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Burless C  De Leo D 《危机》2001,22(3):109-124
There have been quite a number of community studies in recent years, with surveys being conducted among the general population, in schools, and among the elderly. While all of these studies have greatly contributed to our understanding of suicidal behavior, because of different approaches toward methodology and definitions, they also have some limitations. These limitations spring mainly from the fact that definitions of suicidal ideation and behavior vary widely across studies, which makes comparisons between studies unreliable. The different utilization of methodology is another problem that can impact the comparability of the community studies.  相似文献   

Lester D  Wood P  Williams C  Haines J 《危机》2004,25(1):33-34
Analysis of a large sample of suicide notes from 262 suicides in Australia found that men less often had escape from pain as a motive for their suicides and more often had love/romantic problems. The suicides of older persons were more often motivated by escape from pain and less often had love/romantic problems.  相似文献   

Leonard BE 《危机》2005,26(4):153-155

Goldney RD 《危机》2000,21(1):8-15
Each year about a million people worldwide take their lives, and a further unknown number, but probably no less than 20 million, attempt suicide. In addition, for every person who engages in suicidal behavior, another five or six will be associated with them in some way, making a conservative total of 100 million people worldwide who are affected each year--and to whom we have some degree of responsibility. There is no one approach to suicide prevention, and probably more so than for any other human condition, we are privileged to be able to collaborate with many different disciplines in our endeavors. However, there is a considerable responsibility to ensure that whatever our own area of expertise and interest may be, we should apply universal principals of objective analysis to these diverse contributions. This is addressed by examining research from four broad areas. First, there are studies that irrevocably bring together the sociological and biological approaches to suicide. Second, there are reports that support the notion of the universality of suicide. Third, despite considerable attention paid to the media, its influence on suicide is very limited. And finally, although there have been pessimistic reviews, there are persuasive data from innovative research designs that have documented that we can prevent suicide.  相似文献   

Preti A  Miotto P  De Coppi M 《危机》2000,21(2):59-70
Seasonal asymmetry in yearly suicide occurrence is a long-observed phenomenon in psychiatric, suicidological, and sociological research, and the effects of seasonal factors on suicidal behavior have been the focus of a number of earlier studies. Taking into account limitations of data and methods, these studies have generally favored interpretations based on psychosocial factors. Recent studies have challenged the widely held notion that seasonal effects on suicide are a unitary phenomenon, not influenced by age, gender, or circumstances of the act. In particular, the seasonal occurrence of suicides has been found to differ significantly between the young and the elderly, and differences have also been found between male and female cycles of occurrence. Suicides using violent methods have been shown to follow clearer seasonal patterns than suicides by less violent methods (such as drug or gas poisoning), possibly reflecting the greater impulsive component involved in the choice of a violent lethal means. In this paper, findings from Italy are used to illustrate the clinical implications of studies into the topic of season and suicide, with the aim of developing more effective preventative strategies.  相似文献   

Khan MM  Reza H 《危机》2000,21(1):31-35
There is paucity of information on suicide from Pakistan, an Islamic country in which data collection poses formidable challenges. A variety of social, legal, and religious factors make reporting and diagnosing suicide difficult. Paradoxically, incidents of suicide are regularly reported in newspapers in Pakistan. In the absence of other means these reports serve a useful, though basic information source for suicidal deaths. A 2-year analysis of all such reports in a major newspaper in Pakistan showed 306 suicides reported from 35 cities. Men (n = 208) outnumbered women by 2:1. While there were more single than married men, the trend was reversed in women. The majority of subjects were under 30 years of age and "domestic problems" was the most common reason stated. More than half the subjects used organophosphate insecticides, while psychotropics and analgesics were used infrequently. The study challenges the widely held belief that suicide is a rare phenomena in an Islamic country like Pakistan, and underscores the need for more culture specific research on this important public health problem.  相似文献   

Leenaars AA  Lester D 《危机》2004,25(2):65-68
A study by Leenaars and Lester (1995) found that suicide prevention centers in the provinces of Canada in 1985 had a preventive, but nonsignificant, impact on the suicide rates of the provinces. The present study replicated that study for 1994-1998 and found a similar preventive impact, although weak, of suicide prevention centers on the provincial suicide rates.  相似文献   

Goldney RD 《危机》2001,22(4):173-175
There is now unequivocal statistical evidence of an association between some media portrayals of suicide and further subsequent suicide. However, it is a weak association, and it is probably of far less importance than our need to address basic principles of good mental health management. Rather than prescribe to the media how to report suicide, its potentially positive effects should be addressed.  相似文献   

Little research has examined the consequences of a suicide for social or family networks. Because suicide occurs within families, the focus on the aftermath of suicide within families is an important next step to determine exactly how to help survivors. In this article, we review and summarize the research on the impact of suicide on individuals within families and on family and social networks. We begin with a discussion of family changes following suicide. Next, we discuss the effects of suicide on social networks overall and responses of children and the elderly to a suicide in the family. Finally, we identify key issues that remain to be resolved in family survivor research and make recommendations for future studies.  相似文献   

Connolly J 《危机》2002,23(2):45-46

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