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Thermal paper finds its extensive use in the modern day life and could act as a vital piece of physical evidence carrying latent fingermarks. A large number of citations are available in literature suggesting various techniques to develop these marks but all are suffering with one or the other drawbacks such as complex and cumbersome procedure, pre- or post-treatment, background coloration and efficiency to develop aged fingermarks. In present study, a very simple and novel method involving iodine fuming has been suggested to develop fingermarks which were not only permanent but also without any background coloration. The suggested method does not involve any pre- or post-treatment of the substrate and was able to develop very old fingermarks (upto >1 year). In this study an attempt has been made to explain the reaction mechanism of the process. In case of different types of thermal papers, presence of different substituents on leuco dye (lactone ring) structure resulted in development of different colored fingermarks upon reaction with iodine. Sebaceous material laden marks have been found to be more intensely developed as compared to eccrine marks, and the difference was more pronounced in case of aged fingermarks.  相似文献   

Recent published research has lead to improved techniques for recovering latent fingermarks from metallic surfaces. The present study corroborates and extends some of the work carried out by Bond [1], [2], [3], but an alternative mechanism is proposed for the thermal visualisation of fingermarks based on differential oxidation and the production of interference colours that improve contrast. Fingermarks treated at low temperature could be reheated to enhance recovery, but an upper temperature limit occurs beyond which the mark degrades. The mechanism of enhancement is discussed.  相似文献   

目的找到一种显现化学类纸张上汗潜手印的有效方法。方法制作DMAC显现试剂并进行大量比对实验、外延实验。结论用该方法操作简便、效果较好。  相似文献   

The performance of two spray reagents, iodine-benzoflavone and ruthenium tetroxide (RTX), was evaluated and compared with the conventional technique currently used at the crime scene, that is, powdering. Neither the spray techniques nor powdering were shown to be suitable for all surfaces and ages of marks tested. On some surfaces such as glass and treated wood, powdering was still the superior technique, whereas the spray techniques produced better development on wallpaper, vinyl, and brick. Sequencing work showed that RTX was incompatible with powdering and cyanoacrylate (with a rhodamine 6G stain). Iodine-benzoflavone can be used successfully either before or after powdering in a sequence; however, it was incompatible with cyanoacrylate. Two non-CFC formulations of iodine-benzoflavone using HFC4310mee and HFE7100 solvents were tested and shown not to be as effective as the original Arklone (CFC-113) formulation; however, the HFC4310mee solvent is recommended as the most suitable replacement solvent. Due to the expense of the commercial RTX spray, attempts at formulating a more cost-effective version were also carried out. A formulation was developed that gave comparable development to the commercial version but at a much cheaper cost, and with a shelf life of up to two months. Recommendations are presented for which techniques are suitable for different surfaces and ages of marks. Powdering was shown to be the best technique on all ages of marks tested on treated wood, glass, and also on marks aged three days and older on paint. Iodine-benzoflavone was the best technique on wallpaper, vinyl, brick, and raw wood. RTX was the best detection technique for fresh marks and marks aged up to one day on wallpaper and paint.  相似文献   

A new method for enhancement of ninhydrin or 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO)-treated latent fingerprints on thermal paper will be described. Most thermosensitive surfaces of thermal paper become dark when treated with DFO or ninhydrin petroleum ether (NPB) solution. This effect minimizes contrast between the developed fingerprints and the background. The new method described reduces this dark staining without removing the thermosensitive layer and parts of the developed fingerprints, as occurs with acetone washing. Through the new method, the developed fingerprints appear in sharp lines and high contrast. Extensive tests were performed, leading to an optimized working solution, which charges the paper with a minimum of chemicals, is cheap, and enables a large quantity of papers to be treated in a short time. The working solution contains commercially available, nonvolatile, nitrogenous organic compounds and can be used like the application of NPB solution by dipping.  相似文献   

目的建立热敏纸上汗潜手印显现的新方法。方法根据DFO/PVP溶液能够阻碍热敏纸的显色,能够和手印遗留物质中的氨基酸发生显色反应的原理来显现手印。结果PVP浓度为5%、7.5%、10%时,荧光效果较好;DFO/PVP试剂显现热敏纸上汗潜指纹不会导致背景变黑;DFO/PVP试剂在热敏纸上的显现效果优于DFO试剂;对遗留时间为154天的ATM机上一枚凭证显出了清晰的指纹纹线。结论DFO/PVP显现法操作简单、安全可靠、显出率高、荧光强。  相似文献   

目的建立了一种油红O显现热敏纸上客体表面的潜手印的新方法。方法将检材浸泡在配制好的油红O的显现试剂中,油红可将指纹中遗留的油脂染色从而显现出手印纹线。结果显现出手印纹线为红色,纹线连贯,反差明显。结论油红O能够有效地显现出热敏纸上潜手印。  相似文献   

Conventional fingermark powders rely on contrast induced by absorption/reflection (e.g. black powder) or luminescence in the visible region (e.g. Blitz Green(?)). In most cases, these powders provide sufficient contrast; however, in some circumstances surface characteristics can interfere with the visualisation of powdered fingermarks. Visualisation in the near infra-red (NIR) region, however, has been shown to eliminate interferences commonly encountered in the visible region. In this study, a mixture of rhodamine 6G and the NIR laser dye styryl 11 (STaR 11) was coated onto an aluminium oxide nanopowder and then mixed with silver magnetic powder to develop and visualise fingermarks in the NIR. When compared to Blitz Green(?), it was determined that the STaR 11 magnetic powder was better suited for marks deposited on textured surfaces and for older marks, whereas Blitz Green(?) performed better on smooth glossy surfaces. The ability of the STaR 11 mixed dye formulation to be visualised in both the visible and NIR regions also provides a significant advantage over conventional luminescent fingermark powders.  相似文献   

In the present age of heightened emphasis on counter terrorism, law enforcement and forensic science are constantly evolving and adapting to the motivations and capabilities of terrorist groups and individuals. The use of biological agents on a population, such as anthrax spores, presents unique challenges to the forensic investigator, and the processing of contaminated evidence. In this research, a number of porous and nonporous items were contaminated with viable anthrax spores and marked with latent fingermarks. The test samples were then subjected to a standard formulation of formaldehyde gas. Latent fingermarks were then recovered post decontamination using a range of methods. Standard fumigation, while effective at destroying viable spores, contributed to the degradation of amino acids leading to loss of ridge detail. A new protocol for formaldehyde gas decontamination was developed which allows for the destruction of viable spores and the successful recovery of latent marks, all within a rapid response time of less than 1 h.  相似文献   

Vacuum metal deposition (VMD) has been previously demonstrated as an effective development technique for latent fingermarks and in some cases has been shown to enhance prints developed with cyanoacrylate (CA) (superglue) fuming. This work utilizes scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to investigate the interactions of the two development techniques when applied to latent fingermarks on low-density polyethylene. CA is shown to act principally on the eccrine deposits around sweat pores, where polymerization results in long polymer fibrils a few 100 nm in width. Subsequent VMD processing results in additional areas of development, for example, between pores. However, the primary mode of deposition of zinc is by interaction with the polymerized CA, the fibrils of which become decorated with zinc nanoparticles. Areas with limited CA deposition and no significant polymerization are also enhanced with the VMD process, resulting in increased print development.  相似文献   

TFD-2纸张手印快速显现系统的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的介绍一种利用特殊的红外热成像技术显现常见纸张上汗潜手印的新方法。方法利用英国Foster4-Freeman公司生产的TFD-2纸张手印快速显现系统,通过特殊的红外热成像技术,使汗潜手印呈现强烈荧光,从而显现手印。结果红外热成像方法处理后,汗潜手印在特种激发光(带宽为450nm-510nm)激发下显出较强的橙色荧光;持续处理后,汗潜手印在自然光下呈棕褐色,并在短波紫外光源(254nm)激发下也可显出清晰连贯的手印纹线;而且,新鲜和陈旧手印均有较好的显现效果。结论TFD-2纸张手印快速显现系统显现纸张上汗潜手印的方法,具有操作简单、快速安全、无需化学试剂、显现效果明显的特点,适合推广使用。  相似文献   

Faded, or actively removed text on thermally printed paper samples may be enhanced and retrieved through the use of a simple iodine fuming procedure. The recovery of printed documentation evidence in this fashion is neither affected by prior fingerprint enhancement techniques (such as ninhydrin or DFO), nor by sample age. This method allows, for the first time, evidence to be obtained from completely faded thermal paper samples (receipts, for example) as well as allowing deliberately removed printed text (a consequence of solvent washing pre-treatment in latent fingerprint enhancement procedures) to be recovered.  相似文献   

The effect of the shape of semiconductor nanocrystals on their performance for visualising latent fingermarks was investigated for the first time. Highly luminescent CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals in rod and spherical shapes were synthesised in organic solvent and transferred to aqueous solution using ligand exchange. The 3-mercaptopropionic acid coated nanorods and nanospheres were characterised using electron microscopy and UV-visible absorbance and luminescence spectrophotometry. A simple and rapid development of fresh to less than a week-old natural fingermarks from 4 donors (male and female) on non-porous surfaces including glass slides, aluminium foil and germanium disks using both CdSe/CdS core/shell nanorods and spherical dots was achieved, wherein nanorods demonstrated an enhanced development of ridge details in comparison to the spherical dots.  相似文献   

This work presents the first known experiments of ninhydrin sublimation in vacuum to detect latent fingerprints on thermal paper. In this method, latent fingerprints become visible in rich detail without the background black staining known from the application of ninhydrin solutions to thermal paper. The method involves hanging the thermal paper samples 15 cm above a heating source with dispersed ninhydrin crystals in a vacuum chamber. The optimized conditions for ninhydrin sublimation are 50 mg ninhydrin, 2 to 5 mbar vacuum, and 150 degrees C heating source temperature for 30 min. The application of this method is also successful on the new euro notes. Latent fingerprints can be developed across the transitions from paper to optical variable device (OVD).  相似文献   

Thirteen ninhydrin analogues have been synthesized and evaluated as amino acid-specific fingerprint reagents. All of the ninhydrin analogues tested developed latent fingerprints on paper surfaces in a manner similar to ninhydrin itself. The photoluminescent enhancement of prints developed with each reagent was assessed after treatment with zinc(II) or cadmium(II). The results obtained have been related to the effects of substitution on the ninhydrin skeleton. Two compounds in particular, 5-methoxyninhydrin and benzo[f]ninhydrin, were shown to offer operational advantages over ninhydrin on a number of difficult surfaces. Prints developed with either reagent show stronger room temperature luminescence after zinc(II) or cadmium(II) treatment in comparison with equivalent prints developed with ninhydrin. Both 5-methoxyninhydrin and benzo[f]ninhydrin have been shown to be effective on surfaces where background luminescence precludes the successful enhancement of ninhydrin-developed prints.  相似文献   

The abilities of two natural products, genipin and lawsone, to enhance blood contaminated fingermarks on papers of various porosities and colour were investigated and compared to the routinely used amino acid reagents, ninhydrin and 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO).Fingermarks in blood were deposited as a split depletion series on various paper types and colours for ageing periods of 6 weeks, 4 weeks, 2 weeks and 1 week before enhancement. The developed marks were observed under different lighting conditions, recorded and graded by way of attributing quantitative data to each series.Results indicated that while genipin showed some potential as a reagent for the enhancement of latent fingermarks, it displayed no suitability for the enhancement of fingermarks in blood on paper. Lawsone also failed to successfully enhance either type of fingermark. Upon comparison of the results with those of ninhydrin and DFO it was found that ninhydrin displayed the highest success rate of development of these marks.  相似文献   

A critical investigation of 5-methylthioninhydrin (5MTN) is presented as a 'dual action' formulation component for the development of latent finger marks on paper substrates. Preparation of a dual action reagent was performed by combining proportions of 5MTN and zinc chloride (ZnCl(2)) in a pre-mixed solution. Developed prints (deposited on filter paper substrates) could be subsequently visualised in both colour and fluorescence modes. Finger mark quality was graded using a quartered print approach for a number of reagent compositions to deliver an optimised formulation recipe. To fully appraise 5MTN in comparison to currently employed chemistries, this reagent was evaluated against three alternative amino acid selective reagents, ninhydrin, 1,8-diazafluorenone (DFO) and 1,2-indandione/ZnCl(2). Six common paper types were used for this purpose and split depletion finger marks from six donors were collected. Finger mark sets were also left for two days or two weeks to show the effect of ageing on development quality. For the first time, it was shown that 5MTN/ZnCl(2) is effective as a 'dual action' reagent under the United Kingdom climate conditions. However, results presented herein show that the existing recommended chemistries and the 1,2 indandione/ZnCl(2) process are all more effective than this new latent finger mark enhancement reagent. In a preliminary sequencing study, we show the effectiveness of the existing DFO-ninhydrin sequence over dual action reagents.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(4):455-460
We have recently demonstrated that coated exfoliated Egyptian blue powder is effective for detecting latent fingermarks on a range of highly-patterned non-porous and semi-porous surfaces. In this extension of that work, we present our studies into an alternative approach to prepare exfoliated Egyptian blue coated with cetrimonium bromide and Tween® 20 using a simpler technique. The quality of the latent fingermarks developed with these exfoliated powders and the commercial powder were compared in a comprehensive study. Depletion series of natural fingermarks from a wide range of donors (12 males and females) deposited on non-porous (glass slides) and semi-porous (Australian banknotes) surfaces were used in this study. Enhancement in the performance of the coated exfoliated particles compared to the commercial powder was observed, particularly in the case of aged fingermarks and polymer banknotes as challenging substrates.  相似文献   

Operational details and optimisation of the colloidal gold or multimetal deposition technique (MMD) for the detection of latent fingermarks on non porous and porous surfaces demonstrate the power of the method. Control of particulate size, pH, reagent, handling are shown to be essential. A difficult case example illustrates the potential of MMD.  相似文献   

The disulfur dinitride process for fingermark visualisation was first reported a decade ago, with promising results obtained for a range of materials including metals. However, the friction sensitive nature of the material and difficulty of synthesis made routine use difficult. Many of these issues have since been addressed, making equipment and chemicals available to build an understanding of how the effectiveness of disulfur dinitride compares to other fingermark visualisation processes currently used on metal surfaces. This enables more informed advice to be given on selection of processes for treatment of metal items, an area of operational interest that encompasses weapons used in violent crime and the increasing incidence in metal theft. This paper reports a comparative study into the effectiveness of disulfur dinitride, cyanoacrylate fuming, vacuum metal deposition, gun blueing and wet powder suspensions on brass, bronze, copper and stainless steel. Experiments were conducted with the surfaces exposed to a range of environments including long term ageing, water/detergent washing, acetone washing and high temperature exposure. The results indicate that disulfur dinitride is an effective process for fingermark visualisation on metal surfaces, including those exposed to adverse environments, and may offer potential improvements over existing processes for those surfaces. Further work, including pseudo-operational trials, is recommended.  相似文献   

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