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2004年2月,是重庆市南岸区机关事务管理局成立10周年.10年耕耘,10年艰辛,10年奋斗,这10年,是他们改革发展、不断进取的10年;是他们开拓创新、勇于突破的10年.  相似文献   

4‘U﹄.1,︼勺︸勺︸勺了︹吕OJ 曰且氏j勺︸内J,.1 .1,4,1 .1 ..1﹄l‘1 Jtln曰.且1 12 12 12,︸,一,],﹄,︸,46Q自JO止UnU,主气J伟、︶内O‘11曰.1,一.孟,z,2 工Jz 7 OJ31 7 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 40 41 26 27 29 29 17 6 23 514巧10 10 10 10 1010功10 10 10 13 13 1313巧19  相似文献   

10 Million Households
A meeting of the State Council adopted a decision to renovate houses for 10 million households in rundown areas across China over the next five years. Of the total, 3.04 million households are scheduled to be serviced within the year. The program was initiated in parts of China including Uaoning Province in 2004, and was extended nationwide in 2008. By the end of 2012, it had significantly improved the living conditions of 10 million households.  相似文献   

Chinahassomeofthemostdiversewi1dlifeintheworld.Its2,091varietiesoflandboundanimalsaccounttor10percentofalltheworld'sspecies.Thereareabout600kindsoffresh-waterfish,andmorethan1,500varietiesofsaltwaterfishinandaroundChinesewaters,10percentoftheworld'smarineIife.Chinahasasmanyas100oftheplanet'srarestanimals,includingthegiantpanda,thegoldenmonkey,theTaiwanmonkey,thesike,thewhite-lippeddeeY,theYangtzeRiverdolphin,andtheChineseandwhitesturgeons.Chinahas1,186varietiesofbirdsand56speciesofwildpheas…  相似文献   

Ingredients:300grams beef250grams onion1egg white10grams cornstarch5grams soy sauce3grams salt15grams cooking wine10grams sugar0.5grams pepper50grams vegetable oilRinse the beef well,andcut into shreds.Marinate for10minutes in the soy sauce andsalt.Chop the onion ready for use.Mix the marinated beef with the egg white,cornstarch,cooking wine,sugar,pepper and vegetable oil,and fry in oil over a low flame until done.Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry the onion until opaque.Add beef and stir-fry for…  相似文献   

借款额为一万元单位 :元贷款期限 (年 )年利率 (% )还款总额利息负担总额月均还款额14 .14 10 4 14 .0 0 4 14 .0 0到期一次还本付息2 4 .14 10 4 3 6.94 43 6.94 43 4.873 4.14 10 651.0 7 651.0 7 2 95.864 4.14 10 868.0 4 868.0 4 2 2 6.4 254 .14 110 87.8610 87.86184 .8064 .59114 59.12 14 59.12 159.157 4 .5911711.3 3 1711.3 3 13 9.4 284 .5911967.0 11967.0 112 4 .6694 .5912 2 2 6.152 2 2 6.15113 .2 110 4 .5912 4 88.74 2 4 88.74 10 4 .0 7114 .5912 754 .752 754 .7596.6312 4 .5913 0 2 4 .193 0 2 4 .1990 .4 513 4.5…  相似文献   

Photo News     
August 10, 2012 The Third Innovation Lighting Beijing Culture and Art Festival opens at the Temple of Earth in central Beijing. A colorfully lit chess board mesmerizes visiting children.August 10, 2012 The Chinese women’s synchronized swimming team at the free routine nal of the London Olympic Games.  相似文献   

2008年对于浙江经济来说是一个重要的关口.在经历了长达近8年10%以上的经济周期景气上升阶段后,2008年浙江经济从2007年周期最高峰的14.7%,呈现出逐季回落的态势.预计2008全年经济增长将保持10%左右.  相似文献   

500 grams wax gourd10 grams chicken breast6 grams ham3 grams scallops10 grams mushrooms10 grams bamboo shoots10 grams carrots10 grams rice wine2 grams salt1 gram MSG1 gram pepper powder50 grams cooking oil50 grams mixture of cornstarch and water50 grams water Remove the seeds from the wax gourd, and cut it into slices 5 cm wide. Use a mold to shape the slices into balls, and make them hollow like bowls. Mince the chicken breasts, ham, scallops, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and carrots. Heat oil i…  相似文献   

本刊讯3月20日,枝江市政协委员、七星台镇鸭子口村蔬菜销售经纪人李振付来到联系对象李绪国家,宣传党的十八大和全国两会精神,为其发家致富出点子. 当日,该市政协"五十双百"工程正式实施.即联系帮扶10个村、10.个社区、10家企业、10个项目、10所学校、100个城乡居民户,办100件实事. 他们以政协委员为主体,以联络处为依托,以"五十双百"工程为载体,发动政协委员进农村、进企业、进社区,访民情、表民意、聚民智、借民力、惠民生、化民怨,推进履职向基层延伸、向群众倾斜,创新实干,建言献策,服务大局,服务群众.  相似文献   

1996年从部队转业到绍兴市文物局,仲丽华在文化旅游工作上一干就是10年.10年来,她为市区文化旅游的产品开发、品牌打造、市场营销和产业发展等方面作出了突出的贡献.  相似文献   

Beijing Xing Boter Technology Co. Ltd.Add: B512 Minghu Building, 24 Huangsi Dajie, Xicheng District, BeijingTel: 86-10-62362715Fax: 86-10-62362715  相似文献   

On April 10 this year,a final explosion heralded the completion of a truly challenging construction project.It took three years’work to fi nish the 6680-meter tunnel that brings Dulongjiang Highway through Gaoligong Mountain.On that same April 10 also in Nujiang Prefecture,Pu Yanfang,a 5-year-old Drung girl from Dulongjiang Town,was severely burned while warming herself at home.  相似文献   

TONGRENTANG (TRT), the leading brand of traditional Chinese medicine, realized sales revenues of RMB10 billion in 2009. The export volume reached US $25.44 million, with a year-on-year growth of over 10 percent, allowing the company to continue to hold the title of largest exporter of Chinese patent drugs.  相似文献   

11月7日,曲靖市隆重集会,热烈庆祝建市10周年. 省委、省政府致电祝贺.邓小平夫人卓琳,北京军区原司令员朱启等发来贺信.  相似文献   

10年前,21岁的安徽在逃人员方强和同伙抢劫并强奸了一位中年妇女.为了逃避法律的制裁,他到处躲藏.10年来,他度过的每一天都是惊恐不安的.他不敢给家里人打电话,不敢与人交朋友,不敢放心睡觉.去年底,他终于在海口被缉拿归案.而他却说10年来最安稳的觉,竟然是在看守所里得到的.他以自己的亲身经历,奉劝那些负案在逃的人,不要抱侥幸心理,还是早日主动归案吧--负案在逃不是路.  相似文献   

民族区域自治法颁布实施后的10年,是我国历史上大发展的10年.党所提出的新时期的总任务和建设实践,使我国的政治、经济、文化等各个领域发生了深刻的变化,广大的少数民族地区也同样发生了深刻的变化.在这具有历史意义的社会变迁中,民族区域自治法发挥了重要作用.在纪念自治法颁布10周年之际,回顾这个历程是有着一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

审理行政诉讼案件的情况与特点 自1990年行政诉讼法实施以来,北京市各级法院圆满地审理了一批行政案件.据北京市高级人民法院的统计数字表明:1990年至2000年的10年间,北京市各级法院共受理行政诉讼案件4630件,平均年增长幅度为25%.结案4541件.行政案件的年收案数在全国排序第10位.案件类型已达到近60种,涉及中央直属机关近30个部门.  相似文献   

<正>Beijing Hot Pot at Aroma Come in out of the cold and warm yourself up with classic,traditional Beijing hot pot—crafted by you,enjoyed by you.Reservations:86-10-59088161February 1-286:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.386 yuan per person538 yuan per person on Saturdays Above rates are subject to 15%service charge.delightful Treats at Aroma Arouse your desire with a romantic dinner  相似文献   

ATpresent,theannualamountofmoneyusedongovernmentpurchasesatalllevelsreaches800billionyuan,makingup10percentofChina'sGNPandoccupyinganimportantplaceinthemanagementofthenationaleconomy.Before1997,governmentexpenditurelackedanadequatemanagementsystem.Thefinancialdepartmentsallocatedfundstodifferentdepartmentstopurchaseneededarticlesthemselves.Amajorshortcomingofthismodewasthelackofsupervisionandpotentialtocausewasteandreducetheeffectivenessofthegovernmentalfunds.Thisresultedinthephenomenaofblin…  相似文献   

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