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我国现行法律中关于公证文书的证据效力的相关规定条文简单粗糙,在适用过程出现了一定的问题.从公证文书的性质着手,公证与见证确实存在差异,不应否认其作为书证之证据方法.而以公证之二元区分来看,对于公证标的不同的公证与认证应分开讨论其形成的公证文书的证据效力.基于现行民诉及公证立法,公证程序中的公证审查实质上确属形式审查,实际体验的要素欠缺因而无法为公证文书的实质证据力提供基础.因此,宜借鉴德日等大陆法系国家相关立法例,将公证文书与一般的公文书作相同处理,而非赋予其特殊的实质证据力甚至将其作为免证事实.对于文书之公证,实质上即认证,其形成的公证文书则以认证书来处理.  相似文献   

Rib histological age estimation requires the evaluation of the middle third of the sixth rib. Human ribs have thin cortices and, when recovered, are often fragmented or absent, making it difficult to identify a specific midthoracic rib. This research explores the amount of microstructure variation in the middle third of the midthoracic ribs and determines whether the sixth rib age prediction equation can be applied to non-sixth ribs with similar accuracy. The amount of variability must be evaluated in order to meet the criterion for evidentiary examination. The sample consists of 120 cortical bone cross-sections from the middle third of ribs 3-8 removed from 20 cadavers. For each rib, osteon population densities (OPDs) and associated age estimates were calculated. The results demonstrate that non-sixth ribs can provide similar OPD values compared with those of the sixth ribs; however, individual variation proved to be significantly associated with bias, suggesting that individual factors influence the magnitude and direction of bias in non-sixth rib OPD values. This demonstrates the importance of evaluating multiple cross-sections (both intra- and inter-rib) to estimate age due to the normal remodeling variation within individuals.  相似文献   

The practice by prosecutors of basing guilty plea concessions on evidentiary considerations is highly controversial. Observational field studies suggest that this is a common practice and that there is a strong inverse relationship between the strength of the prosecution's case and concessions that a defendant is offered. However, there has yet to be an explicit test of this hypothesis. This study examines the relationship of evidentiary factors to charge reduction using data from the Prosecutor's Management Information System (PROMIS) for the District of Columbia. The analysis indicates that the expected relationship does exist but is not as strong as some suggest and varies by the type of offense. It also suggests that this practice is part of a routine adjudicatory procedure, particularly for property crimes, and that there is a need to scrutinize more closely the fact-finding function of the guilty plea.  相似文献   

证照既是政府实现社会管理和提供公共服务的工具,也是保障公民权益的工具,在行政法上,证照属于书证之证据范畴;作为证据,证照和行政公文具有"公定力"支撑下的优势证明力,"准公文文书"具有相对优势的证明力,私人书证仅以其内容实现其普通证明力;证照是由"信息内容+公定力"构成且二者可以拆分,因此,"证照-公定力=一般书证",即,行政主体在证照颁发过程中出现程序违法导致"公定力"丧失情况下,证照仍然有作为一般书证之证据资格;同时,"书证-信息内容=物证".  相似文献   

In analyzing aged samples by the AmpliType PM PCR amplification and Typing kit, it was occasionally observed that color developed typing strips had dark allele dots on PM loci but no visible S dot. Since the S dot acts as a minimum dot intensity control to determine positive alleles on the PM loci, it is necessary to apply another control system. To achieve positive PM typing from a degraded DNA sample that is inferred to be derived from a single donor, a standard has been adopted wherein loci from which sufficient PCR products are observed on agarose gel can be typed. The objective determination of sufficient PCR was done by comparison between band peak height of each locus generated from a sample and that of the corresponding locus generated from two nanograms (recommended minimum quantity as template DNA) of the control DNA provided in the kit.  相似文献   

A total of seventeen subjects were administered breath tests with alcohol dosed tobacco to see if there was an interference with the evidentiary breath testing. Fourteen subjects provided one set of two breath samples without the dosed tobacco followed by a set of two breath samples with the dosed tobacco. The other three subjects provided one breath sample without the dosed tobacco and then one breath sample with the dosed tobacco within the same testing sequence. Eight subjects had breath test readings of 0.00g/210L with the dosed tobacco. Mouth alcohol was detected with the dosed tobacco in six of the subjects, and a reading of 0.01g/210L, 0.04g/210L, and 0.05g/210L were found in five of the subjects. If the officer follows the directive of checking the mouth for a foreign substance and following a 15-20min observation/deprivation period, a false positive result will likely be avoided. If the officer does not find tobacco when checking the mouth for a foreign substance, and dosed tobacco is present during the breath test, most likely there would not be a measurable amount of alcohol to report or there would be a mouth alcohol reading from the sample.  相似文献   

秦宗文 《犯罪研究》2004,(1):38-42,49
传统共同被告理论仅以程序法为划分依据,理论上没有揭示共同被告的实质性联系,实践中导致对共同被告口供的不正确适用。本文以实体法为依据,兼顾程序法,认为从证据法讲,可将共同被告分为实质的共同被告和形式的共同被告。实质的共同被告包括同案处理和非同案处理的共犯.牵连犯,他们的供述应作为被告口供处理,当前的司法解释将其作为证人证言是不妥当的。但同时应对不得仅以被告口供定案的原则予以松动,允许一定条件下可根据被告口供对整个案件或部分案件事实予以认定。形式的共同被告供述作为证人证言处理。  相似文献   

就现场提取的生物检材而言,我们除了需要准确获得DNA STR分型进行个体识别和亲子鉴定,还希望能够通过技术手段获知其遗留时间、空间定位等更多信息。本文以血迹为主要研究对象,就国内外采用光学、细胞生物学、分子生物学等方法推断生物斑迹遗留时间进行总结,并对法医微生物学这一法庭科学新领域在时空线索推断中的应用做以介绍,为现场生物斑迹遗留时间推断研究提供参考。  相似文献   

An ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing technique that uses a composite of ampholytes from three commercial sources is described for subtyping esterase D. All common allelic products of esterase D were separated clearly. The technique described in this paper provides a higher conclusive call rate on known blood specimens (95.8%) and questioned bloodstains (69.7%) compared with continuous zone electrophoresis in agarose gels (89.9 and 37.6%, respectively).  相似文献   

SPECT在脑损伤中的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单光子发射CT扫描(SinglePhotonEmissionTomograph,SPECT)是将注入体内的放射性核素在所要诊断的器官上的浓度积聚进行扫描并显示其立体分布的图像。1960年,Kuhl和Edwards首先开始使用SPECT,到了90年代,SPECT有了很大的发展。目前的SPECT可以进行脑和身体任何部位的断层显像,是临床上常用的一种辅助检查手段。一、SPECT脑显像原理与技术从70年代以来,CT和MRI已成为诊断脑外伤的主要手段,其价值也得到相应的肯定。但是,这些扫描方法只能显示外伤所致的解剖结构的变…  相似文献   

刘鑫  唐田丰 《证据科学》1998,5(4):172-174
单光子发射CT扫描(Single Photon Emission Tomograph,SPECT)是将注入体内的放射性核素在所要诊断的器官上的浓度积聚进行扫描并显示其立体分布的图像.1960年,Kuhl和Edwards首先开始使用SPECT,到了90年代,SPECT有了很大的发展.目前的SPECT可以进行脑和身体任何部位的断层显像,是临床上常用的一种辅助检查手段.  相似文献   

In February 2004, privacy concerns captured the public's attention when the United States government, the defendant in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, sought to subpoena the medical records of patients receiving intact dilation and extraction (also known as "partial birth") abortions in six different hospitals and six Planned Parenthood centers across the country. Three different federal court cases explored the enforceability of the subpoenas. This Note explores the rationales used by the three courts in examining the privacy interests involved. It then suggests some possible solutions for systematically protecting medical information: a legal solution; a technological solution; and a combination of both. The legal solution involves creating a federal physician-patient privilege, similar to that enforced in many states and parallel to the federal psychotherapist-patient privilege. The technological solution requires the complicity of multiple jurisdictions to verify the necessity of revealing medical information. Taken together, these solutions can assist the government in protecting its citizens by imposing more checks on itself.  相似文献   

论社会法的价值及其取向   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
社会法的存在具有什么样的价值,答案首先可以追考于"价值"之源,从中悟出"法的价值"不等同于"法的价值取向"的道理,以及社会法的价值是社会体制的运行效率的初步论断;其次,追考于社会法的价值取向与社会体制的运行效率科学化的关系,从中得出结论:解决社会问题是社会法的阶段价值取向,构建和谐社会是社会法的目标价值取向。  相似文献   

掌骨骨折损伤程度及法医学鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨掌骨骨折的致伤特点及活体损伤程度的法医学鉴定。对 5 2例掌骨骨折的案例资料按不同掌骨及损伤类型进行分析。第 1~ 5掌骨分别对于掌骨头、掌骨颈、掌骨干、掌骨基底部的骨折发生率和致伤机理各有不同 ,直接暴力所致第 2掌骨头、间接暴力所致第 5掌骨颈、第 3和 4掌骨干及第 1掌骨基底部等部位的骨折最常见。分析结果表明 ,掌骨骨折损伤程度不同 ,其损伤机理不同 ,各有其特点  相似文献   

核因子-κB及其在创伤性脑损伤后的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核因子-κB是一种具有多向性调节作用的核转录因子.机体受到创伤后,NF-κB被激活,调节多种炎性介质基因转录,引起局部及全身的炎症反应.对NF-κB的有关研究可望用于法医学家对损伤时间的推测.  相似文献   

核因子-кB是一种具有多向性调节作用的核转录因子。机体受到创伤后,NF-кB被激活,调节多种炎性介质基因转录,引起局部及全身的炎症反应。对NF-кB的有关研究可望用于法医学家对损伤时间的推测。  相似文献   

政治学具有治国兴邦的价值。在当代中国,研究政治学,能够促进社会主义民主政治建设;培养造就大批精于治党治国的专门人才;推动社会主义市场经济体制的改革和发展;指导我们改革和完善具有中国特色的社会主义政治制度。文章回顾了中外政治学特别是西方政治学研究方法的历吏演进过程,考察和总结了西方政治学几千年来在其研究方法上的得与失,并提出了今天研究中国特色的马克思主义政治学所应遵循的基本思路。  相似文献   

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