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在勒索型绑架犯罪手段日趋智能化、反侦查意识大幅提高、跨国案件与日俱增的形势下,针对勒索型绑架犯罪的社会危害性,在以人质安全第一的原则下,公安机关应抓紧战机,做好人质家属的指导和先期调查工作,采用多种侦查措施,加强协同作战,及时营救人质.  相似文献   

许细燕 《政法学刊》2006,23(3):86-89
当前,刑事案件侦查中是否尊重人权成为社会关注的热点问题,绑架案件侦查中涉及到多方人员基本人权保障问题,引人注目,尤其公开绑架人质案件的接连发生,使人们对绑架案件的人权问题极为关注。人权观念在绑架案件侦查中的确立与发展包括三方面内容:一是“人质安全第一”观念的提出和实践;二是从一元安全观到多元安全平衡价值观的思辩;三是可持续性侦查策略与措施的凸现。  相似文献   

几年来我共搜集了185起绑架案件的资料,其中有38起未破,人质被杀害的有22起,因侦查失误直接造成人质被杀害的有8起,另外还有5起在侦查过程中,绑匪突然不再与我们联系,人质至今下落不明。通过对这些案件的分析研究,我们发现绑架案件随着社会的发展也发生了新的变化。绑架案的主要变化  相似文献   

绑架罪的既遂以绑架行为实际控制人质,将人质置于行为人实际支配之下为标准。因此,根据我国中止犯的一般理论,行为人绑架犯罪既遂以后又释放人质的不能构成中止犯,属于犯罪既遂后的悔罪表现。为了保障人质的生命、身体安全,鼓励犯罪人及时放弃犯罪,防止社会危害性扩大,对于绑架犯罪既遂后释放人质的情形,国外刑法和我国台湾地区刑法已经将其作为特殊中止犯加以规定。从刑事政策及中止犯的立法宗旨考虑,我国刑法也有必要将绑架犯罪既遂后释放人质的情形增设为特殊中止犯。  相似文献   

一近年来,为逼还债务而绑架扣押人质的“人质型”非法拘禁犯罪案件日益增多,已成为普遍关注的严重社会问题。据不完全统计,1990年以来,全国检察机关已立案查处此类案件一千余件。尽管继1990年“两高”一部发出“关于在商业贸易活动中发生非法拘禁案件情况的通报”之后,高检院又在厦门召开了查处“人质型”非法拘禁案件工作座谈会,专门研究对策,制定措施,加强了对此类案件的查处工作。但是,绑架扣押人质的犯罪并未得到有效遏制,案件仍呈逐年上  相似文献   

信息分析在侦破绑架案件中发挥的作用越来越突出,甚至对于侦破某个案件起到关键性作用。绑架案件的规律特点犯罪分子事先预谋,精心策划,具有一定的反侦查伎俩犯罪分子在作案前一般要对绑架对象的身份、经济状况、住址、单位、日常生活方式及其他相关情况进行详细的了解,甚  相似文献   

杨柳 《检察风云》2014,(16):46-48
上海市中心的闹市街头,一名富商突然遭人绑架,绑匪向其家人勒索1500万元赎金。接到富商妻子的报案,警方立即启动了解救人质的预案。然而就在侦查员全力展开侦查之时,突然收到一份来自四川警方的协查通缉令,被通缉的逃犯居然就是那名被绑架的富豪。被绑架的人质顿时变成了通缉犯。惊天逆转的案情背后,隐藏着怎样一个真相呢?  相似文献   

勒索型绑架案件是指犯罪行为人秘密地以暴力、胁迫或其他手段将他人挟持到某一地点进行拘禁,并以损害被挟持者 (人质)的生命或健康相威胁,向被挟持者(人质)的家属或关系人强行索取财物的案件。2000年以来,广东省刑事案件一直保持高发态势,年均立刑事案件50万起左右,占全国刑事案件总数的1/9,而作为突出犯罪类型之一的绑架案件,年均立案数近1000起,约占全国绑架案件总数的1/3,已成为一种  相似文献   

2003年以来,天津市共发生绑架案件26起,破获25起,破案率为96.2%,共有4名人质死亡。这26起绑架案件具有以下几个突出特点:作案的主要动机是勒索钱财26起绑架案件中,犯罪分子以绑架人质为手段勒索赎金的共23起,占88.5%;由各类经济纠纷引发的绑架案件共2起,占7.7%;以绑架人质手段报复社会、报复他人的1起,占3.8%。2003年春节,犯罪嫌  相似文献   

劫持人质案件是指使用暴力手段劫持(绑架)、非法扣押人质,以杀害或继续扣押人质要挟人质的家属或有关方面,达到某种目的为释放人质条件的案件。是一种严重侵犯公民人身权力的犯罪行为。是公安机关历年来重点打击的暴力犯罪活动中的一种。近年来,解放后在我国几乎绝迹的劫持人质案件又有所抬头,且呈逐年上升的趋势。据统计:1997年北京市发生的劫持人质案件37起(均破获),比1996年上升了54.2%。而1998年1至4月共发生了17起(均破获),比1997年同期上升了88.9%。此类案件,性质恶劣,影响极坏,且解救人质难度较大,易发生人质被害的情况。往往是发生一起,波及一片。为严厉打击劫持人质的犯罪活动,煞住劫持人质案件的发案势头,我们重点调查了北京市,先后到门头沟、机场分局的刑警(大)  相似文献   

Kidnapping had been rare in Taiwan until recently. Several high-profile cases in the late 1990s, victimizing both Taiwanese citizens and foreigners, startled the island state. This study is the first systematic examination of the social dynamics involved in kidnapping. Data came from court cases, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews from incarcerated inmates. Results showed that kidnappers' financial crises and friendships with ringleaders were two primary motives. Most kidnapping cases involved a small number of offenders who form an ad hoc kidnapping group. Victims were not randomly chosen and share a geographic tie with the offenders. The process of kidnapping is idiosyncratic in nature, as most kidnappers improvised their plans. The negotiation phase in kidnapping is done hastily, and the amount of ransom is often a compromised result of offenders' needs, victim's family's financial status, timing, and the offenders' perception of risks. Ways to prevent kidnapping are also discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Courts can send a strong message condemning forum shopping and parental kidnapping by awarding attorneys' fees, court costs, and travel and other expenses, to prevailing parties in interstate custody, visitation, and enforcement cases. This chapter outlines the statutory authority in the UCCJA and PKPA for making such awards. Analogous provisions are contained in the Hague Convention and ICARA. These are discussed in Chapter 10.  相似文献   

绑架罪基本要件问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绑架罪侵犯的客体是单一客体.绑架罪的实行行为是单一行为而不是复合行为.已满14周岁不满16周岁的人实施绑架行为并故意杀害被绑架人的,应以故意杀人罪论处.  相似文献   

A case of kidnapping involving the concept of paternity testing is described. The couple arrested and charged with kidnapping stated the child in their possession was their biological daughter. Serological tests were performed on liquid blood samples in an effort to determine if the couple could have been the biological parents of the child. Two genetic inconsistencies were discovered in the 15 blood marker systems analyzed.  相似文献   

Kidnapping for ransom is not a new phenomenon. According to the Control Risk Group, an international risk consultancy, kidnappings of foreign nationals globally have increased by 275% over the past 10 years. High profile incidents such as the tourist kidnappings in 2000 by the Abu Sayyaf group, operating out of the troubled southern region of the Philippines, show that South East Asia has its own regionalised kidnapping hotspots. It is suspected that a high proportion of kidnappings are perpetrated by economically motivated crime groups but it is not possible to estimate with any degree of accuracy what percentage can be attributed to organised crime. This article will provide an overview of the problem, drawing upon existing literature available in the public domain. A typological discussion will show the critical differences between the various categories of kidnapping. The reliability of existing statistics, categorisation and recording of kidnapping for ransom will also be scrutinised, in particular for their variability across the region, to see whether this presents a barrier to a better understanding of the size and seriousness of the problem. As kidnapping for ransom incidents are becoming increasingly transnational in character, the final section will highlight the desirability of formulating and agreeing upon regional standardised definitions and counting rules for kidnap.  相似文献   

黄伟强 《政法学刊》2008,25(1):118-121
人质谈判中的风险评估就是指当警方赶到人质劫持现场后,在展开谈判工作和设计谈判方案前,指挥者对此次劫持事件做一个基本的风险评估。只有在判明危机事件情况的基础上,指挥员才能对案件的发展情况做到心中有数,从而把握人质危机处置进程的主动权,使谈判取得成效。结合我国目前人质事件类型,进行人质谈判中的风险评估,以确定谈判时所采取的应对策略,从而设计科学、动态的谈判方案,切实有效地提高谈判的效果。  相似文献   

Changes in political or religious beliefs among POWs and hostages have often been attributed to "brainwashing" or "coercive persuasion." The cases reported have usually involved people held involuntarily. Since the publication of DSM-III, the authors have noted frequent usage of the term "atypical dissociative disorder" in civil lawsuits by plaintiffs seeking damages from groups or cults they joined voluntarily. The effects of "psychological captivity" are claimed to be comparable to the effects of involuntary participation in instances of kidnapping or being taken prisoner. The authors suggest that voluntary and involuntary activities are fundamentally dissimilar and that the use of DSM-III is problematic in these cases.  相似文献   

A study of 30 cases of violence from a total sample of 199 cases of infant abductions between the years 1983 and 2000 included a subsample of six (or 20%) where the kidnapping was by cesarean section. The six cases are classified by type of crime. Four cases were classified as personal cause homicide, subtype cesarean section homicide; one case classified as personal cause, subtype domestic homicide, and one case classified as a criminal enterprise homicide. The behavioral profiles of the abductors included a confidence style approach to the victim mother, deception, and planning of the cesarean section. The forensic psychodynamics suggest a dual motive to cement a failing partner relationship and to fulfill a childbearing and delivery fantasy. Cesarean section murder suggests a new category of personal cause homicide.  相似文献   

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