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Conclusion Recently theory and scales measuring authoritarianism and cynicism of police have come into close scrutiny. In particular, Langworthy (1987:28,33) has concluded from his review of 21 empirical studies that police cynicism appears to have several different dimensions and that the “failure to detect cynicism or a factor closely related to it is a product of reliance on a very flawed instrument the Niederhoffer index.” To address that criticism of a faulty instrument, this research has utilized scales measuring directiveness and proauthority. For reasons of alpha coefficients, only the scores on the pro-authority scale were analyzed. Mean scores on the pro-authority scale between law officer, students, townspeople and police officers were not significantly different. When investigating variables relating to the high scores of proauthority of police officers, rank was statistically significant while age was not. For future research, separate population should be continued as well as random sampling. In addition, variables of age, sex, ethnic, rank and departmental/organizational dimensions should be explored.  相似文献   

Contemporary literature on police officer subculture has focused on correlates of cynicism while ignoring behavioral manifestations within law enforcement organizations. This paper explores the relationships between trouble due to drinking, cynicism, absenteeism, rank and deviation from police officers. Antecedent variables examined by regression analysis are observed to explain forty-eight percent of the total variance in police officer drinking scores and is highly significant. The relationship between a modified version of the Niederhoffer cynicism scale and the trouble due to drinking scale [r=−.22] is in an opposite direction than expected from anomie theory and seems to suggest that drinking behavior is an alternate adaptation to the stresses and strains of policing for older, higher ranking officers.  相似文献   

Previous methodological reports in the literature about cynicism have concluded that the Niederhoffer Scale is unreliable and meaningless in predicting police officer behavior. The entire research has rested on small samples of white officers, despite the increasing presence of black officers in urban departments.

Past literature has examined the relationship between the cynicism scale and other attitudinal constructs. Despite the fact that the scale is intended to predict behavior, correlations between the scale and behavioral criterion variables have not been reported.

In this paper we present the results of conventional reliability analysis on a sample of black police union activists. The twenty item scale is resubjected to a five factor varimax solution. Only eight items are observed to reload on factors initially observed by Regoli (1976) and indicate little stability within internal factor configurations.  相似文献   

Since Niederhoffer’s (1969) pioneering work, police cynicism has been a staple in research on police officers and police work, various typologies of police officers and definitions of the police subculture or police personality rely to a greater or lesser degree on conceptions of cynicism and suspicion. More recent research has questioned both the validity of measures of cynicism and typologies of police officers. The present study examines the link between cynicism and job satisfaction which is implicit in the literature. Findings indicate not only that these two factors are correlated, but also that relationships reported between cynicism and other factors in policing are mirrored by correlations between those factors and a measure of job satisfaction. The question which arises is, to what degree are correlations reported in the literature spurious, resulting not from cynicism, as was thought, but from a more generic measure of job satisfaction?  相似文献   

Arthur Niederhoffer's (1967) Behind the Shield is widely regarded as a classic in the policing literature, yet problems associated with measurement of the key latent trait, cynicism, have limited the extent to which conclusions may be drawn from Niederhoffer's work, as well as some subsequent police cynicism research. In this article, Niederhoffer's research is revisited using survey data recently collected from a random sample of 499 Philadelphia police officers. The analysis begins by examining the validity of Regoli's (1976) modified cynicism scale from the perspective of Item Response Theory (IRT), using Rasch modeling techniques in an effort to more fully understand the scale's measurement properties. Then, Niederhoffer's primary research hypothesis is revisited. Three main findings are drawn: (1) the Likert response categories are being used by respondents as intended; (2) some of the scale items exhibit gender and race bias; and (3) the scale can be improved by dropping several items. Once the scale is adjusted, the findings indicate that the relationship between officer cynicism and years of service is slightly stronger than when the scale is used in its original form. Further, regression analyses yield theoretically consistent findings for the relationship between cynicism and one job-related measure (departmental disciplinary charges).  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of cynicism among juvenile probation officers in Alabama. The findings reveal that Alabama juvenile probation officers are not as cynical as police and correctional officers have been found to be. It also reports that Alabama juvenile probation officer cynicism cannot be explained by the demographic variables of sex, length of service, and age.  相似文献   

Among the most important services that psychology can offer law enforcement is assistance in the selection of future officers. The usual contribution made by police psychologists centers on the elimination of applicatns who are mentally ill. However, due to increased behavior-generated police liability, psychologists must focus on ruling out applicants whose future behavior may result in departmental compromise for any reason. One method for forecasting police officer performance is by examining critical information in biographical data. This paper examined the predictive validity of biographical information for a sample of 2,965 police officer candidates. Results indicated that several biographical variables were significantly correlated with later police officer termination. However, results of regression analyses indicated that biographical variables alone accounted for limited variance in the prediction of police officer termination. These findings suggested that the use of biographical information as a sole determinant of police candidates was not supported and the use of additional sources of data would likely be required for practical forecasting purposes.  相似文献   

For some time there has been an intensive effort among police scholars to determine the attitudes of law enforcement personnel. Their efforts have focused particularly on the determinants of police cynicism. However, to date, there has only been one attempt to construct an index estimating that attitude—Niederhoffer's in 1967. Thus, all discussions of police cynicism rest on that index.This paper examines for the first time the reliability and validity of that instrument on a separate population of police personnel. The results were significant. First, it is shown that the index has an extremely low reliability and validity. Then, it is revealed that the index is tapping at least five separate dimensions of cynicism—not one, as police scholars so frequently assert.The implications from this research are great. The most obvious is that it is time to stop discussing the “cynical cop.” Instead, social scientist can begin specifying toward which dimensions of the occupation officers with particular traits are likely to become cynical. Second, the findings indicate the need to develop additional measures of police cynicism that are more reliable and valid than the sole existing index.  相似文献   

The Niederhoffer cynicism scale has been applied to many samples of police officers. Sometimes the scale itself has been the focus of attention; other times the correlates of cynicism have been the principal concern. This article reviews the police cynicism literature, describing the kinds of analyses undertaken and the generalizations apparent in the literature, and it draws several conclusions regarding police cynicism. The primary conclusion is that measurement of cynicism using the Niederhoffer scale is highly suspect; hence, the veracity of conclusions founded on the cynicism scale are questionable.  相似文献   

The MMPI-2 is widely used in assessments of police officer candidates. The MMPI-2-RF, composed of 338 of the 567 MMPI-2 items, is designed to measure the core clinical constructs assessed by the MMPI-2, but in a more psychometrically sound and efficient manner (Ben-Porath and Tellegen 2008/2011). Law enforcement comparison group data are embedded in the scoring software for the inventory, and reported in the User’s Guide for the MMPI-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR; Corey and Ben-Porath 2014). In the present concurrent validity study, conceptually based hypotheses regarding associations between MMPI-2-RF scales and scores on the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI, Inwald et al. 1982; Hilson Research 2006), a test specifically designed to screen law enforcement officers, were tested with a sample of 277 male, full-time police officer candidates from four separate police departments of varying sizes examined after a conditional offer of employment was tendered. The majority of participants were Caucasian (69%), followed by African-American (27%), or Other/Mixed ethnicity (4%). Our hypotheses were largely borne out, lending support to the construct validity of the MMPI-2-RF and the ability of scores on the inventory to assess variables relevant to police candidate evaluations.  相似文献   

Police work is rife with the potential for physical harm, and domestic assault calls are one source of assaults on officers. Inability to accurately predict what circumstances might lead to an attack is one cause of officer cynicism and paranoia. Having the ability to identify which suspects pose the greatest threat of assault would allow officers to take appropriate protective measures. Using data collected from 1,951 domestic assault calls across three cities, the present study compared characteristics and behaviors of the batterers with whether or not the batterers physically assaulted the responding officers. Findings revealed five significant batterer characteristics (employment status, shared residence with abuse victim, alcohol consumption, property damage, and hostile demeanor toward officers) that successfully predicted officer assaults. These risk factors may be incorporated into police safety training in the response to family violence calls.  相似文献   

This study used data from 299 police officers from 12 municipal police departments across the state of Virginia to determine the relationship between education and police performance. Performance was measured by supervisor evaluations of each officer's overall performance, communication skills, public relations skills, report writing skills, response to new training, decision making ability, and commitment to the police department. Significant correlations were found between education and most measures of performance. Most importantly, the results show a significant correlation between overall performance and education (r=24, p.<001). The only variables not proving to be significantly related to education were objective measures of the volume of arrests, number of times the officer required discipline, and number of accidents. Interestingly, the benefits of a college education do not become apparent until police officers gain experience. In addition, police, officers with only a high school diploma decreased in overall performance after five years of experience.  相似文献   

The work of enforcing the law has inherently aerated anxiety and cynicism among police officers. Through the use of Neiderhoffer’s Police Cynicism Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the levels of anxiety and cynicism were measured in a random sample of peace officers from the Attanta area. The authors found, through the use of a single-factor analysis of variance, that when anxiety decreased, cynicism decreased. One conclusion, contrary to earlier studies, was that cynicism is higher among new police officers than among veteran officers.  相似文献   

Recent increases in arrests of women have stimulated much controversy about the causes and extent of female crime and created much speculation about the differential treatment of female offenders by police officers. This article reports an empirical study of police processing of female offenders. During September–December 1978, 282 questionnaires were completed by police officers and detectives in a large, metropolitan area in a southeastern state. Each officer was asked to indicate a police decision in five hypothetical situations which varied by types of offense, race of the offender, sex of the offender, and demeanor of the offender. An analysis of the responses of the police officers indicates that decisions of police are not contingent on the sex and race of the offenders. The major variables in determining how police officers will respond are the nature of the offense and the manner in which the offender behaves when confronted by the officer.  相似文献   

This article examines the factors that influence the willingness of police officers to comply with decisions made by police command staff. In particular, this research focuses on the extent to which officer ethnicity interacts with perceptions of procedural justice in influencing officer compliance. The data for this study were drawn from an anonymous mailed survey (n = 648) examining officer attitudes toward the complaint investigation process in one large municipal police department. Structural equation modeling demonstrates that ethnicity does influence officer compliance, but only weakly and indirectly. Latino/a officers are less likely to report trust in police internal affairs than White officers, and thus somewhat less likely report that they are willing to comply with command staff decisions. Other factors, such as morale, perceptions of procedural justice, and rank, prove to be much more powerful predictors of officer compliance than ethnicity.  相似文献   

An important service that police psychology can offer law enforcement administrators is assistance in the selection of future officers. Police psychologists have traditionally focused on the identification of psychopathology and exclusion of applicants who were found to be mentally ill. The introduction of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) has changed what had been considered appropriate exclusion criteria because of the introduction of increased civil rights protections for persons with disabilities. At the same time, increasing civil liability for law enforcement departments in regard to officer misconduct has compelled police psychologist to evaluate potential for future misconduct by non-clinical means. The scientific examination of biographical data may be one method of establishing the relationship between officer candidate variables and future misconduct. This paper examined the predictive validity of biographical information for a sample of 2965 police officer candidates. Results indicated that several biographical variables were significantly correlated with later termination. However, results of regression analyses indicated that biographical variables alone accounted for limited variance in the prediction of police officer termination. The use of biographical information as a sole determinant of police candidate suitability was not supported and the use of additional sources of data would be required for effectual forecasting purposes.  相似文献   

The negative impact of traumatic and other work-related stressors on the health of police officers is well-documented. Spiritual development is also commonly mentioned in the professional literature as an effective means of protecting officers from the ill-effects of policing, reportedly resulting in improved health and wellness outcomes. However, few empirical studies have been conducted to support claims regarding spirituality and police officer health. The present study investigated what types of spiritual practices police officers used, the relationships between spiritual effort and spiritual growth regarding various psychological and stress-related symptomatology, and whether differences in psychological and health outcomes existed between police officers engaging or not engaging in spiritual practice (N = 193). With one exception, the results do not support the notion that enhanced spirituality is associated with lower illness symptoms or perceived stress. Rather, opposing findings were demonstrated involving positive associations between spiritual growth and distress. Spiritual effort, however, was inversely associated with alcohol use, a behavioral-based coping mechanism. Implications of these findings are discussed, and suggestions for reconceptualizing police health and spiritual practices are introduced.  相似文献   

This article examines the consequences of a clash between police officers' expectations of street-level discretion and supervisors' constraints on such discretion. Two hypothesized consequences are examined: police officer alienation from the citizenry and police officer disaffection with the department. Both attitudinal data (from a survey of police officers) and behavioral data (from direct observation of police officers on patrol) are used. The data show some support for the hypothesis that disaffection with the department is a consequence of the discretion-constraint clash, but no support of alienation from the citizenry as a consequence. Rather, the data suggest that officers back away from discretion in situations where the public is perceived to be hostile and where supervisors reinforce that perception by active monitoring of police-citizen encounters.  相似文献   

This study suggests that police departments who promote counseling benefit from officer stress reduction. Officers from sixteen municipal police departments (n = 1,114) across the state of Alabama possessed moderate stress, but were influenced significantly by organizational demographics (including counseling opportunities). A majority of officers believed that stress signs were not predictive of police suitability but remained reluctant to share fears and anxieties with fellow colleagues, suggesting that officers feared the stigma associated with the need for stress counseling. Officers working in supportive counseling climates had significantly less stress, a reduced need for counseling, and a greater willingness to use counseling. Officers who engaged in counseling (at least occasionally) also reported more stress, indicating an awareness of their need for counseling. The authors concluded that police departments should consider requiring mandatory and periodic counseling for all officers, a procedural tactic that camouflages counseling need while concurrently treating the source of officer stress.  相似文献   

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