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Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson fingered a new scapegoat for the world's economic problems. He said massive savings accumulations in countries such as China helped to trigger the crisis by squeezing interest rates and pushing investors toward riskier assets, the Financial Times reported on January 2. Zhang Jianhua, Director of the Research Bureau at the People's Bank of China, rebutted Paulson's comments as "extremely ridiculous and irresponsible" in an interview with Xinhua News Agency. Edited...  相似文献   

On July 8, 2010, the troubled U.S. residential mortgage funds providers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said goodbye to the New York Stock Exchange. Despite gloomy future  相似文献   

<正>With the risk of large-scale and systematic financial market crashes all but diminished, 2011 marks the beginning of the post-crisis era for the global economy and financial markets. But an old friend of 2010-  相似文献   

A sustained recovery of the global economy at a slow but steady pace should be expected in the first quarter of 2010, according to the quarterly report on global economic and financial outlook compiled by the International Finance Research Institute of the Bank of China. But three risks stand out, the report said, that threaten recovery efforts: the sovereign credit crisis, growing inflation pressures and increasing numbers of small and medium-sized U.S. banks filing for bankruptcy.  相似文献   

The devastating global financial crisis stemmed from the corruption of the U.S. property market and a wide range of financial derivatives that were devised based on home mortgages. The world's financial institutions have been hit hard, with some going bankrupt. To avoid such financial catastrophe in the future, Fan Gang, Director of the National Economic Institute, called on business people nationwide to focus more on real industries instead of blindly pouring money into financial and service sectors. He...  相似文献   

The Chinese stock and property markets have been outperforming expectations, fueled by an unprecedented surge in bank lending. Xie Guozhong, an economist and board member of Rosetta Stone Advisors, argues the robust Chinese economic figures are only propped up by bubbles, whose bursting will lead to a hard landing for the economy. Xie published his opinion in a related article in Caijing Magazine. Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

The ongoing sovereign debt crisis is extracting a painful toll on the European economy. Fiscal sustainability and bleake mployment are among the many challenges facing the euro zone.  相似文献   

Emerging Asia’s capital markets have posted rapid gains as the pace of economic recovery in the region has increased,drawing massive investment  相似文献   

As reports supportive of a rebounding world economy continue to grab headlines, crisis-stricken countries cannot wait to announce that a substantial recovery may be soon approaching. But is the so-called turnaround an established trend with a firm foundation and what are the potential risks that threaten to darken future prospect? Zili, Vice Chairman of the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China, discussed these issues on his blog.  相似文献   

Though China’s economy is breathing a sigh of relief after several nervous months,it is still not time to sit back and relax.Much needs to be done to ensure the sustainability of growth momentum.Guo Tianyong,Director of the Research Center of the China Banking Industry of the Central University of Finance and Economics,discussed this issue in an article recently published in the Shanghai Securities Journal.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

Nearly one year after the sweeping Wall Street collapse jolted the world, the picture of the global economy remains muddy and slippery. How are the global bailouts having an effect? What efforts are still needed to heal the financial woes? Paul A. Volcker, Former Chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve, gave his answers to these questions at a recent Institute of International Finance (IIF) press conference in Beijing. Edited excerpts of his comments follow.  相似文献   

As the ongoing recession exhausts the traditional instruments of monetary policy, the U.S. Federal Reserve is firing up its money printing machines as it prepares for new rounds of  相似文献   

As China fights its way out of the financial downturn, the developed world, primarily the United States and Europe, is still reeling from the recession. Despite the divergence in levels of recovery, there are common lessons that need to be learned. The key point to any  相似文献   

If the world learns one lesson from the financial crisis, it should be this: The global economy needs a more disciplined financial system. To accomplish this, more reforms should be carri  相似文献   

The global financial crisis, which has plagued the world economy for two years, is nowhere near an end. Though a double-dip recession is unlikely, a fast and sound economic recovery is still out of reach.  相似文献   

Policymakers worldwide are seriously reconsidering macroprudential regulation in response to the financial crisis,but the efforts they have introduced are primarily micro oriented.  相似文献   

The U.S. dollar's status as a reserve currency sowed the seeds for the present worldwide financial crisis.Zhou Xiaochuan,Governor of the People's Bank of China,issued a challenge to America's dominance of the global economy last month when he pro-posed that a super-sovereign international currency replace the dollar.Xu Xiaonian,Professor of Economics and Finance at the China Europe International Business School,discussed this proposal in a recent article in Caijing magazine.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

China provided a source of optimism among the global leaders and economists who attended the annual World Economic Forum in Davos last month,despite the gloomy outlook for the global economy.China's economy would pick up in the second half of 2009 and witness a robust rebound in 2010,said Stephen Roach,Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia,in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency on January 29.Edited excerpts of his comments during this interview and on other occasions during the Davos forum follow.  相似文献   

The shift of China's monetary policy stance from moderately loose to prudent next year indicates curbing inflation and asset bubbles have become the Central Government's top priority. But is China's bubble problem short-term or long-term? Is it only monetary or related to economic structure? Is it the cause of China's economic imbalance or the result? And what kind of deep-rooted problems in the macro economy does it reflect? All these questions call for deep thought, said Zhang Monan, a researcher with ...  相似文献   

Although the global financial crisis broke out more than two years ago, the fate of the world economy remains uncertain. The recently released Standard Chartered Global Focus:  相似文献   

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