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《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(3):207-221
The Great October Socialist Revolution brought about qualitative changes in the principles and norms of international law. It put an end to inequality and one-sided forms in the relations between the land of Soviets and foreign states. The Soviet state put forth a positive program for the development of peaceful relations, leading to the appearance and development of a new content and form in international law. (1)  相似文献   

王秀英 《法律科学》2003,(4):117-123
美英绕开联合国单方面对伊拉克实施军事打击,是对伊拉克主权、独立和领土完整的严重侵犯,是违背联合国宪章和国际法准则的行为。伊拉克战争不仅使伊拉克人民再次蒙受战争带来的损害,而且会给整个中东地区乃至世界和平带来许多不稳定的因素,从而将深刻地影响到今后的世界格局。  相似文献   

目前西方社会存在着"中国威胁论",这是违背事实的,中国的和平崛起,不仅不会搞乱现有的世界政治、经济,特别是法律秩序,而且会使当今世界政治经济格局和法律秩序更趋合理,更加稳定.  相似文献   

杨泽伟 《法学研究》2010,(3):175-185
在人类面临新挑战与国际社会出现新变化的背景下,国际法全球化与碎片化共存的现象明显,国际法的刑事化现象不断增多,国际法与国内法相互渗透、相互影响的趋势更加凸显, 国际法的调整范围不断向非传统安全领域扩展。与此同时,当代国际法所肩负的期望和使命也越来越多。发展、安全、人权等国际法价值目标已经得到了国际社会的普遍认可,国际宪政思潮已经成为国际法学界不能回避的课题,国际社会的民主和法治已成为时代要求,国际社会共同利益的理念已渗透到国际法中。  相似文献   

This study is part of a series of inquiries being made to ascertainthe extent and practical usefulness of the part played by Asiannations in their individual and collective contribution to thenorms-formulating functions of Asian States as members of theglobal community. The current paper is confined to the threeareas of jurisdictional immunities in the practice of Statesunder contemporary international law. The first part relatesto Asian practice and the practice of other nations affectingAsian communities in regard to the Immunities of States andtheir Property from the jurisdiction of other national entities.The second part deals with the current practice of diplomaticand consular immunities, available also to ad hoc or SpecialMissions. The third part concerns the immunities accorded byStates to international organizations or in connection withthe exercise of their official functions. The final part containsconcluding observations calling for meticulous care and attentionto find a practical approach to the nature and extent of immunitiesneeded and the necessity to maintain a delicate balance betweenthe interests of the donors and recipients of immunities soas to avoid possible abuses. Asian and non-Asian nations alikeare equally grantors and beneficiaries of immunities under review.  相似文献   

论中国近代国际法观念的肇兴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管伟 《政法论丛》2004,(3):84-89
在经历了两次鸦片战争之后 ,伴随着国际法的译介和传播以及对外交涉的需要 ,中国传统的国际观念发生了深刻的变化 ,近代意义的国际法观念开始萌生。在此基础上 ,近代开明的士人官僚形成了较为明确的国家主权意识和国家主权平等观念。并以国际法为依据开展对外交涉 ,创建近代外交机制。  相似文献   

后现代主义理论、可持续发展理论以及系统论、信息论、控制论对当代国际海洋环境保护法律的完善具有重要的意义。对这些理论加以评析,提出当代国际海洋环境保护法的应然模式和应涵盖的主要内容,以促进当代国际海洋环境保护法律制度的完善。  相似文献   

Liverpool Law Review - The re-emergence of the issue of conquest of territory is one of the most contentious debates surrounding contemporary international law. This article investigates certain...  相似文献   

1999年国际公法和国际私法学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章尚锦  余民才 《法学家》2000,(1):103-107
一、国际法学部分 (一)概述 1999年是国际法学的研究形势较好的一年。一方面,今年恰逢第一次海牙和平会议召开一百周年和日内瓦国际人道法四公约签订五十周年,同时也是联合国国际法十年的最后一年。国际法得到广泛普及,遵守、维护国际法成为共识。另一方面,新殖民主义、霸权主义抬头,发生了以美国为首的北约无视联合国的权威对南斯拉夫联盟共和国进行长达78天的空中打击和轰炸中国驻南大使馆、造成我使馆人员伤亡及财...  相似文献   

倪征(日奥)(1906-2003),中国当代著名国际法学家,出生于江苏省吴江县.1928年毕业于东吴大学法律系;之后留学美国,获斯坦福大学法学院博士学位,并受聘为约翰·霍普金斯大学荣誉研究员;回国后在大学教授法律课程,兼做律师;1945-1946年再赴美英进行司法考察;1946年以中国检察官首席顾问的身份参加东京大审判;1956年出任中国外交部顾问;1971年中国重返联合国后,他多次作为代表出席国际海洋法大会;1981年当选为联合国国际法委员会委员;1984年,当选为联合国国际法院法官,成为新中国历史上第一位国际法院法官.  相似文献   

一、制定<人民武装警察法>的必要性 2009年8月28日十一届全国人大常委会第十次会议通过了<中华人民共和国人民武装警察法>.该法的制定是规范和保障武警部队履行职责使命,维护国家安全和社会稳定,保障公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益的必然要求.  相似文献   

Where does international law (IL) draw its authority from a still weakly institutionalized international scene deprived of the warrants of a state? To address this classical debate, the article draws from a case study on the social and professional structure of the “international legal community” as it emerged during the 1920s as part of the rise of multilateralism and international organizations. It focuses on the “situation of the international lawyers” of the time, starting with the multiple and often antagonistic roles they play (as legal advisers, scholars, judges, diplomats, politicians, etc.) and the variety of interests and causes they defend (states, international organizations, professional interests, etc.) in international politics. It argues this heteronomy of international lawyers helps understand the autonomization of international law. Far from being opposed to one another it has often been assumed—realism and idealism, national loyalty and international loyalty, political logic and learned logic—actually gain when analyzed as various modes of affirming a single cause—that of an international rule of law. This attention given to the “situation of international lawyers” and to the way they manage their various allegiances also accounts for the particular vision of the “International” and of “Law and Politics” relationships that are encapsulated in this emerging international corpus juris.  相似文献   

周江 《现代法学》2012,34(3):143-153
区分原则是武装冲突法的一项重要原则,其核心是保护平民。在现代战争中,两用目标的模糊性、适用范围的局限性、战斗员的制服问题、非对称战争的冲击等致使区分原则面临困境,并使其有被修正的必要。修正的区分原则要求冲突各方必须考虑攻击目标与武装冲突的潜在联系,并将这种个体考量与"自愿"这个因素结合起来。  相似文献   

Cultural property may be under serious threat in the event of armed conflict. In the twentieth century, there were clear developments in international law aimed at preventing and punishing war crimes against cultural property. Despite this, the destruction of cultural property during armed conflict has continued. This article questions whether the existing international law standards with regard to the protection of cultural property during armed conflict are satisfactory, and whether or not a new instrument could be valuable. Although considerable shortcomings remain, instead of pleading for a new instrument, this article advocates raising ratification rates, the enhancement of the implementation of existing instruments, and monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms.  相似文献   

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