe and North America, where they have hopes of living and perhaps gaining citizenship.  相似文献   

Transnationalism is, within Mexican migration studies, the predominant perspective to explain collective action undertaken by Mexicans in the United States. It takes into account the Mexican “diaspora's” interest and political participation in their hometowns. This article challenges transnationalism's basic tenet and proposes, instead, the notion of socio-political transnationalism. Nevertheless, the article emphasizes on how migrants fist act collectively to improve their living conditions in the host societies, rather than organizing around their ties with their homeland. This kind of organizing does not imply indifference towards the situation in their country of origin. It does mean, however, that the transnational perspective falls into a second plane. To illustrate, we will depict the history of Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio, an immigrants' organization in the City of New York, principally Mexican based, and their struggle against the gentrifying attempts taking place in East Harlem. We will also look at their political vision and the links they have created with organizations in Mexico.  相似文献   

We examine the conditions leading social movement organizations to adopt consensus in their internal decision making. To do so, we look at organizations of the Swiss global justice movement, which puts the search for consensus at center stage. Our findings show that the ways in which social movement organizations take decisions and their vision of democracy more generally are not simply a matter of free choice by their leaders and members, but depend on certain organizational characteristics. The most important one is a small organizational size, which is a crucial condition for the adoption of consensus in internal decision making. This condition combines with another one pertaining to the cultural tradition of contention represented by the social movement family to explain consensus. In addition, our findings show that small, transnational organizations following inclusive participatory practices are also more likely to adopt consensus when they make decisions.  相似文献   

本文在回顾国内外学术研究的基础上,探讨了全球化进程中的族群离散及全球化与华人离散社群的关系问题,着重考察和分析了华人离散社群的文化内涵以及政治认同与文化认同的分合,揭示其本土化与跨国性的一些历史含义,指出在全球化多重语境下华人离散社群出现了认同的流离和转向。  相似文献   

This article aims to shed light upon the ways of how the Europeanization of Turkey and the Balkans has so far led the Alevi-Bektashi order to revitalize its transnational and heterodox stand, which actually originates from the early encounters of the Turkish tribes with the Christian natives in Anatolia and the Balkans. The main premise of this work is that the Alevi-Bektashi communities residing in Turkey have recently reconnected themselves with their relational communities residing in the European Union and the Balkans through various layers of social learning and interaction provided by the process of European integration offering subordinated groups opportunity structures to transcend the hegemony of their nation states and to revitalize their transnational characteristics.  相似文献   

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