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五月的北京和风拂面,鲜花灿烂。2009年5月15日,中国共产党与社会党国际共同举办的可持续发展问题研讨会如期举行。来自五大洲的朋友们齐聚一堂,怀着关切人类命运的拳拳诚意和切切期待,携手探寻未来全球可持续发展之路。中联部部长王家瑞,国家发改委副主任解振华,中联部副部长张志军,中国气象局副局长沈晓农,社会党国际主席、希腊泛希社运主席帕潘德里欧,  相似文献   

Using agriculture input sector as an exemplar, this article assesses Bangladesh's efforts towards a market-oriented development approach. It examines the changing role of the state following the market-based reforms undertaken in this sector and assesses whether the outcomes of the reforms are sustainable. Findings reveal that, although the current move towards a market-oriented approach has led to a shift away from a state-dominated hierarchical structure, it has not been associated with adequate changes in institutional arrangements, safeguards, and regulation. As a result, despite notable achievements of the reforms, the sustainability of these successes is in question. To facilitate participatory, accountable, and sustainable, market-oriented development, the paper proposes an integrated governance model linking state, business, and civil society.  相似文献   

FOCAC is a successful and pioneering cooperation model jointly explored by China and Africa.The Forum has become an important platform for facilitating China-Africa relations since its founding 10 years ago.Within this framework the two sides have achieved great accomplishment through cooperation,and have created new development areas.Currently,the international system is experiencing deep adjustments,and the international political,economic and security situation is becoming increasingly complicated.Within such a context,the Forum continues to embrace new development opportunities as well as face new challenges.This paper will evaluate the achievements and the experiences of the Forum,and offer some proposals on promoting the sustainable development of FOCAC within the new context.  相似文献   

Collaborative governance has emerged recently as an alternative to the traditional sector-based, single-actor approaches for addressing complex governance challenges. However, previous research has given little attention to collaborative governance within international policy contexts. To address this gap, an integrative collaborative governance framework is used to analyze product development partnerships (PDPs) that seek to develop vaccines to prevent the spread of devastating diseases within the developing world. The analysis indicates that PDPs are helping address acute governance challenges and are emblematic of the increasing importance of nonprofit organizations in collaborative governance regimes. Implications for research on collaborative governance are also discussed.  相似文献   

One way of thinking about development - endorsed by the UNDP and the Brundtland Commission - involves improvements in the quality of life which are equitable. This conception invokes two values - equity and well-being - which can conflict. The potential conflict suggests that countries which are doing well in terms of well-being may perform badly on environmental concerns. Desai argued to the contrary that there are positive linkages between human development and environmental protection. He found tentative support for this claim in rankings of developing countries in terms of the HDI and indices of environmental exploitation. This result is not robust when similar exercises are carried out using a different set of countries and closely related indices.  相似文献   

The principles of analysis proposed 40 years ago by Cardoso and Faletto in Dependency and Development in Latin America provide a fruitful way to understand divergent patterns of development in the contemporary era of globalization. This set of analytic principles combines a focus on distinct modes of national insertion into the global economy with a focus on the balance of domestic class forces, the capacity of state institutions, and contingent choices by political actors to explain the contrasting developmental fortunes of countries. The contributors to this special issue demonstrate the vitality of these principles by harnessing them to the dual task of explaining how countries respond to the challenges of globalization and the consequences of these responses. The critical, macroscopic, and possibilistic approach to political economy taken by the contributors offers an exciting and powerful way to understand the problems of development in our globalized world.  相似文献   

The choice among paths that countries should follow has been a staple of political debates in Latin America and, over the past 40 years, Fernando Cardoso has brought his analysis to bear on these debates. This article summarizes and then assesses Cardoso’s argument about the choice of paths faced by Latin American countries, the consequences for democracy and development of following different paths, and the political position that is supported by this analysis of choices and their consequences. Though Cardoso explicitly supports the path of globalized social democracy over an anti-globalization option in the current period, I suggest that the current state of knowledge does not offer unequivocal support for the argument that choosing to follow the path of globalized social democracy—or that of anti-globalization—is the best political option for all countries in Latin America. Different countries might very well be doing what is best for them, given their circumstances, by following different paths.  相似文献   

Internationally, there has been a general trend towards crime prevention and community safety measures. The main policy ideas and instruments associated with this trend have spread widely in Western countries. This article examines the Swedish national crime prevention policy. As Sweden is a welfare society with a long tradition of social crime prevention, it is of great interest to explore to what extent the aforementioned trend has influenced its crime prevention policy. We do this by examining Sweden's national policy and how its concepts have spread to the local level—specifically, to municipalities and their local crime prevention councils. We find that there has been a preventive shift in Sweden, although not as far-reaching as in many other European countries. Substantial changes have occurred in the understanding and direction of crime prevention work, and the question is to what extent this development will continue.  相似文献   

俞邃 《当代世界》2009,(10):4-8
中华人民共和国成立60周年了。中国共产党率领着占全球人口五分之一的中华儿女,历经艰辛开拓、严峻考验和奋力进取,终于实现了几代人的夙愿——我们的祖国如今以豪迈的英姿巍然屹立在世界东方。60年来,世界风雨沧桑,人类不断进步;基于中国的国情、文化传统和当今世界潮流,中国选择了以和平发展、开放发展、合作发展为特征的和平发展道路。恰恰是和平发展的宗旨和途径,造就了新中国的辉煌,使之跻身于世界民族之林,  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the World Bank and the oecd in the emergence and circulation of the ‘fragile state’ concept. These organisations were critical to the early development of the concept and in the consolidation of a knowledge-based agenda set out by Western aid donors to justify international assistance to poor and conflict-ridden countries. Attention is focused on three normative processes affecting the production of transnational knowledge: normalisation, fragmentation and assimilation. ‘Normalisation’ is the process by which influential knowledge producers help to transform a rough concept into a widely accepted transnational norm based on expert knowledge, detailed definitions and statistical exercises. Once the concept has been appropriated by several international actors, it undergoes normative ‘fragmentation’ as it is subjected to various interpretations across time and space. ‘Assimilation’ is the process by which the overarching concept is renewed, enriched and gradually adapted through the incorporation of additional insights. The article argues that the World Bank and oecd have functioned as central knowledge hubs, facilitating the circulation of new and controversial ideas on fragile states and their integration into the prevailing policies of the most powerful aid donors. The two organisations have thus taken an active role in the consolidation and perpetuation of the aid donors’ policy doctrine, ultimately protecting it from major normative dissent.  相似文献   

美中关系在经过2010年的跌宕起伏后,于2011年转向稳定并开始取得实质性改善,其明显标志就是胡锦涛年初对华盛顿的国事访问以及2011年5月第三轮美中战略与经济对话的举行。中美关系正在从"不稳定"或"脆弱的稳定"朝着"实质性的稳定"迈进。鉴于两国关系的客观复杂性、这种关系的全球性特征、两国不同的政治社会制度、两国的规模大得惊人的经济和军事力量以及相互重叠的国家安全利益,相互之间存在竞争是很自然的,但这并非一种冷战式的竞争。未来美中关系很可能仍将是一种合作和竞争的混合体,我们的使命就是要扩大合作范围并管理和减少竞争范围。  相似文献   

When compared to Latin America, Asian economies since 1980 have grown faster and have done so with relatively modest inequalities. Why? A comparison of Asia and Latin America underlines the superiority of the nationalist capitalist model of development, which has often been pursued more explicitly in Asia, over that of a dependent capitalist model, which has often been pursued in Latin America. In comparison to Latin America, the Asian model has facilitated higher and less volatile rates of economic growth and a greater political room to pursue social democratic policies. The “tap root” of these alternate pathways is relative autonomy from global constraints: states and economies in Asia have been more nationalist and autonomous than in Latin America.  相似文献   

International Relations theory has had difficulty explaining the global spread of human rights norms, and in particular the spread of human rights norms in the non-Western world. An exploration of Yemen's integration of human rights-based approaches to economic development into its policymaking gives the empirical foundation to examine the interplay of both norms and self-interest and external and internal pressures in framing such policies. In the case of Yemen, at least, each of these contrasting pairs is to a large degree mutually constituted. Conceptualizing norms and self-interest and external and internal pressures as mutually constitutive differs from the usual contrasts painted between these pairs in international relations theory, but is an important step in moving beyond an impasse among realist, liberal, and constructivist theories and toward a usefully integrative approach.  相似文献   

Explanations of poverty, growth and development depend on the assumptions made about individual preferences and the willingness to engage in strategic behaviour. Economic experiments, especially those conducted in the field, have begun to paint a picture of economic agents in developing communities that is at variance with the traditional portrait. We review this growing literature with an eye towards preference-related experiments conducted in the field. We also offer lessons on what development economists might learn from experiments. We conclude by sharing our thoughts on how to conduct experiments in the field and then offer a few ideas for future research.  相似文献   

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