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从条约解释角度而言,病毒材料构成国家主权管辖范围内的“遗传资源”或“自然资源”,但其获取是否应遵循“事先知情同意”原则尚存在争议。国际专利体制激励基于病毒材料的医药研发,并不直接导致生物剽窃或医药可及性难题,但问题在于没有规定病毒材料的所有权和获取条件,故存在保护上的不对称性。从本质上说,病毒共享之争体现国际法上分配正义的缺失,故无法破解全球公共卫生难题,促进发展中国家履行健康权。为此,《国际卫生条例》需进一步明确健康权的国际责任,构建公平的“材料转移”机制。我国既要推动国际法上分配正义的实现和相关制度的非倾覆性变革,也可结合自身国情和优势发挥更大的建设性作用。  相似文献   

蒋承菘  翟勇 《法学家》2004,(6):75-81
本文针对学术界和立法实际工作中存在的对自然资源法律规范原则的不同认识,依据宪法的有关规定,阐明宪法有关自然资源法律规范的原则.在揭示自然资源立法客观规律、分析宪法与其他法律规范关系原理、回顾我国制宪历史的基础上,归纳出我国宪法确立的有关自然资源法律规范的五项基本原则,澄清实践中对上述原则的一些模糊认识,并指出理论研究和制度建设中有待完善之处.  相似文献   

李广辉  李红 《河北法学》2005,23(5):20-24
信托源于遥远的古代,但作为一种法律制度发展起来则是从11世纪的英国最先开始的。在借鉴英美法系和大陆法系信托制度的基础上,中国于2001年4月28日颁布了《信托法》。然而,不无遗憾的是,该法并没有对涉外信托的法律适用作出规定。这对于加入WTO之后中国国际信托关系的发展缺乏应有的预见性,也给人民法院审理涉外信托纠纷案件留下了法律适用的难题。因此尽快建立和完善中国国际信托关系法律适用规范已成当务之急。首先回顾了中国信托法律制度的演变过程,然后阐析了中国国际信托关系法律适用的原则,最后提出了完善中国国际信托关系法律适用的若干法律思考。  相似文献   

在各国法律制度存在差异的情况下,如何解决国际信托法律冲突的难题,已逐渐引起世界各国理论界和实务界的重视。对国际信托法律冲突问题进行探讨的目的在于,就国际信托法律适用的国际立法与国外立法作深入研究。随着我国加入WTO和改革开放的不断深入,国际信托业务在我国将取得进一步发展。我国目前的国际私法立法尚无信托冲突法,因此,完善我国的国际信托法律适用规则是当务之急。  相似文献   

Continued from Part I published earlier this year, this partof the survey covers materials reflecting Chinese practice in2006 relating to: Fundamental principles of international law(Section IV; territorial integrity, including Taiwan issue andTibet issue, non-interference of internal affairs and friendlyco-operation); International law of recognition (Section V;recognition of States and governments); International peaceand security (Section VI; North Korea nuclear issue, Iraniannuclear issue, Darfur issue, Kosovo issue, Great Lake regionissue, Lebanon–Israel conflict issue and Middle East issue);Anti-terrorism (Section VII); Non-proliferation and disarmament(Section VIII; general policy, nuclear disarmament, Treaty onNuclear Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), ComprehensiveTest Ban Treaty (CTBT), Treaty on the Central Asia Nuclear WeaponFree Area, Security Assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States,Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), Bacteriological (Biological)and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BWC), Certain ConventionalWeapons (CCW), Ottawa Convention, Non-Proliferation of Weaponsof Mass Destruction (WMDs) and Missiles, Illicit Trade in SALW,UN Disarmament Commission, Conference of Disarmament (CD) andPrevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS)); InternationalLaw on Territory and Frontier (Section IX; Diaoyu Islands, NanshaIslands, China–India Territorial and Frontier Dispute,China–Russia Frontier); International Law of the Sea (SectionX; UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, Conservationof Marine Bio-diversity Beyond Areas of National Jurisdiction,Fishery, Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic MarineLiving Resource, Marine Navigation, Delimitation and DevelopmentDisputes with Japan in East China Sea, Principle of MaritimeDelimitation with Other Countries, Base Points of the ChineseTerritorial Sea and The Issue of Suyan Islet).  相似文献   

Continued from Part II published last year, this part of theSurvey covers materials reflecting Chinese practice in 2006relating to: XI. Outer Space Law (Definition and Delimitationof Outer Space; Draft Protocol on Matters Specific to SpaceAssets to the Convention on International Interests in MobileEquipment; The Status and Application of Five UN Treaties onOuter Space; Practice of States and International Organizationsin Registering Space Objects; The Establishment of the DisasterManagement International Space Coordination Organization; ThePolicy of Peaceful Use of Outer Space; The Cooperative Approachto the Peaceful Use of Outer Space; The Convention of Asia-PacificSpace Cooperation Organization); XII. International Law on Diplomaticand Consular Relation (Preconditions for the Establishment ofDiplomatic Relation; Vienna Convention on the Consular Relations;Diplomatic Protection and Consular Assistance); XIII. InternationalCriminal Law (Universal Jurisdiction in Absentia; Treaty andJudicial Practice on Extradition and Criminal Judicial Assistance;The "East Turkistan" Terrorists in Guantanamo Bay; The LAI CheongSing (LAI Changxing) Case in Canada; The Position Towards TokyoTrial; Illegal Migrants; Trafficking of Persons; Anti-Corruption);XIV. International Law on Environment (Environment and Development;Climate Change; Dam-building on International Rivers; SonghuajiangRiver Pollution Accident; Tropical Rain Forest in SoutheastAsia; Animal Fur Trade; Auction of Dinosaur Egg); XV. InternationalOrganization (United Nations; World Health Organization; ShanghaiCooperation Organization); XVI. International Economic Law (InternationalTrade Law; International Protection of Intellectual PropertyRights; International Financial Law); XVII. International Lawon Energy (Energy and Development; Energy Policy); XVIII. InternationalLaw on Natural Disaster (Tsunami Warning System; InternationalHumanitarian Donation and Assistance); XIX. International Lawon Health (The Issue of SARS; the Issue of Avian and Human PandemicInfluenza).  相似文献   

This part of the Survey covers materials reflecting Chinesepractice in 2006 relating to: I. Subjects under discussion atthe ILC (Shared natural resources; responsibility of internationalorganizations; reservation to treaties; unilateral acts of states;effects of armed conflicts on treaties; obligation to extraditionor prosecution; fragmentation of international law); II. Internationalhuman rights law (general commitment on human rights; collectivehuman rights, including right of self-determination, right todevelopment; civil and political rights, including freedom ofreligion, freedom of expression, issue of organ transplants;economic, social and cultural rights, including right to food,right to health; human rights of aliens, including freedom ofpress of foreign correspondents, rights of refugees; human rightsof special groups, including rights of ethnic minorities, rightsof indigenous peoples, rights of women, rights of children,rights of immigrants, rights of persons with disabilities, rightsof older persons; implementation of international human rightslaw, including the establishment of UN Human Rights Council,review of mandates and mechanisms of UN Human Rights Council,the implementation of human rights instruments, human rightsdialogue and corporation; human rights situation in foreigncountries, including Myanmar, Middle East; human rights andinternational trade); III. International humanitarian law.  相似文献   

周珂  曹霞 《法学家》2007,(1):77-80
一、学术研究概况 2006年环境资源法学的研究可谓屿彩纷呈,硕果累累.其特点主要表现在第一,立足于科学发展观,把以人为本、尊重自然、协调发展、统筹规划、注重和谐的思想贯穿到整个环境资源法学的研究中;第二,与相关学科的互动与对话进一步推动了环境资源法学这一新兴学科的全面发展,越来越多的民法、经济法、行政法、国际法等相关学科的学者开始关注并参与了环境资源法学的理论和实务研究,促进了环境法学体系的完善、理论深度的拓展、研究水平的提升;第三,理论探讨、实务研究、国际交流与合作全面发展,学术活动空前活跃;第四,与环保实际工作部门和企业之间的联系更加紧密,承担了许多重要科研课题与项目的研究,成果丰富,效益显著;第五,学术研究队伍迅速壮大,更多的中青年学者脱颖而出,学术研究成果受到学界的高度评价.  相似文献   

从国际法角度看我国物权法草案中的征收补偿标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
征收及补偿问题不仅是物权法中的一个重要问题,也是一个国际法问题。我国物权法在规定征收及补偿问题时,须考虑国际社会的通常做法和我国政府对其他国家已做出的承诺。在征收补偿方面存在着国际法规则。投资协定的约束是确定的,而国际习惯法的约束则取决于各国的取舍。我国现行法律实质上未能明确征收补偿标准,而我国对外签署的投资协定则接受了“充分补偿”标准。物权法(草案)中的“合理补偿”标准并不合理。建议物权法在规定征收补偿标准时,以“充分补偿”为原则,以“另依特别规定”为补充。  相似文献   

论我国《信托法》的法律适用困难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康锐 《河北法学》2006,24(2):57-61
我国<信托法>仍然沿袭了大陆法国家对信托制度的移植路径,即信托基于合同设定,因此受益人的财产权利不明确,受益人无法在权利受损时获得有效救济.2004年发生的金新信托"乳品信托计划"纠纷更是凸显出<信托法>的法律适用困难,"信托财产"和"财产权"的含糊表述无法明确界定信托相关人的责任以及信托财产的具体损失;法官裁量权的不足使得信托制度的衡平和灵活的特点难以得到实现.  相似文献   

张明楷 《现代法学》2012,34(4):3-17
一般来说,当然解释是法条的适用方法,但在刑法中,当然解释应当作为一种解释理由。举重以明轻,是就出罪、处罚轻而言;举轻以明重,是就入罪、处罚重而言。当然解释的依据是事物的本质与法条的旨趣。由于刑法并不禁止有利于被告人的类推解释,故在适用举重以明轻的原理得出有利于被告人的解释结论时,不需要刑法的明文规定,但不能将刑法的处罚漏洞作为举重以明轻的根据。罪刑法定原则禁止不利于被告人的类推解释,故在适用举轻以明重的原理得出不利于被告人的解释结论后,还要求案件事实符合刑法规范,但是,不能将对案件事实的缩小评价当作对刑法规范的类推解释。  相似文献   

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