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Studying dipterans at the scene of a death can provide essential information for interpreting the evidence and help to reconstruct the events happened to a corpse in the past. Molecular tools have been employed for identification at specific levels in the cases of cryptic species or poorly conserved specimens. Identification of specimens is essential in forensic entomology since each species has a specific growth rate, which determines the calculation of the minimum post mortem interval (minPMI). In addition, phylogeographic reconstruction within a species can help to differentiate the haplotypes from a geographic area, thereby helping to clarify the possible relocation of a corpse. The morphological identification of Sarcophagidae species is often difficult, especially for the females. This is an important Diptera family since some of its species are among the first to reach a corpse, especially in warm areas. In this study, we compared the sarcophagids found in human corpses in forensic cases in Alicante (southeast of Spain) with specimens collected from baited traps in the same area and surrounding provinces. In total, 189 specimens were collected, comprising 72 from forensic cases and 117 from baited traps. Molecular identification was conducted by sequencing the cox1 mitochondrial gene and analyzing the sequences using ABGD, GMYC, and BIN species delimitation methods. The median joining algorithm in the PopART program was used to construct phylogeographic networks. Eight species in the family Sarcophagidae were identified. The most widely collected species were Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Sarcophaga tibialis. The haplotype networks obtained for these species did not indicate a clear geographic distribution of haplotypes. The S. argyrostoma samples from Alcoy were clearly isolated. The results demonstrated that this method is useful for identifying Sarcophagidae samples in forensic investigations and it can be employed for minPMI estimation.  相似文献   

Precise estimation time of death is one of key task of forensic entomology. Especially interesting is Coleofauna present at all stages of cadaver decomposition. The morphological identification of Coleoptera species from varying life stages to species level is time-consuming and needs highly qualified entomologists. Among different molecular methods of species identification very promising is high-resolution melting PCR. It allows fast single-tube assignment of analyzed sample to species based on amplicon melting profile. The object of this study were different specimens of Coleoptera collected at pig cadavers in Łomna (central Poland) during 2012 - 2014. Specimes were identified to species by experts of corresponding Coleoptera families. From 120 collected specimens belonging to four families and twelve species HRM-PCR correctly identified specimens belonging to three families and eight species.  相似文献   

目的探讨mtDNA基因序列对常见嗜尸性蝇类的种属鉴别应用价值。方法收集不同区域2科4属6个种30个蝇类样本,提取样本线粒体DNA后扩增COI基因序列,以琼脂糖电泳检测扩增产物并测序,以DNAMAN6.0分析软件分别截取498bp序列,用MEGA5.2软件分别进行序列分析,然后构建系统发育树,比较各地区不同种属样本的序列差异。结果 6个种属的嗜尸性蝇类30个样本mtDNA的COI基因具有一定的序列差异,种内进化分歧均数在0.1%~1.6%之间,种间进化分歧均数在2.2%~11.2%之间,6个种属通过系统发育树均可明确区分。结论 COI基因序列分析和系统发育树对嗜尸性蝇类的种属检验具有重要帮助作用,可用于现场样本的准确、快速种属鉴定。  相似文献   

Insects attracted to cadavers may provide important indications of the postmortem interval (PMI). However, use of the flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) for PMI estimation is limited as the species are often not morphologically distinct, especially as immatures. In this study, 23 forensically important flesh flies were collected from 13 locations in 10 Chinese provinces. Then, a 278-bp segment of the cytochrome oxidase subunits one (COI) gene and a 289-bp segment of the 16S rDNA gene of all specimens were successfully sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequenced segments showed that all sarcophagid specimens were properly assigned into four species (Boerttcherisca peregrina [Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830], Helicophagella melanura [Meigen, 1826], Parasarcophaga albiceps [Meigen, 1826], and Parasarcophaga dux [Thompson, 1869]) with relatively strong supporting values, thus indicating that the COI and 16S rDNA regions are suitable for identification of sarcophagid species. The difference between intraspecific threshold and interspecific divergence confirmed the potential of the two regions for sarcophagid species identification.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that sequence analysis technique displays a tempting foreground in identifying unknown specimens of necrophagous flies. In this study, we analyzed 63 complete ITS2 sequences concerning 29 fly species to evaluate the identification potential of the ITS2 region, among of which 41 sequence entries were obtained by sequencing and 22 sequence entries were available on the line. Additionally, phenetic method was recommended to substitute for phylogenetic method because it is very difficult to align the ITS2 sequences. The neighbor-joining tree generated by clustalx1.81 allowed us to differentiate each species. Meanwhile the tree topology also suggested that the ITS2 region showed no resolution for the distinction of geographical populations of some species. The overlapping between intra- and interspecific variation revealed by sequence analyses did not affect species identification. High sequence homology between some congeneric species required further sequencing for forensic practice.  相似文献   

The application of forensics to wildlife crime investigation routinely involves genetic species identification based on DNA sequence similarity. This work can be hindered by a lack of authenticated reference DNA sequence data resulting in weak matches between evidence and reference samples. The introduction of DNA barcoding has highlighted the expanding use of the mtDNA gene, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), as a genetic marker for species identification. Here, we assess the COI gene for use in forensic analysis following published human validation guidelines. Validation experiments investigated reproducibility, heteroplasmy, mixed DNA, DNA template concentration, chemical treatments, substrate variation, environmental conditions and thermocycling parameters. Sequence similarity searches using both GenBank BLASTn and BOLD search engines indicated that the COI gene consistently identifies species where authenticated reference sequence data exists. Where misidentification occurred the cause was attributable to either erroneous reference sequences from published data, or lack of primer specificity. Although amplification failure was observed under certain sample treatments, there was no evidence of environmentally induced sequence mutation in those sequences that were generated. A simulated case study compared the performance of COI and cytochrome b mtDNA genes. Findings are discussed in relation to the utility of the COI gene in forensic species identification.  相似文献   

Cluster flies are represented by the genus Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 of the family Polleniidae Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889. Their larvae are known to be internal parasites or predators of earthworms. Herein, we report for the first time the occurrence of the cluster flies Pollenia rudis Fabricius, 1794 and Pollenia vagabunda (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Polleniidae) on carcasses in Algeria and identify them through DNA barcoding. A region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) was amplified and sequenced. Genetic distances were determined. A phylogenetic tree was constructed with the maximum parsimony method using 10 000 bootstrap replicates. A total number of 157 adults of P. rudis were collected together with 325 adults of Pollenia vagabunda. The occurrence of Pollenia on animal carcasses does not seem to be correlated with a particular stage of decomposition. All the sequences were correctly identified using the BLASTn tool from the GenBank database and the BOLD identification engine. Intra- and interspecific sequence divergence values were less than 1% and greater than 3%, respectively. COI barcodes obtained from this study were robust enough to identify and distinguish unambiguously between P. rudis and P. vagabunda. In the tree-based analysis, the cluster flies were all assigned to their respective species separately from each other confirming the morphological identification. These results provide DNA barcodes that contribute to the growth of reference databases and allow fast and accurate identification.  相似文献   

mtDNA COI和ND5基因用于鉴别常见嗜尸性蝇类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的对蝇类mtDNA 523bp COI和347bp ND5基因片段进行序列分析,评价其在以嗜尸性蝇类种属鉴定中应用的可行性。方法从广州(广东省)、湛江(广东省)、韶关(广东省)、沈丘(河南省)及蜂蛹寨(四川省)采集7种嗜尸性蝇类标本,进行形态学种属鉴定,取其腹部肌肉提取DNA,利用基因特异性引物对线粒体COI、ND5基因进行PCR扩增,产物经纯化后进行测序,MEGA 3.0软件对DNA序列进行碱基组成、进化分歧率和系统发育分析。结果进化分歧率ND5基因种内小于1.83%,种间大于2.62%;种间与种内进化分歧率范围间没有交叉;COI基因种间在0.48%~14.8%之间,种内在0.24%~8.3%之间,种内进化分歧范围与种间进化分歧范围存在交叉。结论 ND5基因片段可在种水平有效鉴别常见嗜尸性蝇类,也可鉴别近缘种。而单独运用COI基因不能有效进行种属鉴定。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Calliphorinae fly species are important indicators of the postmortem interval especially during early spring and late fall in Korea. Although nucleotide sequences of various Calliphorinae fly species are available, there has been no research on the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) nucleotide sequences of Korean Calliphorinae flies. Here, we report the full-length sequences of the COI gene of four Calliphorinae fly species collected in Korea (five individuals of Calliphora vicina , five Calliphora lata , four Triceratopyga calliphoroides and three Aldrichina grahami ). Each COI gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and directly sequenced and the resulting nucleotide sequences were aligned and analyzed by MEGA4 software. The results indicate that COI nucleotide sequences can be used to distinguish between these four species. Our phylogenetic result coincides with recent taxonomic views on the subfamily Calliphorinae in that the genera Aldrichina and Triceratopyga are nested within the genus Calliphora .  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated the ability to identify the body fluid of origin of forensic biological stains using messenger (mRNA) profiling. However, the size of the amplification product used in these assays (100–400 bases) may not be ideal for use with environmentally degraded samples. MiRNA profiling represents a potential alternative to mRNA profiling, since the small size of the miRNAs (∼22 bases) might still permit their detection in degraded stains. Previously, we reported the first study involving the forensic use of microRNA (miRNA) profiling, which required screening of 452 candidates. Since our initial screening, hundreds of novel miRNAs have been identified. We have therefore evaluated additional miRNA candidates to further improve the sensitivity and specificity of the body fluid assays. Consequently we have expanded our body fluid identification panel to include 18 miRNAs (comprising 5 original and 13 novel miRNAs). This panel permits the identification of all forensically relevant body fluids and, uniquely, includes miRNAs for the identification of skin.Using normalized miRNA expression data, we constructed body fluid specific binary logistic regression models to permit an accurate identification of the body fluid of interest. Using the developed models, we have obtained 100% accuracy in predicting the body fluid of interest.  相似文献   

mtDNA—HVⅠ和细胞色素b片段的复合扩增及其法医学应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨复合扩增mtDNA D环HV I和细胞色素b片段进行种属鉴定和个体识别的方法及mtDNA-HV I多态性。方法用两对引物同步扩增HV I片段与细胞色素b片段,银染显带检测扩增产物,ABI377测序仪及荧光测序技术分析扩增产物序列多态性。结果人类有279bp,358bp两条带,动物只有358bp一条带。通过对131例随机广东汉族人群个体进行mtDNA控制区(15997~16236))序列测定统计,得出此区域的序列多态性。共发现69个位点变异,平均每个个体存在2.679个碱基突变,检出67个单倍型,基因多样性为97.92%。结论mtDNA控制区(15997—16236)具有较高的序列多态性。为良好的个体识别标记。复合扩增mtDNA D环HV I与细胞色素b片段进行测序分析可以同步进行种属鉴定和个体识别。  相似文献   

线粒体16srRNA和ND4基因在种属鉴定中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的构建一种用于种属鉴定的线粒体DNA(m tDNA)16 srRNA和ND4基因荧光标记复合扩增检测体系。方法利用引物设计软件(Prim er 5)对两个m tDNA序列ND4基因和16 srRNA基因设计两对引物,每对引物中的一条在5’端标记荧光素(6-FAM)。按传统复合扩增技术建立复合扩增体系,用AB I PR ISM 310基因分析仪对产物进行分析。结果人类DNA扩增产物出现两个峰,片段大小分别为110bp的人类特异片段和149bp的人与动物共有片段,而动物DNA扩增产物出现一个峰,片段大小为149bp。对30个实验室存放5~15年的陈旧人血痕也能明确判断其种属来源。结论该体系可以明确区分人源性生物检材与其它常见动物样本,对实验室长期存放的陈旧检材也具有较好的检测能力。  相似文献   

DNA-based analysis was performed using partial mitochondrial cytochrome b genes of five mammalian specimens and Chromo-Helicase-DNA-binding (CHD) genes of five pheasants to determine whether specimens were from illegally hunted animals. Mammalian specimens were identified as being those of horse, roe deer, and cow through gene amplification using cytb981f and cytb981r primer set and sequencing. CHD genes were revealed to be those of three male and two female pheasants through polymerase chain reaction amplification. Because hunting of roe deers and female pheasants is prohibited in Korea, these results provided forensic evidences of illegal wild animal hunting.  相似文献   

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