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DNA-based analysis was performed using partial mitochondrial cytochrome b genes of five mammalian specimens and Chromo-Helicase-DNA-binding (CHD) genes of five pheasants to determine whether specimens were from illegally hunted animals. Mammalian specimens were identified as being those of horse, roe deer, and cow through gene amplification using cytb981f and cytb981r primer set and sequencing. CHD genes were revealed to be those of three male and two female pheasants through polymerase chain reaction amplification. Because hunting of roe deers and female pheasants is prohibited in Korea, these results provided forensic evidences of illegal wild animal hunting.  相似文献   

The application of forensics to wildlife crime investigation routinely involves genetic species identification based on DNA sequence similarity. This work can be hindered by a lack of authenticated reference DNA sequence data resulting in weak matches between evidence and reference samples. The introduction of DNA barcoding has highlighted the expanding use of the mtDNA gene, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), as a genetic marker for species identification. Here, we assess the COI gene for use in forensic analysis following published human validation guidelines. Validation experiments investigated reproducibility, heteroplasmy, mixed DNA, DNA template concentration, chemical treatments, substrate variation, environmental conditions and thermocycling parameters. Sequence similarity searches using both GenBank BLASTn and BOLD search engines indicated that the COI gene consistently identifies species where authenticated reference sequence data exists. Where misidentification occurred the cause was attributable to either erroneous reference sequences from published data, or lack of primer specificity. Although amplification failure was observed under certain sample treatments, there was no evidence of environmentally induced sequence mutation in those sequences that were generated. A simulated case study compared the performance of COI and cytochrome b mtDNA genes. Findings are discussed in relation to the utility of the COI gene in forensic species identification.  相似文献   

Our present inability to rapidly, accurately and cost-effectively identify trace botanical evidence remains the major impediment to the routine application of forensic botany. Grasses are amongst the most likely plant species encountered as forensic trace evidence and have the potential to provide links between crime scenes and individuals or other vital crime scene information. We are designing a molecular DNA-based identification system for grasses consisting of several PCR assays that, like a traditional morphological taxonomic key, provide criteria that progressively identify an unknown grass sample to a given taxonomic rank. In a prior study of DNA sequences across 20 phylogenetically representative grass species, we identified a series of potentially informative indels in the grass mitochondrial genome. In this study we designed and tested five PCR assays spanning these indels and assessed the feasibility of these assays to aid identification of unknown grass samples. We confirmed that for our control set of 20 samples, on which the design of the PCR assays was based, the five primer combinations produced the expected results. Using these PCR assays in a 'blind test', we were able to identify 25 unknown grass samples with some restrictions. Species belonging to genera represented in our control set were all correctly identified to genus with one exception. Similarly, genera belonging to tribes in the control set were correctly identified to the tribal level. Finally, for those samples for which neither the tribal or genus specific PCR assays were designed, we could confidently exclude these samples from belonging to certain tribes and genera. The results confirmed the utility of the PCR assays and the feasibility of developing a robust full-scale usable grass identification system for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

线粒体16srRNA和ND4基因在种属鉴定中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的构建一种用于种属鉴定的线粒体DNA(m tDNA)16 srRNA和ND4基因荧光标记复合扩增检测体系。方法利用引物设计软件(Prim er 5)对两个m tDNA序列ND4基因和16 srRNA基因设计两对引物,每对引物中的一条在5’端标记荧光素(6-FAM)。按传统复合扩增技术建立复合扩增体系,用AB I PR ISM 310基因分析仪对产物进行分析。结果人类DNA扩增产物出现两个峰,片段大小分别为110bp的人类特异片段和149bp的人与动物共有片段,而动物DNA扩增产物出现一个峰,片段大小为149bp。对30个实验室存放5~15年的陈旧人血痕也能明确判断其种属来源。结论该体系可以明确区分人源性生物检材与其它常见动物样本,对实验室长期存放的陈旧检材也具有较好的检测能力。  相似文献   

The present study introduces a new approach to computer-assisted face/skull matching used for personal identification purposes in forensic anthropology.In this experiment, the authors formulated an algorithm able to identify the face of a person suspected to have disappeared, by comparing the respective person's facial image with the skull radiograph. A total of 14 subjects were selected for the study, from which a facial photograph and skull radiograph were taken and ultimately compiled into a database, saved to the hard drive of a computer. The photographs of the faces and corresponding skull radiographs were then drafted using common photographic software, taking caution not to alter the informational content of the images. Once computer generated, the facial images and menu were displayed on a color monitor. In the first phase, a few anatomic points of each photograph were selected and marked with a cross to facilitate and more accurately match the face with its corresponding skull. In the second phase, the above mentioned cross grid was superimposed on the radiographic image of the skull and brought to scale. In the third phase, the crosses were transferred to the cranial points of the radiograph. In the fourth phase, the algorithm calculated the distance of each transferred cross and the corresponding average. The smaller the mean value, the greater the index of similarity between the face and skull.A total of 196 cross-comparisons were conducted, with positive identification resulting in each case. Hence, the algorithm matched a facial photograph to the correct skull in 100% of the cases.  相似文献   

We describe a method combining in a single-round polymerase chain reaction amplifications of both cytochrome b and hypervariable D-loop mitochondrial DNA allowing species determination and individual human identification. Following the amplification step, amplicons are first screened on an agarose gel. The presence of only one band indicates that the sample is nonhuman, while the presence of two bands indicates a human origin. Subsequent DNA sequencing of the hypervariable D-loop region DNA allows for individual human identification as the presence of cytochrome b fragment does not interfere with the analysis. Similarly, further species determination on the basis of the phylogenetically variable cytochrome b gene is possible by sequencing of the cytochrome b DNA fragment.  相似文献   

The population of the Asian elephant is being dramatically reduced due to poaching of the ivory from the male. As poaching occurs in remote forests, it often takes weeks or longer for it to be discovered and it is therefore often very difficult to determine the sex of the decomposed body. Data suggest that in the recent past, over 2000 male elephants have been poached in South India. We have developed a technique based on molecular markers to determine that the carcass is an elephant and that it is a male. Using DNA sequence information from Genbank, we have developed two primer pairs: one for the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the other for the sex-determining region of Y chromosome (SRY) gene of the Indian elephant. After PCR amplification of known elephant DNA, we found that the mtDNA was common in both males and females, whereas the SRY-specific amplicon was observed only in the male.  相似文献   

Since July 2004, Mitotyping Technologies has been amplifying and sequencing a approximately 150 base pair fragment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that codes for 12S ribosomal RNA, to identify the species origin of nonhuman casework samples. The approximately 100 base pair sequence product is searched at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST and the species match is reported. The use of this assay has halved the number of samples for which no mtDNA results are obtained and is especially useful on hairs and degraded samples. The availability of species determination may aid forensic investigators in opening or closing off lines of inquiry where a highly probative but challenging sample has been collected.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(4):485-492
In forensic examination accurate estimation of post-mortem interval (PMI) is a challenging task, particularly in the advanced stages of decomposition. The existing methods (algor mortis, livor mortis, rigor mortis, putrefaction etc) used for estimating PMI rely on analyzing the physical, biochemical, and metabolic changes that occur in the corpse after death. While these methods have shown some level of effectiveness in estimating PMI during the early stages of decomposition, accurate estimation becomes increasingly challenging during the later stages of putrefaction when the body undergoes significant changes. Recently, microRNA (miRNA) profiling due to its relatively small size and stability has emerged as a promising tool in several areas of forensics. This study demonstrates the potential of miRNA for PMI estimation in advanced stages of death. In this study, miRNA-195, miRNA-206, and miRNA-378 were selected as target miRNAs and miRNA-1 as reference miRNA. Left ventricle tissue (5 g) of the heart from 20 forensic autopsies of traffic accident victims (18–32 years) were collected and processed. The samples were held at room temperature for eight different time intervals (12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 168 and 196 h), and RNA was extracted from all the samples using Trizol-based RNA isolation protocol, followed by cDNA synthesis and amplification with commercially available specific miRNA probes in Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR), Ct was calculated. The result showed that miRNAs were associated with PMI. Over time, there were substantial changes in the Ct values of all three miRNAs, with significant reductions observed at 196 h compared to 12 h. miRNA-206 demonstrated significant changes at multiple time intervals, while miRNA-1 remained stable for up to 196 h and thus holds caas an endogenous marker. In conclusion, miRNA has the potential to serve as a valuable tool for estimating PMI, especially during the advanced stages of decomposition, when used in conjunction with established techniques. However, further validation of the study is required to obtain more accurate estimates of PMI.  相似文献   

生物检材的种属鉴定在法医、海关和食品行业中均有较多应用。当前,用于鉴定种属的分子生物学方法发展迅猛。本文结合文献,从用于种属鉴定的目的基因及筛选标准、主要分子生物学方法、鉴定存在的主要问题等方面进行综述,并结合Real-time PCR和SNP技术对未来种属鉴定的发展方向进行了预测。  相似文献   

A PCR multiplex and database for forensic DNA identification of dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animal-derived trace evidence is a common finding at crime scenes and may provide an important link between victim(s) and suspect(s). A database of 558 dogs of pure and mixed breeds is described and analyzed with two PCR multiplexes of 17 microsatellites. Summary statistics (number of alleles, expected and observed heterozygosity and power of exclusion) are compared between breeds. Marked population substructure in dog breeds indicates significant inbreeding, and the use of a conservative theta value is recommended in likelihood calculations for determining the significance of a DNA match. Evidence is presented that the informativeness of the canine microsatellites, despite inbreeding, is comparable to the human CODIS loci. Two cases utilizing canine DNA typing, State of Washington v. Kenneth Leuluaialii and George Tuilefano and Crown v. Daniel McGowan, illustrate the potential of canine microsatellite markers for forensic investigations.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the development and use of computer software for realization of indirect DNA identification, based on identification of biological relation. Estimated algorithms of this method are based on regularities of parental signs inheritance by children and consist in comparative analysis of allele states of nuclear DNA typed locuses in unidentified bodies and probable parents of these dead subjects and subsequent estimation of the coefficients of the likelihood of hypotheses of their probable blood relationship. Available software maintain the database with identification characteristics of VNTR and STR locuses, HLA DQA1 locuses, and PM system (potential set of 23 locuses). The results of identification are presented as lists of exclusions and tables with estimated likelihood coefficients for the probability expert evaluation of relationship. The suggested computer-aided method of indirect identification is a new highly effective tool for personality identification by chromosome markers under conditions of mass information processing in examinations of unidentified corpses.  相似文献   

Poaching of wildlife animals for subsistence and commercial purposes has lead to population declines in Africa. In forensic cases, a need exists to identify the species of origin of carcasses, meat or blood. In the study presented here, the mitochondrial COI gene was sequenced to determine the species of unknown samples in three suspect South African forensic wildlife cases. In two cases the unknown samples were identified as originating from domestic cattle (Bos taurus) and in the third case the sample was identified as common reedbuck (Redunca arundinum). This is the first report of the COI sequence of common reedbuck. The study highlights the need for accurate wildlife reference material from each country in order to convict wildlife cases.  相似文献   

To determine precisely post mortem interval, larvae and puparium species found on a corpse have to be identified. Among more than 200 cases examined at the entomology department of the Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale, two-thirds concerned corpses less than one month old. Therefore, insects from first and second screwworms are the most frequently found [1]. Some species commonly found in France, such as different Lucilia and Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, are easily identifiable at an adult stage, but are almost impossible to differentiate at immature stages when only fragments of puparium or necrosed first instar larvae are available. For this reason, an easy and objective method of identification was thus searched by genetic analysis of these insects. Sequencing of partial gene of sub unit I of cytochrome oxydase has been used to predict restriction sites. Restriction enzyme cleavage of PCR products with Dde I allowed us to differentiate these species.  相似文献   

Globally, tigers are considered to be endangered, and are listed on Appendix I of CITES. A simple test, using a species-specific primer pair, was developed to identify tiger meat, faeces and dried skin, and provide forensic evidence of illegal wildlife trade. The specific fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was also successfully amplified from raw DNA products extracted from single tiger hairs. This PCR-based approach opens a new avenue to forensic identification of less-than-optimal samples.  相似文献   

Attempts to prevent illegal trade in bile and gallbladders from Asiatic black bears, Ursus thibetanus, are hampered by difficulties associated with identifying such items. We extracted DNA from bile crystals of unknown species origin and generated partial cytochrome b (cyt b) sequences using either universal primers (positioned in conserved regions of cyt b), or primers designed on existing U. thibetanus sequences (UT). Species origin was determined by aligning resolved sequences to reference sequence data. The universal primers were unsuitable for U. thibetanus identification when multiple species templates were present in the samples. The UT primers amplified U. thibetanus DNA from all sample extracts, including those containing mixed species templates. The amplified fragment can distinguish U. thibetanus from the most closely related species, U. americanus, a distinct advantage of DNA sequencing over the methods currently used to analyze suspected U. thibetanus bile.  相似文献   

The probative value of animal forensic genetic evidence relies on laboratory accuracy and reliability. Inter-laboratory comparisons allow laboratories to evaluate their performance on specific tests and analyses and to continue to monitor their output. The International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) administered animal forensic comparison tests (AFCTs) in 2016 and 2018 to assess the limitations and capabilities of laboratories offering forensic identification, parentage and species determination services. The AFCTs revealed that analyses of low DNA template concentrations (≤300 pg/µL) constitute a significant challenge that has prevented many laboratories from reporting correct identification and parentage results. Moreover, a lack of familiarity with species testing protocols, interpretation guidelines and representative databases prevented over a quarter of the participating laboratories from submitting correct species determination results. Several laboratories showed improvement in their genotyping accuracy over time. However, the use of forensically validated standards, such as a standard forensic short tandem repeat (STR) kit, preferably with an allelic ladder, and stricter guidelines for STR typing, may have prevented some common issues from occurring, such as genotyping inaccuracies, missing data, elevated stutter products and loading errors. The AFCTs underscore the importance of conducting routine forensic comparison tests to allow laboratories to compare results from each other. Laboratories should keep improving their scientific and technical capabilities and continuously evaluate their personnel’s proficiency in critical techniques such as low copy number (LCN) analysis and species testing. Although this is the first time that the ISAG has conducted comparison tests for forensic testing, findings from these AFCTs may serve as the foundation for continuous improvements of the overall quality of animal forensic genetic testing.  相似文献   

By means of X-ray photography tests were made of 224 (100 males and 124 females) volunteer Chinese adults of Han nationality to study the related regular patterns of superimposed projection of face landmarks onto the skull. On the basis of these tests, the present article reveals from a forensic anthropology angle the related regular patterns of plane projection of the human face with its skull. Study shows that there exist a strict individual identity and exclusiveness in relation between the human face and skull. The related regularity of displacement of face landmarks appears in projection of the skull with the human head at different photographic positions and angles. On the basis of this discovery, 52 indexes in 4 groups were established as a standard for judging the identification of a skull's body origin by means of skull-image superimposition. Based on forensic anthropology, the technique has raised to a great extent the credibility of unknown skull identification. In the past 8 years, 89 unknown skulls have been identified with their body origins which provided important and accurate evidence for the solution of murders with dismembered bodies, skeletonized bodies, and unidentified dead bodies.  相似文献   

A 19-month-old, 3.6-kg (8-lb) female child dies after a protracted course. The child was premature and suffered a stormy perinatal and postnatal period. When there is underlying disease or a condition potentially sufficient in and of itself to result in a "starved child," isolation of the results of potential neglect presents particular difficulties. The approach to the resolution of this question will be addressed.  相似文献   

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