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阐述了我国制定《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定大纲》必要性、可行性和历史意义,对如何统一精神疾病刑事责任能力鉴定的评定标准,如何有利于同行专家和司法机关对司法精神病学鉴定结论可采信性的审查提出见解。  相似文献   

再议毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国法律并未直接规定毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任问题,国内法学界和司法精神病学界对此问题仍分歧众多。争论的焦点主要集中在吸毒者陷于辨认或控制能力丧失状态下实施危害行为时该如何评定其刑事责任能力上。从法律的角度来探讨毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定。主张目前实践中司法鉴定人员结合吸毒者的心理态度来评定其刑事责任能力缺乏法律依据,也不适宜对案件的处理,因此不宜由司法鉴定人员以精神病学的角度来认定毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力。  相似文献   

潘睿 《法制与社会》2014,(4):280-281
在我国精神医学中,精神疾病与精神障碍的含义并不相同,从刑事责任能力的主要内容来看,我国刑法中精神病是指广义的精神疾病,而在刑事责任能力评定工作中存在是对法律、法规的理解不一致,掌握尺度不同的问题,最终造成评定结果不一致,因此必须对刑事责任能力的评定标准作深入理解与探讨。本文综观法律关于精神病的刑事责任实践与立法,对我国精神病人的刑事责任能力进行深入探讨,发现在当今司法实践中精神病鉴定存在的一系列问题,并对此提出意见,为完善精神病人刑事责任,建立统一的精神病人刑事责任能力评定标准提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的:了解毒品所致精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定现状及鉴定人对此类案件的观点。方法自编《毒品所致精神障碍者责任能力评定调查表》,选择上海市法医精神病鉴定机构的鉴定人为调查对象,通过信访方式收集调查表。结果大部分鉴定人知晓《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定指南》(简称《指南》)对毒品所致精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定做出了“不宜评定”的特别规定。《指南》颁布前后,所有的鉴定人均未做出过无刑事责任能力的评定;《指南》颁布后,部分鉴定人仍做出完全或限定刑事责任能力的评定。对作案与症状无关、明知吸毒可致精神错乱却放纵吸毒的案例,鉴定人分歧较小。对作案与症状相关、辨控能力丧失的案例,鉴定人分歧较明显。为消除此类案件刑事责任能力评定的分歧,完善立法认同率最高。结论目前在此类案件鉴定实践中,大部分鉴定人并未严格按照《指南》规定执行,刑事责任能力评定仍存在明显分歧。  相似文献   

毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定是一个相当复杂的问题,司法部司法鉴定管理局公布的《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定指南(SF/Z JD0104002-2016)》对该类案件的司法鉴定进行了规范。本文从证据与证明角度,对毒品所致精神障碍者的刑事责任能力评定问题进行探讨,提出涉及毒品所致精神障碍者刑事责任能力司法鉴定所应遵循的推定原则和证明标准等,并对指南中相关规定的得失进行探讨。  相似文献   

探讨急性酒精中毒者的刑事责任能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何恬 《中国司法鉴定》2007,(5):50-51,57
我国刑法第18条第四款规定"醉酒的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任。"自从上世纪80年代末期复杂性醉酒的类型从日本引进中国后,司法精神医学界逐渐放宽了相当一部分醉酒者的刑事责任能力评定标准。这似乎有悖于现行法的规定,为了使该范围的鉴定与现行法规保持一致,笔者从医和法的两维角度探讨了如何评定急性酒精中毒者的刑事责任能力。  相似文献   

精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定标准研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刑事责任能力直接关系着案件的定性与处理。其评定有医学标准与法学标准两个要件,但法学要件的相关概念极不具体,且缺乏可借助的客观评定工具和具体的评定标准.相关评定工作一直是经验性判定。严重影响鉴定结论的科学性和一致性。我们课题组从法学要件着手。对法学要件辨认和控制能力进行量化,将医学标准和法学标准有机结合。编制出《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定标准(草案)》,经有关鉴定机构试用,运行结果也较理想。  相似文献   

精神病杀人的行为特征与刑事责任能力评定的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨精神病凶杀行为特征,分析精神病杀人责任能力评定的影响因素。方法对2002年至2006年72例进行司法鉴定的凶杀案件资料分项列表调查,所得数据用SPSS11.0统计软件对神病杀人的行为特征与刑事责任能力评定影响因素进行相关分析。结果作案行为特征以地点、动机、罪错认识、行为隐蔽性、潜逃、自我保护与责任能力评定结果显著相关;暴力作案刑事责任能力评定量表与々家鉴定结论之间有较高的一致性。结论对凶杀案件行为特征的综合分析,町作为责任能力评定的客观参考依据;暴力作案刑事责任能力评定量表的应用为责任能力评定提供了,相对可靠的客观依据。  相似文献   

目的 了解目前我国毒品所致精神障碍者刑事责任能力鉴定以及鉴定意见采信状况。方法 使用自编调查表,以中国裁判文书网上全国范围内发生于2012年~2020年的涉及毒品所致精神障碍者刑事案件被告人为研究对象,对搜集到的1 098例案件资料进行统计分析。结果 1 098例毒品所致精神障碍者以男性、青年、低文化程度、无业为主。暴力犯罪占71.04%,其中的69.48%是对人的暴力。人际间暴力案件中双方关系多为陌生关系,占50.18%。在所有案件中,作案有现实动机的比例为53.64%,作案后有61.29%的被告人选择逃跑或离开现场。所有案件中均给出了刑事责任能力的鉴定意见,其中不宜评定的有143(13.02%)例,评定为完全刑事责任能力的有845(76.96%)例,部分刑事责任能力的有110(10.02%)例。在评定为完全刑事责任能力的案件中,有800(94.67%)例被告人未从轻处罚;评定为部分刑事责任能力的案件中,有13(11.82%)例未从轻处罚;不宜评定的案件中,有139(97.20%)例未从轻处罚。93.93%的鉴定意见被法官采信。结论 2012年~2020年我国裁判文书网中涉及毒品所致...  相似文献   

精神病人暴力伤害案件中,妄想为影响被鉴定人作案时辨认和控制能力的突出常见病理性因素。《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定指南》为鉴定提供了原则性指导,但在具体案件中,鉴定人对妄想在实施暴力伤害行为中的性质、作用及刑事责任能力评定,常存在较大分歧。本文结合案例,对此类案件中妄想因素的作用及刑事责任能力评定,提出若干分析思路,供同行参考讨论。  相似文献   

A brief self-report is described that assesses propensity for male abusiveness of a female partner in intimate relationships. The Propensity for Abusiveness Scale (PAS) items is nonreactive and contains no explicit reference to abusive behavior. The scale has good psychometric properties, with Cronbach's alpha of 0.91 and three distinct factors. Data were provided by 140 men in treatment for wife assault and by 63 of their female partners. In addition, 44 demographically matched men and 33 of their partners were evaluated. The scale was validated against reports of abuse victimization by men's female partners using the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (Tolman, 1988). The scale correlated 0.51 with women's reports of male Domination/Isolation tactics, and 0.47 with Emotional Abuse scale scores. A discriminant function for high versus low abusiveness indicated that the PAS correctly classified 82.2% of men into high (one standard deviation below) abusiveness. Social desirability corrections do not significantly change the trend of correlations of the PAS with criterion variables. A cross validation of the scale supported the initial results. The scale also correlates significantly with physical abuse.  相似文献   

The Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education andConduct (ACLEC) has called for the reconstruction of the ethicalfoundations of legal education. However, it has not justified its premisethat teaching legal values at the initial stage will enhance professionallegal ethics. It is argued that the present system of education, given itstechnocratic, individualistic, and authoritarian tendencies, cannot meetACLEC's challenge. A more ethical legal education can be envisagedwithin a neo-Aristotelian framework. This perspective emphasizes thereflexivity between micro and macro ethics, and utilizes the active andparticipatory learning approaches which should enable students to engagein meaningful moral discourse and problem solving.  相似文献   


Are lawyers witty courtroom heroes or professionals working with and for people? Is law only universal judgements and afterthoughts or could it also be preventive and proactive individual planning and dialogue? The traditional legal education could be seen to have been based on the first assumptions. The course “Interaction skills for lawyers”, in the Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki (Finland), evolves instead from the latter assumptions. In this article we relate our starting points in planning the course and evaluate our challenges and experiences in developing it.  相似文献   

外观设计专利新颖性有绝对新颖性、相对新颖性和缓和新颖性三种。我国正在修订的专利法宜继续坚持混合新颖性标准,其比较对象原则上应限于产品外观设计.抵触申请也可破坏外观设计专利申请的新颖性。我国外观设计专利应引入创造性标准,对同一申请人同日在相同产品上中请的多个相似外观设计,不宜被认定为重复授权。此外,我国外观设计专利应继续坚持“美感”标准。  相似文献   

While the Agreement between the United Nations and Lebanon providesa solid framework for cooperation between the Special Tribunaland Lebanon, Security Council Resolution 1757 (2007) is silenton the duty of third states to assist the Tribunal. As a result,the Special Tribunal will be confronted with a variety of obstaclesand problems in obtaining their cooperation, which may seriouslyhamper its functioning.  相似文献   

对我国刑事审判监督程序进行改革和完善 ,就要对刑事再审制度的理论基础进行深入研究。对于西方国家既判力理论、避免双重危险理论等原则中所体现的有益价值观 ,也应从我国的实际出发 ,在构建我国刑事再审制度的理论基础中加以吸收。通过研究刑事再审制度的理论基础 ,推动刑事诉讼改革 ,逐步建立和完善中国特色的刑事再审制度 ,努力促进在全社会实现公平和正义的目标。  相似文献   

On November 6, 2014, the AFCC Board of Directors endorsed the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Guidelines for Eldercaring Coordination, including ethical principles for Eldercaring Coordinators, training protocols, and court pilot project template. The collaboration between Task Forces created by ACR and the Florida Chapter of AFCC, composed of twenty U.S./Canadian and twenty Florida‐wide organizations, produced both an overarching guide to assist in the development of programs and a more detailed model addressing state/province‐specific needs and characteristics. Eldercaring coordination is a dispute resolution option specifically for high‐conflict cases involving the care, needs, and safety of elders.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • There are currently no dispute resolution options for parties involved in high‐conflict cases regarding the care, needs, and safety of an elder.
  • The ACR Guidelines for Eldercaring Coordination address the discrepancies between dispute resolution options available for parents in conflict regarding their minor children and mature families with unresolved concerns about the care, needs, and safety of an elder.
  • The ACR Guidelines for Eldercaring Coordination provide information regarding the ethical practice of eldercaring coordination including a specific definition, recommended qualifications, ethical practices, grievance procedures, training protocols, and a court pilot project template.
  • The practice of eldercaring coordination will address the influx of court cases expected as baby boomers continue to age, reducing delays in court hearings, as parties will have the opportunity to resolve their concerns without continuous court attention.
  • As of June 2015, five states began Pilot Projects on Eldercaring Coordination, which will be studied by an independent research group to enhance the progress of the process and to develop the best practices for initiating the programs elsewhere.

2006年9月10日,当全中国的教师们还在以各自的方式感受第22个教师节的时候,你走了。我们只是感到突然,但并不意外。因为从你的病情被确诊的那一刻起我们就知道,这一天,正在一步一步向我们逼近。一年多来,每当星期二上班或有其他聚会的时候,我们总是小心翼翼地谈到你,三言两语而已。因为我们深怕对你的健康的担忧和牵挂会让我们没有办法若无其事地工作和生活。我们一直有一种凄然的默契:没有你的消息就是  相似文献   

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