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U.S.has adopted areturn-to-Asiastrategy,but commentators disagree as to whether this is purely a military strategy,or a more comprehensive initiative combining economic and political objectives with military ones.My personal view is that it is primarily a security strategy,  相似文献   

japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine has escalated tensions between China and Japan that were triggered by the Diaoyu Islands dispute. Changes in the balance of power between China and Japan have caused concerns and strategic restlessness in Japan. Because of public opinion and his party's control of the House of Representatives and Senate, Abe is now eager to further his aims both domestically and overseas. That is why he said: "Now is the time for Japan to take the big step in building a new state." The U.S. supports a stronger Japan because it is looking to maintain the strategic balance in the Asia-Pacific region. Its Asia-Pacific Rebalancing strategy is bound to inflame Japan's ambitions. In fact, Japan has been actively pursuing stronger ties with the U.S. and became more aggressive over the Diaoyu Islands issue.  相似文献   

In recent years, China's strategic pressure has increased as U.S. strategic anxiety has deepened and its global strategic focus has shiftedeast. With difficulties home and abroad, the U.S. has taken measures to "put Japan out", and to allow Japan to be the U.S. 's important strategic fulcrum in the Asia-Pacific region, as a means of restricting China. This is the important background for Japanese militarism.  相似文献   

On May 27, 2010, the Obama administration released its first national security strategy report, which makes a major readjustment of its predecessor's version with both continuity and change. It will have great impact on the international situation and China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

At the beginning of his second term of presidency, Barack Obama made his first foreign visit to Israel, Palestine and Jordan, and held discussions with the leaderships of these countries on Israeli- Palestinian peace talks, the Syrian crisis and the Iranian nuclear issue. Secretary of State John Kerry also paid a visit to Turkey, Saudi Arabia,  相似文献   

<正>I. Features of the post-crisis global security situation 1. Non-traditional threats become more urgent and cooperation for security remains to be the mainstream trend. The international financial crisis has deepened interdependence between  相似文献   

Gtreat expectations rest upon the U.S. and China, as the biggest economies in the developed and developing worlds, with regard to tackling challenges in the global economy and building a new world order. The governments have enjoyed a solid cooperation within the framework of G20. A rising China looks forward to an improved economic order and more effective responsiveness to other global challenges, and so will begin to participate in global affairs with a positive and constructive attitude and bear responsibilities commensurate with her status. China has benefited from the existing global economic order, and so will try to be a reviser or a reformer rather than a revolutionist in the world economic system. This article will assess Chinese influence on the global economic order and related U.S. factors from a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

Today, the female statesperson, experts and scholars of China and Germany happily gather here to exchange views in depth on women‘s rights, women‘s participation in deliberation and administration of state affairs, women‘s status and role in the economic and social development, women‘s liberation,  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Kazankai Foundation of Japan,Asia New Zealand Foundation and Australian Institute of International Affairs,a CAFIU delegation headed by Ai Ping,Member of the National Committee of the CPPCC,former Vice-Minister of IDCPC and CAFIU Vice-President,  相似文献   

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