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International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - Environmental terrorism is a new global threat. The modern period of society's development is characterized by an increase...  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Sara Oldfield (ed.), The Trade in Wildlife – Regulation for Conservation
Michael Bothe and Peter H. Sand (eds), La politique de l'environnement – De la réglementation aux instruments économiques/ Environmental Policy – From Regulations to Economic Instruments
Arie Trouwborst , Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law
Tuomas Kuokkanen , International Law and the Environment: Variations on a Theme
Göran Sundqvist , The Bedrock of Opinion: Science, Technology and Society in the Siting of High-Level Nuclear Waste
Anil Markandya and Kirsten Halsnæs (eds), Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Prospects for Developing Countries
Thomas B. Fischer , Strategic Environmental Assessment in Transport and Land Use Planning  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
W.Burhenne, International Environmental Law: Multilateral Treaties
Peter Wetterstein, Harm to the Environment: The Right to Compensation and the Assessment of Damages
Jonas Ebbesson, Review of Compatability of International and National Environmental Law
Simon C. S. Tay and Daniel C. Esty, Asian Dragons and Green Trade: Environment, Economics and International Law
Jan M. van Dunne, Non-Point Source River Pollution – The Case of the River Meuse: Technical, Legal, Economics and International Law
Bridget M. Hutter, Compliance: Regulation and Environment
Amanda Wolf, Quotas in International Environmental Agreements
Michel Prieur, Le droit à l'information en matière d'environment dans les pays de l'Union Européenne
Michael Fry (ed.), A Manual of Nature Conservation Law and A Manual of Environmental Protection Law  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Murley, Loveday (ed) Clean Air Around the World: National Approaches to Air Pollution Control (3rd edn) OECD Environmental Taxes in OECD Countries International Fiscal Association Environmental Taxes and Charges
Boyle, Alan and Anderson, Michael (eds) Human Rights Approahces to Environmental Protection
Desai, Meghnad and Redfern, Paul (eds) Global Governance: Ethics and Economics of the World Order
Keohane, Robert O. and Levy, Marc A. (eds) Institutions for Environmental Aid
Yearbook of the United Nations, Special Edition, UN Fiftieth Anniversary 1945 – 1995
Burnett-Hall, Richard Environmental Law
Lane, Peter and Peto, Monica (eds) Blackstone's Guide to the Environmental Act 1995
Shea, Edward E. Introduction to US Environmental Laws
Soulé, Michael E. and Lease, Gary (eds) Reinventing Nature? Response to Postmodern Deconstruction  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
Valuing the Environment, Raino Malnes
Controlling Environmental Policy: The Limits of Public Law in Germany and the United States, Susan Rose- Ackerman
UNEP's New Way Forward: Environmental Law and Sustainable Development, Lai Kurukutasuriya
International Institutional Law, Henry G. Schermers and Niels M. Blokker
The Precautionary Principle and International Law, The Challenge of Implementation, David Freestone and Ellen Hey (eds.)
Participation in World Treaties on the Protection of the Environment: A Collection of Data, Maria Clara Maffei et al. (eds)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Stephen O. Andersen and K. Madhava Sarma (editors), Protecting the Ozone Layer: The United Nations History .
Andrea Biondi, Marcello Cecchetti, Stefano Grassi and Maria Lee , (editors) Scientific Evidence in European Environmental Rule Making: The Case of the Landfill and End-of-Life Vehicle Directives .
Philippe Cullet , Differential Treatment in International Environmental Law .
Barry Dalal-Clayton and Stephen Bass , Sustainable Development Strategies – A Resource Book .
Andrea Lenschow (editor), Environmental Policy Integration: Greening Sectoral Policies in Europe .
Ian R. Swingland (editor), Capturing Carbon and Conserving Biodiversity: The Market Approach .
Alexandre Timoshenko , Environmental Negotiator Handbook .
Mark Wilde , Civil Liability for Environmental Damage – A Comparative Analysis of Law and Policy in Europe and the United States .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Mostafa K. Tolba and Iwona Rummel-Bulska, Global Environmenta; Diplomacy: Negotiating Environmental Agreements for the World 1973–1992
Karen T. Litfin (ed.), The Greening of Sovereignty in World Politics
Emmanuel Agius and Salvino Busutti (with Tae-Chang Kim and Katsuhiko Yazaki) (eds), Future Generations and International Law
Alexander Gillespie, International Environmental Law, Policy and Ethics
Jeremy Wilson, Talk and Log: Wilderness Politics in British Columbia
John A. Usher, EC Institutions and Legislation
Dorothy Gillies, A Guide to EC Environmental Law  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Regulation for Chemical Safety in Europe: Analysis, Comment and Criticism , Veerle Heyvaert
The Biosphere , Maxwell Bruce
Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainable Development: Principles and Practices with Asian Examples , Thomas Mosedale
Smart Regulation. Designing Environmental Policy , Eva KruzÏíková
Listening to the Sea: The Politics of Improving Environmental Protection , Mohammed A. Bekhechi  相似文献   

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law & Economics, we...  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Antonio Hill, Locality and Identity: Environmental Issues in Law and Society
Ian Fry, Yearbook of International Environmental Law 1998
Augustine Njamnshi, The Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Sustainable Development 1999/2000
R.V. Anuradha, The Commercial Use of Biodiversity
Carolina Lasén Díaz, Intellectual Property Rights, Trade and Biodiversity
Silvia Schikhof, The Living Ocean: Understanding and Protecting Marine Biodiversity
Paulo Amaral and Michael Redclift, Marine Specially Protected Areas: The General Aspects and the Mediterranean Regional System
David Grimeaud, The Transition to Sustainability: The Politics of Agenda 21 in Europe
Norman J. Vig, Environmental Policy in the European Union
David Grimeaud, Droit Européen de l'Environnement  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Christoph Bail, Robert Falkner and Helen Marquard (eds), The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Reconciling Trade in Biotechnology with Environment and Development?
Lyuba Zarsky (ed.) , Human Rights and the Environment, Conflicts and Norms in a Globalizing World
Eric Neumayer , Greening Trade and Investment: Environmental Protection without Protectionism
Rosalind Reeve , Policing International Trade in Endangered Species: The CITES Treaty and Compliance
Nicolas de Sadeleer , Environmental Principles: From Political Slogans to Legal Rules
Peter Ehlers, Elisabeth Mann-Borgese, Rüdiger Wolfrum, Cristina Hoß (eds), Marine Issues: From a Scientific, Political and Legal Perspective
Geir Honneland and Anne-Kristin Jorgensen , Implementing International Environmental Agreements in Russia  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
James K. Boyce and Barry G. Shelley , Natural Assets: Democratizing Environmental Ownership
Peter G.G. Davies , European Union Environmental Law: An Introduction to Key Selected Issues
David Edmunds and Eva Wollenberg (eds), Local Forest Management: The Impacts of Devolution Policies
Caroline Figuères, Cecilia Tortajada and Johan Rockström (eds), Rethinking Water Management
Libor Jansky, Masahiro Murakami and Nevelina I. Pachova , The Danube: Environmental Monitoring of an International River
Jack Kalpakian , Identity, Conflict and Cooperation in International River Systems
William G. Moseley and B. Ikubolajeh Logan (eds), African Environment and Development: Rhetoric, Programs and Realities  相似文献   

竺效 《政法论丛》2008,(2):76-82
我国现行立法主要使用“环境污染和其他公害”、“环境污染损害”或“环境污染危害”来表达或部分表达环境侵权的涵义,而民法学者则使用“环境污染损害赔偿”、“污染环境侵权”“污染环境的损害事实”和“污染环境致人损害”等相关术语。于是乎“环境侵害”、“环境侵权”、“环境损害(赔偿)”等概念成为一组话题相同、内容相关、客体相交(叠)、因果相联、混扰相“助”的环境法学科“御用”语词。对此,应首先以法律责任体系为基础,厘清环境法律责任、环境民事法律责任、环境侵权民事法律责任等术语间的相互关系,不能以笼统的“环境侵权”来混用“环境侵权行为”与“环境侵权责任”这两个术语,使用时应加以区分。将来的相关立法应以“环境侵权”为核心术语。  相似文献   

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - Despite its late start, China has become the world’s largest green bond market in a very short time. This extraordinary...  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Felix Dodds, Earth Summit 2002: A New Deal
Catherine Redgwell, Intergenerational Trusts and Environmental Protection
Ellen Hey, Reflections on an International Environmental Court
Carsten Schmidt, Designing International Environmental Agreements: Incentive Compatible Strategies for Cost-Effective Cooperation
Steinar Anderson, Tora Skodvin, Arild Underdal and Jorgen Wettstad, Science and Politics in International Environmental Regimes: Between Integrity and Involvement
Alan Russel and John Vogler, The International Politics of Biotechnology: Investigating Global Futures
Han Somsen, The Yearbook of European Environmental Law, Volume I, 2000
Petr Pavlinek and John Pickles, Environmental Transition: Transformation and Ecological Defence in Central and Eastern Europe
A. Abramson and D. Thoedossopoulos, Land, Law and Environment: Mythical Land, Legal Boundaries  相似文献   

The Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund enforcement program is examined to test the hypothesis that change in the political environment contributes to implementation failure. Agency achievements are evaluated under two enforcement strategies: a Burford strategy dominated by the Reagan administration deregulatory agenda and a Ruckelshaus/Thomas strategy that is more in keeping with the Agency's initial pro-regulatory legislative mandate. The latter strategy is found to be more effective in terms of quantitative and qualitative enforcement outcome measures. This supports the conclusion that the systematic intrusion of deregulatory politics into enforcement strategy formulation contributed to Superfund failure.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
Civil Liability for Transfrontier Pollution. Dutch Environmental Tort Law in International Cases in the Light of Community Law
The Legal Regime for Trans-boundary Water Pollution: Between Discretion and Constraint
A Law for the Environment/ Un droit pour ľenvironne-ment/Ein Recht für die Umwelt: Essays in honour of Wolfgang E. Burhenne
Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating More Effective Global Agreements, Lawrence E. Susskind
Economic Incentives and Environmental Policies: Principles and Practice, J.B. Opschoor and R.K. Turner (Eds.)
Environmental Toxicology: Economics and Institutions, L. Bergman and DM. Pugh (Eds.)
Eco-Management and Eco-Auditing: Environmental Issues in Business, Linda Spedding, David Jones and Christopher Dering  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Barry Barton et al. (eds), Energy Security: Managing Risk in a Dynamic Legal and Regulatory Environment
Scott Barrett, Environment and Statecraft: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-making
Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Milena Szuniewicz (eds), Exploitation of Natural Resources in the Twenty-First Century
Ved P. Nanda and George Pring, International Environmental Law and Policy for the Twenty-First Century
K. Bastmeijer, The Antarctic Environmental Protocol and its Domestic Legal Implementation
Kevin P. Gallagher and Jacob Werksman (eds), The Earthscan Reader on International Trade & Sustainable Development
Xue Hanqin, Transboundary Damage in International Law  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Ben Boer, Ross Ramsay and Donald R. Rothwell, International Environmental Law in the Asia Pacific
Marian Chertow and Daniel Esty (eds), Thinking Ecologically: the Next Generation of Environmental Policy
William Lesser, Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources under the Convention on Biological Diversity – Sharing Issues
Damien Geradin, Trade and the Environment: A Comparative Study of EC and US Law
Neil Hawke and Nadia Kovaleva, Agri-Environmental Law and Policy
Thiomas M. Franck, Fairness in International Law and Institutions
Jenny Steele and Tim Jowell (eds), Law in Environmental Decision-Making  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1996,59(3):479-488
Ronald Dworkin, Life's Dominion: An Argument about Abortion and Euthanasia M. Sornarajah, The International Law of Foreign Investment Ian Loveland, Housing Homeless Persons: Administrative Law and the Administrative Process David A. Schum, The Evidential Foundations of Probabilistic Reasoning R.C. van Caenegem, An Historical Introduction to Western Constitutional Law Randall L. Erickson and Robert D. Morrison, Environmental Reports and Remediation Plans: Forensic and Legal Review  相似文献   

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