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The human rights legal framework of Australia and Slovenia are vastly different. This article explores the evolution of human rights laws of Slovenia and Australia. While the study and comparison of Australia and Slovenia is uncommon, and not often used as an example to highlight aspects of human rights, both states have a long history of cooperation. The first Slovenian reportedly arrived in Australian in 1855. Since then, and particularly following World War Two, there has been a steady stream of Slovenian’s migrating to Australia. Slovenia upon independence prepared a new constitution that reflected the democratic human rights of the European Union, in 1991, and ratified the European Convention on Human rights in 1994. This article highlights how the opportunity Slovenia had to develop a new constitution, they were able to include many human rights that are often found in legislation. Australia’s constitution came into effect in 1901. Being more than 100 years old, there has been no attempts to revise the Australian constitution and expand the current express human rights. This article will determine whether the European Union’s human rights laws have not only influenced Slovenia’s human rights laws, but also Australia’s. This article suggests that Australia has much to learn from the Slovene experience, but is constrained by its constitution and region. This article highlights how a state formed in recent times, has had the opportunity to develop a constitution that reflects modern day human rights while an older state with longer established democracy has fallen behind in its protection of human rights.  相似文献   

企业并购中专利权的调查及价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在扩大市场份额、提高盈利水平的激励之下,许多技术公司都把专利资产作为参与市场竞争的秘密武器。为此,通过并购的手段来增强和巩固自己的专利组合、减少竞争对手,已受到众多公司的青睐和追捧。获取专利权已经成为企业并购的重要驱动因素之一。并购中有关专利权的调查和评价在并购交易过程中日渐重要,有时可能成为影响交易成败的关键因素。  相似文献   

水人权:人权法上的水权   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
胡德胜 《河北法学》2006,24(5):17-24
离开了水,人类无法生存.因此,水人权是一项基本人权.这已经为国际法充分承认.国家有义务尽可能利用其现有资源实施水人权.尽管水人权属于经济、社会及文化权利的范畴,是国家应当采取措施逐步充分实现的人权,但国家也负有一定的立即履行的义务.然而,在国家层面上,包括我国在内的多数国家存在一个需要解决的共同问题,即缺乏系统、有效的规定和保护.  相似文献   

论中国宪法与国际人权法对三代人权的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺鉴 《法律科学》2010,28(2):65-70
在人类发展的不同历史阶段上,在同一历史时期不同社会发展水平的空间分布上,人权都被赋予了不同的内容。迄今,已产生了三代人权。国际社会制定了一系列的国际人权文件,从国际法上对三代人权予以确认。中华人民共和国成立以后,借鉴有关国际人权法和外国宪法,先后颁布了四部宪法和相关修正案,对三代人权予以不同程度的确认,但也还有一些基本人权没有涉及,或者尚未明示确认。建议以后修宪时将三代人权的主要内容明确、完整地予以确认,必要时可作适当声明和保留,以完善我国宪法对三代人权的保护。  相似文献   

The cases on Chechnya recently decided by the European Courtof Human Rights force us to re-evaluate the relationship betweenhuman rights law and humanitarian law. Since the InternationalCourt of Justice held that humanitarian law is lex specialisto human rights law in 1996 – if not since the TehranConference of 1968 – it has been widely accepted that‘human rights in armed conflict’ refers to humanitarianlaw. The ECtHR has directly applied human rights law to theconduct of hostilities in internal armed conflicts. The rulesit has applied may prove controversial, but humanitarian law’slimited substantive scope and poor record of achieving compliancein internal armed conflicts suggest the importance of this newapproach.  相似文献   

The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992,section 174, bars trade unions from (amongst other things) excludingor expelling individuals on grounds of their membership of apolitical party. An issue has arisen about whether trade unionscan exclude or expel individuals who are members of the BritishNational Party (BNP). This article questions whether the currentrestrictions are consistent with international treaties ratifiedby the UK, and considers the human rights claims of the tradeunion and the ‘unwanted’ individuals.  相似文献   

2001年11月在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的WTO第四次部长级会议通过了《关于TRIPS协议和公共健康宣言》引起了在WTO范围内知识产权的保护和人权保护之间关系的讨论,进而扩展到WTO法与国际人权法之间的关系。贸易和人权二者之间虽然存在着一定的冲突,但是二者在发展历史和实践中的联系却是不可忽视的。在现有的WTO框架下,发达国家和发展中国家基于各自的利益,都在人权问题上向对方发难。人权迟早会被纳入WTO的考虑范围之内,关键是以何种方式将其纳入WTO的范围。《多哈TRIPS宣言》是一种比较实际的方式,即就具体问题所涉及的人权达成具有国际法拘束力的协议,采用逐个、渐进的方式将人权纳入到WTO范围之内。  相似文献   

贸易与人权的关系问题是贸易关联问题研究的重要组成部分。与从国际贸易法和人权法的二元规范关系角度进行探讨有所不同,彼德斯曼的WTO权利宪法论以内涵扩张的基本权利为核心,将其建构为贸易权与其他人权在权利谱系中的一元关系问题。这种一元论依托于实质意义的立宪意义上的宪法观念,即宪法的最优异特征是确认和保障公民的基本权利。一元论在理论上的不足,显现在贸易权的宪法性质不明、公共利益条款的扩大解释自相矛盾、WTO实质宪法的基础规范缺位以及权利谱系欠缺发展权等4个方面。目前在多边贸易体制的国际层面,贸易权与其说是一种基本权利,毋宁说是一种基本权的制度保障。  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the impact of the Human Rights Act on the House of Lords. Drawing on a database of judgments from 1994 to 2007, changes in judgment‐giving behaviour are identified by charting patterns of agreement and dissent across different categories of case. Voting records are also examined in order to identify whether significant differences exist between individual Law Lords in their approach to human rights cases.  相似文献   

如何建立足以对接、通融国际人权理念的国内人权立法的整合机制,是国际人权立法中国化必须首先解决的问题。民主权是一种新兴的人权。民主权立法"中国化"面临着理念整合、合法性、有效性等困境,其具体克服路径即在于:通过直接进行普适性与特殊性的价值调适以实现理念整合,建构具备与公众参与及自治相关的正当程序内涵的立法制度,藉此导出各公共领域内民主权的具体内容并确立其实现与救济的相关法律制度。  相似文献   

社会性别在 2 0世纪 80年代成为联合国框架下的一个重要分析范畴。社会性别分析超越了以往仅仅关注妇女为一个孤立群体的做法 ,强调审视政策、法律和项目对男女产生的不同影响和作用。女权主义法学引入社会性别分析透视普遍国际人权标准 ,提出从社会性别视角重新概念化国际人权规范与标准的必要性 ,以使其能够真正反映男女两性的经历、利益和需要 ,最终有利于保障两性平等和妇女平等享有各项人权和基本自由。联合国层面 2 0世纪 90年代以来致力于将妇女人权纳入人权活动的主流表明 ,社会性别主流化在日益发挥重要影响和作用  相似文献   

Alain Zysset 《Ratio juris》2019,32(3):278-300
Legal scholars and theorists have recently drawn a more sustained attention to the link between international human rights law (hereafter IHRL) and international criminal law (hereafter ICL). This concerns both positive and more normative accounts of the link. Whether positive or normative, the predominant approach to constructing the link is substantive. This overlap is normatively justified in similar terms by reference to a subset of moral human rights. In this paper, I offer an alternative to the substantive approach. After identifying two flaws in the substantive approach (the problem of threshold and the problem of ethical neutrality), I defend what I call a structural account by focusing on duty‐holders. I start by reconstructing two structural characteristics common to IHRL and ICL qua international legal regimes: who has the authority to address violations of IHRL and ICL, and who can be liable for those violations. I then infer that public authority (functionally construed) constitutes the common structural core of IHRL and ICL. I rely on the extraterritorial application of IHRL and on the collective dimension of ICL violations to further support the argument. I finally offer an argument explaining the normative point of those structural features. I hold that IHRL and ICL (their adjudicative and liability regimes) are both necessary (but clearly not sufficient) to render this exercise of public authority legitimate to its subjects.  相似文献   

王丽霞 《法学杂志》2005,(6):122-124
通过对妇女权益保障法修正案的出台背景和立法原则的阐述,本文具体分析了新法的修改变化、法律亮点和法律突破,论述了作者对新法若干法律问题的理性思考。  相似文献   

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